Book Read Free

Under Texas Blue Skies

Page 14

by Debra Holt

  She knew she wouldn’t remember their names… not after the part about loved ones. Was J.D. planning on having a family here with him sooner rather than later? Did he already have someone in mind for the role of the lady of such a fine place? Why hadn’t she thought about that before? Maybe the way he had kissed her recently had had something to do with that… but then again, he had stepped away from her and hadn’t come close since their return. It was a reality she needed to face.

  “There will be a gatehouse here by the end of the week, and it will be manned. In the meantime, a person will be here twenty-four-seven to admit people to the ranch. They have your name at the top of the list, of course.” Alex’s comments brought her back to the present.

  “Thanks for letting me know. I should be finished with my work here in a couple of days and won’t need to be on any list then. Take care and give my regards to Chloe when you talk to her.”

  “I’ll do that.” Alex winked at her and nodded his head as she drove off in the direction of the ranch house.


  The artwork arrived just before noon. J.D. had sent a couple of ranch hands to the house when the truck arrived to help unload the crates and then help her move the items into place. Evidently, he couldn’t tear himself away from whatever had kept so much of his attention at the horse barns. Amanda had found herself short on understanding and long on temper the more J.D. found excuses to remain away from the house and away from her.

  Of course, she told herself that was understandable. He had thought he might want a stroll down memory lane for old times’ sake with her... it was understandable. But when the opportunity had presented itself on more than one occasion, he had stepped back. He obviously had other plans in the works, given the words that Alex had spoken that morning upon her arrival.

  She stepped up the pace of her work, hanging the paintings, placing the statuaries on the pedestals in the rooms they'd been purchased for, adding more greenery here and there, plumping throw pillows, and adjusting area rugs on the tile flooring.

  Amanda did one more walk through of the house... trying to see it from someone else’s perspective. She already knew she loved it. Every nook and cranny of it had become important to her. Somewhere along the way over the last few weeks, she had imparted more of her heart into it than she'd realized. J.D. had told her to make it into a home she would love to live in, and she had done that. It broke her heart to realize that fact now as she was about to say goodbye to it all. She could only hope that whoever the woman was who would eventually claim a place in J.D.’s heart, and his house, would take care of both of them.

  When it got to be later, she realized that J.D. was not coming to the house before she left. That truly brought her temper on the rise. He at least could look at the final product and say thank you or whatever. Maybe he thought he had paid a lot of money for her to do the job, and he owed her nothing else. That only made Amanda seethe more. What had happened to common courtesy?

  J.D. was not going to get away with treating her in such a manner! Amanda left the house, marched across the patio, and down the road to the area where three show barns were set in a semi-circle around a large riding arena. She had not been down in that area since coming to the ranch to work. That area had been J.D.’s domain, and it was there he had spent the majority of his time.

  She passed the first barn which evidently was closed and quiet. She rounded the second one, and there she found the man she sought. The sight made her pause. He was inside the arena on a horse. The horse was black as night and pranced with fire in its eyes and an attitude in each step. J.D. looked like he had been born in the saddle as he held the reins in his hands and moved the animal around the space. He brought the animal to a halt, and then wordlessly, the animal began to back up quickly. With an imperceptible movement, another command had the horse spinning in a circle on its haunches… first to the right and then to the left.

  Amanda stood mesmerized at the sight. She had no idea that J.D. possessed such horsemanship skills. Over the last dozen years, she'd supposed there were quite a few things she hadn't known about the man. What she did know was that this would be the last glimpse she would keep close in her heart over the days, weeks, even years to come. his element, with the animals he loved, on the ranch he had always coveted as a boy. His dream had come true.

  The anger she had felt earlier was suddenly replaced by an immense sadness and ache in her heart. Moisture threatened her eyes, and she knew she had to leave before he saw. She turned hastily and was halfway up the walkway to the house when the sound of her name being called behind her filtered through her mind.

  It was J.D.

  Quickly, she swiped at her eyes and drew in a deep breath to try to maintain what little dignity she could, but did not pause in her attempt to flee.

  He called to her again, closer this time. It was useless to try to get away.

  She squared her shoulders and turned to see him striding toward her, a determined glint in his eye.

  “What were you doing at the barns?” He almost challenged her with the tone in his voice.

  Was that all he was concerned about? After not really talking to her in days and this was the topic on his mind? At least it helped to chase away any outward signs of emotion from her.

  “I came to tell you that I was done. The work you hired me to do is completed. But I didn’t want to interrupt your precious time with your new horse.”

  His eyes narrowed on her. “You should have stayed. I would have given you a tour of the barns and the renovations I’ve made.”

  “I’m sure they’re the best your money could buy. You’ll have quite a showplace now. Don’t let me keep you from enjoying it.” Amanda turned on her heel and had almost made it to the patio before his hand on her arm turned her back around to face him.

  “What is this attitude? Are you upset about something?”

  “I’m just tired. I have put a lot into this job, and now I have a lot to do to get caught up at my real job. It’s been a long day. If there isn’t anything else, I’d like to be on my way.”

