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Their Spoiled Princess

Page 2

by J. L. Beck

  "Um," I stumbled over my words smiling, and feeling like I was in front of a boy I really liked, and I guess I was. Two of them. Never mind that I shouldn't even like them in the first place.

  "Well, um, how are my two favorite brothers doing?" I asked, in a desperate attempt to make normal conversation.

  "Just fine. You?" Bret countered his voice was honeyed. God, did I ever want to crawl inside of him and…

  "Um... um, I'm fine too, thanks for asking." I swallowed forcing another smile. Cody just stared his eyes never wavering from mine. The look he gave me caused goosebumps to scatter out across my skin.

  "Right then. We'll be upstairs if you need us." Bret announced and turned right back around before I could even mutter a good bye, or see you later. Instead I nodded trying to maintain the smile on my lips.

  "What was their problem?" Daddy asked, dropping the gear on the floor beside me.

  "Oh, I don’t know. I didn’t think there was a problem.” I shrugged, pretending as if I didn’t want to climb my two step brothers like a red wood.

  “Hmmm, you're probably right. I’m just a bit over protective of my little girl.” He approached me, wrapping me up in a tight hug before placing a kiss on my forehead.

  “You be a good girl while I'm gone and don't let the bears eat you. I want to see you in one piece when I get back. Got it?” He challenged me.

  I didn't want bears to eat me, but I could think of two particular people that I wanted to have theirs tongue sliding in and out of me.

  "Um, yes, Daddy. Have a nice trip and date with Judith." I exhaled barely getting the words out from the thoughts that were taking place in my mind.

  "Will do, Princess." Daddy smiled before finally departing. I broke out into a cold, panicked sweat as soon as the door closed behind him. The fantasies were keeping up with me and driving me a smidge crazy. I needed a cold shower or maybe I just needed to be fucked…

  Stop it; you can’t think such things about your step brothers, can you?

  Chapter Three


  I was joking when I was making suggestive comments about Alexa earlier. Sure, I knew she was an objectively attractive girl four years ago but I never excepted her to be as mature as she was. To actually have tits and an ass that I wanted to sink into.

  Jesus, I thought Bret was full of it when he called me over to look at Alexa through the window, but there she was.

  All the right curves, with a perfect bust, and those fucking lips I could see them painted ruby red, and wrapped around my cock.

  She had that deer in headlights look and I wanted to show her just how perfect she fucking was. Damn. I needed a drink, a hand job, and a fucking shower.

  "So what're we going to do?" Bret asked out loud. We had just entered the bedroom we were sharing after meeting up with Alexa and Jim downstairs.

  "What're we going to do about what?" I shot back, unsure of what he expected to happen from all of this.

  "Alexa, our hot as fuck stepsister?”

  "We have to do something about her?" Confusion laced my words. I didn’t understand what he was getting at.

  "Dude, I saw you staring at her. I don't blame you, but she's like, our sister."

  "Step-sister," I quickly added, as if it made it so much better. It was still taboo as hell, you weren’t to fuck your step sibling ever though there was no law against it.

  Bret grinned, "You're trying to justify it, aren't you? You want to go after that virgin pussy just like I do, huh??"

  "Like you do?" I was answering every question of his with another question.

  His head tipped back and his eyes closed, “I can picture it now, our sweet step sister walking around in that school uniform with those legs that go on for miles? Mm, the image alone has my cock harder than steel.” I licked my lips picturing the same image my twin brother was.

  Jesus, there was no way she was still a virgin, but she had to be.. I mean she went to an all girls school for fucks sake. Which meant her eyes were open to the world, and she was ready to experience anything. I imagined guiding her. Having those luscious lips wrapped around my cock, that tight pussy taking a pounding from my, ten incher. Fuck, I even pictured sinking balls deep into her ass.

  Anal was my thing, and if a woman had a nice ass, I would do whatever I could to get deep inside it.

  "Dude, we can't. I was joking. What would Mom think if we went and fucked our Step Sister?" I finally broke the silence trying to find something to hold onto, something to remind me that it was wrong to picture Alexa in any other way than being our Step Sister.

