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An Ignited Passion

Page 12

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  The first burst of color hit the sky above and Wyatt watched in awe. Music played in sync with the fireworks and more went off, bigger blasts with more color and flair. Wyatt was wrapped in the arms of his mate, they were a family. Preston had had a horrible childhood from the moment he admitted the truth to his parents. Alone in the world until Jagger, Taylor, Wesley and Tucker entered his life, he was then presented with a mate six years his junior. Wyatt was going to make sure Preston never wanted for anything. He squeezed Preston’s fingers and leaned against the strong, warm chest behind him. Preston’s nose was nuzzling his hair and Wyatt tipped his face up.

  “I’m sorry I got mad at you, Preston. I really do understand why you kept yourself hidden. It must have been hard on you to stay away.”

  Preston smiled. “Oh God, when you turned fourteen,” Preston shook his head and chuckled. “You were already so damn beautiful. I knew if I’d let you know who I was, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands to myself.”

  “I was really horny, too,” Wyatt snickered. “Yeah, I know,” Preston sighed loudly. “I used to stay upwind of you so you couldn’t smell me, but boy could I smell you.” Preston let out a low whistle. “Hot damn, baby.”

  Wyatt laughed, leaning back into Preston again. He wiggled, feeling something sharp on his spine. “What is that?”

  Preston removed the box from his front pocket. “Your birthday gift. I was going to give it to you that night, but…” Wyatt opened the box. A platinum band sat on a bed of cotton. Wyatt raised his eyes to Preston’s. “I love you, Preston Dalton,” Wyatt whispered.

  “I love you too, Wyatt, always.”


  Wyatt shielded his eyes from the Arizona sun. Even though it was

  December, the air was slightly warm. Derek and James Jacobs were taking their marriage vows once again, this time in front of family and friends in the

  Chiricahua Mountains. He had to admit, it was beautiful - rocks seemed to hang suspended in midair.

  The sun was slowly setting and the sky was beautiful; shades of orange and lavender spread across the mountain peaks. Derek and James’ official wedding had been in Canada not too long after Vince Markov had married Keegan Ripley. The entire group had made the time to attend this ceremony in Arizona. It had started with the Skull Blasters Mateo, Josh, Sam and Troy, and now the family had extended to include everyone. Christmases were spent flying between Denali, Washington and Arizona as the packs, and the humans, became family.

  Wyatt felt Preston’s hand in his; they were engaged and would be getting married on the beach on Queets land. Things had come together quite nicely. The wolf who had covered him

  protectively when he was seven had become his fiancé. He was back in school, playing football and mending his

  relationship with his ex-boyfriend, Sebastian.

  Nadine stood with Joe, watching the ceremony with tears in her eyes. Wyatt’s extended family adored Preston and was already hounding them for kids. His brothers stood with their husbands, all of them still so happy and in love. Wyatt’s eyes found Tucker and Wesley watching the ceremony; they had both found their mates only to discover that they were straight. Wyatt could tell that Austin had feelings for Tucker; he just couldn’t put a name to them yet. Kurt had kept to himself a lot after Wesley had gone back to Anchorage, and Wyatt would catch him occasionally looking at the pictures from the firehouse barbeque. Meanwhile, Tucker and Wesley waited and hoped for a miracle.

  A slight squeeze from Preston’s hand alerted him to the end of the

  ceremony. Wyatt clapped as James and Derek shared a kiss. The wedding party moved to a bed and breakfast down the road for the reception. Ever the proper host, Riley ushered everyone into the main dining room and champagne was poured. Josh, Mateo, Sam and Troy had served as Derek’s best men, and Riley had stood with James. The men all settled in and Riley raised his glass to Derek and James.

  “We were all fortunate enough to watch the love story between Derek and James come to fruition. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say it’s about time!”

  There was a collective chuckle from the guests. “So, let’s raise our glasses and give a toast to two men who went through hell and came out on the other side more in love than ever!”

  “Hell, yeah!” Josh shouted, downing his champagne. Wyatt’s eyes roamed the room as he sat chatting about work with Preston, Tucker, Wesley and Nicholas. Keegan’s FBI partner, Special Agent Devin Lyons, was up getting food and Wyatt’s eyes widened as he saw an accident ready to happen. He sprang from the table but arrived too late as Lyons turned and ran right into Vince’s ex-husband and Devin’s nemesis: Andrei Panchenko. Red fruit punch splattered between the two of them and Devin’s cake landed on Andrei’s chest.

