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Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5)

Page 8

by René Van Dalen

  Turning she wiped a finger over her lips then sucked it into her mouth while her free hand went straight to her still exposed pussy. She rubbed her fingers through her weeping slit and over her clit.

  It would have been hot if it hadn’t been a practised move that turned him off instantly. He knew what she wanted and he wasn’t going to give it to her.

  Reaching down he tucked his spent and now uninterested dick back in his pants, zipped, buttoned up and fastened his belt. Now that he had come, and not as spectacularly as he would have liked, he was done with her.

  “Thanks babe, that was great.”

  “But I’m not done yet.” She pouted as she made to curl up with him.

  Scar sat up with a groan of pain and held her off.

  “Not happening, Bonny.” He purposely called her by the wrong name. Fuck, this was so fucked up. He should have kept his dick in his pants. “I’m not undoing months of work for a quick fuck.”

  He knew he sounded blunt and rude but it was what it was. They had both scratched an itch and now it was done. He was done and for some reason he felt dirty. So fucking dirty.

  Grabbing his stick he painfully manoeuvred himself off the lounger and stood. She flipped her hair back and sat back, her tight skirt still up around her waist, legs wide open, flashing her bare wet pussy at him. Fuck, she acted like the club sluts he had been avoiding at the clubhouse. He had to get out of here right the fuck now.

  “Thanks again.”

  With that he turned and left. Finding a bathroom he scrubbed his hands and face and washed his dick and balls before going in search of his brothers. He found Boots leaning against the wall by the wide open patio doors, exactly where he had stood before he got the blow job. It was obvious by the grin he threw at Scar that he had been watching him with the bitch.

  “You done already, brother? She doesn’t look like she’s done with you yet.” He teased as he tipped his head towards the lounger where the bitch sat watching them with a seductive smile.

  “Not putting my recovery back by fucking an easy piece of ass. If you want to have a go be my guest, but make sure you wrap it, brother. That one has seen lots of use.”

  “I get you, but I’m done. I’ve had my fun and I’m ready to hit the road. I don’t know about Sin though, that motherfucker can go all night when he’s in a mood to fuck.”

  “Shit, and is he in the mood tonight?” Scar hoped like hell Sin was done with the woman he had taken upstairs.

  Before Boots could answer Sin came swaggering out the door with a wide grin on his face.

  “Let’s hit the road, brothers.” His grin didn’t disappear. “You both look a lot more relaxed than you did when we arrived so I have to assume you had a good time. A pity Jagger didn’t want to come out with us, I saw a girl back there he would have loved to get stuck into.”

  For some stupid fucking reason Scar’s gut clenched and he was damned glad Jagger hadn’t been around to see him with the woman outside.

  Fuck. He had no idea what was going on in his head.

  They were on the highway and half way home while chatting about bikes and cars when Boots suddenly groaned.

  “I’m fucking starving. We need to stop for food”

  “It’s after twelve, Boots. The only thing you’re going to find open is Mackie D’s.” Sin said as he turned to look at Boots who was sitting in the back.

  “No, I’m not feeling a Mackie D’s. I’m going to Google to find places that are open 24 hours on our way home, just give me a minute.” Scar glanced at Boots in the rear view mirror mumbling as he typed furiously on his phone.

  “Got it! There’s a 24 hour Steers in the Midrand area. Take the New Road off ramp and I’ll direct you from there. Fucking lucky we took the highway to get home otherwise no burgers.”

  Sin laughed and shook his head.

  Scar grinned as he followed Boots’s directions.

  Twenty minutes later they stood in a parking lot, their food and drinks laid out on the bonnet of the cage, while they munched on their burgers. Man, it tasted fucking amazing. Scar hadn’t realised how hungry he was until he took that first bite.

  “Damn good idea, Boots.” Scar mumbled before he took another big bite of his burger.

  Both Boots and Sin nodded their mouths full of burger.

  Once they had finished eating and dumped their trash in the bin they got back on the road. Scar drove into the compound and shook his head. Even though it was well after two in the morning the clubhouse was still rocking.

