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Broken Kingdom : A bad boy college romance (Royal Hearts Academy Book 4)

Page 13

by Ashley Jade

  Licking my lips, I peer up at him. “Make me.”

  In one fell swoop, his hands wrap around my ankles and he tugs hard, forcing me onto my back.

  Whatever retort I had dies in my throat when Oakley kneels between my parted thighs and proceeds to pull down my thong...

  With his teeth.

  I want to pinch myself to make sure I’m not hallucinating because the sight of Oakley on his knees with my panties hanging from his mouth is so fucking hot, I’m surprised we both don’t burst into flames.

  His warm breath gusts between my legs as he sinks his teeth into my inner thigh. “Touch yourself.” I shiver when he sucks the tender skin into his mouth hard enough to leave a mark. “Show me how wet you are for me.”

  I should turn him down. Tell him to go find the girl he brought home to fuck…but I can’t.

  Because even the strongest girls surrender for the right boy.

  My belly clenches as I dip a finger inside my pussy, gathering the moisture on my fingers. I’m so wet it’s almost embarrassing, but the hungry look in Oakley’s eyes makes it worth it.

  Goose bumps break out along my flesh when I remove my now glistening finger and he wraps his mouth around it, licking up my wetness.

  The deep, satisfied groan he emits has my insides coiling with desire.

  “I need more of that.” Blood whooshes in my ears when he dips his head and grunts, “Spread your pussy for me, baby girl.”

  Oh, God. I’m so turned on I can barely see straight.

  I need his mouth on me more than I need my next breath.

  With shaky fingers I do what he asks, feeling more exposed than I’ve ever felt in my whole life.

  His lips hover above the spot I need him…so close yet so far away. “You want my mouth on your pretty cunt.”

  I nod.

  His eyes darken. “Then beg for it.”

  We’re far past the point of playing games, so I concede. “Please.”

  The corner of his mouth curls. “Please what?”

  “Lick my pussy.” I suck in a sharp breath when he kisses my pubic bone. “Make me come, Oakley.”

  Shooting me a punishing smirk, he spits on my exposed flesh.

  Then he stands.

  “Hard pass.” Pure wrath swims in his blue orbs. “I’d rather chop off my motherfucking dick then ever touch your nasty snatch.”

  My heart stops as it becomes painfully clear this was nothing but a cruel joke.

  There’s a shit-eating grin on his face as he heads for the door and it only digs the knife in deeper.

  Despite the way we manage to get under each other’s skin…I honestly thought he cared about me.

  But he doesn’t.

  Hell, he downright hates me.

  Expelling a breath that hurts, I press my hand to my heart.

  I can physically feel what little is left of the organ breaking.

  “I’m nothing more than a punchline to you,” I whisper, my voice cracking as I get off the bed. “A nasty snatch you can taunt and spit on before you toss it aside.”

  Back turned to me, Oakley freezes.

  I feel so vulnerable, so defenseless.

  He filleted me wide open for his enjoyment then left me to bleed out.

  Tears clogging my vision, I continue. “You’re the only one who sees me—the only one in the world who actually gets me—and that’s what you think of me?” I pound on my chest. “I might be flawed and fucked-up, but I’m still a person, Oakley. A person with feelings. Feelings that are hurt because the guy she cares about—the guy she would do anything for— thinks she’s garbage and hates—”

  “I don’t hate you,” he says gruffly.

  I’m about to tell him to stop lying because it’s obvious he does, but I don’t have the chance…because he spins and crashes his mouth against mine.

  Our kiss is the equivalent of fire meeting gasoline…destroying everything around us as he slowly—meticulously—fucks my mouth with his.

  I try to breathe, but it’s useless because he’s siphoning every ounce of oxygen from my body…stealing my heart and soul with every sensual brush of his lips and desperate slide of his tongue.

  Groaning, he snakes his hand between us, cupping me where I’m still wet and aching. “Jesus.”

