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Once A Pirate

Page 10

by Bold, Diana

  Damn it. He wanted to be the one to lay his head in her lap while she gently stroked his hair. He wanted her soft touch and sweet kisses for himself.

  Kate had become important to him in a very short time. He’d missed her these last few days, but had managed to stay away. He’d wanted to give her a little time, unwilling to take advantage while she was in such a vulnerable state.

  Now it appeared he’d waited too long.

  The old Kate had returned. She was no longer lost, no longer vulnerable. She’d gathered her amazing strength around her like a cloak, and it was going to be very difficult to breach her defenses again.

  He stood against the rail, staring down into the churning, icy depths of the Atlantic, wishing he could find the answers he sought.

  He was so torn. On the one hand, he was glad she’d bounced back, glad to see that determined sparkle in her lovely eyes once again. But the clock was ticking, his men’s lives were still at stake, and he had to make a move soon.

  There had never been a woman he couldn’t seduce once he put his mind to it. But Kate Sinclair was a force to be reckoned with, and he was afraid he’d pushed her too far, too fast, that first night after they’d sailed.

  Hell, he’d scared her so much she’d turned to Daniel. She’d put her husband between them, using him as a barrier. But the mere fact that she’d done so gave him hope. He’d seen the way she’d looked at his bare chest this afternoon. The attraction was still there and stronger than ever. He just had to give it a little time.

  Besides, a few days with Daniel ought to put his charms in a whole new light.

  * * * * *

  During the next few days, Kate spent most of her time with her husband. He turned out to be a passable chess player and an interesting, if sometimes shocking, conversationalist. He taught her how to play whist, poker and rummy, and they took turns reading to each other.

  She grew stronger, bolder, more willing to accept this sudden twist in the fabric of her life. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to live in America.

  She imagined she’d have a far easier time continuing her newfound freedom there than she would have in London.

  Talon stayed away as much as possible, but when he did join them, she often found him staring at her wistfully. He seemed respectful of the distance she’d imposed between them, but she sensed he’d be all too willing to pick up where they’d left off.

  And despite her growing friendship with her husband, her nights were long and lonely, filled with thoughts and dreams of her brother‐in‐ law. His passion and gentleness had changed her, made her believe in the kind of love she’d only read about.

  The biggest challenge she’d ever faced would be to restrain her reckless heart for the rest of this journey. She prayed she’d find the strength to do so.

  * * * * *

  Talon allowed two endless days to go by before he sought Kate out again. He spent some of his time teaching Johnny to read, the rest staring out to sea and trying to come up with a plan to thwart his father.

  He’d had no luck, so on the third day, he woke before dawn and stole into Kate’s cabin. He lit a lantern and then stared down at her for a moment. She was unbearably lovely in sleep, her face angelic and innocent, her chest rising and falling in gentle rhythm.

  Kneeling on the floor beside her bunk, he tucked a lock of chestnut hair behind her ear, letting his knuckles trail down her cheek. “Kate,” he whispered. “Wake up.”

  Her eyes fluttered opened, and a soft smile curved her lips. “Talon. Am I dreaming?”

  Her words caused a strange flutter in the vicinity of his heart and a not-so-strange reaction lower. She dreamed about him. He contemplated climbing into that narrow bed and showing her he was flesh and blood, far more potent than any dream.

  “You’re not dreaming. I’m here.”

  Her eyes widened, and she scrambled to a sitting position, drawing her knees up to her chest. “What are you doing?”

  She smelled of warm flannel and sweet, soft woman. Her dark hair hung loose, tumbling over her slim shoulders in a wealth of silky curls. It reached nearly to her waist.

  Soon, he promised himself. Soon he’d see her wearing that beautiful hair and nothing else.

  “I thought you might want to get out of this room for awhile. I’ve brought you Daniel’s hat and cloak. As long as you keep your head down, it should be safe to sneak above and watch the sun come up over the sea.”