  "It’s not like we have to fucking tell her. Mom still thinks we're harmless little boys creating apps and running a million dollar company. She doesn’t know that we’ve fucked the same women together, numerous times.”

  I just stared at him in shock. Did he really just say that out loud? Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t afraid ashamed of sharing with my brother, but I was more shocked that he brought our mother into that type of conversation.

  "So..." I started. "You really want to do this?”

  "Dude, if I have to walk around here trying to keep her filed in the do-not-touch folder. I’m going to lose my shit. Besides, she's a virgin. She's not saving it as much as her Daddy hopes she will. So wouldn't it be better if her big brothers taught her all the dirty things she needs to know? You know, so she's not absolutely clueless when she finally does find a man worth settling down with?"

  "You're making it sound so noble, like it's a sacrifice for us." I rolled my eyes.

  "I try." Bret smirked, two dimples showing on his face.

  I let out a deep breath. "Are you suggesting we share her?” I raised an eyebrow. I wanted this to be far game for both of us and sometimes Bret didn’t play fair.

  "Not so much. Just... a sort of Non-Aggression Pact. We don't get angry if the other convinces her to fuck them. This is lust Cody, pure unadulterated lust. It's not like we're going to fall in love and develop romantic feelings for our own Step Sister. We’re just helping her out."

  "Yeah, right, let's not be silly here." I could separate lust and love real easily.

  She was smoking hot, but she was still a spoiled fucking Princess who also happened to be our Step Sister.

  "We keep it safe, sane, and consensual. Don't do anything stupid, Cody, or I'll kick your ass." Bret warned, making a fist at me. Like that was supposed to scare me, or something.

  "What?" I shrugged, forcing a grin.

  "You know what I mean, you and your anal shit…”

  “Dude, I’ll make her love anal. I’ll introduce her to its joys, hell I’ll be happy with taking her anal cherry. You can be boring and all vanilla like with her. I’ll be the real man she needs, giving it to her the right way." I teased, trying to get a rouse out of him.

  Instead all he did was shake his head. He never did understand my appreciation for a good tight ass fucking.

  "If she comes to me crying, I will kick your ass."

  "I'd like to see you try." I countered.

  He shoved from his seat, "Well, this family trip sure as hell got a lot more interesting."

  I rose as well. "I bet I’ll have her wet and ready for my cock first…” I snickered. Alexa might be my Step Sister but she most definitely wasn’t off limits anymore.

  Chapter Four


  The shower was useless, so I decided to try to get my mind off of the dirty sinful thoughts that were running through me some other way.

  Some other way like, nature.

  Dressing myself for my first camping trip alone, I threw on a camisole, a plaid shirt rolled up, and some denim short shorts. I shoved a bottle of bug spray, and suntan lotion into the side pocket of my backpack and I was more than ready to enjoy the rest of the day. It would certainly be much better than the stuffy Catholic school that'd dominated my life in recent years. I was always confined to school grounds so here there was nothing holding me back and I liked it that way.

  I was a
girl scout as a little kid, so I was taught the importance of being prepared. I checked the backpack once more making sure I had the essentials: a blanket, an energy bar, some bottled water, a canteen, stuff to start a fire without just rubbing two sticks together forever. I was only going out for one night so I could sleep out underneath the stars.

  As I packed everything away, my wandering mind returned to my problem of wrongfully directed lust.

  Maybe I needed to just find a guy. Like, one who wasn't my brother. The only males I'd been seeing were Daddy, and my decrepit older teachers, and janitors who were just as decrepit. I knew that some of the girls had gone... a bit crooked instead of staying straight due to the lack of options. I didn't feel it that way. I needed a man, no I wanted a man. A big, strong one, with a pounding, throbbing cock, just like Bret and Cody would have.

  As I thought that, I literally slapped myself.

  Stop thinking of that, Alexa.

  Pretend that they actually have, I don't know, micro-penises or whatever.

  If they did, they would clearly be experts at eating me out to compensate...

