Their Spoiled Princess
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Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Read On For An Exclusive Chapter Reveal of Mr Bad Cop
Chapter One
Their Spoiled Princess
A Twin Brother MFM Romance #4
J.L. Beck
Their Spoiled Princess © 2017 J.L. Beck
All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
Meet The Author
J.L. Beck is the Best Selling author of over thirty-five different novels and novellas. She resides in the wonderful state of Wisconsin and loves spending time with her husband, two kids, and two pups.
Outside of writing she likes helping others, marketing, and reading. She loves to hear from her readers, and loves to give stuff away.
Check her out here:
Chapter One
For some reason, and I never understood why, people thought that going to a cabin in the middle of the woods was a vacation.
I mean, yeah, there was a nice view, and it was quiet but could you really appreciate such a thing for a week straight? Was swimming in a lake that exotic compared to, I don't know, the pool that we had back home? Personally I didn’t think so but my opinion in this case didn’t matter.
I’m sure there would be no surprise when Cody and I just sort of stayed up in the room we shared during this lovely vacation, with our laptops and tablets out. At least, we had internet access, even if it wasn't all that good. I mean technically we weren’t roughing it, which meant we could keep on top of our business affairs and we had a shit ton of those.
My twin brother and I had hit our stride pretty early on in life. We were always something of tech wizards, and together we developed some stupid little phone game that soon became the number one game app. It went completely viral overnight, and out of nowhere we were getting offers for millions of dollars for the rights to it… thus creation of Price Industries.
We took the offer and never looked back. I mean if they wanted to market a movie based on the video game, go ahead. I had no real clue how they were going to create a narrative based on a dinosaur running through the desert jumping over cacti though, but I guess that's why I'm not in Hollywood.
"Fuck, what's taking everyone so long?" Cody questioned, looking up from his laptop, his eyes colliding with mine.
I shrugged, I didn’t really know what was taking everyone so long, nor did I particularly care. Having the house all to ourselves wasn’t half bad.
“What did you expect? We got here early so we get to be bored the longest, though having the entire cabin to ourselves isn’t that bad, is it?" I raised an eyebrow in questioning. Cody was a mirror image of myself minus his blonde hair. We both were athletic, hot, and capable of anything. The world was our oyster and we intended on exploring it.
It hit me then how irritated Cody seemed to be and I wondered why… “It’s not bad, but it’s just shitty to ask us out here and then not even be here when we arrive. I mean I know Mom’s busy, but it’s not like we aren’t too..” I wanted to laugh at my brother who was being far more emotional than he should be over something so small.
His phone chimed signaling and incoming text, so I let him be going back to the email I was trying to get done.
“Mom say’s Jim is bringing Alexa out here. She won’t be in for a couple more days.”
I rolled my eyes, "Oh great, we get to hang out with that spoiled brat…” I grumbled. “As if I have nothing better to do with my time.” Sarcasm laced my words.
"Hey, she's our step-sister, so technically she’s family." Cody shot me a look that said be nice or else.
"Don't you remember Mom begging us to come? 'Doesn't family mean anything to you, dear Cody?'" I said the last part impersonating our mother. She was always begging us to come around, to come to the house for more family dinners, and here we were and where was she? Nowhere in sight of course.
"Yeah, but she wouldn’t be our Step Sister if she hadn’t gotten hitched to some guy with a daughter who turned her into a complete and utter spoiled brat." Cody rolled his eyes so hard I was worried he was going to hurt himself.
"Alexa's not that bad Bret. You can't seriously be holding a grudge against her after four years of not seeing her." Cody was the twin that could handle new things. I was the one still holding onto hope that the entire marriage was nothing more than a dream.
"She literally destroyed every single file on my computer so she could download some dumb game. I would be stupid not to hold grudge.” I remembered the incident like it was yesterday. Alexa almost got in trouble, but the tears and puppy dog eyes had worked well on her father and instead of being punished for her wrong doing she was taken out for ice cream.
She was fifteen then, and if she was anything like that still then I’m sure the spoiled attitude would be far worse than it had been before and that would make for a whole new level of spoiled. My princess always gets what she wants … Our step-dad always went on and on… She’s the light of my life, my one true blessing.
Like, I understood. He was a single parent for years. Maybe he felt he needed to show her the parental love of two…. I didn’t really know but either way I didn’t feel the need to see her again.
"You think four years in Catholic school has set her straight?" Cody shot me a knowing glare.
"You know, maybe she acted up, and she had a nun hit her bare ass with a ruler?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"I don't need to know your sexual fantasies, Cody." I smirked, though the thought made my cock jump in my pants.
"What? You never thought about the woman Alexa’s most likely become? I mean, she was fifteen last time we saw her, so of course she was off limits, but you knew she was going to be something special…” Cody was day dreaming he had to be.
