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XXX Underground Playgrounds: La La's Story

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by Ms. Pantha Jones

  “I’ll just ask the questions, but first my men want to have a little fun. The henchmen moved in closer to the girls, grinning and massaging their growing manhoods inside of their pants.

  Jah gave the man closest to Doll a head nod. Doll watched the interaction and looked in the direction of the man moving toward her. She was ready to bite, kick; head butt anyone of those, Wrestle Mania looking motherfuckers. Doll had a feeling she was about to be raped and God only knows what else so she was going to give them hell.

  The henchman approached Doll with caution as he bent her over so her ass protruded up into the air, the short pleated black skirt she had on risen to show her red thong, the henchmen couldn’t resist he bent down bit her on the ass before he slid the barrel of the gun through the strings. He played there for a while rubbing the steel between her flesh and the string of her thong, then with a sudden motion he used the gun to rip the thong from her body.

  “Motherfucker, Doll side kicked his ass. Somebody should have yelled timber when his fat ass hit the floor; her kick was just that powerful. He jumped up ready to pounce, “Gab, Jah said silenced his actions by calling his name. Gab stopped in his tracks, un-cuffed Doll, “Get your ass on the floor, Bruce Lee!” he told her waving his gun toward the floor. Doll positioned herself down on the floor as she was told, but still had the look of defiance on her face. She was ready to buck at any minute.

  “Spread your legs,” he told her.

  She slightly opened them, “Naw wider!” he told her as he kicked her legs open to the degree in which they wanted them. Doll breathed a sigh of relief when Gab didn’t come toward her. He had moved on to Envy now un-cuffing her from the pole, then re-cuffing her hands together. Gab then stepped back into his position and waited for Jah to continue.

  “Envy, I want to see your linguistics skills,” Jah informed her. Envy got down on her knees in front of Doll. It’s not like she hadn't gone down on a female before for money so shit she’ll do it again if it spared her life. As she was about to put her mouth on Doll, she noticed the tampon string hanging out. “Shitting me, she said jumping up; the men quickly pointed their guns at Envy ready to fire if needed.

  “What’s the problem? Jah asked

  “This bitch is on her period!” Envy said in disgust folding her arms in the process.

  The room erupted with laughter.

  Jah laughed also, but it was a brutal one, “I don’t give a fuck if shit was coming out of her pussy. Down girl!” he told her, as he gave his men a head nod. All the men came closer with their weapons drawn and fingers on their triggers. “Better a bloody mouth than a bloody body. Wouldn’t you say, Shawna?”

  The laughter continued as Envy made her way down to Doll’s bloody vagina. Doll was in disgust herself even with the hatred she had for Envy she couldn’t fathom making someone do that blood or not. She especially was not down for Envy eating her out period; she never let her before in her stripper days so you know she wasn’t happy with it now. She just better hope she doesn’t snap her neck while she was down there.

  “Go ahead you’re a naughty girl pull it out with your teeth. “ Jah laughed

  Envy’s face was so close she could see the blood clot in the entry way to Doll’s vagina. She tasted the fast arrival of vile in her mouth, it was one thing she could say at least Doll didn’t have a repugnant smell to her. She held out her tongue closed her eyes and flicked her tongue over Doll’s clit.

  “I’ve witnessed you eat pussy before Envy so I know you can do better than that!” Jah told her. Jah gave a nod and two of the henchmen took a step closer and cocked their guns and placed the barrel to her head. Envy could feel the cold steel pressed up against her head. She had no choice but to close her eyes and give Doll the best tongue lashing she could muster.

  Lying there Doll didn’t feel a thing she couldn’t, she was numb. She focused on the gunmen and trying to determine her fate in all of this. There was no way this could be about her maybe Envy got her into some shit again. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was wondering where she had met Jah before on where she had come across his face.

  Doll-eyed the gunmen and it seemed they were getting a kick out of this performance the proof was in their growing erections.

