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Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2)

Page 18

by Amber Flora


  If you are reading this than I probably didn’t make it back. I would say don’t be angry with me but it’s you and, well, we know feelings aren’t really your thing anyway. I don’t expect you to understand but I have to try and save my friend. I will not allow Damon to use her as a pawn in his twisted game. I want to thank you for everything you have done to help me. You may have had your own reasons for doing so but I am still grateful. If I succeed then I will not only have saved someone I love but maybe your mother will find peace as well. I know you owe me nothing, you have already done so much for me, but please tell Cody and Mac I’m sorry I failed them. Let them know they never needed a savior, they are the saviors. They are the most loyal and compassionate people I know. That’s what makes a great leader, not some prophecy told long ago. As for you, I believe what you said, that anything is possible. If Anastasia could do a spell to eliminate feelings then there must be a way to get them back. I hope you find it, Herrick. See the world for what it really is. Explore all the amazing things that emotions have to offer. You said it yourself, love is powerful and to know love for another is the greatest feeling of all. I would trade immortality a dozen times over to know the people I love have the life they deserve. I see the real you, it’s not the assassin or the vibrant or even the man who claims to need no one. He’s the man who befriended a scared girl, taught her to stand up for herself and saved her from a dismal future. Those are not the actions of a bad man, they are the actions of a hero, and I am proud to call you my friend.

  See you in the next realm,


  I folded up the letter and laid it on the kitchen counter. It wasn’t much of a goodbye. I certainly didn’t say everything I had wanted to, but I had wasted too much time already. Fate would wait no longer. Besides, no matter how much I said it would never be enough. I gave the bedroom door one last glance, wishing I could curl back under the covers of Herrick’s warm embrace and disappear from the world and all its problems.

  I flashed outside the steps that lead to the front door of my cottage. It was still dark out, but not for long. Soon the sun would rise over the horizon and a victor would emerge. I made my way along the path that guided me toward the pond. I couldn’t see much in the moonlight, but I didn’t need to. Even in the darkness I knew the way. This place had been my one constant in my ever-changing life. No one, not even Damon, could sully the memories of this place. I didn’t know if I could defeat him, the chances were minimal at best, but I refused to allow him the satisfaction of a win. If I died on this night I would go knowing he hadn’t broken my spirit. Whatever my destiny was meant to be, I was not a coward.

  As I approached the bench that sat near the edge of the pond I could see a silhouette of a woman sitting upon it with her head down low. I rushed toward the figure holding my breath and praying I wasn’t too late.

  “Lori?” I rounded the front of the bench seeing Lori’s small figure bound to it by ropes. She wasn’t moving and her eyes were closed.

  “Lori, can you hear me?”

  I checked her pulse. It was there but faint.

  “I gave her something to calm her nerves. Poor dear was hysterical.”

  I ran my hand through her pixie hair and rose, turning to face my enemy.

  “You drugged her? She is just a human, she holds no threat,” I growled at Damon.

  “A mild sedative, she will be right as rain in no time. I would have thought you would be thanking me. Did you really want her to see what is about to happen? See, that’s the thing with you, Ashtyn. You never appreciate the things I do for you.”

  I snorted at his absurd statement. Was he really so far gone that he couldn’t see what a monster her had become?

  “Don’t hold your breath for a thank you card.”

  I stepped closer toward him, allowing myself to take in all the rage that his presence invoked. I could feel the heat radiating off me, begging to be released.

  “Tisk, tisk. Your manners are atrocious. I think it’s time you learn your place, young one.”

  He closed the small gap between us, eliminating the last of my restraint. I extended my hand and thrust my palm out, the flames burst from my fingertips, encircling Damon in a ball of fire. He back stepped, letting out a scream of fury. Raising his arms above his head he conjured a gust of wind that extinguished the flames and forced me to retreat a few feet. I dug my feet into the soil refusing to move another inch. I squared my shoulders and shot him a look of defiance.

  “Is that all you have? A little wind storm?” I mocked, progressing toward him again.

  A malicious smile spread across his face as his gaze turned toward an unconscious Lori.

  I watched in horror as his finger began to circle around the air, the wind intensified and the bench began to elevate. I rushed toward her, holding onto it with all my strength. My feet were drug across the ground as I kept a death grip on the arms of the bench.

  “Ashtyn!” I heard a voice call out from behind, but I couldn’t turn, I couldn’t lose my hold.

  A hand latched onto my shoulder and I feared Damon was trying to pull me away.

  “Need a hand, lass?” the Irish accent bellowed from behind. My heart leapt from my chest as relief washed over me.

  “Mac! Save Lori,” I yelled out over the whirling storm.

  “What about you?”

  “I have to finish this!” I felt his hands grip the arms of the bench as his came to my side.

  “Go, Macree! I have her.”

  I gave him a nod as I reluctantly let go and turned back toward Damon. The scenery had changed. Damon was still standing where I last saw him but surrounding him were Credo and dreamwalkers battling it out. Cody, Ben and Brian were swinging their swords at the advancing army. Algon and Victoria were forging through the crowd toward Damon. Thunder clapped across the sky as Victoria's lightning bolts hit men, sending them to the ground.

