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Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1)

Page 12

by Ann, Pamela

  Kissing my lips gently, much to my surprise, he bade goodnight. “I’ll be in touch baby; I love you.” With that, he headed to where several cabs were waiting on the curb.

  I waited until he got in a cab before I let myself past the bouncers who were listening intently to our exchange. I smiled, understanding how boring it must be to stand there all night. “Can’t say I blame him love, I would want to spend all of my time with you.” One of the tall bulky men said as I walked past.

  Men, I thought amusingly.

  My mood took a sour turn when I saw a tall blonde sitting on Blake’s lap. Here’s a reality check for you. Moments ago, I was thinking of being with him and now his hands were on that woman’s waist as he fed her olives.


  My blood was boiling and I wanted to throw something at them.

  “Turn around.” Chad whispered behind my back.

  “The old Blake lashed out when he saw how you danced with your old lover. She’s an old friend of his—who just happened to be here with her own party—but as you can see, they’re quite engrossed with each other. Don’t mind him; I’m sure he’s gutted inside. This is his way of coping.” Chad looked sorry as he squeezed my shoulder. I didn’t even respond to that because I didn’t expect it, but why shouldn’t I have? It’s fucking Blake we’re talking about! Here was a side of him that I had never gotten to see before.

  I was beyond angry, but Hell would freeze over before I let him see how hurt I was. “He just glanced here—don’t look back!”

  Ugh. I can’t do this.

  This is beyond pathetic. I am beyond pathetic!

  “Take me to the dance floor lover.” I nervously smiled at my friend, offering my hand to him.

  “Thought you’d never ask.”

  Chad’s a blast on the floor and before I knew it, Luce, Toby and Sam had joined the commotion. Chad grabbed another man’s attention, so he was dancing somewhere amidst the throng of people. Luce and Toby were dancing and laughing at each other. So, that left me with Sam who was giving me a kind smile. As we danced next to each other, he leaned and asked, “Where’s the boyfriend?”

  I laughed. “No, no, he wasn’t my boyfriend; an ex is more like it.”

  Smiling, he leaned in a bit more. “So, what do you do Sienna? Apart from breaking hearts, that is?”

  Ha! If he only knew!

  “Well, I’m still in uni—but for the most part, my time is dedicated to breaking hearts here and there—lighting up drama whenever I can.” I was laughing and fluffing him up with his own joke. He was certainly easy to converse with. He wasn’t handsome, but his kind eyes and demeanor made him likable.

  “Come on, love—let’s get something to drink! I’m parched!” It was announced by the thirsty Lucy as she tried to catch her breath while she actively fanned herself with her hand.


  The scene at the booth hadn’t changed much. The fucking woman still on his lap, but she was now openly caressing his neck and chest from his unbuttoned, midnight blue dress shirt—that matched his eyes.

  They can go fuck themselves. I could care less.

  Ignoring them, Sam poured us both champagne and I gladly took a huge gulp.

  Arching her brow with curiosity, Lucy asked Sam and I, “What were you two discussing earlier? I’ve never heard Sienna laugh like that.” Lucy leaned on the table as she eyed us with amusement.

  “We were discussing her full-time job as a heartbreaker!”

  “Yup! He was telling me how his heart was broken when I turned him down. He wanted a quick shagging in the bathroom, apparently.” I even tsk-tsked, loving the whole light-hearted banter. “Such a naughty boy you are, Sam!” I added to boot.

  Everyone laughed; Luce almost choked on her champagne. Chad appeared out of nowhere, dripping with sweat and a huge smile like he had just won the lottery. “OMG! Did you see how hot that guy was? I must have died and gone to heaven.” He sat next to me and grabbed my champagne glass, empting the contents.

  “Excited much?” I studied my friend, peering at him. Sheen of perspiration glazed on his forehead. And his face lit up like Christmas.

  “I am. Oh by the way, I meant to tell you, we’re shooting on Thursday. So, you better make sure you bring your sexy-fucking-kitten look. You and Troy are going to be Hot! Hot! Hot!” Chad’s excitement was bouncing off him.

  “Wait, what? You model for him?” Sam looked interested and intrigued.

