The Billionaire Boss
Page 3
January had never received a text from him before. She didn’t even know he had her number. And smiled at the realization that now she had his.
Can you make it an hour early instead?
She hesitated. January wasn’t sure how the time would factor in to get to work now that she’d have to take public transportation. I might as well just tell him. She texted back.
I’ll try my best. I’m at the auto shop now. My car conked out on me.
January thought that’d be the end of the conversation.
Which shop?
On P Street. Randy’s Auto Body Shop.
I’ll pick you.
January immediately felt her pulse increase. You don’t have to.
I'll be there in two minutes.
Ariel’s silver Mercedes rolled up shortly afterward. He rolled down the passenger window.
January tried to stay as calm as possible.
“Hey.” Ariel leaned over and opened the passenger door as January walked his way. She felt nervous and excited at the same time.
“Hi. Thanks for the lift.”
“No sweat. I was nearby.”
“It smells like Chinese food in here.” January glanced in the backseat and saw two brown bags.
“I just picked up dinner. I live about three blocks away.” Ariel checked his rear view mirror. “Where do you live?”
January told him her street.
“Do you have a roommate?”
It was the first time he’d asked her a personal question. "I do, but she’s in Jamaica this month, visiting her family.”
Ariel glanced over at her. “Do you want to join me for dinner?”
Ariel Cunningham just asked you to have dinner with him! January tried not to flip out. "Okay.” There was no way he would ask her to eat with him if he weren’t interested.
There was no way she’d turn the sexy billionaire down.
Ariel smiled and January had a vision of the two of them making love.
They sat next to each other at the dining room table, eating cashew chicken.
"This is delicious." January chewed and briefly closed her eyes. "I've never tasted cashew chicken so good before."
“I tend to go to a great place on K Street,” Ariel said, picking up a forkful of noodles. “I find that they use good quality ingredients.”
He rubbed his leg and she wanted to ask him what he was thinking.
“Would you like something to drink?”
January nodded and Ariel got up from the dining room table.
“I’ve got grape juice, lemonade, water, sodas.”
Why not wine? January frowned. “Soda’s fine.” Maybe she’d gotten her hopes up for nothing. Maybe Ariel didn’t want to ravish her in his home.
She looked around. His place was truly amazing. January’s toes had sunk down in the plush carpeting when she’d first walked through his living room, her heels left near the front door. The furniture was tasteful yet modern.
January noticed that Ariel had a good number of paintings on the wall. He hadn’t seemed like the type who liked to collect things.
You’re full of surprises. She’d decided this from the moment she entered his house.
She was so glad she’d mentioned that she was at the auto shop. She would’ve probably been at home watching TV if she’d had kept her mouth shut.
He returned with a can of ginger ale.
January had cleaned her plate while Ariel had only made his way halfway through the food on his plate.
“I take it you’re not a big eater.”
Ariel shifted in his chair. “I’ve just got an appetite for something else.”
Is he flirting with me? Yes.
She exhaled. January couldn’t say she’d ever been properly seduced before.
She felt blood coursing through her body. She was so attracted to this powerful man.
“Thank you for dinner.”
He nodded.
She glanced around. “I like that portrait over there.” January had noticed the portrait from the moment she walked in. It was of a black woman dancing on the grass. Her hips seemed to sway suggestively, her hair cornrowed and neat, the sun glaring overhead.
“Thanks. It’s a friend of mine’s handiwork.”
“Wow. You’ve got some talented friends.”
Ariel smiled. “Yeah, it’s nice to know people who are more creative than I am. It gives me perspective.”
He stood up. “Do you want to take a closer look?”
January followed him to the wall where the portrait hung.
“It really is awesome.”
January admired the lines and colors used in creating the piece. The portrait looked even better up close.
“You’ve got incredibly long eyelashes.”
January turned to Ariel, who watched her with an unexpected intensity.
“Not to mention lovely brown eyes.”
January felt herself blush. “Thank you.”
Kiss me.
Ariel remained still for a moment and January was tempted to tiptoe up toward him and reach for his face.
But he moved toward her. She smelled his cologne—musky and sexy―and felt the heat of his skin before they’d even locked lips.
She closed her eyes with expectation and Ariel’s lips were soon touching hers. His tongue slipped into her mouth and January welcomed it.
She moaned with pleasure when he wrapped his strong arms around her.
January admitted to herself that she’d wanted this from the first time she’d laid eyes on Ariel. She wanted to feel his hot body and taste his luscious lips. She was drawn to him as a moth to a flame. And for now, January didn’t care about being burned.
Chapter Nine
“I don't think you are aware of how beautiful you are January.” Ariel pulled back and looked at her with lust-filled eyes.
January felt desirable. How could she not—with a man as disarmingly sexy as Ariel wanting to get closer. And he wasn’t just about looks. He had money. He had prestige. He had intelligence and a sexy body. He was the perfect package.
