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Man Candy

Page 6

by Tia Siren

  “Your curves. God damn.” His voice was a faint whisper in my ear.

  Again, I went to turn around, only for him to stop me. He kissed the back of my neck, and his hands worked their way around my front, cupping my breasts in his hands. I thought back to earlier in the day when I thought about how much he would love them. And as he kneaded them in his hands and pinched my nipples, I knew that he did.

  I tried to turn around for a third time, only for him to stop me again. This time, however, he pushed me forward until my knees hit the bed. “Get in,” he commanded. And I did.

  I crawled forward on the bed, my ass sticking up in the air. Any amount of self-consciousness I may have felt evaporated when he sucked in a long breath of air, like he enjoyed the sight of me. His hands trailed over my ass, massaging my flesh delightfully.

  I felt a sudden punch, and I yelped in surprise. I glanced over my shoulder to see that he had bitten my left cheek. Then he did it again, eliciting another sound from me. This time, it was a moan of pleasure. Then he leaned back and spanked my ass hard. I shrieked, but it tapered off into a groan of ecstasy, as I realized how much I actually enjoyed it.

  “Did you like that?” he asked.

  “Harder,” I responded. I buried my face in the bed, readying myself for the slap. Grant’s hand smacked my ass even harder. I bit into the bed sheets to muffle my cry. My flesh stung where he’d hit me, but it tingled with warmth, too. It was a heady mix of pain and pleasure I never knew I liked. I waited for Grant to spank me again, but he didn’t.

  I wasn’t sure what he was doing behind me, but then I felt it. His tongue slipped itself between my lips, licking me inside until it found my clit. His nose was buried deep in my ass, and I could feel him breathing me in as he licked my dripping wet lips. All the while, his hands squeezed down on my ass, digging his nails in.

  As he worked my clit with his tongue, my body began to respond. A warm shiver worked its way up my legs and through my body. My knees shook, and my breath came in ragged pants. I could feel myself about to explode. And then he stopped. But not for long.

  He kept one hand on my back, ensuring that I didn’t turn around. I heard his pants unzip. I knew what was coming and braced myself, not knowing if I was ready, but knowing I wanted him so badly I didn’t give a damn.

  My whole body clenched in anticipation. A dull, emptiness throbbed inside me, desperate to be filled. We’d never gone all the way in high school. We’d done plenty of other stuff, but not that. Now, after more than ten years apart, we were about to take that final step.

  A second later, I felt the thick head of his cock press against my aching entrance. His girth probed into me, parting my lips in a way I’d never experienced before. I arched my back and spread my legs more. He drove himself forward, entering me.

  It was like nothing I had ever felt. So thick. So hard. So long. I swallowed him whole, too, willingly opening myself as he pushed himself forward. My lips sucked around his shaft, letting him slide in as deep as he could go. Then he pulled back all the way, only to drive himself forward again.

  “Holy shit!” I moaned as he punished me. Back and forth he moved. Back and forth. Back and forth. Each time he entered me, it was like the first time. When he slammed into me, my knees buckled and he knocked the breath from my lungs.

  His hand went back and slapped my ass. I screamed, so he did it again. He ground into me, increasing his speed. As he did, his grip on my hips tightened, and his movements became jerkier. I knew was what coming.

  “I want it inside of me,” I said through a mouthful of bed sheet.

  “You want whatever I’m going to give you,” he replied, pumping harder and faster.

  Harder. Faster. I gripped both sides of the bed. I arched backward and tilted my head back. He exploded inside of me. Warm, sticky come filled me. I could feel it erupting from him as his body seized up and he gripped me even harder. I could feel it dripping down my thighs.

  And then it was over. The moment he came, he fell backward, releasing me. He then stumbled toward his bathroom without saying a word.


  After we were finished and as we laid in his bed, I felt nothing but confusion. My confidence soared higher than ever. All night, he told me how much he loved my body and my curves. Then, he proved it. I had never had a man appreciate my hips and butt the way that he had, and it left me feeling sexier than I ever had.