  My family had come for me. Victoria must have seen where I was going and called in the cavalry. I forced myself through the gale and fog that surrounded me, all the while never losing eye contact with my target. This was a setup all along. Damon had never intended for a fair fight. He had brought the Credo as a contingency plan in case he lost the upper hand. I shouldn’t have expected anything else. As I allowed the energy to rush through me, preparing myself to take a stand, I saw Damon square his eyes on Algon and Victoria. He threw a quick glance in my direction before summoning an enormous amount of energy and directing it straight at them. Time stood still as I watched in horror as my father and grandmother fell to the ground, their eyes glazing over as they seized. Anger engulfed me as my body began to tremble. I could see the steam rolling off my frame. Without another thought my hands clasped together, a ball of fire swirled around them. I roared Damon’s name as I launched the blaze at him. I managed to see his face fill with fear right before I collapsed from exhaustion and hit the ground.

  “Open your eyes, love,” I heard a voice whisper into my ear. My lids blinked open, I smiled when I saw Herrick’s gray eyes staring down at me.

  “There’s my hummingbird, welcome back,” he grinned.

  “How did you …?” I tried to finish my sentence but my throat was tight.

  “I found your note. I flashed to Mac’s apartment looking for you and Gloria told me to come here. Why would you try to fight him alone, love?”

  I turned my head to the side and saw Algon and Victoria lying a few yards away. They weren’t moving. I shot up and swayed, trying to keep my balance. I looked up at Herrick, my face pleading.

  “Heal them, please! Herrick you have to save them.”

  He placed his shoulder under my arm to support me and led me toward them. When we reached their still bodies I fell to their sides.

  Herrick knelt down to assess their injuries.

  “They are too far gone, love. I might be able to save one of them but not both.”

  Tears were streaming down my face as I looked between them. How cou
ld I choose? I needed them both. They were my family, they had come to save me. No, this isn’t fair. I can’t, I won’t let them die.

  “I can’t,” I managed to get out in a raspy breath.

  “You need to hurry, Ashtyn, we don’t have much time.”

  I closed my eyes trying to escape this nightmare. I heard a faint voice whispering to me in mind.

  “Do not be afraid, child. I will always be with you. My time here has come to an end, but I will forever remain in your heart. I knew what would happen if I came here tonight. I made the choice. Save your father; you two have much to learn about one another.”

  “I won’t let you go, Mimi. I need you,” I sobbed, hoping she could hear me.

  “You are so strong, so brave. We are so proud of the woman you have become. Whatever path you decide, make sure it’s one of your choosing.”

  “Ashtyn!” Herrick screamed, shaking me out of my trance.

  I wiped away my tears, directing my attention toward him.

  “Save my father.”

  Chapter 21

  It had been three days since the showdown with Damon and the Credo. Most of us were still healing from the injuries they inflicted. Herrick had managed to bring my father back from the brink of death and still take on about half a dozen Credo. The man really was a force of nature. Ben and Mac fared pretty well themselves, but Cody and Brian had taken a couple of good hits that required Katrina’s healing. Herrick offered to heal Cody, but he was quick to give him a “hell no” before storming off. I knew everyone was mentally and physically exhausted, but I wasn’t waiting any longer. My grandmother deserved a proper burial. It was decided by myself and my father that she would be buried on the farm alongside my uncle Ken. I think she would have wanted it that way. A piece of my heart was missing and I tried not to let the guilt consume me. Another person had died because of me. How many more lives would suffer to protect the so-called Phoenix? Luckily no one else was lost that day, but once again Damon had eluded karma. The others speculated I had severely injured him before he flashed, but he was out there somewhere and I knew he wasn’t finished with me.

  “Ashtyn, they’re ready for you.”

  I nodded at Lori and made my way in front of the lovely cherry tree, next to Mimi’s grave. Lori had a few bruises and sore wrists but thankfully that was all. It could have been so much worse. I thought she would never speak to me again for putting her in that position, but when she awoke the first thing she did was wrap her arms around me and sob. She told me the last month without me was hell, that she couldn’t sleep worrying if she would ever see me again. After all that she had gone through, her main concern was still me. I didn’t deserve a friend like her.

  I looked around at my friends and family gathered together. An ache filled me as I saw their somber faces. Even Herrick came to show his respects. He gave me a wink of encouragement as I began to speak.

  “Victoria once told me that every action has a meaning behind it. She believed we could write our own destiny, fate be damned. Whatever fate has in store for me, I hope my life is half as meaningful as hers. Her love knew no limits, for her mates, children, friends, even a girl she barely knew. She welcomed me with open arms and a gentle heart. Mimi taught me a lot in a small amount of time. Aside from her knowledge of magic, she was also a woman of integrity and kindness. Her compassion and affection toward others were unparalleled. Wherever she is, I know she wouldn’t want us to mourn her passing but unite in our strength as one.”

  Algon stepped forward, placing his hand on my back.

  “To Victoria!” he shouted to the crowd.

  “To Victoria!” they all repeated in unison.

