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Alpha: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 2

Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  Henrik rushed back into the room just as Max was about to collapse and caught him up into his arms. “What are you trying to do? The doctor said that you’re better, but you still need to take it slow and not push yourself.” He chastised gently.

  “I need to use the bathroom, and I thought I could make it. I was fine while sitting on the bed but got dizzy when I stood and started to move.” Max explained, although not sure why he was explaining himself to this man apart from the fact he felt compelled to do so. He was also surprised by how good he felt being in Henrik’s arms. He held him with no effort as if he weighed nothing, and the security it afforded him being held so tight could become addictive.

  Henrik walked over to the bathroom door and stepped inside with Max, still held in his arms. He set him on his feet in front of the toilet and stayed there with his arm supporting him. Max glanced at the toilet and then up at Max.

  “I’ll turn my head, but I’m not letting you go. There’s a lot of hard porcelain in here, and I don’t want you hitting your head. So, do what you have to do. I’ll not watch, I promise.” The last was uttered with a distinct chuckle that Max did not appreciate.

  Feeling distinctly awkward at the moment but also recognizing Henrik’s concerns were valid, he finished what he had to do in record time and moved to wash his hands. Henrik did not release him for a moment, and when he was finished drying his hands, he was swung back up into Henrik’s arms and carried back to the bed.

  “I’m going to order some lunch. You need to eat and get your strength back.” Henrik stated and pulled out his cell phone and began a lengthy order of ham sandwiches, fruit, and a variety of drinks, including coffee for which Max was pleased. He hadn’t had a good cup of coffee in days, maybe longer, and he needed a good cup of the hot soothing liquid.

  Lunch arrived quickly and was delicious. Max stayed seated in bed while Henrik arranged his meal for him on a tray in his lap. Henrik pulled his chair closer, and they had a lovely meal together. Max was hungrier than he thought and finished everything Henrik put before him. But it was the coffee that won the day; dark, rich, and delicious.

  “Thank you, I do feel better,” Max said as he set the tray to one side and threw his legs over the side of the bed. “If I had clothes, I could probably get out of your hair.”

  “Your clothes were a total loss. I’m afraid, and we haven’t located your vehicle yet, so no luggage. Leo left some sweatpants and a t-shirt for you, and as far as getting out of my hair, that is not necessary.” Henrik got up and took their trays and set them in the outer room and then returned to his chair by Max’s bed. It looked as if he needed a few minutes to think about what he was going to say.

  “I live in a gated community just outside of town called Bay Harbor. I own a large house on the water, and Leo and Derek live there with me. There’s plenty of room, and I want you to stay there for a few days at least until we figure out who did this to you and if the threat to you is still active.” Henrik paused and waited for Max to comment. Max wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to lean so heavily on this man, but he wanted to be near Leo.

  “Thanks, I’d like that.” He agreed too easily, but he saw no reason not to take the man up on his offer.


  Henrik carried max down to his car that was waiting in the private garage. He wanted to walk and held firm for several minutes before acquiescing to Henrik’s wishes. He had a strong will but didn’t waste his energy on meaningless and unwinnable battles, which was wise.

  He sat there in the passenger seat with an expression that was equal measures lost and confused. They’d talked a little while having lunch, but Max had been somewhat cagy about his life in Chicago and his life in general. Even lost and confused, he was still a careful man.

  “How did you get Raymond to back off his claims to the hotels? He planned to keep us in court until we ran out of money to fight him.” Max spoke as they were making their way out of town.

  Henrik saw this as a loaded question and considered his answer for a few moments before speaking. “I’ve had dealings with the people Raymond was using to back his attempt to take the properties from you and Leo. I convinced them it was bad for business. Once his supply of money and support were cut off, his power diminished. He no longer had the finances to carry out a long court battle.” Henrik turned to look at Max, who was regarding him intently.

  “He used illegal methods to gain control of your property and is culpable for the attacks on Leo, and I’m certain he is behind your attack as well. Whatever means I used to stop him are no worse than he deserved.” Henrik would not apologize for going after Raymond and his organization.

