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Alpha: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 2

Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  “I was losing. If you hadn’t intervened, we would have lost everything to Raymond and his associates.” Max had to give credit where it was due.

  “I did it for Leo, but in the end, it led me to you, and for that I am grateful.” Henrik leaned forward and took Max’s chin and held it with his thumb and forefinger as he placed a warm sensuous kiss on Max’s willing lips. It started softly but soon turned heated when Max moved into the kiss rather than away from it.

  Henrik slipped his hand around the back of Max’s neck, pulling him up close and pressing him into the kiss. Max didn’t waste the opportunity to get his hands on this masculine, muscular marvel. He began running his hands over Henrik’s upper arms and back, feeling the hardness and warmth seeping through to his flesh.


  Henrik was floored when Max took it upon himself to deepen the kiss. The reserved young man could reach out and demand what he wanted, and that was a wonderful discovery. Max opened for Henrik as he swept inside and tasted the depth of his gorgeous mate. The sensations that roared through him at the submission of his mate brought his wolf forward, and Henrik just barely held him in check. The beast wanted to take his willing mate right here and right now.

  Knowing that Max’s condition was still weak and now was not the time for this to progress further, Henrik slowed the fervor of the embrace. He gradually moved to cover Max’s cheek and throat with wet kisses. “You taste so good.” He murmured, losing himself in the scents of this lovely man. His wolf wanted to bathe in the essence while leaving his own mark. The time to claim was coming on him hard, and he would not be able to resist much longer if Max continued to offer himself so sweetly. He carefully laid Max back onto the bed and tucked the blanket around him.

  “Sleep sweetheart, we’ll talk some more in the morning.” He bent and kissed him again; it was a quick, hard kiss that promised much more to come. He picked up the tray and headed for the door.

  “You confuse me, Henrik,” Max spoke from behind him. Henrik stopped and turned to him.


  “I trust you, even with your acceptance of some shady, skirting the edge of legal, business policies, I trust you. Events should have taught me to be cautious and to consider every detail before extending my belief in anyone, and yet here I am ready to rely on you.” Henrik could see the bewilderment in Max’s expression as he fought to understand the power that was drawing him to Henrik.

  “Kindred spirits. We are kindred spirits, and we see in each other what others don’t. We see depth and value and a connection. You and I are at the beginning, and there is so much more to come.” Henrik gave his best reassuring smile. “Now sleep, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Goodnight, Henrik.”

  “Goodnight, Max.”


  Max was jarred awake when his phone went off, indicating several text messages were received. He grabbed it from the side table, curious as to who would be texting him at one in the morning. The hotels were shut down, and the employees had all been laid off, so there were no pressing concerns in that quarter. Leo was in the room next door, so he wouldn’t be texting him.

  He pulled himself up on one elbow and opened the phone and began reading the three separate messages that had been sent from an unknown number. ‘I know where you are.’ The first message read. The second was similar but slightly darker in intent. ‘I can get to you any time that I wish. Don’t get too comfortable.’ The third made it clear that Uncle Raymond was not out of the picture yet. ‘The Vaughn brothers won’t protect you. Henrik Vaughn wants your hotels for himself, and that’s the only reason he is helping you. Don’t overestimate your worth, Max. You have a lot to learn when it comes to sacrifice, but I will teach you.’

  Max read them several times and then locked the phone and put it back on the side table. The messages sparked something in his memory. The drive north was tense. He had been running, running from Raymond. He struggled to put his thoughts in order and pull the memory of that time forward, but he only succeeded in calling up bits and pieces of images and feelings. A crawling fear started to work its way through his mind, and sleep was far from him at the moment.

  He glanced at the clock on the side table. It was just past one, and the house was silent. He wished he could talk to someone, to Leo. But it would have to wait. Images of Raymond coming after him pervaded his mind, and although Raymond was always rather cowardly, his threats seemed to hit bone this time. Why was this scaring him when his taunts had never bothered him before?