  But on the other hand, I also felt dirty. The sex was purely one-sided in nature. He didn’t fuck me to get me off, but to get himself off. I was a hole for him to shove himself in. If for one moment, I thought otherwise, he quickly dispelled that illusion with how he treated me.

  As a result, I had no idea what to think or how to feel about what just happened.

  And then, as if to add insult to injury, he rolled over and spoke to me for the first time since he came. “Just so you know, the overtime will show up on your next paycheck.”

  Was he joking? Was he trying to be funny? I was left bewildered. Even more so by the fact that he chose that moment to roll over and go to sleep. I was glad that he was sleeping actually. If he were awake, he would have noticed how upset I was.

  I didn’t want him to have that power over me, too.

  Chapter 9


  Jack’s club was busy tonight. Much more than I expected it to be, considering it was a Tuesday night. I had only gone in the first place because I assumed it would be a quiet night. But, as Jack informed me the moment I arrived, it was ladies’ night and that meant one thing.

  “God, the amount of tang in here tonight is unreal!” Jack shouted into my ear as I pulled up beside him.

  The club was Hot Damn, and it was one of the many that Jack owned. On the weekends, it usually catered to a higher-class clientele, the type that had money to burn, but during the week, it became a free for all. Which was probably another reason that it was so packed.

  I was glad for Jack. He’d be raking in money tonight hand over fist. And the crowd wasn’t a problem for me anyway. It was Jack’s club so we were able to escape into the VIP section, away from the masses. The VIP section was its own private balcony, overlooking the dance floor below. It had its own bar and its own set of thirsty women for Jack, myself, and the other VIP’s to enjoy.

  “Seriously!” Jack yelled into my ear again. I was barely paying attention to him. “What is with you tonight?”

  The moment I arrived, Jack pulled me upstairs and bombarded me with gaggles of drunk women. They had names like Cherry and Crystal, and from the looks on their faces and the outfits they wore, they were at the club with one thing in mind. But, despite all that, I just wasn’t interested.

  “It’s the new store,” I shouted back. “It’s got me preoccupied!” That was only half the truth. Although it was the store that I had been thinking about, there was one aspect of it in particular that had my mind working overtime.

  “Oh yeah? I thought that was all taken care of? You got the hiring out of the way, right? What was it? Kendra, right?”

  “Yeah. I figured that out a few days ago. She agreed.” I really didn’t want to go into detail about it with Jack of all people. This was because I knew he would want to know one thing.

  “You fuck her yet?” he asked bluntly. As he did, one of the girls, it may have been Amber, fell onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the back of her neck as he did.

  I was glad for the distraction. I was a pretty useless liar, and I knew that he would be able to read my face like an open book. As such, I chose to look away toward the dance floor, rather than answer.

  “That’s a yes,” Jack laughed. “I haven’t seen this one before though. She must be something, to have you acting this way. I might have to come in and—”

  “Don’t,” I warned before even realizing that I had. “I mean... it’s my new business. Please don’t come in to the store looking to score? Okay?”

  Jack stopped laughing. Instead, he stared at me
with a concerned look on his face. So concerned, that he even pushed Amber off his lap. He swiveled in to better look at me. “You’re not... you’re not falling for her again, are you? Tell me you’re not falling for her? Oh please, tell me you aren’t—”

  “I don’t know!” I shot back. I could feel my blood rising as Jack taunted me. “You know how she broke my heart back in high school? Maybe these are just leftover feelings, you know?”

  “You want my advice?”

  “Not really.”

  “Revenge pussy. It’s the best kind. Sleep with her. Use her, and kick her out when you’re done. Better yet, if you can somehow recreate the way she dumped you, all the better!” Before I had a chance to reply, another two girls approached Jack, grabbing him by the hands and pulling him up. He didn’t even try and fight it.

