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XXX Underground Playgrounds: La La's Story

Page 3

by Ms. Pantha Jones

  In China’s belongings, she found the name Bone, car keys, a map to the vehicle and an address. She did not know what it meant but she had a good feeling about whoever Bone was.

  She arrived at the address, it was a Mansion located far from the hospital she had awakened in, the GPS in the car was already set and she just followed the voice. There was an actually Bellhop at the door in uniform.

  “Yes?” he asked

  “Bone, she answered

  China guesses those were the magic words because he held the door open for her, “Stop at the desk.” He informed her. China gladly walked through and on to the desk.


  “Mr. Bone will meet you in the lobby in an hour, so you can get yourself comfortable.” The lady at the desk said.

  “Thank you,” China grabbed the keys and sashayed up the stairs to her suit. Now, that she was here she did not know how to feel. She was presented with this lifestyle already and look how that shit turned out.

  La La

  It was a warm day; the sunlight blessed the living room and the open kitchen with sun rays. In red boy shorts, white t-shirt, socks and house shoes stood a 5’3 La La with her hair in a ponytail, cooking her husband’s favorite dish southern fried smothered chicken with garlic mashed potatoes. As she dunked each piece of the crispy fried chicken into her homemade gravy she couldn’t help but take a bite into the chicken breast dripping in gravy.

  She giggled to herself as she shook her head at her raging pregnancy hormones, she decides not to be selfish and hopefully by the time she got upstairs with the piece of chicken she was eating, it would still be some left for him.

  As she journeyed her way into the living room to the stairs, a strange feeling in her stomach came about, Que! She screamed. Hearing his wife’s screams, he bolted downstairs in only his boxers, only to stop in the middle of the staircase. She was standing at the bottom of the stairs with a piece of chicken, smiling as she held her stomach.

  “What the hell you screaming for?” he asked her as she came to meet him in the middle of the stairs. She placed his hand on her stomach; he smiled as he felt his child move around for the first time.

  “That’s my little boy!” she told him as she playfully moved his hand away from her stomach. She bit into the chicken and tried to bypass him on the stairs as if she wasn’t coming to give him a bite of chicken.

  Que snatched the chicken out of her hand and lifted her off her feet careful not to hurt her or his child. He carried her to their bedroom; he lightly tossed her on the bed and started taking his underwear off. She scooted back on the bed all the while staring at him with love. Oh, you want this don’t you? He asked her as he sat the plate on the table and bit into the chicken with one hand, and stroked his hard penis even harder with the other.

  “Yeah, I want it!” she told him licking her lips.

  “I know you do with your freaky ass. Come get it then!” he told her with a slick grin on his face still eating on the delicious piece of chicken. La La go on her knees crawled to him seductively all the while giving him eye contact. She was face to face with his manhood; Jacques was ready to feel his wife’s lips. He leaned his head back anticipating the wetness of her lips; he forgot the chicken was still in his hand. Eyes still closed he felt the piece of chicken being snatched out of his hand and his wife’s laughter filled the air. He couldn’t help but laugh as he opened his eyes to see his wife devouring the rest of the chicken breast.

  “Oh, so you want to play with a nicca? He asked grabbing for her red boy shorts pulling them over her thighs. She playfully struggled and giggled as she ate the piece of chicken that was almost gone. He finally was able to pull them all the way off; he threw them on the floor. He spread her legs; he laid his upper half in between them and licked up her thighs until he reached her yoni. He went in tongue first dipping in and out of her hole, twirling his tongue around her walls. He heard her moan, peaking at her told him what he needed to know, her face showed pure bliss, but she was still holding on to the chicken bone.

  He laughed, “Ghetto ass, give me that damn chicken bone.” He took the chicken bone and placed it on the nightstand. “Trying to hold on to that chicken like I’m not putting my tongue game down.” He watched her laugh and her belly moved at the same time.

  He went up to kiss his baby. “Now you got my little girl laughing at me too.” He joked

  La La stopped laughing but still kept a smile on her face. “I love you, King!” she told him sincerely and the look on her face showed him that her love was unconditional.

  “I love you, Queen!” he told her with the same sincerity. He pressed his lips to hers, giving her a deep kiss then trailing kisses back to where he started and, this time, there were no noises of chicken being eating only moans of pleasure between a husband and wife.

  Hours later

  She was awoken to being probed with a wet tongue, she smiled to herself, and her husband was insatiable. However, something felt unfamiliar, she peered down between her legs and there was a strange face violating her husband’s possessions. She didn’t panic, she looked to see if anyone else was in the room or if she could hear any other sounds then this stupid non-pussy eating motherfucker munching on her.

  There was no indication that anyone else was in the room or in the house, she was not naïve to believe that he was only on in the house. She knew for sure they were the only two in the room. The intruder was too busy to notice that his victim was awake and fully aware of what was going on. La La tightened her legs around his neck like a vice grip, she crossed her legs at the ankles and before he knew it she did a maneuver, all you heard was the sound of his neck cracking.

