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Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar)

Page 19

by Richards, Jana

He turned to smile at her. "Well, you never know. It is Ottawa, after all."

  He pulled off the hat, and Dani's breath caught in her throat. His head was shaved, his glorious dark curls gone.

  "What have you done? You're as bald as a baby's butt!"

  He ran his hand over the top of his head. "Yeah, I know. What if I could never grow back my hair? What if I was bald permanently? Would you still think I was attractive?"

  "Of course I'd think you were attractive!" It would take a lot more than an encounter with a razor for her not to be attracted to him.

  "Then why can't you believe I could find you attractive, with or without the surgery? Why can't you believe I love you, that I'll always love you?"

  His questions stopped her cold, any pithy remarks she was about to make dying on her lips. He was right. Why couldn't she acknowledge that he might find her as attractive as she'd found him? He'd been showing her, with words and actions, that he loved her and wanted to be with her, but she'd been too afraid to see it. Her heart accelerated in tempo, the blood pumping through her ears and nearly deafening her.

  He loves me! He really, truly, honestly loves me!

  The idea made her dizzy, and she swayed a little, grabbing a chair and leaning on it to keep herself upright. Zach was immediately at her side, helping her to a seated position.

  "Whoa, take it easy. Are you okay?"

  She looked up into his tense face. "Yeah, I'm great. Better than ever."

  His brows knit together. "Are you sure about that? You almost took a header just now."

  "Trust me, I feel great. I think I'd like to go home today."

  He still looked skeptical. "All right, if you're sure. After we have breakfast and clean up, I can take you back to your place. But I'm going to stay with you for the rest of the day to make sure you're okay."

  "Sure. I'd like that."

  He looked surprised not to get an argument from her. "All right then. Breakfast is ready."

  They ate yogurt and fruit, along with the coffee he'd picked up at a shop on his way to her mother's house. After they were done, he stacked the dishes in the dishwasher and wiped the counters. He put away the wash cloth and turned to Dani. "Do you want me to get your suitcase from upstairs?"

  "Not yet. I want to show you something first."

  "What's that?"

  She undid the buttons of her loosely fitting shirt, and then unfastened the front catches of her surgical bra. Taking off both garments, she removed the gauze binding her breasts and lifted her gaze to Zach's. His eyes were wide with surprise.

  "I want to show you what I look like now."

  He nodded and she saw him swallow. "Does it still hurt?"

  "My breasts are still tender, especially around the nipples, but eventually that will get better."

  She took his hand and placed it on her left breast. He immediately pulled back.

  "I don't want to hurt you."

  "You won't."

  He reached out his hand and carefully touched one of the incisions, his face intense as he examined her new chest. Finally he straightened and smiled at her.

  "You look beautiful, Dani. You'll have exactly what you want when the healing's done. Thank you for showing me."

  "You're welcome. Maybe later you can help me with that ointment."

  Grinning he said, "It'll be my pleasure. Come on, I'll help you get dressed."

  He carefully rewrapped the gauze around her breasts and helped her put on her clothes. His expression grew serious. "Why did you change your mind about showing me your chest?"

  She laid her hand on his cheek. "Because when I look at you, I see someone who knows all my faults and all my scars, and loves me anyway. And I love you exactly the same way."

  Tears pooled in his eyes, and for a few moments they simply stared at each other. Then he pulled her close, being careful not to hurt her, and rested his chin on her head. "I was thinking. Maybe we could start over, this time no games, no subterfuge, no need to pretend anything. Just Dani and Zach, two people who love each other and want to be together."

  "Just Dani and Zach. I like that."

  "Maybe we can start by getting away for a while. What if I told Mike at the travel agency to make those reservations in Maui for you and me? We can go in a month or two when you're recovered."

  "I think that's a fabulous idea." She put her hand against his heart. "I love you, Zach."

  He touched her cheek gently. "I love you, too."

  * * *


  Eighteen months later

  Sarah pulled up the zipper of Dani's gown, placed her hands on her shoulders and smiled at their reflections in the full-length mirror.

  "You look fantastic, Dani. Zach is going to be blown away when he sees you!"