  The parking lot was half full and there were a few people sitting outside with drinks and smokes in hand.

  “Want to come in for a loop dop (last drink), brother?” Sin asked as Scar parked in one of the designated family only spots.

  He was about to say no when Boots answered for him.

  “Yes he fucking is. That fucking accident happened shortly after he got here and there hasn’t been an opportunity to hang out with us. He’s been locked down in Beast’s house for weeks. It’s time to bring him into the fold.” Boots said with an evil grin.

  “Oh, yes, you’re right, Boots. It’s time to fix that. Come on, brother, let’s get inside and have a drink or two. You feel you’re going to fall over we’ve got a bed for you here, no problems. Or we get one of the fucking prospects to drive you home. Either way, you’re going to be hanging out with us.”

  Raising his hands Scar gave in and shut the vehicle down. Grabbing his stick he levered himself out of the vehicle, unlocked the back and drew his kutte out and pulled it on. Sin and Boots doing the same. They had all taken their kuttes off and left them in the safety box in the back of the cage before they drove to the party.

  Once through the clubhouse doors they were surrounded by people drinking, smoking and fucking. Avoiding grabby hands and a few very drunk brothers they made their way to the bar.

  And fuck him. Chris was working. And what the hell? Her platinum blonde hair with the pink and purple highlights was gone.

  It was now a reddish chestnut brown that glistened under the lights of the bar as she worked. She smiled and laughed with a few of the brothers and men he assumed were hangarounds at the bar but she kept it friendly, nothing more.

  Narrowing his eyes he tried to remember back to when he first arrived at the club. He tried to remember if she had been a brunette or a blonde back then.

  For the life of him he couldn’t remember.

  Standing at the bar flanked by Boots and Sin he waited for her to notice them and he didn’t miss the slight dimming of her smile as she came towards them.

  “Hi guys, what can I get you?”

  “Like the hair, sweetheart. Having a late night?” Sin complimented her hair.

  Chris grinned. “Thanks, Sin, and yes, it’s been a long night. I don’t think this lot are going to slow down anytime soon. Luckily I won’t have to stay until they decide they’ve had enough. I’ll close the bar down in another fifteen minutes or so.”

  Boots frowned as he looked around the room. “Who’s on you tonight?”

  Chris ducked her head and raised her shoulders slightly. “Devon, but he got sick as a dog after eating some shitty take away while he was out on club business this afternoon. I got him some meds and sent him to his room after he ran out to vomit for about the sixth time about an hour ago. The poor guy looked like he was dying.”

  Sin didn’t look pleased and neither did Boots. “You should have called his back up in, babe.”

  She sighed and her shoulders fell even more. “I know, but to be honest, I’ve been so busy I forgot.”

  “Okay, babe, but don’t do it again. There are some bastards here giving you the eye that I don’t fucking know. Jagger would have our nuts if anything happened to you.” Boots growled and then grinned. “We need to get you claimed so we don’t have to worry about this shit anymore.”

  Her eyes went big and she shook her head violently, setting her beautiful chestnut brown hair fl
ying around her head.

  “No, not happening, Boots. I’m very happily single and I plan to stay that way for a very, very long time.”

  Looking out over the common room he saw several fuckers taking in the same thing he was.

  That Chris was fucking gorgeous. She was tall, with gorgeous long legs, a great rack and tight ass, with that head of hair and honey brown eyes. It made her the total package.

  And dressed as she was just added to her beauty. She wore skin tight black skinny jeans and a tight black Iron Dogz MC tank top that showed a little cleavage. Unlike the whores in their ankle breaking high heels she wore a pair of bright red, calf length lace up Doc Martens boots. And as always her wrists were weighed down with silver and leather bracelets, and a thick silver and leather choker was tied around her throat. Tonight she wore only three rings, two big heavy ones on her middle fingers and a wide silver heavily engraved band around her left thumb.

  He would rather not think about how he knew what kind of jewellery she usually wore.