  “You have done a great job on the house, and I know it’s taken a lot of your time. I’d like to have a housewarming when I get back. Think you could put that together for me?”

  “Housewarming? When you get back? Where are you going?” Her attention was on alert now. J.D. was leaving. It certainly didn’t take him long to want to hurry back to the bright lights.

  “I have some business in Nashville and New York. I’d like to have the housewarming on the afternoon of the twenty-fourth… early enough that people can stop by and then still have their own holiday celebrations. Just a few people… you know the ones, and a few you don’t. I can email the guest list to you.”

  “Sorry. I have plans for the holidays. I’m not much of a party planner anyway. I’m sure you can hire someone from Dallas or elsewhere to do it for you. I really do have to get going.” Still, he did not release his hold on her arm.

  “Look, Mandy… I mean Amanda… I don’t know why you’re acting like this. Have I done something? If you will…”

  “Hey, boss! The new mare just arrived at the barn. She’s not too happy after the trip.” The voice belonged to Chuck Howard, one of the stable hands, and came in the nick of time.

  Amanda felt the moisture about to build again, and she would not cry in front of this man. “You’re needed. See you around, J.D.”

  She whirled around and this time, he did not keep her from leaving.


  He watched the woman disappear inside the house. It took everything in him to control the urge to follow her and make her understand what he really wanted… her. Nothing else mattered… not the house, the horses, or the ranch. All that ever mattered was the girl, Mandy, who grew up to be the woman called Amanda. They were one and the same and he loved and needed them both. But there were still remaining things that had to be in place before he could do what he wanted to do. J.D. hoped she would understand w
hen the time came. He was about to undertake the biggest gamble of his life.


  It had been almost three weeks since Amanda had left the ranch, three weeks since she had last set eyes on J.D. Sterling. Her days no longer began with coffee at the ranch. She had returned to her routine of breakfast at The Diner on the Square. She was at her desk in the realty office by nine each morning and often the last to leave it, more often than not after the sun had set. The office did sport a new sign that give her a measure of satisfaction… Bagley and Lawson Realty. Even though the holiday season was a slow time for them, she had made two sales on houses for newcomers escaping the hustle and bustle of the big city life, and had closed on a couple of nice lots purchased by the school district. She was back in the groove again. Only it didn’t feel the same. Not much did of late.

  Amanda had even toyed with the idea of using some of her commissions and splurging on a trip. She usually had a quiet Christmas, watching her favorite holiday film, It’s a Wonderful Life, on Christmas Eve and then dinner on Christmas afternoon with Tracy’s family or Darcy and her brother. Except this season, she didn’t feel like being with anyone… at least anyone she knew. Besides, they would all be at the hottest party in town… J.D. Sterling’s housewarming. They had talked of nothing else for the last two weeks. She had pretended to not be interested and had kept her eyes on the newspaper, which she'd had to read a dozen times over before she'd actually seen the words in a paragraph. J.D. had evidently taken her advice and had hired a caterer from San Antonio to handle his event. It was clear he had moved on without a thought to her, and that was fine.

  Two days before the big party, she'd awoken to a dull, gray-misted morning. It looked like the good weather that had held for most of December was about to be a thing of the past. It matched her mood. Amanda slid onto her usual seat at the Diner’s counter, ready for her usual breakfast plate. Darcy had just set her coffee cup before her when Tracy took the seat beside her, a catalogue in her hands.

  “You’re here early,” Darcy noted, with a glance up at the clock on the wall. “We don’t serve lunch for another three hours.”

  “I had to come in to town early today. The dress I ordered for the party at J.D.’s is coming in to the store today. I am so excited! Did I show you the photo of it in the catalogue?”

  Amanda tried to keep her focus on the egg on her plate. Tracy was on the verge of gushing, something she never did. People had taken leave of their good senses over a silly party.

  “You have shown it to me… at least a half dozen times,” Darcy replied drily.

  “Well, I can’t help it. It isn’t every day that I can get Tyler to put on a suit, and I intend to enjoy every minute of not being dressed in scrubs and stethoscope! What are you wearing, Amanda?” Tracy turned her attention on the woman seated beside her.

  “A bikini.”

  Her reply brought both women’s attention to her immediately. Darcy blinked and then spoke first.

  “I must have heard wrong. You’re wearing a bikini to J.D.’s housewarming? I don’t think he even has the pool heated yet.”

  “I’m wearing a bikini on the beach in Cozumel… where I will be spending the holidays.”

  That bit of news definitely brought conversation to a halt for several long moments.

  “Since when do you spend Christmas in Mexico?” Tracy’s voice almost squeaked with her disbelief.

  “Since I have a lovely commission to spend all on myself from the sale of the land to the school district,” she replied. “It’s time for a change, and I intend to start on a beach with a mai tai and a beach boy. Haven’t you both always been after me to broaden my horizons? Well, I’m going to take your advice. I’d say it’s high time.” Amanda gave them both a casual smile before she took a sip of her coffee, enjoying the look of shocked disbelief on each of their faces.