"Dude, she's our step-sister." I snorted, ready to drop the conversation.
Cody smirked, "You know that doesn't count. Besides, hot step-sisters are the newest trend in porn."
"Porn has trends people track?" I narrowed my eyes at the computer screen.
“Yeah and don’t even say you don’t watch porn. I’ve seen your internet, history, Mr. Cream Pie.” Cody teased and my I couldn’t even deny it if I tried. I loved porn just as much as the next man did.
A car rumbling over gravel caught both of our attentions though I was the first to look out the huge picture window. I recognized the vehicle right away and almost groaned out loud. It belonged to Jim, our Step Father. He parked the car next to ours, and second ticked by before either of them got out of the car. It felt like an eternity that I stood there waiting for him to get out and open the door for Alexa.
en he finally did, and my entire world shifted on it’s axis.
Air caught in my lungs as I caught a glimpse of her for the first time in four years. She stepped out of the vehicle, those long legs appearing first. She looked like a fucking goddess with long flowing hair, and a soft face with lips that begged to be kissed, and maybe even fucked.
It was evident that she had just come from the school as she was still wearing the plaid skirt and the white button up shirt though it looked like she needed a new one from the way the current one was hugging her tits, and sides. But I wasn't going to be the one to rush to her modesty.
The twitching, awakening beast in my pants was letting me know that Cody suddenly had a point. One hell of a fine, sexy point, and gaining carnal taboo knowledge of my step sister suddenly became something I wanted, and wanted badly.
Chapter Two
"Your grades have been good, Princess, but what about the rest of you?" Daddy's eyes were on the long winding road, but I didn’t need to see his eyes on me to know what it was he was referring to.
"What do you mean by that Daddy?” I questioned, trying to sound naïve.
"You know exactly what I’m talking about, your purity, as in you saving yourself for the right man. They should be teaching you the importance of that you know?" Daddy sounded concerned about what it was that I was learning at school and though I wanted to take away the anxiety he was feeling about the things he didn’t know I also wanted to make him realize that I was old enough to make my own choices.
"Oh, right?" I turned my head enough so that he couldn't see me roll my eyes. "Of course, Daddy, you know I haven't been seduced by any boys. Plus you kind of need to have some interaction with boys to be seduced by them. I go to an all girls school or have you forgotten?" I didn’t mention the fact that I could easily find a man to seduce me if I wanted to.
"I haven’t forgotten Princess, but you have to understand something those boys will find a way, and I've heard stories about some of those Catholic school girls. It doesn’t matter if there aren’t any boys there. It doesn’t stop them from finding you.” Daddy was protective, a little too protective.
"Daddy, I can assure you that nothing has, or will be happening…” I lied. Hoping one day soon I would give myself over to a man. I couldn’t wait till marriage it just wasn’t who I was.
"No toys or anything?" My cheeks burned at his intrusive question.
"Daddy!" I growled. "What do you want, do you want me to drop my panties so you can check for yourself?" I crossed my arms over my chest, waves of anger slamming into me. I understood being concerned but his bluntness about what I did when he wasn’t around was completely uncalled for.
"I'm just thinking of your future husband, that’s all.” He quipped acting as if it was just normal to bring up a conversation like this.
I never bought into the whole save your self for marriage thing. Like, when I was ready for sex I would do it. I didn’t want to be told I couldn’t when I was clearly old enough to make my own choices. Plus it was my body, I could do what I wanted with it.
Daddy, though, well, he was more than a bit old fashioned.
As I stared off out the window a big brown, cabin finally came into view. It was beautiful, and the view it carried I’m sure was more breath taking.
"Thank you for booking this place, Daddy," I had manners, even if I was pissed about his intrusive questions.
"Anything for my Princess. Plus I think we all need a vacation away from life and it’ll be nice to have the family back together again." Daddy smiled and I could tell that he was happy, really happy, simply at the thought of having his family together again.
“Yeah, I suppose so…”
I was looking forward to seeing everyone again, really. It'd been years since I saw Bret and Cody because whenever I was at home, they were away at college. I knew they had hit it big, but I figured they were still the same guys I secretly crushed on from afar. Though they never looked at me as more than anything but an annoying little step sibling.
They were two broad-shouldered men, with natural muscle everywhere even without spending any serious time in the gym and I knew if they wanted to they could have been top-shelf football stars, no doubt in my mind. Yet they were also smart. If they could make their fortune without three hundred pound men slamming into them, they would and I couldn’t blame them one bit for making that choice.
"You're going to go pick Judith up from the airport?" Judith was my Step Mother.
"She should be coming in, in a few hours." Daddy’s eyes filled with excitement as he looked at the time on his watch.