  Finally, he sat up and got out of bed, being careful and take his steps slowly. He stood at the bathroom sink and stared at his reflection in the mirror, marveling at the fact his face looked very near to normal. There was still a little faded bruising under his right eye, but everything else had healed. He hadn’t been as badly hurt as he thought and felt.

  He would think about that later, for now, he needed to get Raymond and his threats off his mind. The more he thought, the more the words spiked fear deep within him. Splashing some water in his face to bring himself fully awake, he noticed that his hands were shaking. It wasn’t pronounced, but it was a definite tremor.

  Where the hell was this fear coming from? He dropped his head and gripped the edges of the sink as he pulled his composure back. He would not be undone by the likes of Raymond Russo. Pushing his hair back from his face, he straightened and left the bathroom. Hopefully, he could get back to sleep. He turned his phone off before settling back into bed. He didn’t need any more of Raymond’s intimidation this night.


  Henrik met with Derek and Zayn to discuss plans to track down Raymond Russo. “We shouldn’t have allowed him to run,” Derek repeated Henrik’s own regret.

  “What’s done is done, and we’ll do better in the future,” Henrik responded, and Derek agreed.

  “Both of your mates are in danger, and we cannot rest until this man is dealt with.” Zayn voiced the concern that was most vital to both of them. “I have Koa in Chicago tracing Raymond’s movements following the dust-up with his business associates. Seamus took a couple men with him, and they’re backtracking what we assume to have been Max’s steps after leaving Chicago. They’ll turn something up soon enough.”

  “He hired a lot of jackals for muscle, whether he was aware of that fact or not. They never bother to cover their scent, and it tends to hang in an area for a long while. Seamus should get a location on Max’s attack at least and maybe find his car too.” Derek interjected.

  Henrik found the plan practical, and it should yield results quickly given Koa’s and Seamus’ skills as trackers. “We’ll see where this goes, but if there are no worthwhile results in the next twenty-four hours, I’ll go to Chicago myself,” Henrik stated.

  “I’ll go with you,” Derek told him and then added with emphasis. “He tried twice to kill my mate, and I’d like the opportunity to return the favor.” Henrik nodded, accepting his brother’s claim to accompany him.

  “For now, take Javier with you and anyone else you need and check the town. Hit the shifter hangouts and all the hotels and motels; anywhere a piece of shit like Raymond Russo might try to hide. I would hate to find out too late that he’s been right under our noses the whole time.” Henrik added.

  The meeting wrapped up, and Henrik headed up to bed. He’d taken the bedroom next to Max to keep a closer eye on him. In time he would move Max to the Penthouse with him, but for the moment, Max wanted to be near Leo and Henrik wanted to be near Max, so he would make do with the smaller space.

  He’d checked on him just after midnight, and he was sound asleep then. Needing to make sure he was well and safe, Henrik stopped and listened at his door for a moment and then cracked it open slightly. He was still sleeping soundly, so Henrik quietly closed the door and proceeded to his own room. The issue with Raymond and anyone else he may have hired to harass and assault Max and Leo needed to end. Nothing would be settled, and their safety would not be secure until their uncle was
put down.

  Henrik came awake with the fearful sounds of his mate penetrating the walls. He was on his feet and knocking on Max’s door in an instant in only his black boxer briefs. Max didn’t answer, but the sounds of distress persisted. Henrik entered and moved quickly to the side of the bed. Max was thrashing and whining in his sleep, and he was drenched in sweat.

  “Wake up, sweetheart,” Henrik spoke soft, but the urgency was there. The need to calm his mate and scare away whatever demons were troubling him was dominating his control. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled him up into his arms and held him until he stopped struggling and began to breathe evenly. “Wake up.” He repeated, and this time Max heard him.

  Max took a deep, shaky breath which appeared to center him as he dropped his forehead against Henrik’s chest. His hands resting against Henrik’s sides. The flesh on flesh feel of Max’s warm palms against his suddenly overheated flesh was not lost on Henrik or his wolf.

