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Ascendant (Between Two Realms Book 2)

Page 19

by Amber Flora

  “It’s not that. I, um, I have a date.”

  My jaw nearly fell to the floor. She had a date, Miss Never Leaves the Archives?

  “Are you kidding me?!” I blurted out in excitement.

  “I took your advice and got a life,” she shrugged.

  “Why are you embarrassed? This is fantastic. I’m so happy for you.”

  “You might not be when you find out who with.”

  I couldn’t understand why she would think I wouldn’t be excited for her. If anyone deserved to have a life it was Gloria. She had given up so much to preserve the Archive and all its secrets.

  “I don’t care if it’s with a goat, good for you.”

  She laughed and I saw her looking around to see if anyone was listening to our conversation.

  “My date is with Ben,” she said in barely a whisper.

  Out of all the things I had heard and learned over the last few months, nothing surprised as much as Gloria’s revelation. Gloria and Ben? In a million years I never would have imagined the two of them together.

  “Please don’t be mad at me. It’s just we had grown close over the last month while we searched for you. He was kind and understanding. We bonded.”

  The expression on her face told me all I needed to know. She truly did care for him.

  “I could never be mad at you, Gloria. The past is just that, the past. I know deep down Ben is a decent man and I’m so proud of you for stepping outside your comfort zone and finding happiness. You sure as hell don’t need it, but you have my blessing.”

  Her eyes sparkled as she reached for my hand.

  “Oh, Ashtyn, thank you, I was so worried to tell you. It means so much to me that you approve.”

  “Just promise me you’ll do something about his hair, ponytails are so last season,” I joked as I squeezed her hand. I really was glad they had each other. They had been through so much pain in their lives, maybe this was just what they needed to finally heal their scars of the past.

  “This is much different than the nightclub, huh.” Cody turned his head to see Katrina coming up behind him.

  “I would say so, for one nobody is trying to undress you.”

  “I’m not a child anymore, Dakota. I could have handled the cowboy. Besides you didn’t even ask me if I wanted him to before you knocked him out cold.”

  Cody raised a brow and clenched his fist, remembering the prowler putting his hands on her. “Did you?”

  “Not really but that isn’t the point. I don’t expect you to understand, you have traveled the realms and seen so much of world. Before Ashtyn came along I had never even left dream realm. Everyone treats me like I’m this fragile creature who could fall apart at any moment.”

  “We’re just trying to protect you, Kat. The world is full of unsuspecting dangers.”

  Katrina locked her eyes on his, giving him a scolding stare.

  “You don’t think I know that? I was there the day the Credo attacked. I watched people I grew up with die. I am a healer, every day that someone needs my assistance I see how cruel the world can be. That doesn’t mean there isn’t good to be found. I want to experience all the world has to offer, if that means I have some bad times then so be it, but I am not going to spend my entire life wrapped in a bubble because you’re too afraid to lose me.”

  Cody was baffled by Kat’s admission. He always assumed she liked the protection of the sanctuary, he never thought that she felt as though she were missing out on anything. It was true that he tried to shelter her but only because he cared for her. He didn’t want to make the same mistake with Kat that he made with Sarah.

  “I’m sorry, Katrina. I should have been there for you more. If I had known you felt this way, I would have done things differently.”

  Kat smiled, laying her head on Cody’s shoulder. She knew he had good intentions but no matter how much he wanted her to be she wasn’t his sister or his responsibility. It was about time he learned that.

  “I take my job very seriously. I am honored to be gifted with the ability to heal, but that is not my identity. I think it’s time I figure out what else Katrina Hawthorne is capable of.”

  “I will do whatever I can to help you discover just that,” Cody kissed her forehead. He was scared but excited to see this new Kat.

  Herrick took a seat on the barstool next to Mac, sliding a tequila shot toward him.

  “You look like you need that,” he said, pointing toward the drink.

  “Are we friends now? Who the feck invited you anyway?” Mac spat, refusing to touch the glass.