  He eases me back onto the bed, his thumbs grazing my ribcage as his mouth descends down my body.

  “Don’t tease me again,” I plead because I honestly don’t think I can take it.

  He presses a gentle kiss to my hip while I open for him. “No more teasing.” His hot and hungry gaze lingers on my pussy as he glides his knuckle down my slit. “So fucking pretty.”

  The first stroke of his tongue is so sudden—so greedy—I jolt and nearly fall off the bed.

  His hands press down on my open thighs, pinning me to the mattress as he feasts on me like a man deprived of food.

  My body tightens like a fist when he latches on to my clit, suckling and pulling the sensitive bud with a cadence that has me pulsing violently underneath him.

  I dig my nails into his scalp as ripples of pleasure shoot through me like tiny fireworks. “Oh, God.”

  His gaze darkens as he peers up at me. “Look at me when you come.”

  It’s the only warning I get before he attacks my clit, finding a rhythm that has my thighs quivering and my mind spinning.

  My orgasm is so fast, so powerful, it robs me of breath and sends everything around me spiraling. A strangled, broken sound leaves me as I stare down at him while he draws every drop of pleasure from my body like a dedicated musician playing his favorite instrument.

  Emotion clogs in my throat. There was no hiding from Oakley—no withdrawing—no escaping.

  He took and I gave.

  The sound of him lowering his zipper buzzes in my ears.

  And then he’s hovering above me, the tip of his dick nudging my entrance. “I want to fuck you.”

  Nerves bunch in my belly as I debate whether or not I should tell him.

  But that’s stupid I soon realize because of course I have to tell him.

  There’s no way he won’t know.

  I start to speak…but something strange passes in his gaze.

  “You’re not…” His expression twists in confusion, as though I’m a puzzle he’s trying to work out, but can’t. “Bianca, are you a virgin?”

  I can’t lie to him.

  “A little,” I whisper.

  Closing his eyes, he drops his head.

  “It’s not a big deal,” I say quickly.

  I want it to be him.

  It needs to be him.

  Blowing out a breath, he cups my cheek. “You were right before. I do see you.” Before I can stop him, he eases off me. “And you deserve more than this.”

  With that…he takes off.

  And I lie there hating myself for holding on to something that pushed him away.

  A small gasp leaves me when I feel a warm, wet feather touch glide over my pussy.

  For a moment, I think I’m having another flashback, but after my eyes adjust to the darkness, I realize that’s not possible because I’m in Stone’s bed.

  And he’s under the covers…with his head between my legs.


  A bolt of pleasure generates inside me when his tongue finds my clit and he gives it a tentative flick.

  However, just as I’m starting to enjoy myself, his mouth disappears. The pleasure that was building goes poof and I’m left frustrated and confused.

  Stone once confided in me that he didn’t enjoy reciprocating oral because the taste and smell was off-putting to him and it just wasn’t his thing.

  Needless to say, after hearing that, I felt weird ever bringing it up or asking him to go down on me.

  I’m not quite sure why he’s doing it now, but I’m certainly not going to ruin the moment and ask while he’s trying his best to please me.

  His mouth returns to my pussy and he gives my clit another quick exploratory graze.

  I want to tell him he needs to apply some suction and stay there a bit, but I don’t want to make him feel like he’s doing something wrong or discourage him.

  Not that it would matter anyway because he withdraws his mouth again. A moment later his head appears from underneath the sheet and his cock is nestled inside of me.

  “Fuck,” he croaks.

  A weird feeling hits me as he begins thrusting.

  I was sleeping.

  Granted he was trying to take care of me, but isn’t it common courtesy to at least make sure your partner is awake before you take off their pants and go to town?

  Guilt flickers in my chest when I take into account that I was having a sexual memory involving another guy.

  For all I know I might have said something that led Stone to believe I was in the mood and he obliged.

  “You’re so wet for me tonight,” he groans as his thrusts pick up speed.

  Wanting to make it good for him, I wrap my legs tighter around his waist and moan.