  “Doll, grab her head and fuck her face! I want to see you enjoy it. I want to hear you moan. I want to hear you cum. I want to watch you squirt all over her face and in her mouth!” Jah was directing the scene into the show he wanted to see. He was toying with them now, but he was also contemplating on what he really wanted to do with Doll. Did he want to make her take Jazzy’s place or did he just want her dead? He wanted to know what part Envy played in it, plus she was just a trifling ass individual so he was doing this to punish her. One thing he needed to know was the whole truth about what happened in that hotel room.

  He got up out of his chair as Doll grabbed Envy’s face; she thrust her pussy into it. Now, she was involuntarily feeling something she experienced a powerful orgasm coming. Jah watched intensely as he looked at his dead girlfriend’s twin beautiful face in mid orgasm. Standing over them he noticed the look and knew that at that moment she was about to cum, he yanked Envy’s head back so he could witness Doll’s pussy squirt.

  A loud moan escaped Doll’s mouth as she released and sure enough, she squirted, embarrassed for her and Envy, she laid there ashamed of herself.

  Jah pulled Envy up to Doll’s mouth and forced their lips together, “Taste yourself, I want to see tongue! “He warned them. Doll tasted her nectar as well as her blood on Envy’s tongue as their tongues danced around each other loathing every step to the dance they were dancing. He pulled them apart, both women were gagging and trying to wipe the evidence of what they had done out of their mouths.

  “Now, let’s see who is the baddest bitch between you two? I am going to ask some questions and all I want is truthful answers, the most ruthless will win. Have you ever fucked over a friend and she lost her life because of you? “Jah eyed Doll. Envy laughed because she knew she had Doll beat hands down. She knew what story she was going to tell to show that Doll was not the ruthless one. Despite the episode at Don’s house, Envy felt that nobody held a candle to her when it came to being out for self by any means necessary.

  Doll had a look of sorrow in her eyes as Jazzy came into mind. “Doll you look like you have a story to tell, proceed,” Jah told her.

  “I, Doll started and paused to gather herself, I let the improper influence get around my best friend and she ended up dead because of it.” Doll meekly finished

  “This bitch didn’t have shit to do with that. You want to hear ruthless, I will tell you heartless. Her soft ass didn’t have the balls to go make some money but her dumbass roommate did. Anyways, I left her gullible country ass friend in a room to get raped. I knew she wasn’t going for anyone fucking her, but they wanted to and those College boys were paying extra. Captain Save A Ho over there, she said pointing to Doll. Decides she wants to intervene and rescue her. I mean sit the stupid bitch was so gung-ho on wanting to strip; she should have known what came with it. So long story short I had to come to the rescue had to shoot a nigga and then we robbed them. I kept the money and got of dodge while she and her best friend stayed to do their whole College thing. They found the other girl and killed her thinking she could lead them to the money, I guess. Who knows and who gives a fuck?” Envy boasted to Jah. Envy knew she lied about the shooting the dude but she knew Doll mind was occupied with thoughts of her so-called best friend. Envy did feel some type of way about that, regardless of what she put Doll through.

  Jah kept calm as he witnesses angry tears running down Doll’s face. Doll didn’t talk Jazzy into anything, and it wasn’t a case of mistaken identity. Jazzy might not have been the girl who killed his cousin, but she was involved. He can tell Doll blamed herself for her death, because of her association with Envy’s malicious ass.

  Jah slowly unbuttoned his shirt to reveal the face he had tattooed on his heart. Doll and Envy wer
e both confused about the tattoo, it looked exactly like Doll. Jah walked closer to Doll, as he came nearer the writing of the name bewildered her for a second.

  “Bone?" She asked.

  Envy set there confused while Jah had his back to her, she just knew she was in the clear so she relaxed and waited for the gunshots to be penetrated into Doll’s body. Better Doll than her!

  “Jazzy’s Jah?" She asked, pictures of him now vividly flashing through her head.

