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The Billionaire Boss

Page 4

by J. A. Pierre

  Heather did not try to mask her annoyance. "Well then, an hour is a long time and time is money.” She tapped her gold watch. “All you have to do is pick up the phone and say ‘I am…’ tell them your name… and let them know you sent an email and you wanted to check on the status of things.”

  January tried to stay calm. She didn’t like Heather’s patronizing manner.

  Bite your tongue. “I’ll get on it now.”

  January wanted to do well for many reasons so she’d put up with Heather, for now. It was unlikely another part-time job would pay as well as Logis App. Besides that, the company was close to campus and a short drive to her apartment. She didn’t want to think about the man behind the company. She didn’t want to admit that she was drawn to Ariel still. She didn’t want him in her daydreams.

  I can't help it.

  January knew Ariel was in his office. She’d seen when the blond woman who’d met with him once before went in. And his car was in the parking lot.

  "I'll make the call now." January turned on her heel.

  "Thank you," Heather said pointedly. “After you've spoken to the company send me a quick email to update me.”

  January nodded.

  “And then get me two tea bags from the break room.”

  January sighed.


  “Sure,” January said over her shoulder. “What kind?”

  “Green tea.”

  I’d better get myself some coffee. It’s going to be a long day.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ariel was busy that morning with paperwork and meetings.

  He'd received a call from Michelle before he’d reached the office because she wanted to meet him. There weren’t too many people Ariel was willing to rearrange his schedule for, but Michelle was the president of a firm Ariel wanted to do business with. Her dad was the CEO of a computer giant, and Ariel wanted to partner with the company and have his software apps preinstalled on their computer systems and mobile devices.

  It would be guaranteed money for Logis. Ariel knew the partnership could mean another billion to his net worth within ten years.

  Michelle sat in his office, a short flair skirt draped just past her slender thighs. She was her father’s negotiator. Ariel knew her to be a tough cookie, but with him, she threw in an occasional tech joke here and there.

  It may have lightened the mood on the outside, but it made Ariel even more guarded.

  Michelle had a lot of sway on the direction her father’s company would go in the future. And Ariel was certain that his wasn’t the only software company courting the tech giant. This he knew from inside information. Things changed at an almost whirlwind pace in their industry, and a company’s profits could easily nosedive if management wasn’t shrewd with decisions.

  An alliance would crystallize Logia App in the public consciousness.

  But Ariel sensed Michelle had come to negotiate more than a business partnership. He’d been around women enough times to know when they wanted a hit.

  Michelle crossed her legs slowly at that moment. Ariel’s eyes drifted down, but he glanced away at the last second.

  He saw her smile.

  Should I or shouldn’t I? In all honesty, the woman made him uncomfortable. Ariel couldn’t quite place his finger on it. But Ariel decided if he had sex with Michelle once, she’d want it again and again.

  How could she not? He smiled.

  Michelle’s smile grew wider.

  Shit! She thinks I’m responding to her flirtations.

  At the beginning of the negotiations between the two companies some weeks back, Ariel had been excited, thinking his company was a shoo-in. After all, Logis App was a hot company who knew their apps.

  Now he realized that Michelle might have been trying to decipher if he’d change his schedule for her. And if he did, it’d hint that the ball wasn’t in Logis App’s court. She’d asked him if he was busy that morning and told him she could only meet that day. He had nothing on his schedule.

  Michelle tucked her blond hair behind her ear. A necklace with a diamond encrusted pendant hung around her neck. She was beautiful in an unconventional way, with a slight gap between her teeth and incredible legs, Ariel admitted to himself.

  But as she spoke, flashes of January kept popping into Ariel’s mind. No matter how he tried to fight it, the evening before kept barreling its way into his mind, how January's body responded to his touch. He’d enjoyed watching her reaction to him. Her skin was so soft, her shape beautiful.

  When she’d confessed to being a virgin, he’d backpedaled. It wasn't like him.

  It’s not like I’ve never slept with a virgin.

  But January was different.

  Ariel needed to tread carefully. The vulnerability he’d seen in her eyes softened him.

  "I'm sorry, you seem distracted." Michelle tilted her head and inched forward.

  Ariel shook his head. "No, I’m listening carefully,” Ariel lied. “It's just that I have a lot of things to consider with negotiation."

  She eyed him closely and Ariel decided to try to stay focused.

  "Our company wants you to cut the requested percentage. A 5% decrease is more feasible."

  Ariel frowned and adjusted his tie. "But it’s not like Logis App brings nothing to the table. Our products are a hot commodity.”

  Michelle smiled tensely. An uncomfortable silence filled the room. “I have to leave now for another meeting, but how about we continue discussions over dinner tonight?”

  She blinked slowly. Her makeup was expertly done.

  You could get almost any man--hook, line, and sinker. But Ariel wasn’t interested in dinner. He hated late meetings because they always alluded to friendship. This was business. The last thing he needed was to muddy the water by sleeping with Michelle. It would only complicate the situation—a money no-no.

