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Chloe's Double Draw [King's Bluff, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 23

by Fiona Archer

  “Look at me, sub.”

  Damn, if she didn’t raise her head and look right into Flynn’s eyes.

  “We demanded one thing from you, Chloe. Obey us when it comes to your safety. And you agreed. You gave us your word. Nobody asked you to bow to our every command. Don’t you ever throw out unfounded accusations again.”

  As Flynn spoke, Noah traced a line down her spine, his fingernail a razor on her oversensitive skin.

  “I made a stupid mistake. I’ve apologized. Why can’t you let it drop?” Enough of this shit. This was her life. Her life.

  Flynn’s grip tightened on her nape. “What happens tomorrow when you decide you don’t need to mind us and place yourself in danger? This has nothing to do with shaming you. It’s about you trusting us enough to submit to our protection.”

  She caught the spark in his eyes just before his lips crashed against hers. It was a hard, grinding kiss of a man staking his claim. His tongue forced its way past her lips, sweeping her mouth. Caught up in his power, she lost herself, tilting her head, allowing him greater access.

  At last, he lifted his head and released his grip. She ran a tongue over her lips, plump and bruised after his kiss. What was that in his eyes, satisfaction? She didn’t have the gall to deny him that truth.

  Noah pushed his hand between her legs, forcing them apart. His fingers slid with embarrassing ease along the outer folds of her pussy.

  She hung her head.

  “Sweetie, your pussy comes to life when you’re restrained. I love that about you.”

  “It’s just sex, Noah, nothing more. I can’t help it if you push my kink buttons. Don’t read more into it than it deserves.”

  His fingers stilled then withdrew. Her pussy clenched at the loss. Two fingers trailed her wetness over the globes of her bottom.

  “We’ll have to show you how wrong you are. But that’s for later. Your arousal, while interesting, is not the focus here. This is punishment. Your count is ten,” Noah said.



  “Owww. That hurt, you freaking Vegemite-eating bastard!”

  “It’s called punishment for a reason. No count? We’ll start again.”

  Smack! Smack!

  “Two…Sir.” Her bottom was on fire. She struggled to take in air. Jesus, how much had Noah held back at her last spanking?


  Smack! Smack!

  “F–Four, Sir.” Her voice wobbled. Tears clouded her vision.

  By ten, tears dripped off her chin. Burning pain radiated out over her bottom, scorching her skin.

  “All over, little sub.” Noah rubbed the small of her back. “I don’t relish disciplining you, Chloe, but Flynn and I won’t compromise on your safety. If that means tanning your arse red, then that’s how it rolls. We love you, sweetheart.” His sigh blew out over her heated flesh. “We can’t lose you.”

  His voice, craggy with emotion, pierced through the hot haze of her discomfort. For the first time she heard the pain in his voice. This wasn’t masculine pride talking. This was the man who loved her.

  Flynn lifted her face, smoothing back the tangle of hair stuck to her wet cheeks. “When I got into the library and you weren’t there—” He broke off and closed his eyes. The hard lines of his face etched with unspoken fear.

  Oh, Lord, what had she done?

  Shame engulfed her, searing her soul with the truth of her selfishness. She’d meant no harm. True. Neither had she considered the consequences of taking such a risk. The panic they must have endured, knowing Trent was in town. Flynn, Noah, Quinn, everyone, they’d all put their safety on the line to protect her. And she’d thrown that concern back in their faces. If one of them had been hurt defending her…

  She broke. Sobs wracked her body. The crushing weight of her guilt stole the last vestige of her resistance. She hung limply over Noah’s legs.

  Strong arms lifted her to sit on Noah’s lap. She cuddled against his chest, craving the warm haven of his arms, the throb of her abused bottom an afterthought. All that mattered was getting closer to her men.

  “I’m s–so sorry. I was j–just thinking of myself.” She hiccupped in a breath. “I mean, I d-didn’t know Trent was…was here. But that doesn’t count. I shouldn’t have left the library.”

  Flynn sat down beside Noah. He pulled her legs across his lap, running his hands over her knees and shins. “Chloe, you understand now why we punished you?”

