The Billionaire Boss
Page 5
January wasn't sure if she should ask him what kinds of things he was going through.
“I broke up with my girlfriend and it’s eating me alive.” He sighed then, sadness apparent on his face.
January arched an eyebrow. She hadn’t known Dominic had a girlfriend. Then again, why would I? "I'm sorry to hear that."
“I’m sorry to hear myself say it.”
January couldn't help but chuckle. Dominic looked at her, his lips curved upward slightly. “Go ahead and laugh at my pain.”
January giggled and shook her head. “No, it’s not even like that. It’s just the things you say.”
He shrugged. “You know, my parents loved her. How am I going to break the news to my mother? First, my French major, now I have to tell them my girlfriend’s gone.”
“Uhmm, I don’t get it.”
“Well, she and my mom got along well. Besides that, she was like a confirmation to them, because she was from France. So they kind of got why I might want to the study the language.”
January sighed and shook her head.
“Anyway, I think three nights in a row drinking’s enough for me. I could barely get up for work this morning. I’ve got to tell the others I’m done.”
“Who are the others?”
“Some of the temps.”
“Hmm.” January hadn’t known they were still hanging out. She was surprised and she guessed that Dominic saw the expression on her face.
“I guess you haven't really been told about it since the last time because a couple of people feel that you’re being favored.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s like Ariel…” Dominic paused. “I meant to say, Mr. Cunningham, has had his eye on you since the orientation.”
January looked down. It hadn’t registered that Ariel's interest in her had been obvious.
"You see—you can’t even deny it.” He picked up some papers. “You don't have to say anything. It’s not my business and I have no issue with you two’s rapport.”
January smiled slightly.
“Just be careful.”
"I know."
“You have any brothers?”
“Well, if I were your brother, I would give you this advice. Ariel’s a man with power, and powerful men are used to getting what they want and then moving on.”
Grim much.
January wasn’t sure she wanted to continue the conversation with Dominic, but he continued.
“But if you like him, you like him.” Dominic shrugged. “Just don't give in so easily. He’s probably used to that.”
Now you tell me.
Dominic’s words made January wonder what it was about Ariel that made women weak.
He’s freaking sexy. There’s no point fighting your attraction.
Still, she had to consider what Dominic was saying.
“I guess you’re telling me that he’s a user.”
Dominic glanced at her. “Maybe, but I don't know for sure. All I know is that the man has power, he's good-looking, and he has all the material things you could ever want.”
“You like his car, huh?”
“Yes, I want that car when I grow up.”
They laughed.
“Then again, have you ever seen the man smile? So something’s missing.”
January had to think about it. Had she ever seen Ariel smile? No. It was almost embarrassing that Dominic had to point that out.
“Men like things that take a while to get. That’s why we go fishing.”
January leaned toward Dominic. “I don't think Ariel has a problem catching fish.”
She understood where Dominic was coming from.
She had to utilize some resistance. Resist the feelings that tried to envelope her and cloud her judgment, that made her unaware of what was happening around her. Resist thinking about Ariel throughout the day. She was being paid to do a job, not daydream.
Dominic started whistling.
Who am I kidding? January knew Ariel was a man hard to resist.
Chapter Sixteen
Ariel watched January on his computer as she slowly walked along the hallway on the third floor. Despite his reservations about Dominic, the young man and January got along, so Ariel had arranged for them to complete a project together. His regular staff members didn't have the time so it had to be a temp. Besides that, Ariel had noticed that some of the temps spent time together in the break room. He'd also noticed that some left the building together.
It was easy for him to see what was going on from his office’s computer. He felt that January was too much of a loner.
Suddenly he leaned forward and tapped a button that allowed the camera to zoom in. Scotty Montgomery was back, carrying a folder in his hand.
He must be here to drop off his proposal.
Ariel watched as January and Scotty crossed paths. They stood facing each other. January smiled. Ariel tapped his finger against his shiny desk.
What could they possibly be talking about?
He clenched his teeth. It was moments like this that he wished the cameras came with audio. But it would mean more money and, overall, it wasn’t necessary. He never used to check the cameras everyday—until January showed up.
He gripped the pen in his hand when Scotty’s hand went to January's arm. She looked at the wandering hand as it slid down her right arm.
Ariel grimaced.
That’s enough.
Scotty was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Ariel picked up his phone and dialed the extension for the human resources officer. He knew her office was near where January and Scotty stood. Her door was closed.
“Ms. Waters, it’s Ariel.”
“Hi, Mr. Cunningham. How are you?”
Ariel went through the formalities briefly before getting to the point. “There’s a gentleman in the hallway, right outside your door, who’s come to drop off a proposal. Can you please escort him to Mary, now?”
Ms. Waters inhaled. “Of course, sir.”
She hung up.
Ariel watched as the office door open and the petite woman interrupted Scotty and January’s conversation. He smiled when January turned and walked away.