  “Son of a bitch!” Devin growled. “Watch where you’re going!”

  “You ran into me!” Andrei shoved Devin backwards. Wyatt tried desperately to stop the fight before it became a full-out brawl. It didn’t work. Fists were flying as Devin and Andrei took their scuffle to the floor. Vince jumped in, along with Keegan, and Wyatt was pulling Devin off of Andrei.

  “I’m going to kill you!” Andrei roared.

  Devin laughed. “Good luck with that!” “You were supposed to get along!” Keegan shouted. “It’s Derek’s and James’ special day, goddammit!”

  Devin caught Andrei’s eyes and noticed him slowly licking Devin’s blood off of his knuckles.

  Devin smirked. “Is that supposed to scare me? Cause I gotta tell ya – I’m a little turned on right now.”

  Keegan sighed in frustration and glared at Devin, who looked down at the floor and clasped his hands together like a penitent toddler. “I’m sorry.”

  James stepped in between Andrei and Devin. “You two are going to have to try and get along somehow; you’re on the same team now.”

  “I’ll never trust that murdering bastard,” Devin snarled. Andrei chuckled. “Me? Look who’s talking, Agent Lyons. I have seen your kill record - you and Vince could be in competition. In fact, you are actually worse than he is. At least Vince can feel.”

  “Yeah? No thanks to you – he had to meet another man to accomplish that!” “Both of you, time out, right now,” Nikolai grabbed Andrei, leading his father away.

  Derek eyed Devin. “Devin?” “I’m sorry. I know I should have just walked away.” “No harm, no foul. No alcohol was spilled in the fight,” Josh grinned, leading Devin away from the group and breaking the tension.

  Wyatt smiled at James and Derek. “Never a dull moment, huh?” “When did you get so grown up?” James hugged Wyatt. “Thanks for


  “Preston and I wouldn’t have missed it. You two are coming to our wedding, right?”

  Derek took Wyatt by the shoulders. “We wouldn’t dare miss you marrying your mate. It’s a love story years in the making.”

  “Yes,” Preston said. “Eleven very long years.” “And you love each other; you always will.” James mussed Wyatt’s short hair.

  “Trust me, it didn’t start out that way,” Wyatt smiled at Preston. “I hated him in the beginning.” Wyatt furrowed his brows. “You know, that gives me an idea.”

  “Uh oh,” Preston laughed. “No, seriously. Dad used to put me and my brothers in a room when we were fighting and let us have it out. Maybe you could do the same with Devin and Andrei?”

  James snorted. “They would kill each other.”

  “Maybe Devin needs anger

  management?” Preston offered. “No psychiatrist will even be in the same room with Devin Lyons,” Derek arched a brow. “They are scared shitless of him.”

  Wyatt looked over at Josh talking with Devin. “He doesn’t seem that scary.” “The Bureau wanted him out and locked away because he’s so volatile and completely unpredictable. He’s a loose cannon. The only reason he walks around free is because of James; he seems to be the only one Devin really listens to. He’s just as vicious as Vince and is the number one assassin for the FBI,
” Derek


  Wyatt looked Devin Lyons over. The man was maybe five foot ten with dirty blonde hair, pale grey eyes and a muscular physique. He didn’t look that scary.

  “Don’t let his looks fool you,” James cautioned, following Wyatt’s line of sight. “He’s as deadly as they come and you never see him coming.”

  Wyatt shivered, snuggling into Preston. “I’ll take your word for it.” By the time Wyatt hit the bed at the bed and breakfast, it was three in the morning. He threw an arm over Preston, pulling him closer. They were already talking about having kids, but Wyatt wanted to wait until he graduated from college. Just the thought of having a little Preston running around made him smile.

  “I want a little Wyatt, too.” Preston kissed Wyatt’s forehead, yawning. “We agreed we’d have your child first.” Wyatt tweaked Preston’s nipple. “Ow,” Preston chuckled. “Yes we did and I can’t wait to start a family with you.”