  “Yeah, he’s a photographer and he’s awesome! But he sort of needs me to do a few stills for his upcoming show which is in— what? Seven weeks?” I squeaked, glancing back at Chad who was busying himself with another glass of champagne.

  “Definitely—and Sam, you’re invited,” He finally managed to reply to Sam, winking at him.

  Such a flirt, this Chad!

  “Wouldn’t miss it. I want to see the ‘sexy-fucking-kitten’ look out of curiosity,” Sam responded with ease.

  I’m sure he did. What the hell did ‘sexy-fucking-kitten’ look like anyway?

  I cringed. I’ve never modeled before. Let alone have it shown in front of everyone and have it dissected for everyone’s pleasure. It’s mystifying—but I already promised Chad. I can’t let him down.

  “Oh! Don’t mind him. I’m sure it’s going to be nice and appropriate!”

  “Honey— It’s going to be far from nice and appropriate! I can see it now!” Chad closed his eyes as he pictured it in his mind. “You’re going to be sexual and you’ll have that ‘fuck me’ look. And Troy will be doing the same, touching you sensually. It’s going to be a feast for the eyes. Carnal and raw.”

  Christ. I needed a drink. “That Troy better bring it or I’m packing my bags.”

  “Trust me—he’s hot! Though not as hot as you are, Blake!” Why did Chad like to bring Blake into our conversations randomly? Just because the freaking man was almost perfect, didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of being an insensitive prick! Stupid playboy jerk, I thought haughtily.

  Blake smiled at Chad’s comment before he averted his gaze to me. He studied me, all the while as the woman caressed him, whispering sweet nothings in to his ear.

  My eyes flickered to the girl. That stupid woman was seriously lapping it up. She was kissing his neck and toying with his hair.

  I smirked. Yeah, keep massaging his ego you stupid flirt; it’s already massive and unmanageable.

  I looked away in disgust and anger from their stupid display of foreplay.

  Honestly, it was stupid. I didn’t have the right to be angry.

  I honestly didn’t.


  Luce and Toby wanted to go home, so we all decided it was best to leave together. It was two in the morning and I was ready to get some rest.

  “Want to split cabs? I’ll have you dropped off first?” Chad asked.

  “She’s coming with me. There’s something we have to discuss,” I looked at Blake agape. What was he talking about? No, we don’t.

  “Oh, boo you!” Chad pouted. “You lovers enjoy the night then,” smiling, showing off his perfect white teeth.

  I rolled my eyes, seriously, Chad?

  Everyone shuffled to leave, saying quick goodbyes. I looked around expecting to see his “friend” but she was nowhere to be found.

  “She’s not here.”

  Of course, she isn’t. He probably just dropped her like a hot potato the moment he realized we were all leaving.


  “What do we have to talk about? I thought you were perfectly clear yesterday. There’s no need to rehash it,” I screeched, angry at his ever-changing attitude.

  Is he bipolar? No, he isn’t.

  He just likes brain-fucking. He’s a pro at that.

  “My flat is only a couple of blocks away. Walking it off would be a good idea, unless you don’t agree?” He peered at me, hands in his pockets, his tone more serious.

  “Walking is fine; I don’t want to be confined next to you in a cab.” I didn’t
mean to be snappy, but it was irritating that he thought he could just bulldoze his way around. He didn’t even have the decency to ask if I wanted to go with him. He just assumed that I would go with him. Well, I was curious and I would’ve gone anyway, but all he had to do was ask.

  We didn’t speak to each other. I would’ve bitten his head off with more snarky comments if he tried. He stopped outside his building and held the door for me. The man behind the desk looked up. “How do you do, Mr. Knightly?”

  “Hello, Scott. This is Ms. Sienna Richards, one of my best friends.”

  I greeted Scott as we headed for the elevator. Neither one of us had spoken since we left the club. Well, he wasn’t really my favorite person at the time. I was still angry and a little disconcerted by his coveting display with the bee-otch earlier.

  Are you sure you aren’t just jealous?

  What if I am, so what? It doesn’t change anything.

  I was a bit miffed that he started this whole thing between us—then immediately decided not to pursue it any longer— and our friendship was hanging on a balance. And I can’t stop thinking about his kisses. He’s incorrigible.