  “Ashtyn did, and I’m not your enemy. In fact I think we have a lot in common.”

  “Oh do ya now? Sorry, lad, I filled my friend quota for this lifetime.”

  Herrick leaned in the direction of Mac so not to be overheard.

  “Why didn’t you agree to stay with her? Your feelings for her are overwhelming. It doesn’t take a vibrant to know how much you love her.”

  Mac decided taking a shot was in fact a good idea and downed the tequila.

  “Sorry, Dr. Phil, you’re talking to the wrong guy. I don’t do feelings.”

  “I’m just trying to figure out why a man who appears to be so smart could be so amazingly stupid.”

  Mac growled as turned to face Herrick.

  “You think you have it figured out do ya? For a man that can read emotions yer clueless to the workings of a woman’s heart. The lass is grieving. She won’t admit it right now but her desire to remain in human realm has little to do with wanting independence and more to do with her need to hang on to something familiar. Ashtyn lost one of the few real family members she had, much in the same way as she did her uncle. She doesn’t need a man lurking about; she needs time to make peace with all that has happened. The farm is her connection to the people she’s lost. I may be an arse but I’m not about to say I got the girl because I took advantage of her in a vulnerable state. She will come back to us when the time is right.”

  Herrick could feel Mac’s pain as he spoke. He actually felt for the man. Granted, if Mac had decided to stay with Ashtyn it may have been the last decision he ever made but he was actually impressed by the dreamwalker. Mac could have taken Ashtyn up on her offer and been the shoulder to cry on. Instead he was giving her the space she needed to come to terms with all she had endured. It was difficult for him to understand how someone could be so selfless. Mac would sacrifice his own happiness so Ashtyn could heal. Damn, the guy was noble. He bowed his head, cursing his newfound emotions. It became clear to Herrick in that moment what he needed to do and he was in no way happy over the outcome.

  “You’re a decent chap, Mac. Too bad your quota is full. I’m currently in the market for a good friend.”

  Mac shook his head but his lips held a small smile.

  “Am I going to get a bill for this therapy session or is first one free?”

  Herrick shook his head no and got up.

  “Just look after her, and I’ll consider the debt paid.”

  Everyone had left except Mac, Lori, Cody and Herrick. It was difficult to say goodbye, but I knew I would see them again soon. My father had to go back into hiding. No one had discovered his plot in wizard realm or his association with the rebellion. If he wanted to keep it that way he couldn’t be discovered. I felt bad knowing he had just lost his mother and he was now on his own. He and Victoria had been so close. I knew he was hurting even if he didn’t show it. He promised me he would keep in contact. I didn’t want to spend months worrying if he was all right, I would go insane. Gloria and Kat had offered to come visit soon for a girl’s night. Ben made us agree to stay away from any nightclubs, but I gave a wink to Kat as I crossed my fingers behind my back. It wasn’t like I was never going to step foot in dream realm again, I had every intention of continuing my research in the Archives and I meant it when I said I wasn’t giving up on Avonya. I had a theory that my mother may have been like me. If she managed to trap Ser’ie, it was possible that she could have also
been born with wizard traits. Maybe that’s why she was so obsessed with discovering her heritage. She too could have been looking for answers. I sat in corner watching Lori and Mac laugh at Cody’s ridiculous tie he had picked out for the occasion. I was glad she knew the truth. I was peeved that I wasn’t the one who got to tell her, but now she was on the inside and Cody and Mac welcomed her with open arms.

  “Penny for your thoughts, love,” Herrick said, taking a seat in front of me.

  “You would need a lot more than that I’m afraid.”

  His voice snapped me back into reality as I glanced up to meet his eyes.

  “I wanted to say goodbye before I left.”

  “Oh? You're headed out?” I tried to gauge his demeanor but it was different than normal. He wasn’t the calm and collected Herrick I was used to.

  “I’m taking a trip.”

