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Page 7

by Jordan Silver

  “Am I hurting you my sweet?” His words were at my ear. I felt the heat of his chest against my back. I shook my head no not wanting to lose that beautiful contact.

  One of my hands came up to cover one of his, holding it closer against me. His taking me this way made him feel larger which was unimaginable. The way he came into me it was as if he would reach my very depths.

  I’d heard the stories of his prowess of course, but nothing could’ve prepared me for the reality of him. But that wasn’t why I was here now, being plowed by the king, hoping to have my belly full with his child before long.

  My husband that fool had gone and died before fathering a child on me. Not that had he lived things would’ve been different. But if I wanted to have any say in my future, I have to have a child. It’s the only way to secure my future and not be used as a pawn again at my father’s whim.

  That was the reason I’d given myself for seeking him out, but I knew there was more than that. Had I always wanted this? Had I hoped for this? The answer was a resounding yes. The child was just the excuse I’d used to get what I wanted. Though I did crave a child of his loins, it was this, this closeness that I wanted most. To know just this once, what it meant to be loved by the man of my heart.

  Chapter 11

  King Julian


  I’d run from my bed before the light of dawn had pierced my windows. All night she’d tormented my dreams. My cock was so hard when I awoke that even my trusty hand had been no use. It was a risk yes, but in that moment I didn’t care. All that mattered was getting to her, inside her.

  Now here I am driving into her uncontrollably as her sweet flesh clutched at me with need. “This is mine.” I was happy, elated that no one else had ever had her. I walked that edge of danger in my mind again. The lines were blurred.

  Suddenly I couldn’t wait to get her with child. Couldn’t wait to see her body ripen with my seed. My thoughts raged on as I slammed into her with force. The more I fucked her sweet cunny the more I wanted. Madness overtook me and I bit into her flesh giving no thought to the marks I was sure to leave and the need to explanation.

  I emptied inside her until my body felt drained and barely had enough strength left to take us both down to our sides so that I didn’t squash her slighter form beneath mine.

  We laid thus until our breathing evened out and my heart was no longer in danger of racing out of my chest. I let my hands feel her all over as my rod stayed lodged inside her, experiencing the final throbbing of her quim as she drew the last of my seed from my poor man’s flesh.

  “Once more my pet.” I took her that way, laying on our sides with my rod going in and out of her from behind, her plump titties held firmly in my large hands as she pushed her body back into mine until we reached fulfillment together again.

  I slid from her body most reluctantly as the sun begun to rise in the sky outside the window.

  “I must go before the servants begin to stir.” I turned her face to mine and kissed her with all the newfound passion before slipping from her bed and out of her room.


  For the next fortnight she came to my bed. Sometimes I’d neglect my court and spend the day locked away with her. Our liaisons were heated and wild and I fucked my dear sister in law like a wild stag. I do love a good cunny and hers was the finest in the land. I couldn’t get enough of her or she me.

  No matter how much time I spent inside her, how many times I spilled my seed in her fecund womb it was never enough. It would take more than once, sometimes three or four times before I could finally leave the warmth of her body and her bed. She held me enthralled, so that she was my first thought each morn and my last at night.

  We didn’t share much beyond the bedchamber, except for yesterday when she’d joined me on the hunt, which turned into another fucking when I steered her away from the rest of the hunting party and took her behind a copse of trees by a secluded pond.

  We didn’t say much in public not wishing to give ourselves away. But when we were alone in bed together, wrapped around each other, we shared much. I have found her to be a most excellent partner and it bothered me that I might one day soon have to give her up. The thought was unbearable.

  A king must marry for advancement, whether it be for a treaty of peace, more wealth or lands, the people will expect it. I had no desire to ever put on the trappings of marriage.

  I could make this child of ours my heir. I could take her as my mistress. I’ve been giving it much thought. But it would be remiss of me to let the truth of our dalliance be known.

  Not that it hasn’t been done before, but I would not do that to her. I will not make her the brunt of innuendo and vile gossip. Yet I regretted more and more the thought of everyone thinking my child was my brother’s. But what was to be done?

  In any case she was very well composed when out and about the palace grounds and within the court, but behind my closed chamber doors was another matter.

  It was easy keeping our trysts secret. Since she still occupied my dead brother’s rooms, which adjoined mine, her comings and goings were well hidden. If anyone wondered at my many absences they would do well to keep their wonderings to themselves.

  As I sat on the throne perusing the room, I saw lady Georgina flitting about with much gaiety and could only surmise that she had found some unsuspecting young fool on whom to bestow her charms. I had since learned her game, again through palace intrigue and gossip. But she was no longer of any consequence to me.

  I beckoned my sister Lillian to me and she came with a smile, much revived these last few days. In between bouts of breeding Cecile I had spent some time with my sister and my attentions seemed to have brought her out of her melancholy.

  “And how are you this evening little princess?” She curtsied prettily and beamed at me. “I have a favor to ask my lord.” Uh-oh, I wonder what treasure she would ask from distant lands. Like every female throughout time the princess was known to lose her head over something as simple as silk ribbon.