  “The authorities should have been notified. There are laws against what he has done.” Max countered.

  “He was protected with layers of business titles and deceptions, you would have gotten nowhere using the authorities against him. There was nothing to tie him to the men who roughed up Leo. You tried using the courts, and all it amounted to was time and bills but no progress. The only way to deal with a man like your uncle is by turning his own plans against him and bringing the battle to his level.” Max was adamant that his way was best. Laws were fine for humans, not so fine for shifters. But Max had no idea that a fair number of the men he’s been dealing with in his uncle’s employ have been shifters. That’s a discussion for another day.

  “Do you think my assault was ordered by Raymond recently, or was it something he had arranged before his downfall, and his hired muscle hadn’t gotten the memo that his reign was over?” Max shifted the subject slightly, but it was clear he had not conceded his point of view.

  “News travels fast in the circles in which Raymond does business. The assault was a recent order. Whoever did this to you was working for Raymond and has had contact with him. Hired muscle is expensive, and they don’t act of their own accord or off the cuff.” Henrik explained as best he could without giving all the details.

  “How will I stop him if the police are not an option?” There was a slight sarcasm to his words that Henrik let pass.

  “I have people looking into his whereabouts. We’ll find him, and we’ll deal with him, and I’m not ruling out the authorities.” Henrik added the last just to ease his mate’s mind, although involving the authorities was extremely unlikely. Max seemed to settle some at that point and began noticing the beautiful view as they drove along the shoreline.

  They drove up to the large gate and passed the guards and entered the Bay Harbor Pack lands. Henrik was proud of his community and of his home, and he hoped Max found it to his liking. He pulled up to the Mansion and parked in front, wanting to give his mate the full view and grandeur of the place. He usually parked in back and entered through a side door, but today he wanted to impress.

  “This is so elegant and grand.” Were Max’s first comments as he took in the structure from his window. “It reminds me of the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego, so beautiful.” Henrik could not be more pleased with Max’s wide-eyed appreciation, and he looked forward to them spending the rest of their lives here together. Max reached for the door handle, and Henrik touched his shoulder.

  “Let me help you. I know you can walk, but please let me get you inside without you having to strain yourself with the stairs.” Henrik exited the vehicle and rounded the back to quickly open Max’s door and scoop him once again up into his arms. He closed the door with his foot and headed for the front steps that lead to a large Victorian fashioned porch.

  Max held onto him and seemed to be gaining comfort from the embrace, although he probably wouldn’t admit it, not yet anyway. Once inside, he sat Max down onto his feet but kept his arm around him just in case he became weak or dizzy.

  Zayn Merrick, his Beta, came out to meet them followed by two of his enforcers Javier Lee and Seamus Doud. They didn’t speak but came forward and waited for Henrik to introduce them to his mate. Max stayed by his side, cautious but not afraid. The size of the men was probably a concern, but they were not t

  “These are men who work with me at the Hotel and here in Bay Harbor. They work primarily in security. This is Zayn Merrick, Javier Lee, and Seamus Doud.” They each reached out their hands, and Max shook each on.

  “Pleased to meet you all, I’m Max Russo, Leo’s brother,” Max stated although they had already met Max when he came tumbling into the Hotel Lounge yesterday, but Henrik didn’t bring that up.

  “Glad you’re feeling better,” Zayn told him, and the others agreed.

  “Max is going to be staying with us for a few days,” Henrik said, and the men nodded, knowing full well that the intent was for Max to stay forever. “These men live here along with another security member named Koa Reese, who is currently at the Hotel. Besides that, we have several household service personnel that you will see throughout the house. Some reside here, and others have their own homes. Edward Barnaby runs the household and oversees the household staff. We all just call him Barnaby. You will meet him this evening at dinner.”

  Max looked up at him quizzically. “You have a butler?”