  “Are you serious?” Her entire face lit up, and he couldn’t resist leaning forward and touching her. He cupped her cheek with his palm, stroking the pad of his thumb along her jaw.

  “I’m very serious. Besides, I have a surprise for you, and you need to come up top to see it.”

  She tilted her face, pressing her smooth cheek more fully into his palm. “You’re so good to me. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you’ll come.”

  “Of course, I’ll come.” The deep, husky sound of her laughter ignited his blood even more. He shifted uncomfortably and prayed she was too innocent to notice his massive arousal.

  “I’ll wait out in the passageway until you’re dressed. But remember, you have to be very quiet and pretend you’re Daniel. He hasn’t left his cabin much, so no one knows what he looks like.”

  “I can do that.” He stood, and she grabbed his hand, squeezing tightly as though reluctant to let him go. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome.” His smile faded and he stepped away. Then he turned and left the room, wondering how on earth he was going to survive when her soft smiles turned to hatred.

  * * * * *

  Kate dressed hurriedly, donning the boy’s clothing she’d worn before and covering herself with Daniel’s cloak and hat. When she opened the door and stepped out into the passageway, Talon was waiting for her, his eyes sparking with humor in the dim light.

  “I’d take your hand again, but it might cause more attention than we want.”

  She choked back a laugh and followed him up the narrow ladder that led above. They crossed the pitching deck and went to stand at the rail in an out of the way spot toward the bow.

  Kate took a deep breath of the salt‐scented air. A soft wind kissed her cheeks and stirred her clothes. She wished she could take off the hat and let her hair blow free.

  A few crewmembers stirred at their posts, but none of them were very close. She had the impression she and Talon were completely alone.

  Of course, he always made her feel that way. When he was near, everything else tended to fade away.

  He smiled and pointed out to sea. “Only a few more minutes now. That way.”

  The sky was lightening in the east, and she held her breath, waiting for the day to dawn. The mere fact that Talon had woken her to share this with him made her resolve to stay strong crumble like a castle made of sand.

  How could she possibly resist a man who watched the sunrise with such eagerness?

  As if his thoughts mirrored her own, he shifted and moved a few inches closer. “I wish I could take you in my arms,” he whispered, his voice a mere breath of sound. “I’ve missed holding you.”

  She turned to face him, her breath coming hard and fast. She wanted to tell him it had been difficult for her, too. That she dreamed about him constantly. Hot, wanting dreams that left her tired and edgy.

  The image of his bare chest was branded in her mind. Sometimes, in the darkest part of the night, she imagined seeing even more of him. She imagined him naked and beautiful in the bed beside her.

  “Shh,” he whispered. “It’s all right. I didn’t bring you up here to tell you that or make you uncomfortable. Just enjoy the sunrise and forget I’m even here.”

  As if I could. Dutifully, she turned her face back toward the rising sun. The line between the horizon and the sea became more distinct by the moment, lightening to a thin strip of silver, then blazing all at once in ribbons of red and gold.

  Heartbreakingly beautiful. Tears stung her eyes, and she blinke
d to clear them. The sun hovered for a moment, half visible, bobbing at the edge of the sea before rising in all its glory.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?” They stood side‐by‐side, so close she imagined she could feel the heat of his big body. Then he sighed. “Well, we mustn’t stay much longer. But there’s one other thing I want to show you before I take you back down.”

  Intrigued, she followed him to a sheltered place near the wheelhouse where he pointed out something that took her breath away. Rose bushes. A half dozen of them.

  “I thought you might like to see how roses grow in Carolina.”

  Kate couldn’t speak. The tears she’d managed to restrain before fell freely.

  He frowned, glancing around to make sure no one saw. “Go back to your cabin. I’ll be right behind you.”

  She stumbled back the way they’d come, her mind reeling with the gift Talon had given her. No one had ever done anything like this for her, and she was overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness.