He narrowed his eyes as he watched Scotty follow Ms. Waters down the hallway.
Ariel sat up straight when, just before he saw the top of the man’s head, Scotty looked straight up into the camera.
He let Scotty into his office. Again.
“I hope this proposal meets my requirements,” Ariel said flatly.
Scotty didn’t attempt to hide his smirk. “I know you’re a hotshot CEO. But I do know software programming. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”
Ariel reminded himself that he had to be professional.
Check your attitude.
He cleared his throat and stood. “Well, thank you for coming by, Scotty. I’ll get back to you by the end of the week.” Ariel’s stomach growled. He had to get something to eat. It wasn't too often that he needed some fresh air or went out at lunch. But today was one of those days.
Scotty nodded. “I hope to see you soon.”
“Sure thing,” Ariel lied.
Chapter Seventeen
January was starving. She went into the break room and opened the refrigerator to get her brown bag lunch, which had been shoved to a back corner. She moved a few items aside and reached for it.
It’d be so much easier to go out to lunch every day.
But January had a full list of goals to achieve, including buying a new car when she graduated.
Someone cleared his throat.
January turned and was startled to see Scotty once again. She’d enjoyed their brief conversation the hallway earlier.
"I just came in here to get some water. This place is so large and complex, I had to be directed.” He smiled. “I thought I’d get a drink before venturing across that huge parking lot outside.”
nbsp; “Where did you park?”
“Somewhere on the northern end,” Scotty teased.
There was always something playful about the man. But January was sure he wasn’t always so jovial.
“You act as if this building’s some sort of country.”
“With the money that it produces, it could be.”
He came closer and her fingers tightened on the brown bag she held. His cologne smelled awesome—musky and masculine.
“Excuse me.”
January turned to see she stood now in front of the water fountain. “Sorry.”
“A couple minutes ago when I asked you out, you declined and said ‘another time.’ Well, I'm going to a nice restaurant for lunch.” He took a cup and filled it. “Looks like you have a brown bag lunch there. I think steak tastes so much better than a sandwich.”
January shifted her weight onto her left foot.
“Care to join me?”
January thought there was something seductive about the man. “Okay.”
He smiled widely.
January admired his white teeth and dimple. For a second, Ariel’s face flashed across her mind. But she decided that since she was not in a relationship with Ariel, she could eat with whomever she pleased.
They left the break room together.
As they rounded the corner toward the elevator, January was surprised to see Ariel and a woman in conversation. She recognized the woman as someone from human resources, but she didn’t know her name.
Though they stood a couple feet away, she could see the displeasure on Ariel’s face as he looked at her and Scotty.
Their eyes connected.
Scotty touched her back and leaned toward her. “The place I’m taking you to has the most amazing food.”
She pressed the elevator’s call button, and then glanced again at Ariel. His face hardened like stone.
January wished they had taken the stairs. She couldn't help but look at Ariel once more. His eyes were still focused her.
Now I have your attention.
She tried to stifle the smile that wanted to creep across her lips. Scotty voice snapped her to attention.
“Here’s the elevator. After you.” He held the elevator open for her.
Should I go?
January could tell Ariel was upset. But she didn’t know why.
Do you want me or don’t you? She was tired of things going at Ariel’s pace.
As January stepped toward the elevator, she glanced at her boss. His eyes remained unreadable, but his lips were downturned at the corners. He felt something, January was sure of it.
In some way, she was glad Scotty had showed up. She wanted Ariel Cunningham, CEO, power dealer, or whatever title he was that day, to feel how she’d felt when he’d walked out on her.
But as she walked away with Scotty, her heart betrayed her by wanting to draw closer to Ariel.
She ached to be near him. To ask him what was happening between the two of them.
Harden your heart.
She needed to do things differently.
Ariel Cunningham would no longer be allowed to toy with her emotions.
Inside the elevator, January smiled.
Finally, she’d shown Ariel what it was like to feel the sting of rejection.
Chapter Eighteen
January walked two steps behind Scotty. She was uncertain if going to the restaurant with him was the right thing to do.
Why am I questioning myself?
Ariel hadn’t made much of a move since the incident at his home, yet he offered her a promotion and hinted that they might have a chance at a relationship.
They’d almost reached the revolving doors to the exit when Dominic came in from outside, holding a brown Chipotle bag in his hand.
"Hey, how's it going?” His blond hair was shorter. January thought the haircut looked good on him. This was the first time she’d seen him all day.
“Heading out to lunch?” Dominic looked at both January and Scotty.
"Yep,” Scotty answered. “We’re going to the Flamingo on L Street.”
Dominic’s eyes opened wide. "I’ve heard lots of good things about the steak and lobster at that place. Kind of pricey though.”
January felt uncomfortable. Dominic broke an unspoken rule — you don’t talk about how expensive something is when speaking with the rich.
