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Chloe's Double Draw [King's Bluff, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 22

by Fiona Archer

  “Okay, call me stupid, but didn’t Flynn give you express alpha-dog orders not to step a foot outside the library?” Reagan’s voice held a hint of wry amusement mixed with caution.

  “Yes, he did. Good thing is, what Flynn doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” A pang of guilt weighed in her belly but she forced it down. “He’s in ultra-protective mode. In all honesty, I’m suffocating under their guard duty. I don’t have a high degree of privacy in my life right now, Reagan, and I’d like to get this done and out of the way. How about I get you to stand at the window and watch me walk across the parking lot?”

  “Just be quick, okay?” Reagan sighed and flicked the lock on the door.

  “I’ll be back in a jiffy.” Chloe winked as she put on her coat. She slung her handbag over her shoulder and scooted out the door. Five minutes in a pinch. The men would never know.

  * * * *

  Flynn closed the front door of Heather Clark’s house. The mum-to-be was safe and warm inside. He’d carried in her groceries, put them on her kitchen counter for easy unpacking, and bid her a hasty good-bye.

  He’d just opened his driver’s door when his cell rang. Something in the ringtone, a sharp urgency, slammed a warning. His thumb hit the answer button after one ring.

  Noah’s voice cut in before he had a chance to say a word. “Flynn, be on the lookout. Gabe’s just reported to the sheriff a guy was driving laps past the school. His description matches Trent Young’s. Gabe managed to get the plate number. It’s a rental car, though not out under Young’s name. Get her arse back here now!”

  “Fuck!” He shoved the phone between his shoulder and ear, turned the ignition, and swerved onto the empty road.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I left Chloe at the library. She’s alone.”


  “Heather Clark had car trouble. Noah, the woman’s one week from dropping her baby. I couldn’t leave her there on her own. I made Reagan lock the door.”

  “Fine. Look, Chloe’s in the library. What the fuck could happen in a library? I know Quinn went to pick up Gretchen’s package. He should be about done.” Noah paused for a second. “I hear tires squealing. Flynn, don’t waste precious time dying before you get to her!”

  “No problem, I’m there.” Flynn tossed the phone onto the passenger seat and skidded to a stop. An inch separated the miniature evergreen pine in the street planter from becoming the truck’s hood ornament.

  He reached into the glove compartment and grabbed his SIG Sauer P226 and jammed it in the waistband of his jeans at the small of his back. He snared his cell and cut off Noah’s barked questions. “Hang on. I’m keeping you on the line.”

  The wooden frame withstood the hard thud of his knock. The seconds dragged as Reagan skittered over and unlocked the door. He strode inside. His gaze whipped over the room, taking quick snapshots as he sought his target. Two elderly ladies scowled from their reading tables. Rows of stacked bookshelves. Reagan taking up a defensive position behind her counter. No Chloe.

  Fear ripped at his gut.

  “Where’s Chloe?”

  “Well, you see—”

  “Reagan. Where. Is. Chloe?” Dom voice. He needed answers.

  “She’s over at Gunnerson’s Drug Store, picking up a prescription. They phoned her. They’re closing early and, um—”


  Reagan’s eyes popped wide.

  He inhaled deeply, right from his diaphragm. Find her.

  One quick nod to Reagan and he walked back out the door.

  His gaze tracked the parking lot, locking on Gunnerson’s store. He spied her through the glass window. Relief flooded his system, close to knocking him off his feet. “I can see her, she’s in Gunnersons’s, talking at the counter. She’s safe, Noah.”

  “Thank fuck for that.” Noah’s voice, hoarse and ragged, echoed down the phone.

  She was safe. Alive and safe. Until he got his hands on her plush little arse.

  Adrenaline overload hit like a bullet. His hand shook as he gripped his cell. “You heard what Reagan said?”

  “Yes. You gave her an order to stay put?” Cold fury emanated from each syllable Noah forced out.

  “Absolutely, she was left in no doubt. She’s scared and her life is upside down right now, and for that I’ll be as understanding as the next bastard, but her disobeying my order is bullshit. It stops now. We agree on a plan now, because once I get her to the house, I’m not pushing the pause button.”