  Jah nodded towards Doll and then nodded again in the other direction, Gab quickly swooped up Doll, with her fighting every step of the way. Envy was hysterically laughing, “Ah ha Bitch! See it pays to have friends in low places Ms. Goody Goody! You ain’t never had a friend like -.” Envy was too busy teasing Doll, that she didn’t feel Jah come up behind her. Jah grabbing Envy’s head by her mouth and the back of her skull, twisting with a sudden violent jerk, breaking her vertebrae! She instantly collapses to the floor.

  Gab finally getting Doll outside, “Calm your crazy ass down!” he told her as he threw her in the driver seat of her own car. She didn’t even think twice when she saw the keys in the ignition; she cranked that motherfucker up and sped home.


  “Chop her up, burn her and fertilize her grandmother’s garden with her,” He told them as he grabbed his cell, “Yo, Roc Vega! What up Big Dog? I need you to go into a business venture with me!

  “What do you have in mind, Big Dog” Vega questioned

  “Shit, the sweetest business in the world my friend- Pussy!” Jah laughed into the phone.

  “You came to the right man, my feline game is just as superior as my cannabis indica game. I know quality pussy and head!” Vega laughed.

  “This is what I know! Welcome to The Elite Feline of The Underground Playgrounds! “ Jah welcomed him as he lit his cigar.

  China/Chocolate Cocaine

  China was promised to the Prominent African Dr. for payment of her father’s medical bills. China’s parents and Dr. Linton knew each other from their home country in Africa. China was born in America; hence, the name China but her last name will be Oniah.

  She wanted her father to continue his cancer treatment so when her father signed over his rights to Dr. Johanon Linton, she did not protest. Of course, at the age of 16, she didn’t want to be married, she wanted to do what other American teens did. China knows she is being sold like cattle, used as a bartering commodity for medical reasons.

  China had craved for a life of luxury before her father became sick their family was on their way to live in the suburbs and owning their own home. Then the devastating blow of Cancer KO’d the breadwinner of the family. China was left with a faded grasp on financial stability, which left hunger. She was blinded by the precious Dr.’s promise to have the ability to cure her father, to care that she had been bought.

  So, to the people who were outside looking in, they saw a lucky poverty ghetto stricken the little black girl, get real life rags to riches story. As if she was Willis from A Different Strokes, except her Mr. Drummond was an African Dr. who liked to fuck the mouth of his so called adopted daughter. Whose teeth still after two years and a name change, still managed to nick the flesh of Dr. Linton’s penis.

  Johanon decided to take matters into his own hands, in Africa he was able to do what he wanted to his wives. To him being an African man in America did not make it any different. He was above American Laws in his household, so if he wanted to adjust his Wife’s appearance to enhance his sexual pleasure then so be it. He would give China one more try on her oral skills if it did not surpass his expectations he will go to extreme measures.

  China on her knees, orally ready to please her husband, hoping she would please him or he would guide her in the art of fellatio. She went down on his manhood, trying hard to imitate what she had seen in porn movies. She felt as her teeth grazed the skin of his penis, to her surprise he let it pass. The second time was not so forgiving.

  “No!” he yanked her up by her hair and harshly threw her towards the chair that was in the middle of the room. Oddly China never paid attention to this new contraption that was now sitting in their bedroom. Frustrated, however, determined to show this young American black girl how NOT to use her teeth.

  Now seeing the contraption with its traps and head gear, China’s confusion turned into fear. The chair resembled an electric chair for death row inmates. China hurriedly tried to get herself up, a punch to the stomach made her body renege on that option.

  China awakened with her body confined to the holdings of the chair, she couldn’t even move her head to look around the now pitch black room. She could not feel her body, she could not speak and as China tried to swallow she could not, her mouth was pried open with some kind of metal device.

  She was only able to let the tears fall from her eyes for the unknown possibilities of her predicament. She could not only move her limbs, but she also could not feel them either hindering her from even wiggling her fingers or toes.