  She guessed why he asked. “Yes, I promise, it won’t happen again. You guys are in charge of my safety. I’ll obey you. When it comes to that…safety, I mean.”

  Noah lifted her chin, the blue indigo of his eyes blazing with a fierceness that made her pussy clench. “You’ll obey us on much more before this night is over, luv.”

  Against his firm grip, she shook her head. “Hang on, I promised to obey you on issues of safety. That’s where it ends.”

  “No, that’s where it begins, Chloe.” Flynn’s tone was hard, uncompromising. His hands encircled her ankles, so like the leather cuffs trapping her wrists behind her. A flutter of excitement danced over her body.

  “What do you mean? I won’t be a full-time sub. I make my own choices.”

  “Yes, you do, like the choice to trust. Do you trust us?”

  “Of course I do, Flynn. Didn’t we just establish that fact?”

  “No, if anything we highlighted the fact you’re afraid to trust us. You want to. Hell, we see it in your eyes when you cuddle up to us at night. You’re like a stray kitten who’s found a new home and wants so much to be a part of the family, but you’re scared if you do one thing wrong, you’ll get kicked back out into the cold.”

  Flynn leaned close, his body heat warming her naked flesh. “What is it, Chloe? What secret are you running from? What fear keeps you from committing to us?”

  Panic twisted her gut, sharp and vicious enough to steal her breath.

  She’d been so careful, forcing a distance between her and these amazing men, and until last night, never allowing herself to think of her time with them in terms of forever. All for what? They’d smashed through her barriers. How had she let that happen?

  “We’re not having this discussion.” She struggled in Noah’s arms. His hold on her, once a haven, was now like the bars of a cage closing in on her, squeezing the life out of her lungs.

  Flynn’s grip on her ankles turned manacle hard.

  Noah shook his head. “That’s where you’re wrong, sub. You need to take a deep breath. We’re going to ride this one out until you’ve shared whatever secret cripples our chance of a future together.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic, Noah.” Her laugh was harsh, forced. “Just accept not every woman wants forever.” Her soul ripped at the lie, but what choice did she have?

  “Ah, but Chloe, you’re a forever kind of girl.” Noah moved his hand from her chin to trace his fingers over her breasts. Circling a nipple, he pinched the bud.

  She trembled at the sweet sensation.

  “We’ve come too far, Chloe. There’s no way we’ll let you crawl back into your shell and slink away.”

  “It’s been five days, Flynn, hardly a lifetime.” Five glorious, wonderful days. She turned her head to the doorway, unable to meet the challenge in their faces. “I was straight with you from the start. I told you sex was all I had to offer, all I wanted.”

  Flynn snorted. “Straight with us? You’ve got to be kidding.” His gaze, flinty hard, never left hers as he spoke to Noah. “Enough of this shit, Noah. Time we call her out.”

  “I’m going to give you one last chance to tell us of your own accord,” Noah cautioned, pinching her nipple. “Be warned, you’ll pay dearly for holding back.”

  “Whatever I choose to tell you about my life is my business. Now un-cuff me so I can get the hell out of here.” Chloe bucked, desperation lending her new strength. Twisting her body, she rammed her heel deep into Flynn’s thigh.

  Not even a grunt of pain. Bastard.

  “You’re not going anywhere. Not tonight or any other time. Get used to that, sweetheart.” Flynn stood, moved to the side of the bed, and bent down. He returned with a set of ankle cuffs, each with a small length of chain attached.

  “What’s the matter, Flynn, hurt you, did I?” Held tight and backed into a corner, she lashed out in the only way possible.

  “Hardly. You’ll hurt yourself thrashing around. I’m chaining your ankles to the bench. That way you’ll sit nice and safe and answer our questions.”

  Noah spread his thighs wide and set her in between, her back to his front. Her kicks proved futile. Noah pressed down on her thighs while Flynn grabbed her ankles and strapped on the cuffs. Each chain clipped to the D-ring attached to the base of the chest.

  Had those hook things been there all the time? Why hadn’t she seen them before? What other kinky tricks did they have around the room? Hell, did she even want to know?

  She dipped her head, heat dancing across her cheeks as warm air caressed her folds.