  “But you can’t. You have to be here. You just have to!” Tracy looked at Amanda and then at Darcy and then back to Amanda.

  “Why do I have to be here? The office closes tomorrow, and then I’m on a plane heading south.”

  Darcy eyed her friend for a moment, a hint of suspicion in her tone. “When did you decide on this trip?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it for some time now, and the time is right. And speaking of time, I have to get to the office and finish up the paperwork on my desk… then start my packing. See you both later!”

  Amanda kept the smile on her face as she crossed the diner and stepped through the door. She was aware that her two friends watched her every step of the way.

  What had possessed her to say such a thing, she had no idea. Except, she just knew that she couldn’t sit there and hear one more word about the housewarming and all the fun they were going to have, blah, blah, blah. Only now, Amanda would have to find someplace to actually go for a few days, or they would know what she had done. Maybe a change of scenery was just what she needed. She hadn’t had a vacation in... well, in years. She'd taken a day or two here and there, but she'd never left the state. Perhaps it was indeed time to see something of the world outside McKenna Springs. And then, maybe, she would forget a pair of green eyes that lurked in her dreams at night and around every corner in her world during the day.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I’m going to be taking some time off between now and the beginning of the year, Morris.” Amanda stood in front of her former boss's, and now her business partner’s desk later that morning. She would have talked to him sooner about her plans, but he had been busy on the phones since she had arrived in the office after leaving The Diner on the Square. He finally had a few minutes and sat listening to her news. It was unusual that he didn’t seem really surprised by it, as she'd assumed he would be. He was almost uncharacteristically quiet for a few moments, as though he was working something in his mind.

  “That’s good, Amanda. You deserve some time off. You’ve worked very hard this year. When were you thinking of leaving?”

  “I plan to be out of here tomorrow.”

  “That’s not possible.” He almost came out of his chair as he spoke the abrupt words. “Is it hot in here to you?” Morris ran a finger under his collar.

  Was that a sheen of perspiration on his forehead? “I don’t find it particularly warm. Is there something wrong?”

  “No, no, of course not. It’s just that you can’t leave tomorrow. You can go the day after.”

  Amanda eyed him closely, crossing her arms across her chest as she sat in the chair across from him. “Why can’t I leave tomorrow? The office is closed after today.”

  Morris’s eyes darted across his desk as if looking for something but couldn't find it. “Well, because you can’t… you have to go with me to the party at J.D. Sterling’s ranch.”

  The words sat for a moment in the stillness of the office. Perhaps she hadn’t heard correctly. “I have to go with you to that party?”

  “That’s right. It was almost a command that both owners of Bagley and Lawson Realty be in attendance, and I gave my word. We’ll be there.”

  “I don’t do well with commands, Morris. You should know that by now. And what right does J.D. Sterling have to demand that? The sale is concluded on the property.”

  “Well, he’s in the market for the land that adjoins his ranch, and we want to be the ones he chooses for that sale, too. And besides, it’s just good business to socialize with our clients. You want our business to prosper, so this is what you have to do. Unless you really aren’t ready to take on the responsibilities of being a business owner. Maybe it’s harder than you realized. Perhaps you aren’t up to it.”

  He'd pushed all the right buttons with that one. Amanda had seen red when he'd questioned her desire to be part owner of the business. She had worked years to make it, and some silly party was not going to deter that.

  “I am more than ready for the partnership and more than ready for anything else I have to do for this company. I will go to that party with you, Morris, and then I am o
ut of here for a long vacation.”

  “It’s black tie, so that means you…” His words were cut off as the door slammed after her departure.


  Amanda stood before the full-length mirror in her bedroom. The chandelier-style earrings sparkled as the light caught the onyx and crystal stones. Her hair framed her face, and the high, stiff, satin ruffle that edged the deep V of the black velvet gown, with its high waist and slender skirt, showed off her creamy throat as the satin rose to encircle her neck. The long, fitted sleeves emphasized the elegance of the gown. It was simple, sophisticated, and devastating on her figure, and it had been in her closet for quite some time. She had seen it on a trip to Dallas a couple years back and had fallen in love with it. She had splurged on it, telling herself that someday she would have an occasion to wear it. Little did she plan on it being on this particular occasion. If she had to face J.D. Sterling again, in his home, then she would walk in with guns blazing, so to speak.

  Amanda needed every ounce of confidence she could get for whatever lay ahead. She picked up her evening bag just as the doorbell rang. Morris was right on time. He almost beamed when he escorted her to the car, dressed in his newly purchased tuxedo. She decided he had already started salivating over the next large commission he might wangle from J.D. Sterling’s pocket.

  As they neared the ranch, her pulse began to quicken, and her palms had a bit of moisture on them. All of it was a ridiculous reaction to have, she scolded herself. There had been changes since she'd last seen the ranch. The first one was the immense stone and iron arch over the entrance, with its heavy electronic gate that stood open to allow the guests to pull through… after they had been checked off on a list by one of the two men, dressed in suits, on sentry duty for the evening.


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