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Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5)

Page 9

by René Van Dalen

  “Okay, this is what’s going to happen. I want to know how the sluts got those fuckers through my gates. I don’t care what you have to do to get them to talk, do it. Those bitches stayed silent while those fuckers planned to violate one of ours, remember that. Sin, Dizzy and Buzz, you’re on it. Boots, Spider, Dollar, Ratel and Scar, you’re with me. Let’s get this done.”

  Scar followed his SAA out of the common room and down to the dungeon.

  It would be his first time acting as a Lieutenant during an active interrogation with his SAA and he was ready to do whatever was required. With the Crow he had been on clean up and nothing else, but this was different. This would be old time club justice.

  After the shit the bastards had planned to pull on Chris he didn’t give a flying fuck if they never saw day light again.



  When he took the phone call he didn’t expect to find this shit. Another fucking mess caused by the sluts his brothers insisted on associating with.

  Okay, he knew his men needed to fuck and blow off steam but this shit was becoming an almost regular occurrence now. He had a churning in his gut that told him he wasn’t going to like what he found once he started asking questions.

  The bastards were already strung up in their interrogation room. They hung suspended from their wrists in the middle of the room over the grated drain. Their shackled wrists had been hooked over the meat hooks hanging from heavy chains before being winched up until they were barely touching the floor, or rather the grate.

  Kid walked over and stood in front of them.

  “Right, let’s get to it. I ask a question and you answer. I suggest you answer quickly because if you don’t my men aren’t going to be happy. And you fuckers better give me what I want before Jagger gets here. You tried to put your hands on his family and he’s not happy. As your two fucked up friends on the end here found out.”

  Silence hung in the chilly room only broken by the soft moans of the two fuckers Jagger had fucked up.

  “Who put you up to this shit?”

  “This is a mistake. I’m not with them. I didn’t do anything.” One of the men whined.

  “Boots, warm him up.”

  He watched as Boots slammed his fists in the midsection of the stupid fucker. After about six solid hits he gave a head tilt and Boots stepped away.

  “I am not going to keep asking the same question over and over again. One of you man the fuck up and start telling me what you are doing here, on Iron Dogz property, with plans to rape one of our women.”

  The one who had just taken the hits groaned and spoke.

  “I met these… bastards…at the strip club. I don’t know them…they invited me to…a party. I had no idea they were going to…to fucking try and rape someone. Jesus. I swear, all I wanted was…to fuck Jilly, nothing else. I don’t know anything else. Ask Layla, I’m a regular at Moonlight…she knows me. Please. I’m not with these motherfuckers.”

  Kid looked him over and knew the fucker was telling the truth. They had him on camera busy with Jilly when the others tried to grab Chris. The stupid fuck had no fucking idea what he had gotten himself into.

  “Dollar, take him down, get him cleaned up and if he drove here in his own car see that he gets off the property. If not get him a fucking Uber or Bolt, and before you let him go get his prints and photograph on record.” He got right into the fucker’s face. “You open your mouth about anything you saw or heard or what went down we will come for you, understand?”

  The stupid shit nodded wildly, rocking the chains that held him. “I won’t say anything, I swear.”

  While Dollar took the fucker down Kid slowly strolled up and down behind the ones still hanging there.

  Once Dollar had the poor sucker out of the room he once again faced the group who still had to utter a single word.

  “And then there were five.” He said with an evil grin.

  Right then Jagger stalked through the door, slamming it shut behind him and came to stand next to him, his arms crossed over his chest. By the look on his face Kid knew the men in front of them were going to suffer before his brother was finished with them.

  “They tell you what we want to know?”

  “No, brother, they haven’t said a word. Yet.”

  Jagger gave an evil smile and nodded. “Good. I have a lot of frustrations to work out of my system.”

  Kid laughed and stepped back while waving his hand at the strung up motherfuckers.

  “Have at it, brother.”

  And Jagger did. He beat them to a damned pulp. And of course he got them to sing like little yellow canaries.

  There was a problem though, their song was fucked up. The Jane Warne kind of fucked up.

  His sister was a thorn in their flesh, in his flesh, and it needed to be extracted.

  The sooner the better.


  “Explain it to me one more fucking time, slowly, as I try to get my head around this shit.” He grated through clenched teeth.

  Kid drew in a deep breath and laid it out for him, again.

  “Jane sent five bastards to Moonlight to charm, or pay, the club sluts to bring them to a Friday night party. They had orders to find out how easy it would be to get in and out without alerting anyone. They were supposed to just scope the place out, have a couple of drinks, leave and report back to her. But they saw Chris and after overhearing some of the brothers running her down decided they would take her with them when they left. They didn’t think we would mind. They were drunk and high as fucking kites which was why they tried to grab her while she was still behind the bar. If they had waited for her to close down the bar and followed her to her room I don’t think we would have seen her alive again. Fuck knows how they thought they were going to get her off the property.”

  “What about the brothers who were in the common room at the time? Why didn’t they step in?” Hawk asked but he knew the fucking answer before his SAA said a word.