  Noah’s arms encircled her waist, pressing her bound arms against his torso. “There now, much better. You’re cuffed and chained and there’s not a damn thing you can do to fight us.” His threat, combined with the rough scrape of his chin on her shoulder—she loved that he had stubble by late afternoon—sent a wave of moisture to her pussy.

  “Your bedside manner could use a little work. Aren’t you supposed to reassure me?”

  Noah’s hand skimmed down her belly. One finger swirled around the hood of her clit. Up, around, down…but never touching the swollen bundle of nerves. She squirmed as much as his firm grip allowed. “Don’t lie, sub. You like my manner just fine. And I’m allowing you to get away with far more than I should.” His hand on her hip squeezed hard.

  She caught her breath. Warning received.

  “Band-Aid or twenty questions?” Noah asked.

  She frowned. “What do—”

  “Band-Aid.” Flynn answered, as he grabbed a chair and sat smack damn in front of her open legs. The bulge threatening the seam of his jeans proved his hunger, yet his gaze remained locked on her face.

  “Chloe, we tried this the easy way but you wouldn’t play along. Remember that.” He leaned back in the chair, his long legs stretched out in front of him. “Now this is going to sting, but we won’t let up until all the poison is out.” He sighed and then a deep focus overtook his face, robbing him of any shred of emotion. “What happened the night of Hank Young’s death?”

  Blood rushed to her ears, drowning out the silent scream building in her throat.

  “What do you mean?” Her voice a mere whisper.

  Someone was stroking her side…Noah.

  “Trent and Hank got into a fight. He fell down the stairs. What’s missing?”

  “How di–did you know?”

  Flynn’s gaze narrowed. “We ran a check on you, Chloe. Deep background. After meeting you at the dance, we knew without a doubt that you’d become a part of our lives. You ran for the hills. We needed to have all the facts.” His shrug held no apology. “We’re hard men, have lived with other hard men. Being prepared has kept us alive. It will protect you, too.”

  She swallowed, her mouth dry. They’d investigated her, dug into her private life. Did they—

  “Trent convinced you it was somehow your fault?”

  So they knew. “It was my f–fault.” She bit down on the sob fighting its way out of her mouth. “I killed my stepfather.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The tick of the carriage clock on the nightstand boomed in the stillness of the room.

  “How did you kill him, Chloe?”

  She looked past Flynn, past everything in the room. “I screamed. I’d woken up and Trent wa–was leaning over me…touching me.” Hungry eyes in a cold face. “Hank came into my bedroom.” She gulped in a breath. “He was yelling. Swearing.” “She’s your stepsister, for fuck’s sake.”

  “Hank dragged Trent out to the hall. They argued, shoved each other. I ran out. I tried…I tried to stop them.” Tears ran unchecked down her cheeks. She opened her mouth but no words came out.

  “What happened then?” Noah’s strong arms squeezed her tight, pressing her back against his chest.

  She shook her head and dropped her gaze. No. She refused to go back to that nightmare.

  Flynn gripped her chin, forcing her to look up at him. Determination, not anger, fired his gaze. “All of it, sub. We don’t stop till it’s all out.” He ran a knuckle over her cheek. “You can do this, sweetheart. Let it go. We’re right here with you.”

  Sinking deep into his promise, she breathed in then rushed out the air. After coming so far, there was little point in stopping now.

  “I pushed between them. Trent was behind me. They were at the top of the stairs. I said I was sorry. That I’d panicked. I just wanted them to stop.” She swallowed against the building panic. “Trent screamed his father was a f–fucking pussy. Hank swung at Trent. He almost hit me. I closed my eyes. Put my hands up in front of me and I…Then Hank screamed.”


  “Did you push him away?”

  “I—I don’t think…It was like I ran into him only…my head hit his chin”—she’d had a sore spot the next day, she remembered. But that couldn’t be.

  “If your forehead hit him, did you step forward?”

  She shook her head, then the feeling of Noah’s hands on her shoulders brought back a sensation. “I was shoved. Trent shoved me.”

  A sob choked her.

  Her ankle chains rattled as she tried to kick free. “Please, I can’t. No more.”