  Stop it.

  Shaking it off, I took a few steps out before I had to pause again.

  "Wait up, Alexa." A voice I didn’t expect to hear filled my ears.

  I turned around, coming face to face with Bret. My eyes went straight to his bulging biceps. God, I just wanted to touch him. Feel what a man really felt like under my fingers. "Hi," I said, suddenly a bumbling ditz again.

  "You going for a hike?"

  "Well, yeah. Camping actually. Just want to go see what's around us and sleep under the stars tonight."

  "Sounds fun. Why don't I come along with you?" He asked nearly inviting himself.

  I stared at him. Cody and him had always teased me about being a tree-hugger. If they weren't so damned sexy, I'd call them nerds. They weren't nerd sexy, either. Just plain, typical sexy. Like he would fit right in with a calendar full of firefighters without shirts.

  "Um, aren’t you and Cody doing something?"

  "Alexa, we're not conjoined twins. We're our own people, and knowing Cody, I am damn glad of that."

  I let out a little laugh. "I just didn't expect you to want to do anything outdoors." Daddy did say I should have asked them to come along, I mentally argued with myself.

  "If it's with my lovely sister, I'll tolerate the so-called great outdoors."

  There were alarms going off in my head, telling me to be highly suspicious. Was this some sort of evil prank coming together? Was he trying to make a mockery out of me?

  Nonsense. We were adults now. "I guess if you want to come along you can. I'm not stopping you. Though are coming along in that?" I questioned, gesturing at him in general. He was wearing a super tight t-shirt with the logo of some band I'd never heard of, and a pair of tight designer jeans, as well as some typical sneakers. It was close enough to suggest what was underneath, but it was a typical Bret outfit.

  "What's wrong with this?" He asked gazing down at his attire before meeting my stare once more.

  "You'll get mud all over your shoes and your pants will get caught on twigs, branches, and just normal outdoors stuff. They might even get ripped.”

  "So I should dress like you? Looking like a sexy piece of ass in daisy dukes while tying up your shirt to show off your cute little belly."

  A sexy piece of ass? I stared blankly. They couldn't have thought of me like that. That was crazy. He was just teasing me. He had to be.

  "I'm fine, I assure you. I can buy new shoes and pants no problem." He pushed past me and in the direction of the door. "Besides, maybe a random branch will tear my pants off and fulfill you every fantasy.”

  Still stunned, I didn't immediately respond. I realized I should definitely not act like I wanted to fuck my Step Brothers, so I desperately tried to think of a way to be offended.

  “God, you’re such a guy…” Yeah. That's the old mind working, Alexa.

  "Guilty as charged." Bret smirked, holding his hands up as if he were innocent. I shook off the thought and headed out the door, Bret following behind. Together, we started down the path and eventually Bret took over, his long gait slowing down to allow me to keep up. "What's with the backpack?"

  "Camping stuff. Emergency supplies."

  "Emergency supplies?"

  "I'm going out all night so I have to be prepared with first aid stuff. What if I do something dumb like twist my ankle or something? It's not like our cell phones work out here. Heck I didn't even bring mine." I admitted

  "Can't count on your big strong brother to carry you home?" He wiggled his eyebrows and my panties burned to the ground. Why had I allowed him to come with me again?

  I tried to shove him in the shoulder, but he was my big strong brother, so he didn't move against my relatively meager strength. "Well what if you twist yours?” I challenged.

  "Well you'd just have to take good care of me, wouldn't you? You can't carry me, but there's plenty of other ways you can show me you care." He gestured his eyebrows at me, making sure I knew that was an innuendo.

  I gave him another futile shove. "Asshole."

  He smirked and I swear my heart did a little pitter-patter.

  We made our way through the forest, sticking to the shade since he didn't bother with sunscreen. Maybe I should have offered to apply it on him...

  No. God, those sinful thoughts just wouldn't leave my head, not for a moment. Being this close to him only made it worse. The day's heat made him sweat a little, which only added to the thoughts.