  Somehow, she managed to make it back to her cabin. When Talon shut the door, she threw herself into his arms. He caught her against him, and she lifted on tiptoe to press her lips to his, beyond caring whether it was right or wrong.

  He stiffened in surprise then made a low, rough sound in the back of his throat and returned her passionate kiss. He turned her until she was pressed against the wall. His lean, hard body covered hers completely.

  After a long moment, he pulled back. His blue eyes held cautious delight. “I take it you’re glad I brought the roses?”

  She cupped his face with trembling hands. “No one has ever done anything like this for me before. You’re the only one who has ever known me well enough to realize how much it would mean.”

  He closed his eyes as though her words had hurt him. “Don’t give me more credit than I deserve,” he whispered, his peppermint-scented breath tickling her face. “My motives were far from pure.”

  She laughed. “I don’t care about your motives. I’m just glad you did it. Carolina won’t feel so foreign now that I have something of home. In fact, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it myself.”

  He bent forward until his forehead rested against hers and she couldn’t see his face. “I only brought them because I hoped it would make you so happy you’d let me kiss you again.”

  She hugged him, loving the way he felt so warm and solid. In his arms she felt safe, cared for, cherished, all the things she’d sought with Daniel but never found. “Well, it worked. So why don’t you take advantage of your success?”

  “I’d like to do a hell of a lot more than kiss you,” he told her. “God, Kate, can’t you feel what you do to me?”

  It was there again, that hard, probing part of him pressing against her stomach, reminding her of his maleness, his strength, her own fragility.

  She stared up at him, both frightened and exhilarated. “I love it that you’re attracted to me. I thought no man would ever look at me the way you’re looking at me right now.”

  He sighed and kissed her once more, lingering over her lips, teasing and withdrawing until she thought she’d faint with the pleasure of it. Then he stepped away. “We’ll continue this discussion some other time,” he promised. “If I don’t leave now, I won’t be able to.”

  He hesitated, his gaze boring into hers, and for a moment she almost gave in. She almost threw caution and her morals to the wind and asked him to stay.

  She wanted this thing he was offering her. Wanted it more with every passing day.

  But in the end, she said nothing, and he turned and left the room.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Talon was on his way to his cabin a few days later when he heard scuffling and a soft whimper down the corridor to his right. He paused, senses instantly alert, his mind conjuring up terrible images of Kate’s fate if she’d been discovered by one of Percy’s filthy men.

  “Who’s there?” His harsh words elicited a loud thump and a muffled groan that made his hackles rise.

  There was complete silence for a moment, and then a gruff voice let out a muttered curse. “None of yer damned business.”

  Talon took a few steps forward, his eyes adjusting swiftly to the gloom. A large, brutish sailor named McGuire stood in the shadows.

  Johnny, the cabin boy Talon had been teaching to read, cowered behind him. Johnny’s trousers were down around his knees, and his face shone wetly with shamed tears.

  Talon’s rage was instant and intense. After so many weeks of boredom and frustration, he was itching for a fight. “Take your hands off him, you bastard.”

  McGuire gave the boy a shove, sending him sprawling amidst the tangle of his pants. “I’m not finished with ye,” he warned before turning his full attention on Talon.

  Knowing his only chance lay in going on the offensive, Talon struck first, sending a punishing, bone-crushing right to the man’s bulbous nose. He felt it give and knew a moment of savage joy as he followed with a left to McGuire’s gut.

  McGuire stumbled back, but recovered quickly, coming after Talon with a growl. Talon swung again, but this time McGuire blocked the blow and retaliated with a fist to Talon’s temple.

  Pain exploded inside Talon’s skull, but he pressed on, determined to kill the bastard so he would never be able to abuse the boy again. He couldn’t help thinking of his own cabin boy, Garrett. Fury drove his next few punches as he wondered if the lad, whom he’d rescued off the London streets, was being mistreated in this same foul way.

  A door opened behind him, and he prayed it wasn’t Kate. He hoped she had the good sense to stay out of this.