  Glaring at the bastards checking her out he glanced to the side and realised he and Sin were doing the exact same thing, giving the salivating fuckers a back-the-fuck-off warning.

  “Who brought these fuckers in?” Sin asked as he frowned at the bastards laughing drunkenly with the club sluts over in the far corner of the common room.

  When Chris cleared her throat gently they looked back at her. She nervously pushed her hair away from her face, hooking it behind her ears. Setting her bracelets jangling as they slid down her forearms. Why was she nervous?

  “They came in with Jilly, Dawn and Lulu from Moonlight. None of the officers or lieutenants were here to ask if it was okay, and as they had been allowed through the gates I thought they had been cleared.” She frowned. “Was I wrong? Should I have called Kid or Jagger in?”

  “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’m here now, so it’s cool.” Sin said quietly. “I’ve already let Kid and Jagger know what’s going down. We won’t leave you here without protection, babe. You know you fucked up by not calling for back up, and we’ll not mention it unless it happens again. Bring us some beers while we wait, and start closing down, okay?”

  She immediately nodded, brought them their beers, rang the big bell hanging over the bar and started cleaning up. Everyone knew what that bell meant. The bar was closing and no more drinks would be forth coming for anyone who wasn’t a patched member.

  “You carrying, brothers?” Sin asked quietly as he watched the room in the mirror behind the bar.

  “Yip, always do.” Scar answered as quietly while Boots nodded.


  It wasn’t long before the first two motherfuckers sidled up to the bar and started in on her.

  “Hey beautiful slut, you’re coming home with us tonight so get this shit done so we can get out of here.” The one fucker said cockily as he tried to reach for her across the bar.

  “Keep your hands to yourself and go back to your friends, the bar is closed.” Chris said evenly as she continued to dump dirty glasses and empty beer bottles in the crates that stood ready behind the bar.

  “Bitch, you’re a club slut and you have to do what we tell you. You’re coming with us and you’re going to fuck all of us.” The other piece of shit growled at her, full of fucking bravado.

  And fuck him, Chris laughed, she laughed right in the faces of the two fuckers.

  Cocking a hip she slammed one hand down on it while holding a fist up in front of the two stupid assholes then raised two fingers.

  “Firstly, I’m no club slut.” She dropped a finger. “Secondly, I don’t see a kutte on your back. In here you are nobody and you don’t get to order me around. Now, for the last time, back the hell off and go back to your buddies over there before shit gets real.”

  That’s when everything went to shit because the fuckers heaved themselves over the bar trying to get to her.

  And holy shit, their girl reached under the bar and pulled out a sawn off shotgun, flipped off the safety and armed it in one practiced move, then shoved in their faces.

  “Get your fucking dirty asses out from behind my bar and get the fuck out. Right the fuck now!” She finished on a shout.

  “Holy fucking shit, Chris.” Sin growled as he reached for his knife.

  Scar and Boots had their knives out as well as they watched the shit behind the bar. None of them wanted to get between Chris and that fucking shotgun. She had a finger on the trigger and it was obvious she was serious as shit.

  Unluckily for the two fuckers that was the moment Jagger came storming down the stairs and into the common room. He took one look at the two bastards behind the bar and roared.

  Their stupid drunken heads shot up to look at the madman storming their way and they made another grab for Chris. Most probably thinking to use her as a shield.

  Boots held his arms out and yelled. “On the bar, babe, right the fuck now!”

  “Gun, babe!” Sin yelled.

  Chris slid the shotgun across the bar to Sin then hopped her ass onto the bar. Boots quickly dragged her across and set her down next to Scar.

  “Scar, brother, keep her with you while we try to stop Jagger from killing those motherfuckers.”

  Pulling a shaking Chris towards him he pushed her into the chair and stood in front of her, keeping a tight watch on the shit going on behind the bar and in the common room.