  “Agreed.” Noah sighed. “It’s time Chloe coughs up whatever twisted view Trent’s fed her about her stepfather’s death. I’m not prepared to lose her. This may be scary shit for her, but we can’t piss-fart around, minding our manners.”

  “You should lead. I’m too charged up right now. Keep watch. Make sure I don’t push her too hard.”

  Flynn clenched his jaw as Chloe exited Gunnerson’s. Five steps on, she glanced up and halted mid-step. Gotcha.

  “Won’t happen, my friend,” Noah said. “Now, update from the sheriff. Caleb’s working with Sheriff Quilter. Our team will commence lockdown here at the ranch. Until the little fucker shows his hand or we manage to track him, we’re at a stalemate. Bring our girl home. I’ll have everything set up so we can start her lesson the minute you return.” Noah ended his call a second before Quinn’s truck roared to a stop at the side of the library.

  The bald Goliath surged out of his truck. Chloe, who now walked with ever-slower steps, was within arm’s reach.

  At last, his heart stopped revving faster than a Grand Prix engine. Scared at the fierceness of his emotions, he forced himself to stay back.

  “Um, hi, guys. I just needed to run to Gunnerson’s. I’m all set now. So, this is great, we met up at the same time.” She shifted her feet and licked her lips, her eyes darting from one man to another.

  Flynn shoved the phone in his pocket. He nodded to Quinn. “You heard?”

  “Yeah, Noah called from another phone letting me know you’d made it back and that Chloe had skipped out.” Quinn narrowed his gaze and studied Chloe.

  Was that guilt peppering her cheeks pink? Too late.

  At Quinn’s stare, she lowered her gaze to the pavement. His point seemingly made, he faced Flynn. “I’m thinking you guys are planning some special ‘alone time’ with your sub?”


  A sly grin revealed a hidden dimple in Quinn’s cheek. “I’ll follow you to the ranch then spread the word.” He jumped back into his truck.

  Chloe moved the last three steps to stand next to Flynn. Two lines puckered between her brows. “Spread what word? What’s Noah getting ready for me at the house?”

  A note of demand in his little sub’s voice? Un-fucking-acceptable.

  “Don’t say another word, Chloe.” He grabbed her arm and all but hauled her into the passenger seat of his truck.

  “Flynn, let me explain—”

  The slam of her passenger door cut off her cry. Impure pleasure soared through his body as he stalked behind his truck to his own door. Oh, he’d let her explain—on her knees, bound, and submitting to whatever delicious torture he’d put her under. He smiled. Too bloody right. There’d be no limit to his benevolent listening skills.

  * * * *

  He’d slammed the door on her. Jerk!

  Chloe held herself rigid in her seat, her gaze pinpoint sharp on the small evergreen shrub perched really close to the truck.

  A rush of cold air filled the cabin as Flynn climbed in behind the wheel.

  Okay, she’d disobeyed his order. He’d panicked. She’d been about to apologize. If he’d given her the chance.

  “Put on your seat belt.”

  She pressed her lips together but complied, the clack as the belt latched the only sound in the cab. The silence rubbed against her nerves, inflaming her already razor-thin patience. Time to lance this boil.

  “Flynn, obviously you’re upset I left the library. I promise, I was safe. Gunnerson’s is ju
st on the other side of the parking lot. My prescription refill was ready for collection. You see, I was out of my packet and—”

  “Trent’s in town, Chloe. He’s here.”

  She witnessed the naked fear in Flynn’s eyes before a wave of dread crashed over her. She snapped her eyes closed against the onslaught. Fear burned a rancid trail up her throat. She swallowed against the invading nausea. No. God. No.

  Opening her eyes, she blinked against the threat of burning tears.

  “How do you know?”

  “Gabe spotted a guy matching the fucker’s description driving past the school. More than once. He called the sheriff and then rang Noah, who rang me. I raced back here.” The ice in Flynn’s voice matched the cold fury of his gaze.

  She flinched. Guilt twisted a tight knot deep in her belly.