  “You’re okay, you’re safe in my home,” Henrik repeated several times while Max pulled himself fully awake. Henrik looked down into his face and pushed the dark red hair back from his eyes. “You’re okay.”

  “Yeah, I’m okay, just a bad dream.” Max ran his hand across his forehead, wiping the sweat away.

  “Why don’t you go take a shower and put on some fresh pajamas while I strip and remake your bed,” Henrik asked but added pressure to the request by standing and helping Max from the bed. He was delighted when instead of instantly heading to the bathroom, Max leaned into him and used him for support.

  “Thank you.” He said and pulled away, then slowly made his way to the bathroom.


  Max searched his mind for the subject of his horrific dream, but all he could remember was running. In the dream, he couldn’t breathe and his legs kept getting heavier and heavier, but he couldn’t remember any of the specifics that had terrified him.

  He stepped under the cold spray of the shower and felt the stickiness slide away. The sweat was covering his body and soaking his hair, but the water was taking care of most of it. The green apple shampoo and body gel took care of the rest. By the time he stepped out of the shower, he was feeling clean and refreshed, having washed away not only the sweat but also the lingering memories of his terror.

  He toweled off and saw that Henrik had laid out a fresh pair of pajama pants for him. He was so caring, so attentive Max wanted to just hand his life over to him and ask him to make it all right again. But that wasn’t possible, Max’s problems were his own and were his own to solve.

  Slipping on the light cotton bottoms, he remembered the added heat that had engulfed him at the realization that Henrik was wearing nothing but a thin pair of black boxer briefs. They fit him like they were a part of his body, accentuating and drawing attention to all the best parts. Henrik was exceptionally handsome in his usual expensive black jeans, black boots, and crisp cotton shirts, but the underwear was in a league all of its own.

  He remembered being pressed against the most wonderfully powerful chest. So smooth and yet so firm. The dark hair covered a good portion of it and trailed down to the top of his boxers so sexy and silky feeling beneath his fingertips. Being held by Henrik was an erotic experience. He took another cleansing breath and exited the bathroom.

  There in front of him tucking the blankets in and fluffing the pillows was the object of his fever dream the masculine beauty that was Henrik. Damn, he wanted that man so bad. “Thank you for taking care of that.” He said, indicating the fresh linen on the bed.

  “Not a problem.” He said with a kind smile as he set the soiled linen in the corner by the door. “Taylor, one of the house staff, will take care of that in the morning.” He explained. Max just enjoyed listening to him talk so steady and calm and reassuring in his words and tone and demeanor.

  “Come, I’ll help you in and get you comfortable.” He reached out to Max, who followed the orders immediately. Henrik put his arm around Max and helped him into bed like he was someone precious. It was a lovely experience to be coddled and taken care of by someone like Henrik. He pulled the blanket and comforter up and tucked it in around Max, much as he had the last time that they were together.

  “I’m sorry I woke you.” Max apologized, knowing that he’d disturbed him.

  “Don’t be, I’m here for you always.” Henrik sat down and ran his fingers through Max’s hair as he stared down into his eyes. The look was endearing and hungry. Max reached up and cupped his jaw, feeling a slight stubble against his palm rough and invigorating. The moment stood still as they silently gazed at one another.

  “I’ll say goodnight, and if you have more difficulties just call out, I’ll hear you. I’m in the bedroom next door.” Henrik began to rise, and Max didn’t know what came over him, but he didn’t want Henrik to leave. The fear that had enveloped him before began to creep forward in his mind at the thought of Henrik walking away. He grabbed Henrik’s hand and held on, not letting him step back.

  “What is it, sweetheart? What’s wrong?” Henrik asked concern filling his words.

  “Don’t go.” Max blurted. “I know that I’m crossing all kinds of boundaries here, but please don’t go. Stay with me. I can’t explain it, I just need you here.” Max laid bare his needs, and then the fear of rejection swamping him as he waited for Henrik’s reply.