  Riding the confines of the elevator in utter silence, I couldn’t help flinch from the pain in the soles of my feet. Even if it was only a couple of blocks of walking, with three-inch heels, it was murderous. I would have given anything to soak in a hot bath. I sighed loudly. He didn’t even bother to turn around to ask if I was okay.


  Entering his apartment, Blake flipped a switch and the lights flickered, surrounding the place with a soft glow. It looked too intimate for my liking. Maybe I should bail and just go home?

  My hands were fidgety. My palms were sweaty. He better start talking before I collapse from a nervous breakdown.

  I stood in the middle of the living room. Memories of the weekend I spent here with him flashed through my mind. Nostalgia can really dampen one’s emotions, I thought with wry amusement.

  Blake went straight to the bar, poured a glass of brandy and gulped the entire contents in one go. Why was he stalling?

  I stared at him, hands on my hips, glaring. “Talk.”

  “Why are you acting this way, Sienna?” His passive tone rubbed me irritatingly.

  The nerve! He’s acting like a royal, stupid jerk!

  “How should I be acting Blake? With your little display of shenanigans tonight, why are you even surprised? You’re such an insensitive prick!”

  He moved towards me; his scowl deepened. “Are you fucking serious? I’m the insensitive one? Were you not the one who brought your ex and danced with him while—while I sat there and watched his hands—all over you—groping and fondling your body. Right. In. Front. Of. Me. ”

  I felt hot all over. His close proximity bothered me and I was having trouble being coherent. “It took every ounce of my power not to smash his face in. I did that. FOR.YOU.” Blake’s beautiful face contorted with fury.

  He even looks hot and sexy angry.

  Damn it, Sienna. Get your head out of the gutter!

  “I didn’t realize you were watching the whole time.” I whispered slowly.

  “Well, that’s where you’re wrong. I watched you like a hawk all night.” His face merely inches away.

  My heart’s about to jump out of my body, I swear.

  Snaking my tongue to wet my lips, I gazed up with a questioning look, “Why? You ended things—”

  Raking his hand on his hair, he spoke. “I did and I meant it last night—that’s why tonight was difficult. I was jealous and it obliterated me—seeing you with him—it seriously caught me off guard. I was raving mad, gutted and I wanted to return the favor by making you jealous—” cupping my cheek with his thumb, he went on. “I’m sorry for being such an arse. I want you—God, help me.” His voice wavered. “I want you like no other. Give me another chance?” His eyes were sad and full of remorse as they sought my own.

  Damn that cute accent of his. It melts me like a stupid moron.

  “I’ll be busy in Marbella for the next couple of months looking over the project. Will this be, I hope, enough time for you to consider me—us again?”

  I was rendered speechless. Think. Mind. Think.

  Biting my lip, I found my voice. “Blake—yeah, I think that’s enough time for us to weigh in on if we really do want this.”

  Blake beamed happily at me. I think I’ve lost all the fight I have in me, all the reasoning my mind can come up with. I wanted to live and feel alive.

  “Thank you, you won’t regret this. I promise.” Blake kissed my forehead…my cheek…

  The moment he kissed me—I was done for. There was no way of going back. He’s in my blood and I’m fevered.

  I want Blake.

  He drives me with this tug of constant need. Everything about him—it just drives me to a frenzied state.

  “Blake—just fucking kiss me already—”

  The instant our lips touched, I was completely and utterly lost. Deepening the kiss, I let out a loud moan. Blake playfully bit my bottom lip and I nipped him back. Devouring my lips again, I ran my hand on his luxurious hair and I trailed the other down to squeeze his erection.

  I wanted him. All of him.

  Blake growled and tore himself off my swollen lips. He swiftly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder—caveman style. I screamed and laughed loudly at his dominating display. “Put me down you brute!”

  He discharged me and my body landed roughly on the bed. My eyes expanded as Blake crawled predatorily on me. His eyes—savage. Kissing my legs, my thighs, my heaving chest, my neck and locking his lips on mine again. His kiss was punishing and I exalted from it. I wanted him just as much.

  This consuming, driving need to just be with him—was distracting.