"Yet you won't show up until tomorrow?" Confusion etched into my features.
"Princess, when you get married, sometimes you want to do things with your loved one, and things you can’t do with them when you have a house full of kids around.”
I feigned ignorance. "We're not kids anymore. I'm nineteen, and Bret and Cody are twenty-three."
"You'll always be kids to us." He grinned. "Trust me, we're doing boring old people stuff, stuff that you’ll want no part of."
He was right. I really had no interest in seeing Daddy fuck my Step Mother.
"I guess, I’ll go out camping tonight then.” I huffed, a little upset that I was being blown off by my own father. He hadn’t seen me in months and yet he wanted to stay back at the hotel with his wife.
"Going out alone, Princess?" Daddy questioned, his hands gripping the steering wheel hard. “I mean if you must go out you should at the very least take one of your brothers with you." I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes. He had no confidence in me surviving on my own whatsoever.
"Daddy, we're in the middle of nowhere. I was a Girl Scout. I know what to do if a bear decides to make me his midnight snack.”
"Still. They're your brothers. They'll protect you when I can’t." He sounded so sure of himself and the look on his face told me I should shut up.
"They hate camping, but if it makes you happier I’ll ask," I lied. "Though I doubt they'll want to come, either way I can assure you when you get here tomorrow, I won't be bear food. I'll be in one piece sitting in the living room reading my book.” I smiled, hoping that would ease some of his fear about letting me go out alone.
"You better be alive when I get back, because if you aren’t somebody is going to get hurt.” Daddy warned and I wanted to laugh. The man couldn’t even kill a fly, how was he going to hurt someone out here?
The SUV climbed the mountain of a driveway with little effort and Daddy put it in park right next to what I assumed to be the twin’s car. Seconds ticked by before he climbed out of the SUV first. Once he was out, I watched him grab the bags from the trunk and come and open my door. When I finally stepped out I stretched my legs and sucked in a big gulp of fresh mountain air. The cool air calmed me and as I stared out off into the distance I knew this was something I needed to be doing more often.
As I stretched I felt the fabric of my shirt tare. I was so going to be glad to get out of this tight as hell uniform. I could barely breathe in this shirt without ripping it, but I didn't have the time to change before I had to get on the plane to fly out here. Besides, while I was still a virgin, I wasn't oblivious. I knew that this mild discomfort offered a nice gaze for men who looked my way.
Usually, I'd be repulsed by this. Thinking of Bret and Cody seeing me like this though, well... I just wanted to entertain an old fantasy.
Every girl growing up had crushes. Hot actors, sports stars, musicians whatever, but none of those things really did it for me. My crush came in the form of my twin step brothers.
Two perfectly sculpted bodies, with firm muscles, and lick worthy abs accompanied by large hands, and kissable lips. Everything about them came in two and it made me wonder if they had two long, throbbing cocks to go along with them. I mean, they had to be similar in size, even if they weren't identical, so if one of them was hung, the other had to be comparable, right?
I blushed at my
own thoughts, reminding myself it was a filthy, dirty fantasy. The kind that would make Jesus cry as Mother Marian, my Catholic teacher had always said. They were my brothers, well step brothers, and there was no way that I would ever learn about their twin cocks beyond freak wardrobe malfunctions.
Daddy would be leaving me behind with the two of them. God the filthy fantasies wouldn’t go away.
All the things they could do to me without him ever finding out.
I shook my head. Stop. I tried to distract myself with all the things I wanted to do around the cabin. Hiking. Bird watching. Some sunbathing. Swimming in the lake, or maybe some skinny-dipping? I should see if the boys wanted to join me on that one.
Stop, Alexa. Just stop.
I took my bag into my hand and headed towards the huge wooden entrance. Seeing them would set me straight. Four years without seeing someone lets you create an idealized fantasy about them, so seeing them the real them would take that fantasy away. I didn’t really know if that were true, but there was always the chance that they had let themselves go, and decided they didn’t need to impress a woman. Either way they couldn’t be as hot as they were back when I was a crushing on them.
Daddy opened the door, and allowed me to walk inside first, my eyes eating up the entire room at first glance. As soon as the door closed behind us I heard footsteps on the hardwood floor above me.
I should’ve known there would be no such luck.
Bret and Cody were standing at the top of the stairs, staring down at me, us and they were as hot as fucking ever. Hell, they were even hotter than they had been before. They had filled out well, and everything about them screamed alpha. Their eyes were dark and practically screamed for me to give myself over to them.
"Hello Alexa, and Jim,” Bret greeted, like he was utterly surprised to see me.
"Hi boys, I promise I won’t be staying long, I have to go get your mother, but I wanted to stop by and get my Princess breakfast before I left.” Daddy snickered as he looked at me like I was his entire world.