  I was glad they distracted him. I needed a chance to think. The truth was, I had no idea how I felt about Kendra. The sex the other night was unreal, for me at least. She was so god damn sexy that I could barely control myself. The way I acted afterward wasn’t ideal. I knew I could have handled that better, but I could sense myself opening up to her. I had to stop it before it began.

  I just wished that it was easier, and that I knew how I felt.

  As Jack danced around the VIP section, making out with the two girls, and really, any of the other girls that were there, I turned my attention to the dance floor below. It was a writhing mass of bodies, all moving in rhythm to the music. Usually, I would scout the floor for a potential target before making my move. But not that night. That night, I just couldn’t get into it. Just then, a curvy woman caught my attention. Damn, she was hot. Although she seemed familiar. Holy shit.

  It was Kendra on the dance floor with a friend of hers. I had no idea how long she had been there, but now that I had spotted her, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She looked good, too. Dressed casually in a pair of tight jeans and a black tank top, her hair in a ponytail, I couldn’t believe it took me so long to spot her.

  I wasn’t the only one either. Judging from the way the other men on the dance floor slowly made their way closer and closer to her and her friend, I could tell that they were all equally as enamored by her. And really, how could they not be? She was fucking stunning.

  What was odd to me was how much I hated it, too. Watching the other men move toward her, readying themselves to pounce, left me with a churning feeling in my stomach. There was one guy in particular. A sleazy looking grease ball that I could just tell was working up the courage to approach. All I wanted to do was walk down there and punch him in the face.

  Unable to watch any longer, I was on my feet, making my way from the VIP section down to the dance floor. I pushed through the masses of people, not caring how rude I was being. Not caring that I knocked people down or stepped on toes. I had to get to Kendra before anyone else did.

  “Hey,” I said the moment I was within range. It was just in time, too, as the sleazy dancer was less than a second from doing the same thing.

  “Oh, hey!” she said, clearly surprised to see me. She looked even better up close. She had a radiance about her that she hadn’t had before. I wondered whether it had anything to do with the sex. She told me at the time it had made her feel confident. It was clearly still working.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked as I moved into her. There were so many people around us that I was forced to push my body into hers. As I did, she continued to dance, not breaking for a moment.

  “What do you think?” she replied, smirking just a little. She had been drinking. That was clear.

  “Well, I hope you’re not impaired for tomorrow. You have a big day.” It was a douche thing for me to say. I could have told her how good she looked or asked how her day was. But no, I instantly reverted into asshole boss mode.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said, not looking in the least put-off. “I’ll be fine.”

  As she danced, our bodies ground against each other. As good as it felt, I couldn’t block out the swarm of men surrounding us, as if they waited for me to disappear. I didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  “I’m in the VIP section upstairs. It’s a little crowded down here for me. Do you want to come up? Your friend, too, of course.”

  “No, I’m fine here,” she shot back. As she did, she turned around on me and danced with her back to me.

  I saw red. Only for a second, but it was enough. I grabbed her by the arm, spinning her back around. “That wasn’t a request,” I said, voice firm.

  For a moment, the two of us stared at each other, and I had no idea how she was going to react. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she pulled her arm from my grip and told me to go to hell. But, after a moment, she smiled and nodded her head.

  Kendra leaned over to her friend and whispered in her ear. Her friend didn’t look too happy, but she nodded at Kendra and went off to dance with some guy. I took Kendra’s hand in mine and led her through the dance floor toward the VIP section.

  The feel of her hand in mine sent chills up my arm. I didn’t want to let go, but I reminded myself of the dynamic I had created between Kendra and me. Clearly, she liked being dominated. She liked a firm, commanding man to tell her what to do. That was exactly what she was going to get.

  “Who is this?” Jack cooed the moment he spotted the two of us. In less than a second, he had ditched the women he was with and was by our side. Another second and he had Kendra’s hand in his own, kissing the back of it.

  I knew Jack well enough to know what that look in his eyes meant. Even with my hand in hers, he still visualized a way to seduce her away from me so that he could have her. A fire burned in my stomach, and I wanted nothing more than to throw Jack off the fucking balcony.