  Meanwhile, McGuire’s brute strength and large bulk had turned the tide of the battle. Talon renewed his efforts, battling exhaustion. His lip split beneath McGuire’s ham‐like fist. He stumbled back and saw his brother step out into the passageway. Daniel sized up the situation, his gaze fastening on the trembling boy who was struggling to fasten his pants.

  Talon turned his attention back to McGuire, who was coming at him again, murder in his beady eyes. Talon ducked, evading the first blow.

  McGuire roared like a bull and raised his other fist. He stopped the swing in midair, sputtering in disbelief as Daniel stepped between them, pressing an elegant, lightweight sword to the bastard’s neck.

  “Get away from my brother.” Daniel’s voice dripped with icy, aristocratic disdain. “Before I slit your filthy throat.”

  Talon blinked, annoyed yet pleasantly surprised by Daniel’s help.

  He’d never expected his brother to come to his defense or stand beside him. Some nameless spark of emotion had flared deep within him when Daniel called him brother.

  Heavy footfalls sounded down the corridor. Percy rounded the corner, his dark eyes flashing. “What the hell are you trying to do to my ship, Montgomery?”

  “Your ship?” Daniel lifted a brow as he lowered his sword from McGuire’s throat. “This is a Sinclair ship, Captain. I’ll thank you to remember that.”

  Talon groaned and stepped forward, his momentary gratitude for his brother’s actions fading. The last thing they needed was for Daniel to challenge Percy’s authority in front of the growing group of men. Percy was God on this ship. All Daniel’s wealth and privilege could not help him here.

  Kate would be left defenseless if Percy took it in his head to feed him and Daniel to the sharks.

  “McGuire was molesting your boy,” Talon said, wondering if Percy did the same thing when no one was looking. “I was trying to stop him.”

  Percy looked to the boy who had managed to pull himself together since Talon had seen him last. “Is that true, Johnny?”

  Johnny flushed scarlet and stared down at his feet. “Hawk was trying to help me, sir. If he hadn’t come along when he did, Mac would have…” His voice broke and he trailed off.

  Percy gave a grim nod and turned his wrath on McGuire. “You’ll get fifty lashes for this, Mac.” His gaze speared the other men who were watching the drama unfold. “And let this be a lesson t
o the rest of you. This type of behavior will not be allowed on my ship.” There was definite emphasis on the word my, but this time Daniel had the sense to let it go.

  “Take him above,” Percy commanded, and several of the men rushed forward to do his bidding. The passageway emptied until only Daniel, Johnny and Talon remained.

  Daniel put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “It wasn’t your fault,” he said, his voice low and dark, containing undertones Talon chose not to examine too closely. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Johnny nodded and shrugged off his hand. “I’ll be all right,” he mumbled, hurrying away. He glanced over his shoulder once just before he climbed the ladder. “Thanks, Hawk.”

  “You’re welcome.” Talon let his head fall back against the passageway. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, he realized how foolhardy he’d been. He ached all over, and his nose was bleeding profusely.

  Daniel shook his head, a wry smile curving his lips. “You look like hell. What were you thinking? That mongrel was twice your size.”

  “I couldn’t stand by and do nothing.” He took a deep breath. “Thanks for the help, Daniel.”

  Daniel grinned. “It was my pleasure, you stupid, big-hearted bastard.” There was a note of affection in his tone, and for the first time in his life, Talon decided not to take offense at being called a bastard.

  They stared at each other for a long moment, and Talon felt a sudden surge of kinship. For all their differences, this man shared his blood. Daniel was his brother, and today he’d actually been there when Talon had needed him. It was strange, unsettling, and a trifle sad. He couldn’t help wondering how different both their lives might have been if they’d grown up together, defending each other’s backs since childhood. “Come on,” Daniel said at last. “Kate’s probably worried about us.” Talon followed Daniel through the door that led into the common sitting area, pondering the “us”, confused by Daniel’s behavior and his own.


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