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Man Candy

Page 5

by Tia Siren

  I noticed the way Grant stared at me. He’d been staring at me for some time. I didn’t think he watched me in judgment. Unless I missed my guess, desire filled his watchful eyes. Was he picturing himself using some of these naughty goodies on my naughty goodies? I was almost sure of it. I certainly wouldn’t mind him giving me a much more personal tour of his products, but I was too shy to say anything. Guys like Grant were way out of my league. Who was I kidding?

  “What are you doing tonight?” Grant suddenly asked me.

  “What?” I asked, snapping back to reality. He stood very close to me now. I hadn’t even noticed him move.

  “Tonight?” he asked again. “I’d like to have dinner with you. Actual dinner this time. Not just drinks like last night. That is, if you’re free?”

  “Dinner? You mean for work?” I instantly wished that I hadn’t added the question about work. If I had just said yes without clarifying, then I could have at least imagined that it wasn’t for work at all. That it was a date.

  Grant seemed unfazed, though. “Something like that,” he said, grinning. “And don’t worry, I won’t make you suck on a giant dildo this time.”

  “Oh,” I said, returning his smile. “Then forget it.”

  Grant actually laughed at the joke. Warmth fluttered through me. It was nice seeing his dickish mask fall away, even if it was just for a moment. I didn’t want to get my hopes up too much, but maybe things between Grant and I were getting better. Maybe some of the old Grant I used to know still hid beneath the surface of the sexy god he’d become.

  If that was the case, maybe I still had a chance with him, after all.

  Chapter 7


  I was through playing games. That much I knew. I wanted Kendra, perhaps more than I had ever wanted someone before, and now I was going to have her.

  I came to this decision when I was showing her the new store. The way she gasped at the candies that I showed her, the way she stared. There was an innocence behind her eyes that I loved. But more than that, there was a longing. I could see her curiosity piquing as she looked things over. She had a wild side. That much was clear. Tonight, I wanted to find out first hand.

  After I showed her the store, I all but commanded that she go home and get ready for me. I was going to pick her up myself and take her to the restaurant. I didn’t want her driving because I wanted to take her home with me. At least, I hoped that’s how the evening would end. I still wasn’t completely sure how she felt about me. I teased and pushed her mercilessly at work, and even though I was sure that I pressed her buttons the right way, I couldn’t be sure if she wanted me the way I wanted her.

  There was only one way to find out.

  She looked stunning when I picked her up. Her dress that night was red. Like everything she wore, it hugged her curves to the point where I thought it might burst at the seams. The bodice of her dress could barely contain her gorgeous tits. She had just the right amount of cleavage on display. I wanted to bury my face in her chest and never come up for air. Her round ass looked superb beneath the red fabric. I got the distinct impression she wasn’t wearing any panties. The very idea got my blood pumping. I would have to confirm my suspicions later.

  “I’m really glad you came to dinner tonight,” I said, once the two of us had settled in. Tonight’s restaurant was similar to the one we met at the night before. It was equally as elegant and equally as snobby, which wasn’t a bad thing when trying to impress a girl.

  “I’m glad you invited me,” she responded, sipping on her champagne. “I was surprised you did, honestly.”

  “Really? Why is that?”

  “Well, ever since I started working for you, you seemed like you never wanted anything to do with me. Outside of work, that is.”

  “Is that the impression you got?” I asked, genuinely curious. She wasn’t wrong in thinking that I treated her a little poorly. The reason for it stemmed back to high school and how much it hurt when she dumped me. I guess some of that pain made itself known when I interacted with her.

  “Isn’t that the impression you were trying to give off?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.

  Before I got a chance to answer, however, our food arrived. For me, the choice of dinner was a rare porterhouse steak with garlic sauce and mashed potatoes. For Kendra though, a simple green salad was all that she ordered.

  “I don’t know why you ordered a salad when you could have literally anything on the menu,” I said, trying to keep my tone light. I had to work very hard to not revert back to my usual smart ass self.

  “Easy for you to say,” she responded, taking a single tomato from the salad and popping it in her mouth. Watching it slip between her plump lips got me more than a little excited. “I need to watch my figure.”

  “You’re joking, aren’t you?” I said, chuckling as I did. Surely, she was kidding? Her figure was one of the best parts about her. She had put on a little weight since high school, but that weight had gone to all the right places. She had never looked sexier.

  “Are you joking?” she scoffed. “Look at this dress. It used to fit me perfectly. Tonight, I had to suck myself in just to get it on. I seriously need to lose some weight before I explode—”

  “Okay, stop right there,” I cut in. If there was one thing I hated, it was a woman with low self-esteem. Nothing was less sexy than that, and I wasn’t about to allow Kendra to fall victim to it, too. “Do you know why I hired you for the new store?”

  “Experience?” she offered.

  “I hired you because you are the sexiest woman I know.” I made sure to hold her stare as I spoke, so she would know I wasn’t joking. The effect was instantaneous, too. Her cheeks flushed red. and she looked away, trying not to smile.

  “Shut up,” she said quietly.

  “I’m not kidding. Even now, watching you, I have to work to control my base desires. To keep from climbing across the table and taking you right here in the middle of the restaurant.”