  “God, Flynn, I’m so sorry. I should have waited. Next time I’ll remember what’s at stake.”

  “Oh, you’ll remember, sub. Noah and I will make sure you understand exactly what we expect of you.”

  “What does that mean?” She pushed back a curl that fell forward. Was that her hand trembling? Shit.

  He fired up the truck’s engine and reversed back from the curb.

  “What, no answer?” Damned if she’d keep apologizing.

  When the truck pulled to a stop at the next intersection, he faced her.

  “You received fair warning, sub. We’d give you room to get to know us, to see what made us tick, to explore the levels of a Dom/sub relationship. Our one demand outside of the bedroom—that you obey us on your safety—was non-negotiable.” Flynn grabbed her chin, his fingers cool and firm. “You defied us. Time you learn the consequences of underestimating your Doms.” Flynn dropped his hand, checked the road, and gunned the truck’s engine.

  Buildings shot past her window, but she didn’t see a thing. Consequences? The word seemed laced with danger. She swallowed down a nervous laugh. She needed a battle plan—fast.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ten minutes they’d been driving. Might as well have been a lifetime. Chloe ran a finger under the neck of her sweater, tugging the now itchy wool away from her throat. When had it gotten so tight?

  She slanted a glance to Flynn. He stared ahead, focused, and calm. Too calm. Where was the ranting and cursing? Then at least she could fight back. This quietness, there was something almost lethal about the ease with which he controlled his emotions.

  She fiddled with the cuff of her coat sleeve. It wasn’t as if she’d meant any harm when she’d ignored his order. It was stupid, and in hindsight, she wanted to slap herself silly. Unfortunately, regret never changed history. On that, she was an expert.

  He, of course, had not said another word to her the entire trip. Not that she’d asked any questions. Hell, Flynn’s last words—no, his threat—reverberated in her head, a never-ending aftershock that tormented her. That room, that shadowy erotic room where they’d spanked her until she’d screamed in pleasure, would they take her there?

  Sweet Nelly, wetness coated her pussy with the proof of her arousal.

  She rolled her eyes. How pitiful could she get? Trent was out there, lurking. Why wasn’t she bolting the doors, barring the windows, or making plans to get the hell out of town? And there was her proof. Noah and Flynn were a distraction, a sexy, challenging distraction, but still, one she couldn’t submit to, not long-term.

  Out her passenger window, the ranch house shot up all too close. The truck skidded over the paved drive, pulling to a sharp stop right outside the front entry.

  Noah stood at the top of the stairs, tall, arms loose by his sides, a predator one lunge away from taking its prey.

  His face was a detached mask, not one flicker of anger visible. That made no sense. He had to be furious. What was it with these SAS guys? Who Dares React Loses?

  Chloe gripped her bag in front of her chest, her fingers digging into the serviceable mock leather. Protection against the threatening storm. Right. A panicked laugh bubbled up her throat. Some protection.

  She scrambled to undo her seat belt and open the passenger door. Noah was there, one hand curving around her waist before she could get a foot on the ground.

  His other hand fisted in her hair, holding her still as he kissed her with a desperation that shocked her. His tongue plunged into her mouth. She gripped his shoulders. Hard muscles bunched under her fingers. He pulled her head back, deepening their kiss, demanding more.

  Then the pressure eased, his lips no longer on hers. She opened her eyes and froze at the steely determination forged in his face.

  The instinct for self-preservation kicked in. She rushed to get her words out.

  “Noah, if you’ll just listen to me. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

  “But you did, little sub.” He slid her off the seat and over his shoulder before she could draw a breath.

  “Noah, stop! This is ridiculous.”

  As if he’d listen to reason. The thuds of two pairs of boots on the polished wooden floor were the only sound before the loud clunk of the front door closing.

  She braced her hands on Noah’s lower back and lifted her head. If she could catch sight of someone…The ranch house seemed deserted. Only Flynn, who, with his shoulders back, eyes sharp, and nostrils flared, radiated the focused power of a prizefighter entering the ring.

  “Where’s Gretchen?” Surely the woman would come to her rescue.