  Sadness struck me when I figured out what he was trying to say. He wasn’t telling me goodbye for tonight, he was saying it for good. I had tried time and again to forget about the night we spent together. I kept reminding myself that it was nothing more than two people caught in a moment. I didn’t expect it to mean anything, but somehow it did. I felt a connection toward Herrick that I couldn’t explain. It was like we were both searching for something and found it that night in each other's embrace. The night it happened, lying in bed, I had chalked it up to being homesick. My emotions were on overdrive and I stupidly told myself that once I was back where I belong, it would end up being one of those crazy stories Lori and I talked about on a movie night, the only difference being it would be my story and not Lori’s. Except I had been back for weeks and I couldn’t stop thinking about his hands roaming my body, exploring every inch of me.

  “A business trip?”

  I attempted not to let my voice display my emotions. What did it matter, he knew exactly how I was feeling.

  “More like a vacation, I’m thinking of going into a new line of business, maybe a clothing designer.”

  He winked.

  I sniffled, holding back the tears.

  “That’s it? You break me out of hell, help me get my mother’s memories, save my father's life and you're just going to leave? Just like that?”

  I knew he could feel my anger. I was hurt, I didn’t really expect him to stay, but I wasn’t prepared for him to leave either.

  “Do you know anything about hummingbirds?” he asked. I gave him a confused stare, unsure where he was headed with this conversation.

  “They nearly defy nature, they must consume nectar continuously in order to maintain their metabolism. They are constantly fighting to stay alive and yet they are one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet. You remind me of a hummingbird, love. Never giving up, so strong but yet still fragile.”

  I had never given much thought to his nickname for me but hearing him explain the meaning deepened my connection to him. It was so personal, like it was only meant for my ears. I could live a thousand lifetimes and never truly see all of the layers that are Herrick Ingham.

  “Where will you go?”

  “A smart woman once told me to explore all the amazing things emotions has to offer. I think I might do that. Who knows, maybe there is actually a hero inside of me.”

  Herrick was already a hero. He had been since the day he stopped Grison from harming me, but I had a suspicion that he needed to figure that out for himself. He had never known a life other than assassin. He was choosing his own destiny and even though he didn’t know where it would lead him I knew he had to go down that road. I couldn’t hold him back no matter how much I wanted him to stay.

  “When you find him, look me up. I would love to meet him.”

  I gave him a sincere smile as I hid my trembling hands.

  “Keep training, I don’t want to come back and find out you’ve forgotten how to execute a proper leg sweep.”

  “Yes sir,” I replied mockingly.

  He rose from the booth and I jumped up, wrapping my arms around him. After a second he did the same and rested his chin on my head. A thought came to me and without hesitation I whispered.

  “Herrick? Are you feeling anything right now?”

  He pulled back and it was clear to me now: He was in pain, not the physical kind but actual emotional pain.

  “See you around, love.”

  And just like that Herrick was gone. I said a silent prayer that wherever he ended up he would find happiness.

  “Where did Dr. Phil run off to?”

  Mac asked from behind me.


  Mac knew who Dr. Phil was? Lori must be rubbing off on him.

  “The vibrant.”

  I thought about telling Mac what happened between us. Even though Mac and I had never committed to one another I knew how he felt about me and I would be lying to myself if I said I didn’t feel deeply for him, but I had to figure out what it all meant. I couldn’t tell him about Herrick until I understood my real feelings, for both of them. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt the man who so freely gave me his heart.

  “Oh, I’m not sure. I think he’s on a mission of self-discovery.”

  “If that’s the case we’ll never see him again. That lad has more issues than Vogue.”

  “Seriously? OK, you have got to stop hanging out with Lori. You’re starting to sound like her.”

  I never thought a month was a long time, but given how much things had changed since I had left, it felt like a lifetime.

  “Aye, the little fairy has magical powers,” he joked, looking over his shoulder.

  “Do ya need a ride home? Cody is about to drive Lori back to her apartment.”