"The food’s expensive but it’s well worth it," Scotty smiled.
Dominic looked at January and arched an eyebrow. "Well, I hope you enjoy lunch. See you later."
The ride to Flamingo was short.
Once inside the restaurant, they received quick service. Scotty seemed like a regular because they’d been ushered to the table by the hostess after she’d asked if he’d wanted to sit at his usual corner spot. The table was solid wood and the chairs had comfortable armrest. January’s stomach was grumbling by the time she and Scotty sat down at the table. She scanned through the menu. Sure enough, the acclaimed steak and lobster were present. However, January craved a cheeseburger and fries, which was also on the menu at a whopping $50.
She chuckled and shook her head. “$50 for a cheeseburger?”
“That’s what you want?”
She nodded.
“Okay, then that’s what you’ll get.” Scotty leaned in. “And believe me it’s worth the price. Once you bite into it, you’ll never crave a four dollar cheeseburger again.”
“Oh really?”
Scotty unbuttoned his jacket and nodded. “Trust me.”
Trust me?
But January wasn’t sure she could. Maybe he was worse than Ariel .
"Would you like some wine?” Scotty smiled.
“You hesitated.”
January explained, “I don’t usually drink, so . . .”
Scotty rested one hand over the other. “Oh, I get it.” He took his hands off the table and leaned forward. “Don't tell me that I’m a negative influence on you already. I wouldn’t want to give you any bad habits, even though they’re my pleasure.”
He was a player, January decided then. Scotty seemed playful, boyish, yet charming at the same time. He could disarm many women.
But he wasn’t Ariel.
And if both men were gold, they were different karats.
“I wouldn't say you’re influencing me,” January said, “Sometimes it’s just nice to drink a glass of wine and relax a bit.”
Scotty nodded.
The waiter returned and Scotty ordered two glasses of wine. January then ordered her cheeseburger and fries.
“I'll have what the lady’s having.”
The waiter took their orders and then retreated to the kitchen.
"I'm looking forward to this great cheeseburger.” January made a face, teasing Scotty.
He smiled and removed his jacket. “Oh, it lives up to its reputation. You’ll see.”
He was an attractive man, but he was completely different from Ariel—more jovial and less intense. January sat back and took him in. Scotty definitely had sex appeal in a less refined way in comparison to her boss.
“You’re very beautiful, which I’m sure you know.”
January blushed. “Thank you.”
Their wine arrived and the waiter carefully put the glasses down. “Your food will arrive shortly.”
"Thank you.” Scotty looked at January. “How do you like working at Logis App?”
If January were to give him a straight answer, it would’ve been about the man behind the company and not so much about the work. “Good.”
“Well, I know they pay their employees well.”
“Is that why you want a contract? I heard Mary mention it to Ariel’s assistant.”
Scotty arched an eyebrow. A frown appeared on his face but was quickly replaced by a more neutral expression.
“I shouldn’t have asked that, sorry.”
“No.” Scotty shifted in the chair. “It’s no problem, who doesn’t like t
o be paid well?” He chuckled.
January took a sip of wine.
He leaned across the table. “I’d like to get to know you.”
January smiled, unsure of what to say in reply.
He cleared his throat in response to her silence. “Well, I guess we have to start somewhere. Tell me about yourself.”
While they talked, January shared a little about her childhood days on an Alabama farm before her family moved to the District. “My dad landed a promotion here in D.C., so the entire family was uprooted. I hated it at the time, but it turned out to be a good thing.”
“So you're a country girl at heart, huh?” Scotty sipped his wine.
January nodded. She felt herself warming up to Scotty. She somehow sensed Ariel and him were competitors, though neither man tried to make it seem obvious.
They probably run in the same circles, so they have to be civil to one another.
She wasn’t sure why Scotty had been popping up at Logis App, but that was between him and Ariel.
Scotty seemed like the type of guy who would easily call her to go see a movie, not just do a fancy lunch. January couldn’t say that about Ariel. He always acted guarded.
“Aside from your beauty, and take this as compliment, I also find your presence refreshing.”
“Compared to the usual women you hang around?” January asked, amused. “What are they like?”
Scotty didn’t miss a beat. “Most are overly made-up, social climbers, always on. I’m not sure if I can be the real me with them.”
Something stirred inside of January. A lady’s man. Scotty’s words sent an alarm off in her mind. She felt like he was feeding her lines. To make matters worse, the memory of Ariel and her in bed then flashed across her mind for an instant.
Who am I kidding? He’s the one I want.
“I can see why Ariel likes you.”
January snapped out of her beckoning daydream. “Wha-what?”
“I’m a very observant man. I saw the look he gave you at the elevator.” Scotty chuckled.
“There’s nothing going on between us,” January said in an attempt to cover the truth. She didn’t want to compromise Ariel in any way.
Their food arrived. January inhaled when the cheeseburger landed in front of her. It smelled delicious.