  There was a ship just docked and the ladies were all atwitter. “Yes?” I smiled at her indulgently and indicated that she should sit on the throne beside me. No one had sat there since I had when my sire was alive.

  “I wish to marry.”

  “You what?” My cup of wine was stopped halfway to my lips as I stared at her in surprise. Bloody hell she was of age. Where had the time gone?

  “And who pray tell does my sister wish to marry? Do you not know that it is the duty of your brother the king to find you a match?” Not that I was in any hurry to do so. The thought never even crossed my mind.

  “Your trusted friend, lord Nicholas.”

  I had been ready to deny her no matter who she named, but hearing his name fair near gave me an attack of the vapors.

  I searched the room for my ex friend. If he had laid one hand on her I would take his head. “Go to your chamber.”

  “But Jul….”

  “Now, I will deal with you later.”

  She fled the hall in tears and that bloody knave’s eyes followed her before turning to me. With anger! I did not need to tell him to follow me as I left the throne in a huff of anger.

  As soon as the door to my chambers closed behind us I swung at him. “You dare?” He wiped blood from his lip but did not retaliate. It would not be the first time we’d indulged in fisticuffs but that hadn’t occurred since I’d become king and then only in jest.

  “I dare what? What is it that you accuse me of?”

  “You seduced my sister. I should run you through right now and be done with it you bloody knave.”

  “I did no such thing.” I watched his face. I can always tell when the bastard is lying, and he wasn’t now.

  “How did this happen? I had no idea you two had occasion to become that closely acquainted that she would think of marriage to you. What exactly happened on the way here when I sent you after her?”

  “It has been going on for a while. It started after Frede
rick’s death. You were so busy dealing with other things and I found her in the gardens one day crying her little heart out. I sat with her and we talked. Since then she has sought me out at every turn.”

  “I should’ve discouraged her, but I found that I liked her company. She’s rather delightful.” The ass grinned and backed away.

  “You encouraged her you mean.” The sod.

  “No, no I didn’t. But the more time we spent together the more I came to adore her. I would never have asked for her hand in marriage out of respect for you. I know you have to marry her off to some foreign prick.” His hands fisted until he got ahold of himself and relaxed them again.

  “What are you saying Nicholas?” He moved around the room and for the first time I saw my friend as a man and not just the friend who had stood by my side through hell.

  “I’m in love with her.” He held up his hand before I could form a reply. “Before you say anything I know I can’t have her.”

  “Nicholas not more than a fortnight ago you were inviting me to bed two women with you.” He hung his head and turned to leave.

  “As I said, I know it’s impossible. But know this, no one will ever love or care for your sister the way I do.” I let him leave because there was nothing to say.

  Contrary to what he thinks I had no plans to marry my sister off to strengthen my ties with the neighboring monarchies. I have no interest in such things. Our sire had wed our mother for love and I will give her the same, but not Nicholas. I knew too much about him, we’d shared too much. And no matter what he says there’s no way he could change, and if he hurt her I’d be forced to kill him.

  I paced my rooms well into the night, my mind in turmoil, until I felt her presence behind me. I turned to look at her and my pain was eased.

  That now familiar feeling, hit me in the gut. Instead of waning, the lust I felt for her only grew stronger the more I had her. “Come.” I held my hand out to her and folded her into my arms when she came to me. “You’re troubled my lord.” She has come to know me so well, my moods my needs.

  “No, it’s nothing for you to worry about. How are you feeling?” It was too early she had told me, to know if she carried my seed, but each night I asked her all the same. I wasn’t sure what I dreaded more. That she would one day soon give me the news that she was with child, or that she wasn’t.

  One would keep her in my bed longer, but disappoint her; the other would end our union. Tonight I had no answers to anything it seemed, and there was only one thing for me to do.

  “I need you.” I wasn’t as careful as I usually was with her when I stripped the robe and nightdress from her. I was even less gentle when I threw her back against the end of the bed and buried my head between her thighs.

  “Ohhh.” Her cry of pleasure as she dug her nails into my scalp told me that she didn’t mind being handled so roughly. I pushed her legs back and held them high as I growled at her taste on my tongue.

  I didn’t stay long feasting at her cunny, but instead threw her to her hands and knees and drove into her, sinking my length into her all at once. I wrapped a hand in her hair and fisted as I pounded her harder than I ever had.

  She tore at the sheets but did not complain and her body’s juices made the way easy for my cock to rummage inside her. I pounded into her without mercy, taking out my frustrations on her much tinier form.

  “Forgive me.” I chanted the words over and over as I plowed my member into her depths forcefully. I marked her flesh, just where the others were now fading. Biting into her neck while she bucked beneath me and cried out her release.

  I moved us both up the bed and wrapped my arms around her. “Won’t you tell me what ails you my lord?”

  “No.” I turned her to her back and slipped inside her again.

  “Say my name.”

  “Julian.” I covered her mouth with mine and made sweet love to her until we were both spent. “Tonight you stay in my bed sweet Cecile.”