  “You think we’ll be good parents? With both of us being firefighters?” “I think we’ll be excellent parents.” Wyatt yawned, burying his face in Preston’s neck. “I think so, too. You deserve to have everything you’ve ever wanted, Preston. You have love now; my dad loves you as his own and my brothers treat you like another brother.”

  “Yes they do; could you ask them to lay off the pranks?” Preston said,


  “Now why would I do that?” Wyatt chuckled. Preston rolled over on top of Wyatt, pinning him beneath him. “I think I want to make love until morning.”

  “Oh, the horror.”

  “I love you, Wyatt.”

  “Me, too. Now, get to showing me that love.”

  *~The End~*

  Sneak Peek: Reflash

  “Oh my God! What the hell? How is this stupid thing still alive?” Wesley shook his phone. “It got hit in the head with a rock! Stupid pig! Now it’s laughing at me, just great.” Wesley banged his head on the steering wheel.

  Tucker sipped his coffee and grinned at his partner from the passenger seat of the squad car. They had been in Seattle for almost a month. The change from Anchorage PD to Seattle’s wasn’t difficult; in fact, it was easier. Their friend Nicholas had talked to his boss and Tucker and Wesley were partnered. Once they’d figured out their mates were in Washington, it had become a priority to move closer. Austin Jacobson was a fireman, and Tucker’s mate. He was also straight, as was Wesley’s mate, Kurt Maguire.

  Tucker snickered. “You do realize how that sounds, right?”

  Wesley looked over at Tucker. “Huh?”

  “Stupid pig?” Tucker raised an eyebrow. “It’s Angry Birds!” Wesley shoved his phone in Tucker’s face. “I swear I’m angrier than the birds are!”

  “Stop playing that, it’s almost as bad as when you were addicted to Tetris. That stupid song was in my head for months!” Tucker caught sight of a car speeding up the road behind them. “Flash him.”

  Wesley hit the lights as the car flew by them, the brake lights flashed and the car slowed down. Wesley chuckled, looking over at Tucker. “Wonder what they were in a hurry for?”

  Tucker shrugged. “Hot date?” “Speeding home to jack off?” Wesley put his phone down and looked over at Tucker. They’d been best friends from the day they met. “When should we call them? How are we going to do this? Kurt’s been out with me twice maybe and I don’t know what to do. I want him so much.”

  Tucker ran his hands over his face. “You think I don’t want to call Austin? I’m not sure what to do anymore. Right now we wait and see if the fates throw us together somehow. We’ve gone out with them, played it cool and kept our hands to ourselves. We can’t do much more than that, Wes. They are straight for fuck’s sake.”

  Wesley rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to keep reminding me my mate is straight, and almost homophobic. At least Austin’s a little better with you.”

  Tucker sat back and brought forth a vision of Austin Jacobson. Six feet of pure muscle, dark hair and light blue eyes. Tucker sighed and pinched his cock. “I can’t even think about him without getting hard.”

  “Kurt’s just…” Wesley sat back, looking at the roof of the squad car. “I mean he’s not mean or anything, he just is kinda standoffish.”

  Tucker was about to open his mouth, when he spotted a car weaving on the road. He smacked Wesley in the shoulder and grinned. “Bets?”

  “Over the limit for sure.” Wesley watched the car pass them, oblivious to the squad car parked right off the side of the road.

  “Let’s do it.” Tucker strapped in and Wesley started the car. The lights were on and the siren blared. The car was still weaving in and out of both lanes and Wesley got right up on its back end. The driver finally pulled over to the side and Tucker got out. He walked to the driver’s side and shined his flashlight in the car. The driver still had the window rolled up and Tucker knocked on it with the

  flashlight, making the motion with his hand to roll the window down. The window lowered slowly and Tucker got a good look at the occupant. Cute kid, maybe nineteen or twenty, was looking at him with red, glazed eyes. He smelled like a whiskey mill.

  “License and registration, please.” Tucker had to hold in a laugh as the kid almost fell off the seat onto the floorboard opening the glove

  compartment. He sat up shakily and handed the information over. Tucker looked at the driver’s license with a frown. Will Cooper was twenty one; had just turned twenty one, as a matter of fact, at midnight.