  Soon enough, we stumbled upon the lake. It was huge and neither of us could see the shore on the other side. “Ugh, the water looks so refreshing right now.” I whined, the heat getting to me.

  "I’ve been working up a sweat and I’m half tempted to take a dip, but..."

  I didn't get any more time to debate my nautical desires, because Bret, the asshole brother that he was, placed his full hand on my back, and pushed me off of the pier into the water. I struck the surface face first.

  The shock of the cold water took me by surprise, but I knew how to swim so I quickly righted myself.

  "Asshole! You fucking asshole!" I shouted.

  Bret was laughing his ass off at me. "Sorry, you were just too hot for me, sis. I thought you could use some cooling off." He offered me a hand to get out with, but I was hardly going to let him off that easily.

  Taking him by the hand, I launched my surprise attack, both arms yanking down on his firm back. Off guard, it didn't matter if he was exponentially stronger than me. He did a front flip right into the lake and now was incredibly wet right along with me.

  He too righted himself, coughing a bit from the sudden taste of lake water. "I'd call you a bitch, but I guess I deserved that one." He was so handsome with his hair slicked back. His dark eyes, twinkling with mischief in the setting sun.

  I slapped water his way, and he fought back. We splashed water at each other like we were kids for what seemed to be hours breaking into laughter as we did so, our venomous words quickly cured by good nature.

  Soon enough though, we made our way back onto the lake's shore. We were both soaked, dripping wet, and I was sure there was some sort of tiny fish in my shoe.

  "Fuck, are we just going to just sit around like this?" Bret piped up, a smile on his face. "The cabin has to be an hour or two away if we wanted to go get a change of clothes."

  "Um, it's not like we can sit in the sun and wait for it to dry us. It's sunset." I looked up at it and enjoyed the strange blend of orange and purple that dotted the horizon. I should have enjoyed it more, but the fact that Bret's wet jeans were showing off his ass more than ever couldn't be ignored.

  "That's right. Doesn't it get sort of surprisingly chilly in the mountains? Seems like a good way to get sick. We should dry our clothes off the best we can." He informed me like he was some survivalist.

  "How?" I questioned with my hands on my hips.

  "Well, I'm guessing you can build a fir
e with something in your backpack, so we might as well set up camp.” I stared at him for a fraction of a second before nodding in agreement. I picked the bag up and led the way to a small clearing I had noticed during our swim. He was right. The sun was going down, and it was getting colder with each passing second.

  It didn’t take long to get the fire going and as soon as I finished putting some twigs I had found on it I settled onto the grassy ground. It was then that I noticed he was shirtless, and well into the process of unbuttoning his jeans.

  "What are you doing?!" I shouted at him.

  He gave me a puzzled look before going back to what it was he was doing.

  “I'm taking off my clothes?"

  "Why?" I rasped.

  "They'll dry better that way, that’s why." He answered and kept stripping. His pants were laid out as was his shirt and socks. All that was left was a pair of boxer briefs that left little to my imagination on how big my Step Brothers’s cock really was. The micro-penis theory, that was completely and totally wrong. I was about to get further confirmation as his fingers slid into his waistband of his boxers.

  "Stop!" I pleaded, knowing where we were headed.

  "You're taking those off too?"

  He nodded his head yes, “Yeah, they're soaked too."

  "Um, uh," I started, watching him tease the push more and more.

  "We don't have to worry about the cold, I have a blanket in the bag and..." He cut me off.

  "Yeah, we wrap it around our wet clothes and then we have a useless wet blanket." He hesitated no longer sliding those boxer-briefs down his legs and giving me a full view of very huge manhood.

  Big brother instantly made me question the logistics of how sex was supposed to work. That thing, wasn’t going inside me, there was no way, and he wasn’t even hard yet.

  "What, little sister, you've never seen a naked man before?" I shook my head, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip. I could feel my pussy growing wetter with each passing second.

  "Well tell me, do you like what you see?” He questioned, a boyish grin that promised all kinds of dirty things pulled at his lips. I didn't dare express my approval to him, not even when his cock twitched, as if it was begging me to touch it.


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