  Ariel chose his best route—deflection. He went back to his own point and explained to her the added value and benefits his company brought to the table. Ariel smiled at the end of his explanation. The last thing he wanted was for negotiations to halt, or worse, break.

  The only indication that Michelle knew she’d just been dissed was her shifting in the seat. She responded to Ariel's spiel.

  She was longwinded and once again his mind shifted to January. She’d proven to be a distraction and Ariel wondered if it was a good thing. Since he’d met her, Ariel had begun to question things in his life. A relationship with January would mean letting go of the past.

  And letting go of the past would mean he’d finally have to open his heart.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next day January was called into Ariel's office.

  Heather was seated in a chair.

  "You wanted to see me, Mr. Cunningham." January made eye contact with Ariel briefly.

  More than twenty-four hours had passed since they were last in each other's presence and, despite the hurt she felt, January was determined to act professional. The last thing she needed was to appear weak. She’d chosen to wear a charcoal gray pantsuit and black heels that day. The suit made her feel put-together.

  "Come in, January."

  She stepped inside Ariel's office and closed the door behind her, then walked to the chair next to Heather and sat.

  "Heather told me you did a good job yesterday.” Ariel gave a small smile.

  January didn’t smile back. In fact, she tried not to make much eye contact with him.

  “She’ll be on maternity leave for six weeks in a matter of days.” Ariel cleared his throat.

  January guessed where Ariel was heading with the conversation. And though part of her wanted to get closer to him, she wasn't so sure she wanted to be his assistant anymore.

  “I’d like you to be my assistant. Mary will be your supervisor though.”

  Do I have a choice? January felt if she didn’t accept the offer she could be let go by the end of the summer.

  She said nothing.

  Ariel sh
ifted in his chair. “Does that sound like something you would be interested in?”

  "I'm not so sure."

  He looked dumbfounded.

  Heather turned to her. “This will be a good opportunity. I think you’ll do a great job,” she said with a smile.

  January wanted to roll her eyes. It was the first time the woman had ever smiled at her.

  “Why aren’t you sure?” Ariel picked up the ballpoint pen on his desk and clicked the top.

  Because you didn’t even have the courtesy to call me.

  “I’d just like a day to think about it.”

  Ariel nodded. "That's more than fair."

  What do you know about fair?

  "All right.” Ariel dropped the pen. “Heather and I just have a few more things to go over. Thank you.”

  It was a polite dismissal.

  January stood. Her eyes focused on the edge of Ariel's desk. She turned without making eye contact with him and headed toward the door. Safely on the other side, January took a deep breath. She felt like an emotional basket case. She loved him. She hated him.

  Did she want to be close to Ariel Cunningham or as far away as possible? In her heart she knew she wanted more of Ariel, but was that the smart move?


  January went through the morning doing data entry work. She enjoyed the repetition of entering the numbers. She just needed to sit and avoid thinking about Ariel.

  When January got back to her desk, she sighed in exhaustion. She hadn’t slept a wink the night before.

  Do not do that to yourself again! She’d definitely get some sleep that night.

  The phone rang on her desk. January arched an eyebrow and picked it up. “Hello.”

  “It's me. Can you come to my office?”

  “Okay.” January hung up the phone, wondering how Ariel could’ve called her that instant. She looked around and spotted a camera.

  I wonder how often you monitor your staff. She didn’t like the idea of Ariel being able to watch her at any moment.

  She got up and would’ve checked her face in the mirror she had in her purse, but she didn’t want Ariel to see her primping for him. Instead she pushed back her chair and made her way to his office.

  "I'm sorry about what happened between us.” Ariel looked sad.

  January lifted her chin.

  "Let's just move forward.”

  “You’d like that, wouldn't you?

  “I didn't mean forget what happened between us, January.” Ariel licked his lips. "Let's start over.”


  “Please don't shut me out.”

  His words got her attention and she looked him directly in the eyes. They were gorgeous, as usual. “I hear what you’re asking. But have you even tried to let me in?”

  Ariel sat up straight in his chair. “Perhaps not.” He looked away. “I would really like you to accept the offer from this morning. I’ll give you some valuable experience and it will give us time to get to know each other.”

  “In a work capacity?” January was surprised at her boldness, but she wanted to know what the expectations were.

  "We'll just have to see. I am your boss.”

  It wasn’t a clear answer. “Okay then."

  "Well then, it’s settled."

  "I guess so.”

  “When will I start?”

  “In about two weeks, unless Heather goes into labor early.”

  She nodded.

  Ariel steadied his eyes on hers. He began to talk slowly. “I feel as though we have a connection.” He sighed again. “But you have to try to see things through my eyes. I’m your boss and I don’t want you to feel like I’m taking advantage of you”

  I thought I was an adult. January tried not to show her annoyance. “I don't think anyone could see things through your eyes, Mr. Cunningham. You’re the boss of a billion dollar company.”

  Ariel opened his mouth, but held back.

  January turned on her heels and left Ariel's office. She wanted so badly to believe what he’d said about them having a connection.