  Flynn stood, stepped forward, and kissed her forehead. “Our brave girl.” He moved to the bathroom. She heard water running.

  Noah stroked back the hair from her face. Flynn returned with a washcloth. With a soft touch for such a hard man, he wiped over her face and neck, clearing away her tears. She blinked and then turned her head to face Noah.

  He cupped her cheek and kissed her. Gentle at first, he increased the pressure until she opened her mouth. His tongue swept her mouth before he broke their kiss. The banked heat of his gaze promised more—later.

  “I’m proud of you, sweetheart.” Noah ran his thumb over her bottom lip.

  She blinked. “Why?”

  “You faced down a horrible memory. Plus, you recalled something important.”

  She nodded. “The shove from behind.” Lightness invaded her body, boosting her like she was being carried away by a bunch of helium balloons. She wasn’t a killer. “Trent pushed me. I didn’t push Hank. Trent pushed me.”

  And set me up. One by one those balloons popped. She clenched her jaw. He’d let her think…for all these years he’d let her think…

  And it was no accident.

  “Right after it happened he told me not to worry. I was to keep quiet. He said the cops wouldn’t believe I’d tripped and pushed Hank by accident. He’d take care of everything.” She choked out a sob. Bile dredged up her throat. “I believed him. I was so scared.”

  “He’ll pay, Chloe.” Noah’s flat tone sent chills racing up her spine. She glanced at Flynn, his face carved from stone.

  “Do you believe me, Flynn?” A quiver shot over her stomach as she waited. It mattered, so much.

  Flynn’s mouth softened its harsh line. “Never doubted you for a minute, luv.”

  Noah’s voice was gentle. “We wish you’d trusted us and shared this earlier, but we understand this wasn’t easy for you. The point is you’ve shared now. You can start healing emotionally and we can move on.”

  Chloe’s gaze pinballed between the two men. “When Anita told me Trent had left her and wanted me, I had to run. It wasn’t easy starting over again, moving to a strange town, wondering if your future could be ripped out of your hands at any moment.”

  Flynn rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and sighed. “Honey, we’re ex-special forces. You don’t have to tell us about the fear of not reaching tomorrow. It c
omes down to trust. Noah and I trusted our fellow soldiers to work as a team and stood by our training. Now we’ll make our own team. The three of us.”

  “So we’re okay now? Everything’s cleared?”

  “No.” Flynn stared back, unmoving.

  “No?” Her pulse raced. They weren’t finished?

  “Time’s up. Now you learn what your Doms expect of you. No more confusion, no lies. We’ve shown you what we have together. Tonight we’re going to take it further, show you what we will give you—and what you will give us in turn.”

  She licked her lips. “Another punishment? Flynn, I can’t go through another spanking.”

  “Address me in the proper manner, sub.”

  Her belly dropped. That voice, so low and commanding. “Sir, I can’t, I mean, please, I can’t handle another spanking.”

  Slowly, Flynn reached out and cupped her chin. She blinked against the uncompromising set of his face. “We’ll never give you more than you can handle. Trust in your Doms to give you what you need.” He dropped his hand and picked up the chair, setting it back under the writing desk.

  The broad expanse of his back blocked her view of the desk’s surface. What was that tinkle noise? Then something metallic dragged over the desk…a chain…no, something lighter. A heavy necklace?

  Noah scraped his chin against her shoulder. She shivered at the rough caress. “Never fear us, little one.” One hand cupped her breast, testing its fullness. “You have gorgeous breasts, sweetie, full, heavy.” He pinched the nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.

  She rose up, arched her back, and panted through the burn. The pressure never ceased—delicious and hot—pushing her into that dark zone of erotic pain.

  “In the beginning, I wondered if I was too commanding for you. I demand obedience, trust, and honesty. All these things you’ve given in small measure, not enough to satisfy my Dominant instincts. Then I catch the glaze of your eyes, the way you bite your lip when you’re fighting the burn, like now. I live for those moments, Chloe. They tell me you’re the submissive for me, for us,” Noah said.

  She closed her eyes. Her head fell back against Noah’s chest.


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