  “This is Kendra,” I said, keeping my temper in check.

  “This is Kendra?” he asked in an over the top, shocked manner. “Grant, I had no idea she was so... so out of your league!” He barked a laugh, which Kendra joined in on.

  Again, I saw red. I couldn’t believe how jealous Kendra made me. This whole thing was meant to start off as a way to mess with my ex, but it was spiraling out of control. If Jack wasn’t my best friend, I would have hit him as hard as I could, without a care for the consequences. It made me think about the new store and what it was going to be like with her working there, with men trying to fuck her all day long. Maybe this whole thing wasn’t such a good idea.

  Kendra’s friend suddenly appeared out of nowhere, saving me from doing something I might regret. “Hey, Kendra. Can we go?”

  “And who is this?” Jack said again, diverting his attention from Kendra to her friend. He offered her the same wicked smile he had Kendra.

  “I’m Liz,” she said, eyeing Jack with a look of disgust. Clearly, she wasn’t as impressed by him as others were. “And you are?”

  “I’m Jack. This is my club. And I assume you know Kendra’s boss, Grant? Is that how you know Kendra? From the new store?”

  “What new store?” Liz asked.

  Interesting. For some reason, Kendra hadn’t told Liz about the new job. This was confirmed by the look on Kendra’s face the moment that Jack had spoken. Her face dropped, and she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there.

  “We’ve got to go,” Kendra suddenly cut in. “Grant, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She pulled her hand from mine, quickly turning to leave.

  “Hey,” I said, grabbing her by the arm. “I want you to call me the moment you get home. Understand?” It wasn’t a request, but a demand.

  Again, I wasn’t sure how she was going to react. But to my relief, she nodded briefly before turning and scurrying away with her friend Liz.

  “Damn,” Jack said, throwing his arm over my shoulder as I watched Kendra disappear. “You have it in for that one bad. Don’t try and deny it. I saw the way you looked at me when I spoke to her. Thought you were going to knock my lights out.” He laughed again before galloping away, drawn into the arms of another woman.

  He was ri
ght. All I wanted to do was follow Kendra out the door to her home and fuck her. All I wanted to do was make sure that no other guy touched her, or even looked at her. I wanted her all to myself.

  This was going to be dangerous.

  Chapter 10


  “You’ve got to be joking?” Liz asked. There was no humor in her question. No smile in her eyes. She was shocked and near speechless.

  “You know I’m not,” I responded coolly. I was a little miffed at Liz’s reaction. She was the wild, outgoing one, and now that I had my own crazy story to tell, she had suddenly switched to the concerned best friend type.

  After leaving the club, Liz dragged me to the nearest coffee shop, one of those diners that were open all night and closed all day. It was small, smelly, and the coffee was awful. But it was also the perfect place to gossip, and as much as I didn’t want to admit it, I had plenty of that for Liz.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Liz pouted as she sipped her burnt coffee. “We’re supposed to be best friends, but I had to find out from the greasy club owner. What’s that about?”

  “I didn’t tell you because I forgot?” It came out as a question, instead of a statement. I knew it wouldn’t hold up. I didn’t know why I didn’t tell Liz. I usually told her everything. For some reason though, every time I went to tell her about the job and Grant, I found that I couldn’t.

  “No, that makes sense. I mean who wouldn’t forget becoming a sex worker? Probably just slipped your mind?” She held her empty mug out, signaling for the waitress to refill it. She waddled over and poured another cup of steaming hot, burnt coffee into Liz’s mug.

  “Hey, that’s not fair!” I exclaimed, feeling myself getting angry. I hated being angry with Liz, but sometimes she deserved it.

  “What? Tell me I’m wrong? You’re selling edible sex toys. How else am I supposed to look at it?”

  “I just work there. I don’t... there’s a no touch policy.” The words sounded hollow as soon as I said them, but I didn’t care. If anyone should have been on my side, it was Liz. Somehow, I had to make her understand. “Grant promised that—”


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