And now I get to have his package. January smiled, thrilled. She was so glad the other places she’d applied to hadn’t called her back. Because honestly, she would’ve accepted work at the first place that had.
Ariel pulled her closer. She could feel the heat of his breath. He slid his tongue into her waiting mouth and she moaned. His breath tasted like peppermint.
They kissed, whether it was for a few seconds or a minute, January wanted more. She could’ve kissed Ariel forever.
She felt nervous, but she wanted more of him. He made her feel emotions no man had before. Ariel made her feel like exploring him and being a vessel for his own exploration.
But January was anxious. She’d never been intimate with a man before. She’d held back from having sex with her ex-boyfriend, and January was sure that was the main reason he’d dumped her ass.
She didn’t want to lose Ariel.
Do you have him?
Maybe she didn’t, not yet.
The athletes on campus had women throwing themselves at them left, right, and center. Her pretty face and a dynamic personality only kept her ex interested for so long. But it hadn’t been enough when vagina was being thrown at him. There might as well have been vagina parties for athletes. It was so easily available. January herself had witnessed it firsthand.
Now she realized that despite the “I love you” to her ex, she never loved him during their four-month relationship. Maybe that’s why she’d held back.
But she was…almost consumed by Ariel. She'd fallen in love with him almost immediately. He made her feel desirable and vulnerable all at once.
He heisted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His stomach felt flat as a washboard.
"Are you ready?"
“Yes,” she said, all breathy.
Ariel w
alked her back to his bed and tossed her down.
January giggled. She liked his aggressiveness. Ariel was strong physically and mentally. She was ready for him.
January was certain Ariel was an experienced man and he would know how to make her feel good. He was confident and thoughtful as he touched her, and she closed her eyes as his hand learned how her body responded to his touch.
His hand roamed the length of her body. When he reached her breast again, his fingers trailed over her breasts before his palm enclosed them and he kneaded them softly.
January felt her nipples harden even more and she moaned.
Ariel smiled at her reaction and then pulled off her panties. January felt the moistness inside them.
He stood and undressed.
January scanned his well-defined body. As expected, his stomach was flat. She hadn’t expected to see a cut up six pack though. When does he have time to work out? She knew the CEO remained at work when she left at 5:00 p.m., and was known to go to the office at 7:00 a.m. every morning.
He licked his lips. Ariel’s hand went to his boxer shorts. January watched his finger clasp the waistband. She found herself blushing, unsure where to focus her eyes.
She glanced away.
Ariel took off the last piece of clothing.
She looked.
Wow. Ariel’s manhood stood up large and proud. January couldn’t help but smile with approval. He came onto the bed and his tongue made contact with her skin. First he kissed her lips, then he went to her neck and made his way downward. The pleasure was incredible and intensified when his hands moved between her legs. She could tell he was getting hot.
“I see that you are prepared for me.” January spread her legs, surprised that she didn’t need any coaxing. Ariel had a view front row and center.
His eyes opened and he smiled at her boldness.
January no longer wanted to wait.
“Come on, baby,” she said, reaching for his shoulders.
Ariel moved above her. Their eyes connected, the intensity and passion apparent.
January gripped his shoulders.
“Ouch.” He arched a brow, a grin on his face.
“Sorry. I dug into your skin?”
Ariel nodded before concentrating again on what he was doing. “You're very tight.” Sweat formed on his forehead as he began to push.
He was going where no man had gone before. January’s anticipation grew to neediness. They were so close.
She saw that he was trying to be careful.
“I’m a virgin,” she confessed.
Ariel suddenly paused.
January smiled shyly. She knew it wasn’t something he’d expected.
“Yes,” she said, pulling him forward by the shoulders so that he’d continue.
Instead, he did the unthinkable—he moved away.
“Ariel.” January was confused. She heard the panic in her voice.
“I didn't know you were a virgin. I'm not sure I can.”
“Of course you can.”
He sighed. “This is a serious thing.”
“I want to do this,” January pleaded.
“I'm not so sure I can.” Ariel picked up his clothes and walked toward the bedroom door.
“Ariel, come back,” she shouted after him. When she shot up, her hand slapped against the mattress and her legs moved forward to the edge of the bed.
Ariel walked through the door, closing it behind him. He was gone. January knew he wasn't coming back.
He’d left her behind.
Chapter Ten
This isn’t happening.
January hung her head. Why should I feel like I’m the one who’s wrong here?
Ariel’s reaction confused her. He’d been so hot for her, but like a turned faucet, suddenly ran cold.
January didn’t know what to do. She still felt the heat from Ariel’s body on hers moments earlier. She felt naked, exposed, cold.
From the beginning her emotions were opened to the CEO. She’d almost felt like she had to expose herself in order to lure out the real Ariel Cunningham. She’d wanted him in a way she had never wanted anyone else, a dull ache between her legs. I still want him. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks.