  “Even after Jagger claimed her as family some of them still resent her for the shit that went down with Tori.” Kid said. “Others were too busy fucking or too drunk to notice something was wrong.”

  “How many are we talking about here?” He asked through clenched teeth.

  “Eight, but even if it was only one, it’s one too many, Prez. Something has to be done about this, and we have to do it today. Jagger is about to lose his fucking mind and he’s ready to take out every single brother who were in the common room and didn’t step up.”

  Hawk shook his head and groaned. “I wish to fucking hell Beast had never stuck his dick in her. She’s a good girl and a damned hard worker, I like her but I have to put the club first. And that means I have to send her away.”

  Kid shook his head.

  “Boss, you can’t, she’s a valuable part of this club. Plus she’s Jagger’s claimed family and should have been safe. We handle it the way Ice would if it was Genna or Gail. Call a full church and let Jagger lay it out for them, again, and then you have to back him up. Let it be known that anyone who steps out of line would be facing Jagger in the ring. None of them are going to want to face him when he’s pissed. We all know he keeps a very tight hold on his temper but when he’s pushed too far his control goes flying out the door.”

  Hawk sighed, rubbed his hands over his hair and sat back in his chair.

  “Fine, I agree. We’ll have church on a fucking Saturday so these bastards realise how serious this shit is. Now that’s out of the way. What about Jane? Could those bastards give you more on her or her location?”

  “Unfortunately not, and believe me Prez, we didn’t go easy on them. They knew nothing, just the little they could give us on their orders and that she approached them outside the strip club. How she knew they would do what she wanted we still don’t know, but we will. Ziggy is busy digging into their backgrounds and will have something for us later today.”

  “Who let t
hem through the gate?” It was the question Hawk had wanted to ask from the start but had waited for his SAA to lay out the rest first.

  “Sludge was on duty with two of the new prospects, Damon and Kobus. They’re both so fucking new they didn’t realise what the stupid fucker did was wrong.” Kid shook his head with a deep sigh. “We’re going to have to do something about him, boss. He’s been slipping up a lot lately. We can’t depend on him or his decisions ever since his old lady took the kids and walked out on his cheating ass.”

  Hawk drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out through his nose to calm his temper.

  “Jesus. Why the fuck are some of these fuckers so fucking stupid? He has an old lady who loves him and gave him two beautiful kids. And then he goes and fucks it all up because he can’t keep his dick in his pants. I can’t transfer him because his kids are here, and I can’t make him someone else’s problem because he’s mine. I need to find a way to wake his shit up.” Hawk shook his head. “We’ll deal with him and the others. Maybe one of the brothers will come up with a way to pull his head out of his ass.”

  Kid suddenly grinned and Hawk knew his best friend was going to piss him off by the glint in his eyes.

  “A year ago you would have beat the shit out of him in the ring and let it go at that. Now you want him to fix shit up with his old lady. Some big changes here, Prez.”

  Hawk couldn’t stop his own grin even if he wanted to.

  “Piss off, brother.”

  Kid, his friend who was usually expressionless, laughed before getting up. “I’ll see you in church, Prez.”

  Picking up his phone he sent out the text calling everyone in, then slid it into his pocket and went looking for his old lady.

  He could hear her voice as he neared the kitchen and his gut settled. She was here with him and safe.

  He would break the fucking world to see to it that it remained that way.

  Walking into the kitchen he realised he hadn’t told Kid about Hotdog and some of his men arriving in two weeks’ time. Hotdog was coming up to discuss the shit going down in his club. But looking at his old lady he smiled and shoved club business to the back of his mind. He would tell his officers about the visit later.

  Right now he wanted to spend time with his woman. They’d had plans to ride out today but now it was shot to shit and he’d have to explain.

  Fuck. Being the man in charge was not fucking easy.


  One look at my man’s face and I knew we would not be riding anywhere today. I had heard the whispers when I came in this morning. Aunt B couldn’t tell me what was going on because she didn’t know any more than I did.

  “Baby, get us some coffee and let’s sit outside for a bit.” He growled as he stalked into the kitchen.

  Aunt B gave me one look and I gave a slight nod. I knew what she said with that look. Take care of your man, he needs you right now. I could see he did and I would take care of him, always.

  “Okay, my Viking, you go on out and I’ll bring you some coffee and cookies.” I kept my voice calm and even as I watched him come towards me.

  He grunted something under his breath as he stopped to kiss my temple before continuing out the back door.

  We stayed silent as the door closed behind him and I busied myself pouring coffee into our mugs. Aunt B had a small tray out and set a plate filled with soetkoekies (sugar cookies). I added the two mugs, gave her a nod of thanks and went out to where my man sat waiting at a picnic table under the trees.

  He looked pissed and worried at the same time. What the hell was going on?

  “Here you go, baby.” I said as I set the tray down and sat down next to him.

  He clasped his big hand around the back of my head, turned me towards him, dropped his head and settled his mouth over mine. His kiss was soft and made my heart race. As all his kisses did.

  When he pulled away I stayed curled into his side. “What’s going on?”