  I allowed my father to wrap me in his arms as I laid my head against his chest. Damon would pay for the pain he has caused. If it took me ten lifetimes, I would not forget.

  I remained on the bench by the pond looking out at the ripples while the others made their way back toward the house.

  “How are you holding up sunshine?” Lori asked as she took a seat beside me.

  “I’ll survive. You were the one who was kidnapped and drugged. How are you doing?”

  I was so thankful to Mac for rescuing her. If something had happened to Lori I don’t think I could ever recover from the pain.

  “Oh, I've had foreplay more interesting than that,” she teased, bumping my shoulder.

  “Seriously, O’Hara, I can’t apologize enough to you for roping you into all of this. You never should have been involved.”

  “Ashtyn, stop it. Do you know how worried I was while Damon held you captive? Every day it was like a little piece of me had died. I would have done anything to save you. We’re family, and family sticks together. Plus, I knew you would kick some serious ass.”

  I smiled, laying my head on her shoulder and closing my eyes.

  A vision flashed through my mind of a beautiful woman with long brown hair and brown eyes. She looked exhausted but yet she had glow about her. I could almost feel the warmth from her soul. She was crying, but they appeared to be tears of joy. I watched as my uncle Ken placed a baby in her arms. I could tell she was in pain but all of that faded as she gazed upon the bundle she was holding.

  “My precious, daughter, how lovely you are. I’ve waited quite a while to see your darling face. You are so loved little one. Know this, carry it with you always: You are my greatest treasure.”

  The memory left as quickly as it had come and realization struck me. I had seen my mother, she had given me her memory of the first time she had held me. I wanted to weep from elation. I rose, putting my hand out for Lori to take.

  “What are you smiling about?” she asked as I pulled her to her feet.

  “Just glad to be home.”

  I wasn’t ready to go into detail about the whole family history and vibrant ritual — another time perhaps. In this moment I was just content with the distant memory I had received. I finally knew what my mother had looked like. I had heard her voice as she spoke to me; it was the sweetest gift I could ever have been given.

  We made our way inside the cottage to join the others. Brian, Algon and Ben were gathered in kitchen while Gloria, Katrina, Mac, Cody and Herrick sat in the living room.

  “Ashtyn, do you want to pack some of your things before we head back to the apartment?” Cody asked as I walked in.

  “I’m not going back with you.”

  I didn’t think this conversation would go over well and part of me felt guilty for what I was about to do. They had spent so long searching for me, trying to free me from Damon and now it was like I was abandoning them. Even though I had given it a lot of thought over the last few days it didn’t make the decision any easier.

  “I’m sorry, lass, is my hearing failing? Did you say you weren’t coming back with us?”

  I squared my shoulders and took in a deep breath.

  “I’m not the Phoenix. Don’t ask me how I know or try to argue otherwise. I know this to be true. I am not the one who was meant to restore dream realm. I will still do whatever I can to help our people. I am not giving up the fight to rebuild Avonya, but my place is here. I was born in the human realm. I was raised on this land, this is my home. This is where I belong.”

  I glanced at Herrick over my shoulder. I could tell the others about our ancestors, about Skyler and Anastasia, but Herrick was right, that knowledge was powerful and dangerous. If I wanted to keep them safe, it was best they didn’t know.

  “You can’t be serious? Damon may still be out there somewhere. If he is alive he will come back for you. I don’t care if you are the damn savior, you are not safe here alone,” Cody said, looking at the others to help him.

  “He’s right, Ashtyn. We aren’t concerned with your ability to help dream realm, we are worried about you, sweetie. It’s too dangerous,” Gloria said. She was practically in tears and it made my decision all the more difficult.

  “I’ll deal with that bridge when I get there, but I’m not going to run anymore. It’s time
I face my problems head on. I’ll still be around. This isn’t goodbye, I’m just not going to put my life on hold because of fear.”

  Mac walked toward me, stopping when his lips reached my ear, whispering so only I could hear.

  “I’m begging you, Macree, don’t do this. Let us protect you.”

  I placed my hand on his cheek softly, giving him a smile.

  “This is the path I choose. You're welcome to stay with me if you want.”

  Disappointment seized me as he pulled back, his blue eyes locked on mine for the briefest of moments before he turned to stand beside Cody.

  “We will respect your decision, but know if you ever need us, we will be there,” Kat said, placing her hand to her heart.

  I nodded a thanks as I brushed a tear from my eyes. How did I ever live without these people? My friends, my family.

  Chapter 22

  Weeks had passed since Victoria’s funeral. We were all gathered in Brian’s bar to celebrate Lori’s big break. She had finally landed a movie role. It was for an independent film, but we were proud of her nonetheless.

  I saw Gloria sitting in a corner booth dressed to the nines and nursing a beer, so I headed toward her.

  “Did you get all gussied up just for Lori?” I asked, looking her over.

  She lowered her head and blushed as if she were embarrassed.

  “I’m sorry, Gloria, I was just kidding. You look beautiful,” I said, feeling bad about my comment.

  She slowly raised her eyes to mine and gave a half-smile.


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