  Easing quietly off the bed she grabbed the red boy shorts her husband took off of her earlier and slipped them on. She tied her shoe strings together and hung her shoes over her shoulder by the strings. She slowly opened the bedroom closest pressed a button and got her glock no need to load it, it was ready to go. Stopping at her bedroom door, she listened for sounds upstairs, satisfied with no one being up there she crept downstairs on her tiptoes. La La knew depending on where the crew was, she was going to have to shoot her way out of the house to safety.

  The voices of several men caught her attention, their men gathered on the inside of the porch relaxing as if they did not have a care in the world. Which meant that either her husband was dead or not in the house. Her heart started beating rapidly and her stomach was still as if her child knew that her mother needed silence. She couldn’t panic now, she couldn’t think of “the what if’s” concerning her husband. She needed to get the fuck out of this situation alive to avenge his death or orchestrate his rescue, she was hoping for the latter. It was several doors that lead to the inside porch lucky for her one of them was right next to her stairs. That would bring her right in the back of the intruders, giving her the advantage to kill a couple of them and make her escape to the back of the house.

  She studied them for a couple of seconds some were smoking, one was sitting and the other three were facing the one sitting down. None of them had a weapon in their hands, their weapons were either lying on the floor up against the window sill or in their holsters on the side of them. She steadied her body up against the wall; she tiptoed sideways downstairs to the side door.

  She put her hand on the nob knowing that she will have to do this fast, and shoot precisely. La La checked to make sure her safety was off the gun; she aimed her gun and twisted the nob slowly, then swiftly opened the door and started shooting. Bullets went into their targets, the first man went down and fell through the window. A piece of glass sliced one of their faces as her bullets entered his chest. The last man landed on top of the man that was sitting on the window sill as her bullet pierced his brain.

  She didn’t wait to see if the man confined to the floor by the last man she shot was still alive. She really didn’t know how much time she had until her backup came or how many others there were. She heard a gun cock as she was running; she glan
ced back once as she saw a white bald headed man coming around the corner trying to get his fun cocked. Looking back she ran right into a hard muscled body that picked her up, as she felt other people run by her shooting. She fought hard in this unknown person’s arms. “Calm down La La!” she heard the person scream. She sighed in relief as she recognized the voice.

  “Where’s Que?” he asked.

  “He wasn’t here when I woke up.” She told him as the realization of the situation overwhelmed her, tears slid down her eyes. She just might have lost the love of her life. She didn’t know how she was going to live without him, but she knew that if she had to, the people responsible was not going to live.

  “No, matter what we will find out! But right now we are going to have to get you somewhere safe until you have the baby. After that we can find him together by you working undercover for me at the Underground Playgrounds!” her brother told her.


  Tara was a privileged girl, private schooling, expensive cars and shopping sprees. Her lifestyle came with a price, a price where her parents scheduled her every move, they controlled who she hung out with, who she dated, how she dressed and what she was going to do with the rest of her life.

  She was spoiled, but she does exactly what her parents tell her to do. She did not want to blemish her father’s image in high society. She already slipped up and did just that. So, she made sure she was on her square from then on.

  What the fuck is the world coming to, when a girl like me can’t buy shit, Tara thought, as she watched the sales lady with pride cut up her credit card. It was as if somebody was making sure she had to accept the job at the Kennedy’s. It was something about the way Prof. Kennedy looked at her that didn’t sit too well with her.

  Damn, her father or should she say step-father was not playing. He couldn’t see why she turned down a good job, with good people. She had to give her parents an entirely adequate reason as to why. She had none; it was just something about Mayor Kennedy and Professor Kennedy that she did not like. She always got an eerie feeling when she came in contact with them. She did not like the vibe she would get from Professor Kennedy every time he would pull her to the side.

  She knew her reputation as being a spoiled rich chick that fucks her teachers. But, that was only one time, and he wasn’t married. You know how things run amuck in high society, rumors behind the privileged are usually embellished with truths, fiction, and pettiness.

  One thing about Tara is she usually told the truth; she didn’t care who it hurt, she was going to say it like it is. So sitting across from Prof. Kennedy as he gave her glass of soda and ice, she gulped it down, “I do not know about taking this job, sometimes you make me uncomfortable.” She slurred grabbing her head.

  Tara began to go in and out of consciousness, “Are you okay?” she heard a male voice faintly say

  She shook her head, yes, but she knew something was going on with her body. So she felt the need to be in the comfort of her home, “I think I should go home.”

  “No, you don’t look so good. Try to take another sip of your soda. Maybe that will help.” He told her with concern in his voice.

  Tara started thinking she might have been wrong about Prof. Kennedy’s intentions. She had felt that he kept giving her bad grades so that he could be alone with her any chance he could get. His eyes’ molested her entire body as soon as she walked into the classroom. She could feel his eyes on her throughout his entire lectures.

  Now, he seemed concerned about her like a caring parent. “Maybe, you should lie down,” He told her leading her to their guest room. I will call my wife and let her know you are here. I will call your parents and let them know you are ill.”