  Henrik paused for a moment, surprised but delighted by Max’s request. The second that Max exhibited insecurity over his invitation Henrik was quick to accept before the offer was retracted. “Anything you need, Max, I’m here.” He said and rounded the bed, pulled the blanket and comforter back, and climbed in. Max moved towards him, and Henrik took the lead by pulling him up against him, spooning Max to his chest as he wrapped him tightly in his embrace.

  This moment was heaven on earth for Henrik. Having Max in his arms, taking comfort from his nearness and touch, was the pure essence of their bond. He pulled him flush to his body, feeling the excitement of flesh on flesh and of having his mate so close, so intimate.

  Max seated himself against Henrik’s growing hardness and quite deliberately began to grind his luscious little ass against him. Henrik stilled his hips with a gentle but firm grip. “Are you asking me for something?” Henrik whispered against the side of Max’s neck and then nuzzled the tender flesh there.

  He felt Max freeze for a moment before he reached back and placed his hand on Henrik’s hip. The move signaled an acceptance and a need, but Henrik wanted Max to speak to him. “What do you want, Max? Tell me.”

  It took a few seconds for Max to respond, but Henrik could feel him trying to put his needs and emotions into the right words. “I need you to touch me.” Max had difficulty asking for what he wanted, so Henrik decided to help him.


  Henrik slid his hand around to lightly run his palm over Max’s hard cock that lay straining beneath the thin cotton of his pajamas. Max trembled and sighed lustfully at his touch. “Is this what you want?” Henrik asked while lining wet kisses along Max’s bare shoulder.

  Max covered Henrik’s hand with his own and pressed down while grinding into it, providing the needed pressure he sought. Henrik quickly took over and gripped the hard cock in his hand and gave it a couple quick strokes before Henrik abruptly rolled Max onto his back.

  Henrik moved over him, taking hold of the sides of his pajamas jerked them down his thighs, baring his hard, needy cock to Henrik’s hungry gaze. No words were spoken as they locked gazes for a fraction of a second. Henrik slid down Max’s body and captured his hot throbbing cock between his lips, holding it and tasting the musky, manly flavor upon his tongue.


  Max couldn’t believe what he was doing, but he wanted it more than he’d wanted anything in his life. Having Henrik caress and pleasure him so lovingly was sending his heart and body into overdrive. The touch of his hand had been thrilling, but what he was doing now was spiking all of Max’s wanton desires. For such a larg
e man, he moved so gracefully and handled Max with a gentleness that was both touching and maddening since he wanted it fast and hard.

  He couldn’t remember the last time someone had given him such pleasure and made his heart race with expectations and excitement. He hadn’t been with anyone in over a year, too busy trying to keep Raymond from taking everything and too suspicious of anyone who tried to get close. This was different, this was meant to be. It sounded trite, but Max could feel it in his bones that whether this lasted a week, a month, or just this one night, this was meant to be. He deserved this night of sensuous relaxation and release.


  Henrik could sense Max’s body coming to life and burning at his touch. It was the beauty of mates that they could ignite passion and deliver satisfaction at every touch and every connection, whether physical, mental, or emotional. As their bond grew stronger, they would feel every delight and sensational experience their bodies and minds had to offer.

  He bore down and swallowed Max to the root, licking, and nipping the tender skin and tantalizing the sensitive nerves. Sliding his right hand back and under that lovely ass, he penetrated lightly with his finger, testing the muscle surrounding Max’s heated entrance. It was tight and pulsated at his touch. He wanted this man like nothing in his life, but he couldn’t take him now, not without knowledge and understanding of what was happening and how it would impact his life.

  If he fucked him now, he would not be able to resist the urge to claim. He and his wolf would bond with Max, there would be no stopping once the connection began. He was more than ready and eager to bond with his gorgeous mate, but he wanted Max’s willing participation in the bonding process, not just thrust it upon him. It had worked for Derek when he simply took Leo. He’d let the chips fall to be sorted out later, but Henrik had a hunch that Max would not take such a thing lightly. For now, he would take pleasure in his mate and give Max the relief and satisfaction he craved.


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