  “Mike’s lonely, in need of her company and her Toll House cookies. He plans to stay that way for some time. Don’t count on her to come to your rescue.” Noah headed up the stairs.

  She grunted as he took the last few steps two at a time.

  “Sorry, sweetie. I’m in a hurry to get this underway.” He patted her backside—hard.

  His long stride carried them down the hallway, past that door and kept going until he reached her, no, their bedroom at the end of the hall.

  “Just what is this, Noah? You and Flynn think you can strip me down and spank me into obeying your every command. I said I was sorry. I meant every word. That should be enough.”

  “She was so much quieter in the truck.” Flynn’s bemused tone scratched her nerves raw.

  “Listen up, buddy,” she griped, “you can…oomph.”

  Noah dropped her none too gently on the center of the bed. She bounced once before the men were on top of her, removing her shoes and clothes despite her struggles.

  “Hey, no, get your hands off of me!” She landed one good hit against Noah’s shoulder before he captured her wrists.

  “Quiet. You don’t give the orders.” Flynn dragged her bra straps down her arms. Working as a team, he and Noah had her naked in seconds.

  “I’ll be as loud as I want to, Sir.” She was going to sub hell, anyway. Might as well earn the ride.

  Noah’s features darkened to a thundercloud. Yep, one way ticket—express shuttle.

  Noah flipped her onto her stomach. A face full of comforter blinded her. Air whooshed out of her lungs, and she dragged in a deep breath. Firm hands pulled her arms behind her. The padded weight of leather cuffs encircled her wrists. A few tugs and she was restrained.

  Naked and panting, she twisted her face to the side. The wash-softened denim of Noah’s shirt dominated her view. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Silence greeted her demand. Her body swayed against the mattress as the men rose from the bed. She huffed and twisted around to sit up, the silky cover of the comforter leaving her less than coordinated.

  Not that it mattered. Neither man spared her a glance as they removed their shirts and boots. Their jeans stayed zipped. Good.

  She needed a clear head to have any hope against these two Doms. Men, hard men, who’d battled wits against deadly opponents on a daily basis. She gulped. Piece of cake.

  “It doesn’t take a genius to work out you guys have some evil plan to make me pay for disobeying Flynn. Before you start and waste all of our time, why don’t I tell you the various way
s each of you can shove it up your ass?”

  Noah’s slow smile screamed danger louder than a tornado siren. She shivered.

  “Oh, we’ll be shoving something up an arse, luv, but it won’t be ours. That I guarantee.” His gaze licked over her in long sweeps.

  Chloe sucked in a breath. They planned to take her there―tonight. She felt her nipples harden as her bottom clenched, hungry for their claim.

  Lord, how she wanted Noah and Flynn to make love to her, possess her, together. She squirmed against the comforter, crossing her thighs, increasing the pressure on her clit. It wasn’t enough, not nearly enough to―


  “Hey!” Chloe snarled at Flynn. His hand stamped her thigh with a pink hue.

  Flynn leaned in, his nose an inch from hers. “Never forget your pleasure is at our discretion. Same with punishment.”

  Right. Punishment. She’d forgotten that last part.

  Noah swooped and gathered her up in his arms. Seconds later, he was sitting on the padded chest at the end of the bed and she, over his lap, was staring at the carpet.

  “Hey, no, wait!” Her heart galloped, threatening to charge out of her chest. With her hands cuffed behind her, one wiggle too many and she’d topple to the floor.

  Noah’s cool hand gripped her side, anchoring her to his lap. A comfort…of sorts.

  “I don’t think so. That’s been our problem. We’ve waited too long.”

  “Too long? It’s been five freaking days. Am I supposed to give up years of taking care of myself and making my own decisions to obey your every whim? Hell, you don’t expect much, do you?”

  “Enough that you’d trust us to keep you safe.” Flynn’s hard voice echoed next to her ear, his jeans visible as he crouched beside her. His hand gripped her nape, Dom firm. When he held her that way…her stiff limbs melted to jelly.

  She ached for the rub of his finger against her clit. What a fraud she was. All that hissing and spitting but the proof of their power was in the wetness now covering both her thighs.


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