  The Professor left Tara alone and then made a couple of phone calls. Tara felt lightheaded and groggy; she laid down on the bed. She only meant to lie there to gather herself, but she soon dozed off. Waking up dazed, she was in an unfamiliar place, trying her best to sit up, she noticed a red glow to the room, giving it a demonic feeling.

  She finally adjusted her vision to her surroundings; fear captured her scream in her throat as she saw masked faces encompassing her, and she fainted. When she had awakened, her sore body was being pulled out of her burning house, thrown into a black car with tinted windows and with a blindfold cutting across her face.

  She never once was un-blindfolded during the whole trip, she was treated with sympathetic hands, and she could tell a female handled her but a male directed her. Why did she feel safe as of now, with the unknown? However, in danger of people whom she had known from the same circle of her parents. She feared the one who's face she saw running her city; she feared the one’s face she saw damn near every day, and probably a gang of people that spoke to her or her parents daily, behind masked and robes. Her mind was still foggy as to why she should fear these people, but she felt it in her soul.

  Her secret escape took her as far as a Mansion in Indianapolis, Indiana, where she first met the most beautiful chocolate girl she had seen on the cover of a fashion magazine. They were both instructed to do one thing, and that was to get noticed by Envy and do anything she wanted them to do.

  Jah had a reason to keep Tara close to him; she was one of the girls he would keep no matter what. He was told about this group’s activities, and he had vowed that he would seek revenge. They had drugged that girl so she couldn’t recall what happened to her, that night but when Jah was done with her, she would know why she would be killing her parents’ most inner circle and why her parents died. All he needed was his first two girls to hook up with the first person whom he needed to seek his revenge on; he needed to get them closer to Envy, which in term will get him closer to who was responsible for the death of his one love.

  After days of following Envy and finding Doll, the plan was already ago, and the more Envy thought she had one up on him, the less she did. Now, that they had already gotten the Underground Playground ago, it was now time for him to take it to the next level.

  Tara sat in the meeting room, “Are you ready?” he questioned her. He wasn’t even sure he was prepared for the seventeen-year-old to watch what happened to her that night.

  The big screen flickered as the scene of a familiar place came into view, the eeriness and the sadistic atmosphere surrounding her and the people in masks were all too similar to the Urban Thriller Ether by Mahogany Bang, which she had just read.

  She watched as these masked cloaked figures tied her young body to the wooden bedposts with the coarse gold rope made out of barbwire. Tara automatically ran her fingers across her wrists. The imprint of the marks it left was still visible; she recoiled at the sight as if she could still feel the rope cut into her flesh. She watched as men and women had their way with her young body, poking, stabbing, licking, fucking, burning, whipping were all done to her body, without her being aware of anything. Tara’s body was taken in every inconceivable way, with objects that might have given her pleasure and a plethora of pain.

  The end of the nightmare left her in a state of hatred, hatred that screamed out obscenities as she tore each black masked cloak wearing motherfucker to pieces with her teeth. The odium was more relevant when she dug her nails into the arms of the chair, as she watched two of the cloaked figures de-robbed and de-masked to reveal themselves as her parents.

  Tara slowly lifted her body up from the chair, motion for Jah to give her the video. She broke it in pieces over the garbage can; she walked out of Jah’s office with nothing left to be said or how it was going to go down. She was just going to make sure she was ready when it does.

  She went back to the hotel suite Bone put her and China in; China was not there, and readily Tara took her clothes off in the middle of the room. She walked over to their bar naked and poured a glass of Scotch, looking in the mirror behind the bar she saw herself crying; she was too traumatized to know even she was crying. She downed her drink and poured another as she walked to their Jacuzzi adorned bathroom.

  She stepped ove
r to her IPod and pushed play, starting the Jacuzzi she poured the bottle of scotch and honey bubble bath cleanser into her water. The World's an Addiction by Nas and Anthony Hamilton finally came through the speakers, as she lowered herself into the hot alcohol infested bubble bath. In her mind the Scotch will cleanse her; it will renew her from that night. Only her mind, could not stop haunting her, visions of her parents and her friends’ parents doing unthinkable things to her, made her scrub her body violently with the combination of Scotch and honey.

  She dunked her head under the water, and a million thoughts were rapidly entering her cleansing process.

  What type of shit was going on in their high-class society, was this the price her parents had to pay to be wealthy, a Japanese immigrant and a Black woman fitting into White society where you sacrifice your child to sexually sadistic acts. Who idea was it her step-father’s or mother, had to be her step-father because they were introduced into that community by him.

  Did he have his biological daughter sacrificed? Had to, because once she was 18 she fled to college and never came back. She never understood as to why her step-father made sure her bank account was full if she disowned him. She never heard her discuss her except when he found out she was killed in a drive-by while she was in college. After the funeral, she remembers all her step-sister’s things were boxed up in their living room.

  Tara found a note from her step-sister addressed to her, she guesses she never got the chance to mail it. All she could read before her step-father pulled it out of her hand was “Watch the in-house devils around you masked with rich and smiling faces. Watch what you eat and drink.”


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