  “Okay, now you’re going too far,” she warned, waving her fork at me. Although she said the words, I didn’t believe them. Her body language spoke volumes, and I knew she wanted more.

  “Am I?”

  “Why have you never said any of this before? The way you always treat me at work, I kind of thought you hated me. Like I was nothing to you. I assumed you thought of me as, well, I’m not exactly sure, but it wasn’t good.”

  “Do you want to know why I treat you that way?” It was probably the alcohol talking. Usually, I would never be this open with a woman I was trying to bed. At least, I told myself it was the booze. I would never admit how I really felt.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because it still hurts every time I look at you. Because whenever I see you, I’m reminded of how it felt when you dumped me and broke my heart. Because giving you a hard time is the only way I can make myself feel better about what happened between us.”

  A long silence followed my confession. Kendra just stared at me. Each second felt like ten as the moment stretched out and I felt the weight of what I had just said press down on me. I had just confessed more to her than I had to anyone. And I’d put myself in a position of weakness. Up until that point, I had been the dominant one in our relationship. But now, I’d opened myself up to her and let myself be vulnerable. I wondered how she was going to react.

  “Do you really think I’m sexy?” she finally asked, smiling as she took a sip of her champagne.

  “Irresistibly so,” I responded, also smiling.


  The rest of the dinner went exactly as I’d hoped. Our conversation turned flirtatious and provocative while managing to never cross any lines. It was clear to the both of us that we wanted each other, but neither of us were willing to admit it. It was almost like a game of cat and mouse. We both waited to see who would give in first. Whoever gave in would lose the game, since they were the one who broke.

  As I drove her home, I had an idea how to get her back to my pla
ce. I knew that once she was in my penthouse apartment, no force on this planet could stop me from having her.

  “Do you know what your problem is?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the road.

  “I have a problem?” she asked. She was a little tipsy by that point, letting out a giggle as she asked the question.

  “It’s your self-confidence. It’s nowhere near as high as it should be. Especially for someone as sexy as you.”

  “Is that right?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “It is. I think we need to fix that as soon as possible.” I continued, mapping out my conversation. The goal was to lead her into the trap.

  “And how do you suppose to do that? Self-confidence training? I am self-confident.” She giggled again.

  “Ah, if you think so, you’re going to have to prove it. Back at my place.” I kept my eyes on the road the whole time, speaking with total confidence, as if we were discussing a business proposition.

  “Your place?” There was a quiver in her voice, and I could tell the offer intrigued her. More than that, I could tell that she wanted it.

  “That’s right. Is that okay?”

  “Is this... is this for work?” she asked, her voice dropping to almost a whisper. She seemed to sober up on the spot as she began to realize what exactly I proposed.

  “I am your boss. Which means that you have to do exactly as I tell you to.”

  “But we’re not at work.”

  “You can consider this overtime,” I shot back.

  “Is that right?” she challenged. As she did, she turned in her seat, facing me now. Still, I kept my eyes on the road. I had one more thing to say, and it would either make or break the night.

  “Do you remember earlier when you asked me about the mold of that dildo? If I was the model for it?”

  “Yes,” she said, trepidation in her voice.

  “Well, I think it’s time you found out for yourself. And yes, that is an order.”

  I wasn’t sure if I had crossed the line. A silence descended over the car as what I said sunk in. Kendra still looked at me, turned in her seat to face me. But her face remained expressionless, as far as could tell. I kept my eyes on the road, and my peripheral vision revealed nothing. I had no idea how she had reacted. Was she mad? Was she intrigued? Was she going to demand that I take her home?

  As the silence stretched into eternity, I was all but ready to retract my statement. I didn’t want to, but I also didn’t want to lose the ground I had gained tonight. Then, Kendra reached forward.

  Her hand slid over my thigh and squeezed. Then, she moved it slowly higher up my leg, toward my crotch. Desire had been building inside me all night. Now it surged through me like wildfire. My dick hardened instantly, straining itself against my pants. It would have been too uncomfortable to bear, but Kendra already worked to release it.

  She used two hands. One to pull my fly down, the other to open up my pants and unleash my throbbing member. I groaned and clenched my jaw at the sensations of her hands near my cock. She hardly touched me. Her focus was on getting my pants undone. But her fingers brushed lightly against my stiff length, and even that delicate contact had me ready to burst.

  I arched my hips back as she reached her hand into my pants. I made sure to focus on the road and keep the car steady. Focusing became difficult when I felt her hand wrap around my cock and pull it out.

  “Wow,” she gasped. The way she spoke was soft, barely above a whisper. Her hand gripped me by the base, squeezing it. She wasn’t stroking it or working it with her hand. She was simply staring at it. Admiring it. “It’s definitely bigger than the dildo. I guess you weren’t the model, after all.”

  “Right in one,” I said, careful to keep my eyes on the road. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. I knew what I wanted, but I wasn’t going to ask. I wanted her to do it of her own accord. I wanted her to want to do it.

  A moment later, I heard the distinct sound of her seat belt unbuckling. Kendra leaned forward and wrapped her mouth around my hard, throbbing cock.