  I looked into his baby blues. I was so glad to be able to see them again. While it stung, I knew why he didn’t accept my proposal to remain with me. We both had our own dreams and thoughts of the future. I had a crazed half-blood plotting his revenge on me and as much as it hurt me to admit it I wasn’t the same girl I had been when we first met. When he and Cody found me I was shy and insecure. I couldn’t have imagined the strength that lay within me. I wasn’t so sure Mac would like the new me. I decided to take a page from Herrick's book and take some time to explore the new Ashtyn. I needed a chance to process everything that had happened over the last few months and start making plans for my future — a future I hoped wouldn’t be cut short by Damon.

  “No thanks, I’m just going flash home.”

  I saw a huge grin sweep over Mac’s face.

  “Look at you, enjoying the perks of immortality.”

  “In case you forgot, I’m not an immortal. At least not yet.”

  My choice to remain in human realm wasn’t going to help. As long as I remained in this realm I would continue to age. If I see one gray hair I might be willing to change my mind.

  “Good thing you moisturize then,” he winked.

  “Have you paid another visit to Roger yet?”

  After Roger had given up the whereabouts of Damon’s estate he was moved to an undisclosed location for further interrogation. Due to the little fact that Roger could flash and escape, the others had no choice but to keep him so weak that he couldn’t make that an option. This would be one of those times that knowing how Damon managed to block magic would come in handy. Unfortunately we didn’t, which left only one option. Once Ben learned everything he could about Damon and his plans, he would have no choice but to put an end to the high priest. I knew no one wanted that, including myself. As much I loathed the man for betraying me and causing harm to those I loved, there was a time Roger was my mother's closest ally. He was her mentor and friend. I couldn’t imagine the pain she would have felt if she had discovered the coward he really was. A part of me wanted to believe that he really did have dream realm’s best interest at heart, but the sad truth was he only thought about saving himself, no matter who suffered the cost.

  “Nah, Brian is babysitting the traitor until Ben returns. The council has to vote before he can be sentenced.”

I’m sure it will be difficult for all of them to make the decision to end the life of one of your own, the very person who was supposed to lead them. I still can’t believe it. Roger was the only person my mother trusted with her secrets. He seemed so sincere in wanting to protect me.”

  Mac sighed and rubbed the top of his head, the way he always did when he was upset.

  “Aye, it has put a strain on them all for sure. I never would have pegged him for a coward, it just goes to show what people would do to save themselves. I think it’s about time we change things up a bit. The council seems to be falling apart and it’s crucial we stand united during a time like this.”

  “What do you mean? Is something else happening?”

  Mac smiled in an attempt to put me at ease.

  “A story to be told another time, lass. This is a day for celebration, not to talk shop.”

  I knew he was hiding something, but he was right, I didn’t want to wallow in gloom tonight. It was hard enough knowing that I wasn’t going to be with them anymore. I wanted to cherish the happy moments of this night.

  “I’m going to go tell Lori goodbye and head out.”

  I turned toward Cody and Lori before Mac reached my arm, stopping me.

  “Macree, you know I will always be here for you. All you have to do is call. Everything you have endured is because of me. If I hadn’t have been captured, you never would have had to make a deal with Damon. I can’t begin to make that up to you, but I promise you I won't stop trying.”

  I placed my hands on Mac’s face, forcing his blue eyes to look into mine.

  “Fintan Mac Donagh, you are the most compassionate man I know. You have suffered more than anyone should ever have to. Damon would have gotten to me with or without you. None of this is your fault. The only thing you need to do to repay me is have the life you want, the life you deserve.”

  I kissed his cheek and allowed him to wrap his arms around me, resting my head on his chest. I knew, no matter where life took us, what paths we chose, this man would always hold a piece of my heart. He was the embodiment of companionship. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for him — or any of my friends for that matter. Every one of them proved their loyalty time and again. I made myself a vow. I will find my place in this world, I won’t let fear control me, and when the time comes I will fight and I will win. I may not be the savior, but one day my child could bare that burden and I swore that I would do whatever it took to rebuild Avonya and ensure the Phoenix would rise.


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