  China was frozen in her own body, her voice, her screams, her cries, were all imprisoned in her body. She knew she wasn’t dead her lungs still worked, her eyeballs were still in motion, frantically surveying the room of darkness. She no longer knew if she was still in their bedroom. Fear grew as it clutched at her insides, as the above light was cut on. She squinted at the brightness and let her eyes adjust to the light. She wished she hadn’t changed them because standing above her with surgical gloves and dental pliers were Johanon.

  Lowering the pliers to her pried opened mouth, “This way," he told her while adjusting the pliers around one of her teeth. "We won’t have to worry about you using your teeth.”

  Darkness blanketed the unknown of her surroundings once again, the coldness of the room was like that of a hospital room, and the humming of some type of machine occupied the air, leaving Chyna to awake to a cold as hell. Her wits were a little foggy, she felt drugged, however, flashes of what happened before her awakening sent her into panic mode. As if that was not enough she had something cold running through her veins, feeling around her body with her hands she felt a cord attached to a needle embedded in her veins.

  Finally, her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she realized that there was a glow from the machine that she had seen in hospitals monitoring her heart rate. Her eyes followed the cord up to the steel hanger that held three bags of clear liquid; all three were pumping into her veins.

  Panicking she tried to move her legs out of the bed, they did not budge. She frantically tried to reach her legs to see if they were still there. She could only lift her body from the waist up to feel her legs. What the fuck did this nigga do to me? Chyna questioned the powers that be, looking for some type of escape even though she couldn’t move, she was thinking about her next move.

  She tried to lick her lips and realized she had no top teeth or bottom teeth in the front, a tear slide down her face. This sadistic, selfish motherfucker, she quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. The squeak of the floor was faintly heard over the buzzing of the machine, only when the key entered the lock did she slam her eyes closed. She saw the brightness of the door being opened slide across her closed eyelids.

  Footsteps shuffled towards her, falling short by her bedside he fumbled with the cord connected to her veins and the bags of clear liquid. She felt her whole upper body become paralyzed just like her bottom half; she did not dare react or give herself away. It was obvious that whoever this was, that they thought she was still out of it.

  Using her ears to listen to his footsteps, he walked across the room to a side door to let someone in, she peeked and that someone was her husband. In her mind she could not think of anything else he could possibly do to her, he now had her the way he wanted her. However she would be mistaken, with surgical gloves both men came towards one with a needle, the other with his hands coming towards her mouth.

  Johanon pries her mouth open and puts a mouth prop in it while the other doctor injected her with Lidocaine. Undressing Johano
n mounted Chyna’s face and entered his penis into her numb opened mouth, first going slow then quickly. Enjoying the sensation of his project, basking in the demonic glow of power that he now possessed over his wife, the pleasure was to no measures.

  The other doctor was not to penetrate his wife but he could give her oral pleasure because he was never going to indulge in that American way of life. An un-Americanized African man would never belittle himself to give a woman pleasure. The pain was for the woman. The pleasure was for the man. They brutalized her body, over and over again all night, Johanon semen being dispensed all over her body and the other doctor licking it up was the only indication that they were done.

  She refused to cry, the time for crying has relinquished itself somewhere and the growth of fury and revenge had come. In the wee hours of one morning, she found herself in a hospital in another state, in another city. In her belongings were over a thousand dollars, a picture of her fixed teeth and a threatening fuck off letter from her husband.

  He deveined her of pride, lied to her, took her innocence and manipulated her body into what he wanted and just threw her away like a sacrificed animal carcass. This was not over, she will make her way back to him and his friend and it was not because she loved him.

  Her innocence was presumed dead and her mindset was that of getting money, fuck these sadistic as men. She didn’t know shit about Indianapolis, Indiana but, she was about to find her way at the age of 18. Indianapolis could not be worse than Brooklyn, NY.


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