  Chapter 12

  King Julian


  The next day I made my way to my sister’s rooms. She was still abed and none too happy with me. “I do not wish to be bothered your majesty.” She turned her little face to the wall and I could not help but smile at the memory of the many times she’d done this same thing in the past.

  “So it’s to be like that is it?” I sat on the bed next to her and tried to find the right words to break a young girl’s heart gently.

  “You cannot have him.” She said nothing, but pulled the covers closer around her, shutting me out. “There are things here you may not understand little sister, things from which I would shield you.”

  “I know all about Nicholas’ past, I care not. I know of my brother’s as well, shall I hate you as well?”

  “It is not the same.” What does she mean she knows? I’ll have the tongue of whoever has been filling her head with things she ought know nothing of?

  “Nothing you say will change my mind or my heart. We love each other. It is not fair that we cannot be together because of your say. I wish I had never been born.”

  “Do not say such things. If I did not have you I would have no one.” Even as I said the words Cecile’s face came into my mind, but now was not the time.

  I’d kept her in my bed until daybreak. Only then did I carry her back to her rooms to sleep off the night’s excess. If she wasn’t breeding after last night’s hours of hard unencumbered fucking I would be much surprised.

  I put away thoughts of her and I rolling around on my bed in delight and concentrated once more on the sister who was doing her best to make me daft.

  I listened to her scathing words and the curses she heaped upon my head with patience. No matter what I said she did not give an inch. That’s the Aguilon pride and stubbornness at play.

  I left her rooms with nothing resolved and a very angry little sister on my hands. I should find Nicholas and run him through with my sword but from what she’d said while she ranted and raved at her king, the other man had done nothing to encourage her.

  From what I could gather in between her tears and invectives, he had simply sought to console the young sister of his friend.


  For the next two days I had a battle on my hands. Lillian had taken to her bed indefinitely and the latest from her maid was that the hardheaded little miss refused to take sustenance of any kind.

  I had avoided Nicholas these last days but refused to allow him to leave court until I had resolved what was to be done about the mess he’d made for me.

  “Wessex where the hell are you?” I went to his rooms early the morning of the fourth day to put an end to the whole mess. He was in his rooms, alone for a change.

  “Your majesty.” The condescending bastard! “Get dressed we’re going on the hunt.” He quirked his brow and folded his arms.

  “If I wanted to end your miserable life I wouldn’t use the guise of a hunt to do it. I’d just take your head off in the middle of the hall and be done with it.” I left him and went back to my rooms to get ready.

  A good hunt always cleared my head and with all the uproars around here it would certainly do me good. Apart from Lillian’s theatrics, lady Georgina seemed bent on causing havoc in my court with her wiles and wagging tongue.

  I am this close to having her sire remove her, but I found it hard to farther damage the reputation of one so young; especially since it was because of me, and my treatment of her, that she was acting in this way.

  She had taken to flaunting her charms among all and sundry, only to leave the poor sods who had found themselves caught in her web in dire straits. More than one young gallant has been heard to complain of the lady’s predilections. I didn’t have the time to donate to such trivial matters, not when I had a stubborn as a mule female on my hands who was threatening to starve herself to death if I did not give her her way.

  I’d even tried forcing her to eat. I’d ordered, threatened, to no avail. She wouldn’t budge. Poor Cecile had t
ried talking sense into her head but she wasn’t having much more luck than I.

  “I suppose you’ve heard by now that you’ve turned my sister into a shrew.” Those were my first words to Nicholas once he met me at the stables to fetch our horses.

  “Nothing to say you miserable sod?” He was ever a most formidable sort himself when he chose to be. “I have said all I mean to on the subject. You have forbidden me to even attempt being in her presence. I do not see what help I can be to you with that stipulation.” I glared at him because I heard more what he wasn’t saying than what he was.

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

  “What is that your majesty?”

  “For me to allow you access to her again.”

  “You have made your feelings on the matter very obvious your majesty, I see no reason for me to even think such a thing.”

  “You call me that one more time I’ll have you hung.” I gave my steed his lead and went on ahead madder than I had been when I awoke this morning. When I calmed down enough to think without all the noise in my head it was clear that he too was suffering.

  He looked drawn, that jovial air I was accustomed to from my friend missing. These last few days my anger has kept me away. In fact, once I’d handled the more pressing matters of the court early in the day, I’d made myself scarce, more often that not seeking out Cecile to spend more time buried between her thighs.

  She was the only thing keeping me tethered in the middle of this storm. It was only at night while she slept from exhaustion that I stayed up long into the wee hours mulling things over and over again in my head.

  Nicholas was the only one I had spared during what I fondly think of as my cleansing period. His family was one of the wealthiest in the land, a strong bloodline that beyond the cursed Whitleys were the only ones who might’ve had any claim to my throne.

  By rights I should’ve ended him with his sire, but I knew Nicholas, and though I had vowed never to trust anyone ever again, it was hard to forget all that my friend had meant to me.


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