  “You’re going to be punished for what you did tonight my love.” Blake harshly bit out. His hoarse tone loaded with promise—his passion. I think I just came in my thong.

  My body tingled. “I’d love for you to do it rough—” I ordered him. Blake moaned my name as he bit my neck, hard. I gasped from the pain and ecstasy it brought; my pussy quivered with anticipation. Panting as his hand trailed smoothly on my leg, teasing the inside of my thighs. “Ask and you shall receive, milady.”

  Hands on my waist, he swiftly yanked me to the edge of the bed, demanding. “Turn around. Let me take off your dress. Leave your shoes on.” He sat on the edge of the bed, scrutinizing my every move.

  Anything, just don’t stop. My mind was fogged, my lecherous body enslaved.

  Shrugging off the dress, I let it drop to the floor. Stepping aside, I stood before him with underwear and shoes on. His eyes hooded as they gradually took in my naked body, caressing it with those beautiful eyes of his. “Come here.” His voice was gruff, fervid.

  I sauntered to the man and halted in between his legs. Blake fixated his attention immediately on my breasts, cupping my heavy tits as he savored them. He bit, squeezed and pinched.

  My head fell back, moaning. Illicit pleasure coursed through my body.

  Leaving soft kisses as he trailed towards my navel and further south as I arched my back, reveling on the high he was giving me, wanting more. He pulled my flimsy underwear off and instantly cast it aside.

  Blake widely parted my legs and made a guttural sound. “Your cunt is dripping beautifully my love. You want me that bad?” Licking the moisture of my pussy with a swipe of his tongue, my body shook as I held on to his shoulder. “Tell me, how badly do you want it?” Blake’s directive tone made me stare at him, agape. He was looking at me, waiting.

  I groaned with frustration. “I want you—I’ve always wanted you—” my confession was rewarded with his sinful smile. I looked at him through my half-lidded eyes as he nipped on the corner of my inner thigh. Touch me, my mind screamed.

  “Show me, Blake—want me, punish me, I don’t care I—”

  I stopped begging as he plunged his tongue inside me. Moaning as he flickered on the nub and ins
erted a finger inside of me. My body was hot and it was humming beautifully from his orchestration. My eyes rolled to the back of my head when he inserted another finger inside. Pulling in and out of me, circling and hooking it to the spot where it was critical for my orgasm. Fuck. Me.

  My body quaked; I panted his name loudly.

  “Not yet,” Blake muttered as he pulled his fingers out. Then he traced his wet digits on my lips and stuck them in my mouth. I sucked them, hard, stroking them with my tongue like they were his cock. He moaned, eyes loving how wanton I looked before him. “How you drive me crazy, woman.”

  I pulled his belt and pants down followed by his boxers. I hungered for him— to taste him. I want it all.

  His erect, swollen, enormous cock sprung free and my hand gripped it boldly, greedily. I stroked him slowly and replaced my hand with my tongue, twirling it up and down, wetting him slowly. I gazed at him as my mouth enveloped his length, slowly and precisely. Controlling my gag reflex as I took it all the way until it hit the back of my mouth.

  “Jesus!” He rasped through gritted teeth, fascinated.

  Still holding eye contact, I stroked him with my tongue and lips with ardent speed. He grabbed my head, clutching my hair, pushing me down more—I did as he wished. Giving him all I had—until he couldn’t take it anymore.

  He pulled me up towards him and laid me gently on the bed. “I want you—” Blake declared as I scratched his nipple with my nails. Growling, he went on his knees as he parted my legs. He expertly massaged the nub of my mound while I grabbed his cock at the same time—stroking it, sliding it back and forth through my slick wet folds.

  His cock feels fucking glorious!

  I was dying from pleasure, begging him to take me while he massaged my boob and slightly pinched my nipple. The head of his cock was teasing my entrance. I spread my legs wider, silently begging him to end my sweet tortured misery.

  I moaned his name. “Are you sure about this? I don’t want you to regret it. I promised to wait—I want you to be sure,” he panted while his engorged shaft teased my opening. I groaned; this man is killing me.

  “Blake—I want you—please—” Heaving as he inserted his engorged head—gently inside of me. I completely stopped breathing. His head was filling me slowly, but his size was much bigger than what I was used to.


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