  His face screws up and he starts panting. “You feel so good.” A giant shudder moves through his body. “Oh, fuck. Bourne…I’m coming. I’m coming so hard.”

  His lips meet mine in a long kiss as he collapses in a sweaty heap on top of me. “I love you.”

  I trace the curve of his cheek. “I love you, too.”

  Dipping his head, he kisses me again. “Did you come?”

  I give him a small smile. “Yeah.”

  In the past…

  With another man.

  Chapter 19


  “We’re gonna be late,” Stone mutters as he barges through the door of my dorm room.

  “I know,” I tell him. “I just need two more minutes.”

  Ignoring his huff of annoyance, I turn back to the mirror and finish applying my favorite shade of lipstick.

  Tonight we’re having dinner with a few of Stone’s new friends from the premed program he’s in. Given he never went out of his way to make any friends before now, it’s a pretty big deal.

  I quickly give myself a once-over in the mirror. I wanted to be cute but sensible, so I chose a purple off the shoulder sweater dress and paired it with some black leggings and high-heeled boots.

  I can feel Stone’s eyes on me as I put on some silver hoop earrings.

  “Don’t you think that’s a little…you know?”

  “A little what?” I question, not understanding what he means.

  He sweeps a hand up and down, gesturing to my outfit. “Your dress. It’s too short.” His eyes fall to my bare shoulder. “And showing too much skin.”

  I have to stifle a laugh because my dress is pretty tame compared to some of the other articles of clothing hanging in my closet at home. “You’re kidding, right?”

  The terse way his jaw sets tells me he isn’t.

  Visibly irritated, he glances at his watch. “It’s too late to change now. Just wear a jacket.”

  Part of me wants to argue because he’s being ridiculous, but I know it’s only because he’s nervous seeing as he’s not the best at socializing and these new friends of his are important to him.

  Swallowing my annoyance, I snatch a jacket out of my closet and put it on. “Better?”

  He studies me for a long beat before walking over to me.

  I expect him to kiss me and apologize for being an ass, but he brushes his thumb over my lips, smearing my lipstick.

  “I hate when you wear that stupid shit.”

  Before I can protest, he grabs my wrist and charges out the door. “Come on. We’re late.”

  “That’s fascinating,” Ruth exclaims as she takes another bite of her food. “So, how many brain scans have they conducted on you since the accident?”

  Looking down at my plate, I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I suddenly feel like a specimen being studied under a microscope and I hate it.

  “I’m not sure of the exact number, but I’ve definitely had a few,” I murmur, silently praying Stone takes the hint and comes to my rescue.

  Ruth brings her glass of water to her lips. “Well, I’d love to take a look at them one day.”

  For the love of God.

  I force a polite smile. “Sure.”

  Studying me intently, Ruth’s boyfriend Eugene pushes his glasses up his nose. “From my understanding patients with long-term retrograde amnesia don’t always recover.”

  Well, isn’t he just a giant ray of sunshine?

  I stab my Caesar salad with my fork. “Right.”

  Across the table, Stone’s friend Robby clears his throat. “I wouldn’t say it’s impossible, though.” He drums his fingers along his chin. “Although they do say distant memories are the first to return and the most recent ones return last. It’s also been noted in some medical journals that if memories come back, they tend to return within two years.” He looks at me. “How long has it been since the accident?”

  I’m about to answer, but Ruth beats me to it. “Two years.”

  “Technically, it’s been a year and a half,” I correct.

  The three of them exchange a thoughtful glance, as though they’re having a silent conversation about me.

  Holy hell. I came here to meet my fiancé’s new friends, not be evaluated like some kind of lab mouse.

  Aggravated, I squeeze Stone’s hand under the table.

  He drapes his arm around my shoulder. “What do you say we give Bianca a break and talk about something else for a bit?”


  “Sure,” Robby agrees, but I can tell they’re all a tad disappointed about the change in topic.