  He plays with my emotions like a yo-yo. One minute I'm feeling high. The next minute I’m spinning down fast.

  But January wasn’t sure her heart could take the guessing game.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was one meeting Ariel did not look forward to.

  Scotty Montgomery sat across from him in a tacky pinstriped suit, reeling off his achievements.

  Ariel tried to look interested. Scotty had already sent his resume via email. Besides that, he’d visited the software consultant’s website months prior to them bumping into each other at the restaurant.

  “So far, everything you’ve said about your services I can get from another consultant.”

  “Ouch.” Scotty placed a hand over his heart.

  His feeling familiar with Ariel just because they went to business school together annoyed Ariel. He sensed Scotty’s ‘ole-boy’ persona helped him when it came time to wheeling and dealing. But his antics would not work on Ariel.

  Scotty sighed, his chest visibly heaving. “So you’re going to play hardball for me to get the contract.”

  We’re not friends, buddy. "I'm just doing business.”

  “Throw me a bone here, Ariel. We go way back.”

  Ariel's jaw tightened. Thinking of their university days didn't exactly show Scotty in the best light. You only slept with the love of my life, asshole. Not even five years had since passed.

  Ariel’s thoughts must’ve shown.

  "On second thought, let's focus on the present.” He smiled his cheesy smile. “I know that your company hires consultants once or twice a year. I'm sure you've picked good ones who have helped lead you to the success you’re experiencing. But I’d like a chance, even if it's for a short term contract.”

  Ariel tried to decipher why a man like Scotty wanted to work at Logis App.

  Insider information. Ariel shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He decided he’d hit the nail on the head and Scotty, for whatever reason, wanted to learn more about Logis App.

  As a consultant, Scotty’s position allowed him to have more fluidity than larger scale tech companies. But it also meant that the consultant had to be hired by big players to maintain a certain level of income. Ariel assumed Scotty’s staff, and therefore his overhead costs, were low. There was something up his sleeve.

  He couldn't tell the man point blank he wasn’t interested. He’d have to find a way to let him down lightly.

  Just in case.

  Ariel had been in the industry long enough to know that someone shunned today could be a rising star in the industry tomorrow. And he always tried to cut strings as cleanly as possible.

  He checked his watch, making a show of the gesture. Scotty had already gone over the designated time by ten minutes.

  “Listen, I have to get back to work.” Ariel turned slightly and tapped a few keys on his desktop’s keyboard so that the screensaver disappeared. A window popped up: 28 messages.

  Ariel sighed.

  Scotty got the hint. He stood up and adjusted his suit.

  Ariel could tell it was tailor-made.

  “I see that you’re admiring my suit.”

  Really? Scotty’s presumptuous attitude got under Ariel’s skin.

  “I got it from the tailor on Fifth Street.”


  “Where are your suits made?”

  Ariel simply lied. It might’ve seemed trivial, but there was no way he wanted to bump into the man at his regular tailor.

  Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  He had believed her.

  Believed her when she claimed Scotty had hit on her and she’d rebuffed him. Eventually, they got back together. Ariel wanted to give it one more try. Aubrey, the only woman he’d felt he couldn’t live without.

  She was beautiful, smart, down to earth, and charming. Months passed and they were in bliss. Ariel thought they’d rebuilt something more so

  Then he heard Scotty had claimed that he and Aubrey had slept together. Ariel was furious.

  He’d trusted her.

  Scotty was the snake.

  But it was true. And with that betrayal, Ariel’s ability to fully love a woman seemed stunted.

  Years later, he could put on his business hat and listen to Scotty’s presentation. Ariel told himself that he and Aubrey were already broken up when she’d slept with Scotty.

  It was her lying that did their relationship in. Scotty was well known in industry, especially in Washington, DC. And frankly, Ariel did need a third consultant, someone with know-how who wouldn’t require all the benefits of a regular staff member. But it would not be Scotty Montgomery.

  Shit. Ariel felt the one courtesy meeting was enough.

  “I’d like to bring in the proposal you require tomorrow.”

  Ariel nodded. “You’ll leave it with my secretary.”

  “Huh.” Scotty smiled. “You know, you've turned into a frontrunner in this industry, with your programming ability. Some of your apps, I mean who would have thought, from exercise apps to gaming apps and location apps, all your eggs certainly aren’t in one basket. You’ve certainly surpassed many people’s expectations.”

  Ariel gave a tight-lipped smile. Unlike Scotty, Ariel hadn’t been a hot shot in business school. "Well, sometimes talent is revealed over time.”

  And for the first time, Scotty Montgomery didn’t have a quick comeback.

  Chapter Fifteen

  January sat across from Dominic as they worked together, piling documents for the marketing department. She’d been so busy the last few days that they hadn’t had much chance to sit and chat since their outing at the bar.

  They were alone in a small office on the fourth floor. Sunlight glared into the room through open blinds.

  "Last night I went to the bar and got so wasted." Dominic opened his eyes in disbelief at his own antics.


  He nodded. "And that's so not like me, but I've been going through some things, and I just wanted to forget everything for one night.”


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