  “Not so much a butler as a house manager of sorts. He manages the basic running of the household.” Henrik explained further.

  “That’s a butler.” Max persisted.

  “Barnaby prefers the title of Manager. He thinks Butler is too highbrow for him.” Zayn interjected with a broad smile.

  “I’ll remember.” Max returned the smile, and Henrik was quick to tighten his hold, pulling Max just a little closer. The fact that Max was sharing a smile with Zayn caused a sharp spark if jealousy to shoot through him. Until Max was claimed, he would have to keep a tight hold on his reactions. The said their goodbyes for now, and Henrik led Max to the living room and got him comfortably seated on the large sofa by the fireplace.

  “I’ll get you something to drink and will be right back.” He had to fight the urge to place another soft kiss on Max’s sweet lips but satisfied himself with a quick peck on his forehead. Henrik headed to the kitchen before Max, who looked surprised, could respond.

  Henrik went straight to the sink and splashed cold water in his face, and when he straightened, he found Zayn there handing him a dishtowel. “Don’t look so smug.” He said and grabbed the towel drying his face and hands.

  “He’s a suspicious one,” Zayn commented. “I’m surprised he agreed to come home with you.”

  “He knows that Leo lives with his “partner” Derek, who happens to live here. I played on that fact to get him here.” Henrik went to the refrigerator and poured a glass of juice, assuming Max wasn’t ready for anything stiffer. “He pays attention to details, so keep that in mind,” Henrik warned, and Zayn nodded his understanding.

  “I envy you finding your mate, but I don’t envy you the long hard road ahead to getting him comfortable and claimed.” Zayn baited him.

  “It will be worth every step.” Henrik smiled and slapped Zayn on the back. “Nothing of true value is ever gained without a measure of difficulty.”

  “He’s a handsome man, Henrik. Leo looks much like him but is boyish and cute whereas Max has a guarded, serious layer which gives him the handsomeness of maturity.” Zayn described Max just as Henrik had seen him. He gave a sense of maturity, but he still possessed a vulnerability evident in his nervous glances and hesitant touch.

  “Yes, he is a very handsome man.” Henrik readily agreed. “Spread the word that he’s here and not knowledgeable of who we are, so no shifting or paranormal discussions in the open until further notice,” Henrik instructed as he headed back towards the living room eager to get back to Max, but Zayn stopped him with a final statement.

  “Mike found this on the floor of the Lounge last night. I believe it is Max’s cell phone. He must have lost it during the confusion.” Zayn handed him the phone, which was quite scuffed up. “Yeah, it looks like it went through a lot.”

  “Yes, it does. I’ll see that Max gets it. Thanks.” The phone was in rough shape but was still working. He slipped it into his pocket as he exited the kitchen.

  When he entered the living room, Max was still seated on the sofa, but Leo had joined him. Again, a flicker of jealous shot through him at the idea of someone else having his mate’s attention. He pushed it down and delivered the juice with an indulgent smile.

  “Thank you,” Max said and took the glass, purposely touching Henrik’s finger in the process. That signaled progress, but Henrik could not act on it in the way he wanted with Leo sitting so close, so he took a chance and kissed Max’s forehead once again before stepping back.

  “I’ll have a room made up on the top floor for you, and when you and Leo are finished, I’ll carry you up,” Henrik stated and turned towards the outer door that leads to the stairway.

  “I’d like a room on the second floor next to Leo, if that is at all possible. I’d sleep better with my brother close by.” Max said hesitantly but hopeful.

  “The room next door is unoccupied, but the rooms on the top floor are bigger, with a gorgeous view of the Bay. I wouldn’t be too far away regardless.” Leo informed. Henrik appreciated Leo’s attempt to lure Max to the Penthouse to be near Henrik, but by the look on Max’s face, he wanted the second floor. It was understandable that he wanted to be near his brother at a time of uncertainty such as this.