  “So,” Ruth begins. “When is the big day?”

  I pause mid-bite. “Big day?” I question at the same time Stone says, “August eighteenth.”

  Well, shit.

  “Oh, duh.” I smack my forehead. “Sorry. Crappy memory and all.”

  At that they all laugh.

  Except Stone.

  He pinches my thigh. Hard.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him to stop behaving like a child who’s not getting his way, but part of me feels bad because I know I’ve just embarrassed him in front of his friends.

  “Wow,” Ruth declares. “The wedding is soon.”

  Too soon.

  “I know.” Smiling, Stone kisses my hand. “But we didn’t want to wait another second to start the rest of our lives together.”

  Despite the ball of lead that fills my belly, I return his smile. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I for one, love weddings. They’re so romantic and inspiring. What venue did you guys ch—”

  I don’t hear the end of Ruth’s sentence because panic claws up my throat. Before I can stop myself, I fly out of my seat, desperate for an escape.

  “I’m sorry,” I mutter. “I just remembered I have to make an important phone call.” Thinking quick, I add, “For the wedding.”

  Stone starts to stand up, but I stop him. “It’s okay. Stay here with your friends. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Heart beating double time, I quickly scurry to the first exit I see in the back of the restaurant.

  The moment I’m outside, I draw in a cleansing breath, filling my lungs with the nighttime air.

  It’s just cold feet—I assure myself. Happens to everyone.

  “Are you okay?”

  My head snaps up at the sound of his deep, familiar voice.

  “What are you doing here?”

  It’s been over a week since we last spoke and every time our paths cross on campus, he makes it a point to turn the opposite direction, intentionally avoiding me.

  Leaning against the building, Oakley shrugs one of his broad shoulders and brings what looks like an e-cigarette to his lips. “Escaping.” He angles his head. “What about you?”

  I tell him the truth. “Same.”

  He studies me intently, only unlike Stone’s doctor friends inside, it doesn’t feel like an invasion. “From what?”

  I open my mouth to te
ll him, but think better of it because it’s not okay for him to treat me like I have leprosy one moment and then start prying about my life the next.

  “For someone who wants nothing to do with me you seem awfully curious about my problems,” I point out.

  His tongue finds his cheek. “You’re right.” Disgusted, he examines his e-cigarette. “These things fucking suck.” Without warning, he chucks it across the parking lot. “Enjoy the rest of your night.”

  “Wait,” I call out when he starts to leave. “If you tell me what you’re escaping from out here, then I’ll tell you what I’m escaping from.”

  For a moment he looks like he wants to protest, but to my surprise, he doesn’t. “Fine.” Brushing a strand of dark blond hair away from his eyes, he murmurs, “I was at an AA meeting and a few of the guys wanted to grab a bite to eat after. Everything was chill until they started talking about all the funny shit they did when they were either drunk or high.” He shoves a hand in the pocket of his jeans. “It suddenly occurred to me that the only good memories I have when I wasn’t trashed out of my mind are…” His voice trails off with a shake of his head. “Doesn’t fucking matter.”

  “Are what?” I press, taking a step closer.

  Something passes in his gaze. “With you.”

  His words punch into my heart.

  I’d give just about anything to know what those memories are.

  “I’m so—”

  “Your turn,” he interjects.

  “Well,” I begin, rubbing my damp palms on my dress. “I’m here having dinner with a few of Stone’s friends from the premed program.” I make a face. “Let’s just say they’re way more interested in my amnesia and wedding plans than they are getting to know me.” I look down at my shoes. “Long story short, I had a mini freak-out and came out here because I needed air.”

  I have no idea what to make of the look he gives me.

  The silence stretches between us until the only thing I hear are cars passing in the distance and the pounding of my heart.

  “I feel like I don’t belong anywhere,” I confess after another minute. “Like I’m stuck on the outside looking in on a world I can no longer remember with people who want me to be a certain way…but no matter how hard I try, I’m constantly failing to live up to their expectations.”


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