  Dani smoothed her hand over the white satin, amazed at what she saw in the mirror. Her wedding dress fit like a dream, making her look slender and elegant. Her dark hair was piled on top of her head in a neat cluster of curls that gave her height and emphasized the toned muscles of her bare shoulders and arms. Even her neck looked longer. Like a beautiful swan.

  No more ugly duckling for you, kid.

  She smiled and gave Sarah's hand a quick squeeze. "I think you may be right."

  Olivia entered the room with the photographer. Her gown molded itself around her beautiful baby bump. In just six more weeks, Dani would be an aunt for the fourteenth time.

  "Oh good, you're dressed. Let's get a few shots of the bride preparing herself to walk down the aisle."

  The photographer snapped several pictures as her bridesmaids pinned her veil in her hair and placed the bouquet in her hands. The scent of the red roses she'd chosen filled her nose. She closed her eyes to savor the fragrance. She wanted to always remember this moment and the happiness filling her heart.

  A knock sounded at the door and Olivia opened it, letting in Dani's father. He took her hand and smiled at her, love filling his eyes.

  "You look beautiful, Daniella. Just like your mother on our wedding day."

  "Thanks, Papa. That's the nicest thing you could ever say to me." She kissed his cheek, careful not to get lipstick on his collar.

  "It's time to go," he said. "Are you ready?"

  Surprisingly, she didn't feel the least bit nervous. Marrying Zach felt right, perfect even. She had no doubts.

  She picked up her bouquet and took her father's arm. "I'm ready. Let's go."

  Sarah was first to walk down the aisle. Part way Dani saw her turn her head to smile at her husband, who held their baby daughter Samantha. Will didn't know it yet, but baby number two was on the way, according to the plus sign on the pregnancy test Sarah had peed on just that morning. She was happy for her friends, knowing how much having a family meant to them.

  Olivia went next, squeezing Dani's hand for luck before she left. Even from the back of the church Dani could see Tony beam with joy as he watched his wife make her way toward him. She smiled, knowing how happy they were together. Olivia looked elegant in the royal blue bridesmaid dress that she and Sarah had picked out for themselves. After wearing too many ugly bridesmaid dresses that she'd had no choice in picking, Dani had given carte blanche to her own attendants. They hadn't disappointed. Sarah and Liv were the classiest, most beautiful bridesmaids a bride could hope for.

  "It's our turn," Frank Sr. whispered. "Ready?"

  "You bet."

  All the way up the aisle Dani kept her gaze focused on Zach. In his black tux and crisp white shirt, he was easily the most handsome man she'd ever seen. His hair had grown back to its former glory. The sun streaming through the windows made his curly locks shine with health and vitality.

  But aside from his hair and tux, what was more important to her were the two things she saw in his face as she drew nearer. Love for her sparkled in his blue eyes. She knew without a doubt they'd be together always, from today until the old folks' home.

  And she saw happiness. She made him as happy as he made her. As they exchanged vows, Dani cou
ldn't stop smiling and could barely keep her laughter from spilling out. Happiness overflowed inside her heart. How grateful she was to be marrying this wonderful man. She would work hard every day to ensure his happiness.

  "If anyone knows of any reason these two people should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

  Zach turned to the congregation. "Don't even think about it."

  The place erupted in laughter. He leaned down to whisper in Dani's ear.

  "Not taking any chances. I love you."

  "Love you, too."

  When everyone stopped laughing the minister said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

  Zach took her in his arms and kissed her tenderly, his kiss telling her everything she needed to know.

  They loved each other and they were going to have a happily-ever-after life.

  * * *

  About the Author

  When Jana Richards read her first romance novel, she immediately knew two things: she had to commit the stories running through her head to paper, and they had to end with a happily ever after. She also knew she'd found what she was meant to do. Since then she's never met a romance genre she didn't like. She writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and historical romance set in World War Two, in lengths ranging from short story to full length novel. Just for fun, she throws in generous helpings of humor, and the occasional dash of the paranormal. Her paranormal romantic suspense "Seeing Things" was a 2008 EPPIE finalist.

  In her life away from writing, Jana is an accountant/admin assistant, a mother to two grown daughters, and a wife to her husband Warren. She enjoys golf, yoga, movies, concerts, travel and reading, not necessarily in that order. She and her husband live in Winnipeg with their Pug/Terrier cross Lou and several unnamed goldfish. She loves to hear from readers and can be reached through her website at .

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