  “Of course, I’ll have the room made up, and also, your phone was found on the floor of the hotel lounge.” Henrik took it from his pocket and handed it to Max. “It must have gotten damaged during your attack.” He watched as Max took the phone and handled it carefully.

  “It got pretty messed up.” He stated. “But I’m glad I have it, thank you.”

  “Certainly.” Henrik stepped back and turned to leave.

  “I appreciate everything that you have done for me. Not many people would be as kind and generous as you have been to me, to us.” He glanced at Leo, who agreed wholeheartedly.

  “You’re welcome.” Henrik stared at Max a few moments pushing his desire and their connection ever so gently to him. Their bond had a foundation with the time and closeness they’d shared over the past twenty-four hours, and Henrik hoped it was strong enough to communicate some things without words. The way Max’s eyes went wide and dark spoke to the strength of their burgeoning bond.

  “Enjoy your time with Leo, and I’ll collect you in about an hour. You can rest in your room until dinner.” Henrik stated and then left the room. The slight shy touch, the acceptance of Henrik’s intimacy, and the clear desire that reflected in his gaze told Henrik that his mate was not unaffected by him. The long road Zayn had spoken of might have just gotten a little shorter.


  Henrik returned in an hour and led Max to the bedroom he’d be occupying on the second floor. It was a comfortable space with a large window that gave a lovely view of the Bay and afforded a nice breeze off the water. Max found himself contented and relaxed in this bright, airy space. Henrik made sure to show him Leo and Derek’s room, which was right next door. It gave him a relief knowing that his brother was close by. Henrik left him there, after getting him into bed and demanding he rest until dinner.

  Unfortunately, Max was unable to make it to dinner. He woke after a forty-minute nap with a pounding headache that made it impossible to stand or even move. Henrik called Dr. Abrams, who showed up within minutes it seemed to give Max another shot which put him back to sleep. He didn’t like spending so much time sleeping, but at least the headache went away.

  He woke again just after nine and noticed the dying light from the sun off the water was giving his room a lovely glow. What a beautiful spot for a home was the thought that pervaded. After a few minutes, he sat up just as the door to his room opened. Henrik walked in with a tray, and his eyes showed his pleasure at seeing Max awake.

  He walked over and set the tray on the side table and took a seat on the edge of his bed. He reached out and took Max’s hand and held it loosely in his rubbing soft circles in the palm with his thumb. “How’s your headache?” He asked
, and Max found he couldn’t think for a moment; he was so focused on the touch of his hand and the allure of his gaze. Henrik had a way about him that called to everything inside of Max. The attraction was brutal and intense, and Max feared he could very easily lose himself in this man with his soft tone and his tender touch.

  “It’s gone,” Max responded, feeling that the mood was suddenly so intimate, and he wasn’t sure why. He could feel Henrik’s desire for him, or was it just his imagination. The look and the touch all pointed to interest, but everything was such a mess right now, including his own brain. Could he trust his instincts right now, or was his judgment way off? Better not to embarrass himself, so he pulled back from the lust that was building down below.

  “I brought you some dinner, nothing heavy and some water.” Max reached for the bottled water first and downed half the bottle before returning it to the side table. Max then picked at the offerings that Henrik had provided while they sat and talked. They just talked like two friends getting to know one another, and it felt so natural.

  Henrik shared about his life, and when he and Derek and their good friend Zayn decided to go out on their own and formed the Vaughn Corporation. He explained the building of Bay Harbor and that the Hotel Del Coronado was an inspiration when building his home base. In turn, Max told him about running the hotels for his father and then trying to work with his uncle.

  “I preferred working with Leo, and if father had just left Raymond out of it, our lives would have been so much easier.” He admitted surprised that he was willing to share so much with Henrik. “Raymond went flat against everything that our father stood for. Father was no boy scout, but he wasn’t a thief or a cheat. It was a constant, daily battle to maintain some semblance of integrity with Raymond at the helm.”

  “But you fought him, you never stopped fighting him,” Henrik told him, and the praise was something he hadn’t expected, and it felt really good.


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