  “Will, could you do me a favor and step out of the vehicle, please?” Tucker stepped away from the side of the car. He motioned to Wesley to come over. Will, or William, stepped out of the car and almost fell over. Tucker heard Wesley snickering on his way over. “You

  wouldn’t have been drinking tonight, Will, now would you?” Tucker asked. Will’s glazed eyes looked at Tucker.

  “God, you’re smokin’ hot,” William said. Standing with his arms crossed, Wesley chuckled looking over the younger man. Tucker handed him the kid’s ID.

  “Well, happy birthday, Will. Say, why don’t you do us a favor and stand over here on the yellow line?”

  “Wow,” William licked his lips, looking at Wesley. “This is like a total fantasy of mine.”

  “Is that right?” Tucker arched a brow.

  “Having two cops do me on a squad car,” William stumbled to the yellow line. Wesley looked over at Tucker and tilted his head. He smiled when Tucker shook his head no. Wesley sighed and threw his hands up in the air. “Okay, William. Stand on one foot.” Wesley covered his mouth as William stood on the line, one foot up. “Now, put both your arms out to your sides.” Wesley waited for William to comply, then gave him more instruction. “Now, take your finger and put it on your nose.”

  “Jump up and down at the same time,” Tucker added. William promptly fell over and moaned. Tucker walked over to him and smiled. “Sorry bud, you get to spend the night in jail.”

  “Fuck,” Will slurred. “Can I at least get my fantasy? Maybe avoid a cell?” “Will, are you a virgin?” Tucker asked.

  “Tucker!” Wesley whispered. “What? He’s not going to remember this anyway.” Tucker looked at Will, trying to stand up on the yellow line again. “Will?”




  “Not much of a bribe then, huh?” Tucker chuckled. “Jesus, Tucker! I’ll call the tow,” Wesley laughed, walking back to the squad car.

  Tucker helped William up, walking him toward the car. “What were you thinking? Drinking and driving?”

  William sagged in Tucker’s grip. “Today I told my now not-veryhappy parents I was gay and my boyfriend broke up with me tonight.” William looked up at the officer currently holding him up. “Aren’t you going to cuff me? Read me my Melinda rights?”

  “It’s Miranda, and I don’t think you’re running off anywhere; I doubt you’ll remember your rights but I’ll read them to you.” Tucker helped William into the car
after he’d read him his rights. He leaned over and pulled William’s startled face up. “Don’t let it get you down; I’m sure there’s another guy out there perfect for you and your parents will eventually get over it.”

  “I need coffee,” William whined. “Well, I’m going to give you a breathalyzer before I allow you to drink coffee,” Tucker smiled.

  “I’m drunk, I admit it,” William sighed, and promptly passed out on the back seat.

  “Well, that was fun.” Wesley looked at the time. “Only four more hours to go!”

  “Why did we take this shift again?” Tucker pulled the seatbelt over his lap, clicking it into place.

  “We love the night life?” Wesley chuckled, and pulled onto the road. “I love the night life, I like to boogieee!” Tucker sang, looking out the window. After being in Seattle for over a month, he missed seeing Austin. They hadn’t called or spoken to each other since the Fourth of July; it’d been almost a year. Tucker closed his eyes; he wanted his mate. The sad part was, he didn’t think his mate would ever want him.

  ~~ “Fuck! It’s hot as hell!” Austin swore his skin was melting. The fire was raging in the small apartment complex they’d been called to and three hours later, were still trying to put it out. Kurt was in front of him, leading them out. They’d gotten everyone out of the building, including two pet rats. Austin had sent them out with Preston; he wasn’t a huge fan of rodents. “Where the fuck is


  Kurt kicked the door open and walked out into a rain of water and smoke. “He’s out! I made him leave.”

  “Jesus Christ!” Austin tore his mask off. “What the hell!” Austin walked over to the rig. He grabbed a bottle of water and poured it down his face. He took a deep breath of semi-clean air and

  coughed. Kurt smacked him on the back and Austin glanced at him sideways. Kurt leaned up against the rig, taking in deep breaths. “What happened in there?” Austin asked.

  “He froze, that’s what happened.” Kurt drank a half bottle of water before resuming. “The sight of that old lady freaked him out. He thought she was dead.”


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