  Her mouth was warm and wet as it enveloped me. Her tongue swirled lightly around my head, and I inhaled sharply. Concentrating on the road became difficult. Every part of me wanted to look down and see Kendra’s beautiful face bobbing over my cock. It was something I’d dreamed about for more than ten years, ever since that night at the lake. I never truly believed something like this would ever happen between us again. It felt so damn good, it was almost worth waiting all those years.

  Her moist lips gripped the head of my cock. Her tongue, so soft and wet, ran along the slit of my head, massaging my hole, licking it gently. Her head began to bob up and down, and she took me deeper in her mouth.

  My breathing turned ragged. I lifted my hips as she pushed her head down further. Her thick, ripe lips slid down my shaft, slowly swallowing every inch of me. Then she pulled up, stroking me up to the swollen head of my cock before plunging down to swallow me whole again.

  Kendra fumbled around in the dark car, and pushed her seat as far back as it would go. She had enough room to fall to her knees in front of the seat. Then she was back on me, and I knew that I was in for one hell of an experience.

  Chapter 8


  His dick was even bigger than I remembered it being. When I first saw that dildo the previous night, I’d worried that I wouldn’t be able to fit it in my mouth. That fear was a thing of the past, considering the throbbing beast in front of me.

  On my knees and leaning over the gear shifter, I filled my mouth with his thick, pulsing cock the best I could. It was huge in size, and my jaw creaked as I opened my mouth as wide as I could. Every time I pushed it further down my throat, I struggled to suppress my gag reflex. It was a challenge, but I wanted this intimate reunion to be special.

  My hand gripped the base of his thick shaft and squeezed it firmly. I ran my mouth over the tip of him. His cock pulsated in my mouth, like I could feel his heart beat through it. Every time the tip of my tongue ran over his head, his whole body shook from the feeling.

  His breathing quickened, turning me on something fierce. To think I’d been imagining this happening earlier in the day. That felt like a lifetime ago. Although the frustrated ache between my legs was back in full force, urging me on.

  I opened my throat to swallow his head, sucking the whole thing like a lollipop. Only this was so much better than a chocolate dildo. This was the real thing, and it tasted even sweeter. I pulled my head back and licked my hand slowly. Then I wrapped it back around his shaft, working my hand back and forth. His body tightened with every stroke. I plunged his thick head between my lips while my hand caressed him. He was more than big enough for me to do both.

  The night had turned crazy, quickly. This was so unlike me. I’d never really done anything like this before, so spontaneously and out of left field. But Grant was just so damn sexy, and for some reason, I wanted nothing more than to please him. His body tensed up and his hand gripped itself around my head. I knew he was close. I prepared myself to take his load.

  Warm, sticky come erupted from the end of his cock. I kept my mouth wrapped around his head, milking pleasure from him. Even when he finished, I kept myself there, making sure to suck every last drop out of him. I pulled myself away from him and tucked his cock back into his pants. I was sure this was one blowjob Grant would never forget.

  I had never felt more confident.


  My initial fear was that after giving him head on the drive, he would change direction and take me back to my apartment. It wouldn’t be the first time a man had changed his mind once he had shot his load. And considering it was Grant, I would not have been surprised. Once I finished and was back in my seat, not a word was spoken. Grant remained silent as he drove, navigating through the dark streets with a steely determination.

  It was only when we pulled in front of a very expensive looking apartment building that I was sure he was taking me back to his place. Obviously
, he wasn’t done with me.

  We took the elevator to the top floor, where Grant’s penthouse was. The inside of his place was divine. I had never in my life dreamed that I’d ever step foot in such a lavish home. It was one of those apartments that you only saw in the movies, or on the front cover of designer magazines.

  The entire back wall was made of glass, giving the apartment a view over the New York skyline. The furniture was modern, and the layout was open, yet welcoming. At first, I assumed it to be a one-story apartment, but as I entered, I noticed a winding staircase that led to an open loft, containing the master bedroom. That alone was bigger than my entire apartment. That wasn’t including the kitchen, the balcony, or the hot tub.

  “You like it?” he asked.

  “It’s incredible.”

  “You should see the bedroom.”

  It wasn’t really a request, but a demand. I was more than happy to take it. I remembered that joke he made about me being on the clock, how he was still my boss. I chose to act accordingly.

  He followed me up the stairs, directing me into his room. The moment we were inside, he stopped me. I started to turn around and face him, only for him to stop me. He pressed his body up against mine from behind. His warm breath tickled the back of my neck. Goose bumps pebbled my flesh.

  “Honestly,” he whispered into my ear, nibbling it as he did. “Every inch of you is sexy.”

  He kissed the back of my neck, and his hands made their way to the clasp of my dress. Then, without asking permission, he unzipped it. I savored the release of my body from the tight dress, enjoying the cool air whipping at my naked skin as the dress fell in a clump at my feet.

  Still behind me, Grant ran his hands down my back, just the tips of his fingers on my skin. The barest touch. When he reached my ass, though, he gripped both cheeks in his strong hands and squeezed as hard as he could. He let out a low groan as he did, pushing his body up against mine.


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