  Picking up his coffee he took a sip then sighed. “Fucking sluts, brothers not doing their jobs, Chris and the fucking cherry on the shit cake, Jane fucking Warne. I’m sorry, my little bird, I’m not going to have time for our ride today. I had to call the brothers in for church.”

  That was a lot. But I focused on the girl I had slowly grown to respect and like. When shit went down between her, Beast and Tori I had asked Skelly to check into her for me. And he did. The girl, and she was only a girl at barely twenty three, was clean. She came from money but had no contact with her family who were all lawyers. Her dropping out of university was most probably the reason why she had no contact with her family. We hadn’t investigated her family but it would be easy to do should it become necessary.

  “What about Chris? I thought all that shit with Beast was sorted after she apologised to Tori?”

  Hawk snorted then spoke in a low angry voice.

  “That’s part of the problem but not all of it. Apparently Beast has been treating her like shit and some of the brothers are following his lead. Last night three of our strippers brought some men through the gates that had no business being here. The brother on the gate didn’t check them properly and if Sin, Boots and Scar hadn’t come in when they did there’s a good chance she would have been raped.” He raked his fingers through his beard in obvious frustration. “I now have to determine if the brothers who had been in the common room would have allowed that shit to go down or not. Those fucking bastards were going to pull a train on her, baby. A fucking train on an unwilling woman in my fucking club. I find it fucking hard to get past the knowledge that my men, men I chose to join my club, would allow that shit.”

  His mouth was drawn in a thin line and the tendons in his neck were drawn super tight.

  “But that’s not all of it. They were here because Jane fucking Warne sent them here to spy for her.” He grabbed his mug and took a deep slug before setting it down hard.

  “Holy hell.” I whispered. “That’s a lot to have on your mind.”

  “Ja, baby, it is, but the question is this. How do I punish the brother on the gate when I know he’s going through some heavy shit right now? He should never have been scheduled for gate duty and that unfortunately is Jagger’s fuck up. He’s in charge of the duty rosters. Sludge should have been taken off the roster until he got his head sorted.”

  But I realised there was something he had missed, and if he had discussed the situation with his officers it was something they had all missed.

  “There’s always a prospect on duty in the common room to ensure shit like this doesn’t happen. Why didn’t he call brothers in to back him up?”

  “Devon was on duty last night but he had eaten something that had him puking his guts up and Chris sent him to his room after getting some meds down him. He looked like fucking death warmed over this morning and I’ve sent him to the club doctor because he can’t keep anything down.”

  I frowned. “That’s very convenient. How did those assholes know there wasn’t anyone keeping an eye out?”

  Hawk froze and carefully set his mug down.

  “You think Devon was part of it?” He asked with a heavy frown and I immediately shook my head.

  “No, never, those boys are loyal, but what if that bitch found out he would be on duty and poisoned him. You know she’d stop at nothing because she has no damned conscience.”

  “How could she have found out? You saying we have another rat?” Hawk snarled angrily.

  I shook my head. “No, I’m not. She wouldn’t need anyone inside because she knows exactly how the prospect rotation works. She knows prospects are assigned to guard the families. All she had to do was have us watched. Damon was with me yesterday, Owen was on Slim at ARR, Will was on Tori and Kobus and Harmony had shit to do with the Welfare people so he was off rotation. And that leaves Devon. Where was he during the afternoon?”

  Hawk stared at me with narrowed eyes before he answered. “He was at Moonlight with Khan and Spider for the
weekly check on the books.”

  I raised my eyebrows at him and he frowned.

  “Right, you know how it works. The guys who watched over the families during the day are usually assigned guard duty on the gate or wall at night.” I shrugged. “She took a chance on Devon getting common room duty because he was at Moonlight and not on family duty. Check security footage. I’ll bet my last cent she approached him, acting like she was one of the dancers and gave him something to eat or drink. Something slow acting so he’d only start getting sick once he got back here.” I shrugged. “That’s what I would do. With him out of the picture those bastards could snoop around and no one would have noticed because they were drinking or fucking.”

  “Fuck.” Hawk pushed himself up, leant down and kissed me hard and fast. “Thank you baby, you have helped me to get clarity. I’m going to call the doc to give him a heads up that our boy has been poisoned. I need to talk to Ice and Kid before church. I’ll see you later.

  I leant my chin in my hand as I watched him disappear back inside. I knew the stuff going down was club business but I needed Skelly on this. Pulling my phone from my pocket I called and set him on finding the damned bitch. She had to have driven to the strip club and as there were cameras everywhere he should be able to track her. Easily. It was going to piss Hawk off but I would handle it when the time came.

  Hopefully Ziggy was on it as well and I wouldn’t have to bring what I’ve done to Hawk’s attention.

  Jane Warne needed to go down and go down hard. And it had to happen soon, before she had a chance to do more damage to the club. Or to my man. I would do anything to protect him.



  Arms crossed over his chest Hawk sat waiting for his men to take their seats. Some faces were worried, others curious and then there was Jagger. His brother was burning with rage. It hadn’t burned out during the night; in fact it seemed as if the blaze was almost out of control.


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