  Jagger had both the bastards on the floor and was kicking the shit out of them while Sin and Boots rounded up the rest of their fucking little group. When they thought no one was looking, the stripper sluts tried to sneak out the door. Pointing a finger at them he slowly shook his head from side to side. They froze where they stood and he pointed at where they had been sitting.

  Giving him dirty looks they slunk back to their table. He didn’t give a single fuck. There was no way they were getting out of this cluster fuck of a situation they had caused.

  The doors slammed open and Kid along with six brothers came storming into the common room. Stalking over to the sound system he cut the thumping music and gave a high sharp whistle.

  The music had scarcely been shut down when Buzz, Ratel, Dollar, Dizzy and Spider came sauntering through the door with wide smiles. But their smiling faces changed the minute they realised there was shit going down.

  A tense silence hung in the air as Kid sliced icy eyes through the room.

  “What. The. Fuck.” Kid snarled. Pointing at Jagger he said only one word.


  Jagger drew in a deep breath to try and calm down before he started to explain.

  “The fucking stripper sluts brought these fucking bastards through the gates. They were trying to force Chris to leave with them. Said something about pulling a fucking train on her whether she wanted it or not. Called her a club slut.”

  Kid didn’t say a word, just pointed at the men surrounding the fuckers. When he did speak it was to say one word.


  The fuckers tried to fight the men off but they were drunk and easily overpowered and manhandled out of the common room.

  That left the three bitches who were strippers at Moonlight and spent a lot of their free time at the clubhouse, drinking and fucking.

  Kid stalked over to where they now sat frozen in fear. Fear that came much too late.

  “You are done. You no longer work for the Iron Dogz. You are banned from any and all of our businesses. You step inside anyone of our places of business and you’re fair game. You’ve been around for long enough to know what that means. Layla will have your severance pay transferred to your accounts, your shit packed and delivered to you. I never want to see your faces again. Go and sit your fucking asses down on the veranda and wait to be escorted off our property.”

  He watched emotionlessly as they scuttled out the front doors. When the doors shut behind them he stalked over to where Scar stood in front of Chris. Kid gave him a sharp ch
in lift and Scar nodded and moved out of the way.

  Their usually expressionless SAA put his hands on either side of her chair and leant forward, his face soft and worried.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” He asked softly.

  She nodded once and there were quite a few shocked looks when Kid lifted a hand and two fingers gently moved her hair from her face and hooked it behind her ear.

  “You sure, baby girl?” He asked again.

  And again she nodded. “I am. Boots got me out from behind the bar and Scar made sure I stayed safe while Jagger went a little crazy back there.” She gave a little smile. “I’m fine, Kid, I swear, they didn’t get a hand on me. And I had the shotgun you stashed beneath the bar. I swear I would’ve used it if I didn’t have back up.”

  Their SAA gave a deep sigh, straightened then turned to face the room.

  “If you’re not an Iron Dog get the fuck out of my house. Prospects, escort them off our property and when you’re done bring the sluts back inside. The rest of you fuckers get to your fucking rooms, sober up and we’ll have a little talk about this shit tomorrow morning. You will report to me here, in this fucking room at 7 am. If you’re not here you know what will happen, are we clear?”

  “Yes, boss.”

  “Okay, boss.”

  Several voices mumbled as they filed out and disappeared down the passage.

  But their SAA wasn’t finished.

  “Jag, brother, escort Chris to her room then get back here.”

  “But, I need to clea…” She tried to say but Kid interrupted her.

  “Not tonight, sweetheart. Go, the prospects will see to it.” Kid ordered.

  They all watched silently as Jagger took her hand and led her out of the common room.

  Kid waited until he was sure they were gone before he let out a roar and smashed a fist on the bar.

  “I’m so fucking done with this fucking slut bullshit. It never fucking stops.” He bit through clenched teeth.

  Stalking behind the bar he grabbed a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black opened it, tipped it up and took several deep slugs before putting the bottle down on the bar. He stood with both hands on the bar, head hanging down, gave a big sigh then looked up. His face was once again expressionless, his eyes without a hint of life tracked over them.


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