She’d been willing to give all of herself and was shown that it wasn’t enough. Ariel's king size bed suddenly felt too large.
Get up.
She had to get dressed instead of sitting on his bed, waiting to do the walk of shame.
January eased herself off the bed and slowly grabbed her clothes off the floor. She dreaded facing Ariel and was unsure where he’d gone. It would be easy for him to disappear in such a massive home. But there was no way he’d have gone out and just left her there. He didn't seem to be that callous.
Don't cry.
January didn’t want to appear vulnerable.
She glimpsed the black cordless phone on the nightstand. Suddenly, the taxi service’s number flashed through her mind. It was one of the few numbers she knew by heart. Her dad had made her memorize it in high school.
"In case there's an emergency," he’d said.
This is most definitely an emergency. January sensed that Ariel wasn’t coming back. I just won’t be able to take it. There was no way she could sit next to him while he drove her home. It would be like another slap in the face.
His house was on Maple Avenue. January closed her eyes and the house number popped into her mind. She’d always been good at numbers and the data entry work at Logis App Ltd. had crystalized the importance of the skill. January could look at a number once and then type it in the spread sheet without having to double-check for accuracy.
January walked over to the nightstand and picked up the phone. She needed no small talk with Ariel. She dialed the taxi service quickly and gave the operator the address. After, she dressed.
The phone rang, by January’s guess, three minutes later. She picked up the phone and an automated voice said, “Your cab has arrived at…” She slammed down the phone, not waiting to hear Ariel’s address. January made her way to the door, then down the long hallway. She noticed now that the walls were lined with small paintings.
Ariel sat on the couch with a MacBook perched on his lap.
You're actually doing work. If January had been a cartoon character, smoke would’ve shot from her ears. She had to get out of there and walked behind the sofa where Ariel sat. She didn’t want his eyes on her. January got her purse from the end table where she’d left it.
“Where are you going?” His eyes got wide.
“Let me get my keys.” Ariel stood.
“I called a taxi.” She saw something in his eyes—pain. No, don’t be foolish.
Maybe Ariel Cunningham was too complicated for her. She turned toward the front door and began walking. January heard his footsteps behind her, but when she reached for the doorknob, the footsteps stopped. Beg me to stay. Say something.
He didn’t.
She didn’t look back when she unlocked the door and opened it. The door slammed behind her.
January sat on her queen size bed, her skin damp from a shower. Relief swept over her now that she was safely at home. She held her head in her palm until she felt a throbbing at her temples as she tried to figure out the CEO.
She jumped when her phone rang, part of her hopeful it was Ariel.
It was a long distance number on the phone’s screen. Bethany, her roommate.
"Hi, it’s me. How’s everything? How are you?" Bethany’s voice was cheerful.
January wondered if she should confess. No. Instead she said, “Kind of down.”
They’d been roommates for a year. January had never been much of a talker with Bethany, but she was comfortable with the ambitious pre-med student.
“A man.” January sighed. “Enough of that. How’s your trip been
“Jamaica’s great, as usual. I’m extending my trip.” The smile in Bethany’s voice was obvious. “Back to you. Do I know him?”
“Tell me something,” Bethany said with angst.
January expected this from someone who loved to read weekly celebrity magazines and she hesitated. She decided to share a little—that she Ariel worked together, that they were getting close, that things abruptly ended.
"Bookie, you’ll be okay."
“Yeah.” January sighed. Bethany always called her that nickname when she was trying to cheer her up. January hadn’t wanted to give too many details. By the time her roommate returned from Jamaica, who knew how things would be between she and Ariel.
“Well this is a long distance call, so I'll see you in a couple weeks.”
"And January, things might be better tomorrow. You know how I am with my boo. I think things still have a chance of working out for you."
Chapter Eleven
January was determined not to be so easily captivated by Ariel.
He's a heart crusher.
According to Mary, management at Logis App thought January had the most potential among the temps. That morning, she was asked to help Heather, who’d returned from sick leave.
Heather didn’t seem thrilled by January’s presence, and January wasn’t sure if it was hormones or if the woman just wasn’t nice.
January saw the pinched look on the woman’s face as she walked back with the file Heather had asked her to retrieve downstairs.
"I asked you email the supply company an hour ago," Heather began. "Did you get the information I needed about the serial number?"
It was the fourth time for the morning January had journeyed downstairs. She just wanted to go back to her own desk, which was on the same floor. She felt being around the crabby woman was punishment for some unconfessed sin. January just didn’t get why Heather had such a negative attitude when January had done nothing wrong.
But she was determined to remain pleasant.
Heather cleared her throat. “I’m waiting for you to answer my question.”
January snapped out of her thoughts. “I sent them an email, but there hasn’t been a response.”