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Man Candy

Page 12

by Tia Siren

  Then, wordlessly, I guided her head forward, aiming it for my cock. And, like a good girl who knew that she was in the wrong, she obliged eagerly.

  I sucked air in through my teeth as her mouth wrapped around the head of my cock. She didn’t take the whole thing at once, choosing instead to lick at the tip. Like a puppy, lapping at a bowl of water, she licked and licked, getting my head nice and wet. Each time she did, a cold shiver ran up my legs and through my spine. I tried to stay strong. I didn’t want her knowing how good it felt. I wanted her to think that she wasn’t getting to me. But it was difficult, and before long, I was groaning, loud and low.

  As I left out my first groan, she pulled her head off, but only so that she could wrench down my boxers, before reapplying her mouth to my cock. But this time, she took the whole thing. In one quick movement, my entire shaft disappeared down her throat, and I nearly fell to my knees from the sensation.

  She kept all of me in her mouth, sucking and gagging. I could feel her tongue working the head of my dick. I could feel her throat closing around my shaft. And, like a vacuum, I could feel every piece of me being sucked dry.

  I grabbed onto the side of her head with both my hands, holding her in place as she continued to work me. She didn’t move her head or try and throw me off. She kept my entire dick down her throat, willingly taking it. Even as she gagged, even as saliva dripped from her mouth and out her nose, she kept herself there.

  It didn’t take me long to come, either. A few more minutes of that, and I could feel it working its way up my legs and to the base of my shaft.

  “I want you to swallow it,” I commanded. “Show me that you can.”

  She didn’t respond. Not with her words anyway. Instead, she kept that big piece of meat in her mouth as I filled her with my load. It poured from the end of my cock as she kept her mouth there. It filled up the inside of her cheeks, and she kept her mouth there. And then, even when it was finished and I was done, she kept her mouth there. She didn’t remove it until every last drop was gone.

  When she finally did remove her mouth from me, she simply gave her lips a wipe, lay back in bed, and looked up at me, a serious expression on her face. It was as if she were saying, “Satisfied? Good enough?”

  “Good girl,” I offered curtly, bending down and pulling my boxers back up. “Maybe you weren’t lying after all.”

  I then turned and left the room. She watched me the entire way. As I reached the door however, I stopped and turned back, “I want you up and ready to go by 7:30 tomorrow morning. Don’t be late. You know how I hate tardiness.” Then I walked through the door and closed it behind me.

  I went to bed that night with a smile on my face. The first one I had worn in three weeks. It wasn’t the blowjob that made me smile, but the fact that she was so willing to give it. Just as a means to prove her point that she wasn’t lying to me.

  Knowing this, a part of me decided that maybe there was still hope for us. Maybe, there was a chance that I could forgive her and move on from the past.

  Chapter 20


  I don’t know who I was more furious with, Grant or myself. My reason for being furious with Grant was pretty clear in my mind. He had straight up used me the previous night. I thought, for some reason, that if I did what he asked then it might prove to him finally that I wasn’t a liar and that I actually cared for him. I sucked him dry, without hesitation. I gagged, I choked, and I swallowed all of him. And when I was done? He turned and went back to his room.

  And that was why I was mad at myself, too. I should have known what he would do. One act of contrition wouldn’t be enough to change the way he felt about me. Why did I ever think it would? I didn’t even know why I still cared for him so much.

  At first, it was a sexual desire. Perhaps the strongest I had ever felt for another person. But then, it became more than that. He took a hold of me and now refused to let go, no matter how hard I tried to get away. It was so frustrating. I didn’t want to care about him the way I did. I didn’t want to ever think about him again. But I couldn’t help myself. The heart wants what it wants, and it wanted Grant. For better or worse. Although at that point in time, “for worse” seemed to be the more likely option.

  So, it was another sleepless night for me, thanks to Grant. How many hours of rest had I lost over him? Too many. The only positive thing about not being able to sleep was that it meant I was able to get up and get ready on time. The moment 7:30 a.m. struck, I walked through the adjoining door into his room. He wasn’t going to chastise me for being late. In fact, he was never going to chastise me again. I’d had enough.

  “Right on time,” Grant said the moment I walked in. He was ready too. He sat on the edge of his bed and looked like he waited for me. “It’s good to see that you’re learning.”

  “Is that what you think this is?” I shot back, feeling my temperature rising. Already, I could tell he was in a smug mood. I had a feeling it was going to be a long day.

  “Or maybe you just got a good night sleep? I know I did. Never slept better, actually. Can’t imagine why.” He smirked as he stood from the bed.

  “Me too,” I lied. “Although, I went to sleep about fifteen minutes after you. I had to finish myself off. But that’s starting to become part for the course, it would seem.” I fixed him with a cold stare that didn’t seem to affect him at all.

  “That’s a shame. You should really look into that.” He made his way for the door. “Now come on. We have a big day. You, especially.” And he was at the door.

  I, however, remained where I was, steaming mad over his reaction. It seemed that my initial impression was correct, and I was nothing more than a hole and a mouth to him. Why did I have to like him so damn much?


  We rode to the convention in silence, not even making eye contact the entire way. It was an awkward silence, at least on my end. For all I knew, he was thoroughly enjoying himself. Much like he had last night. For some reason, he seemed to get off on humiliating me, as if it were all justified by one mistake I made years and years ago. How many more times did he have to hurt me until he finally forgave me?

  It was a question that was soon to be answered.

  The hotel was only five minutes from the convention, although when we arrived, I soon learned that convention was the wrong word for it. In fact, I really had no idea what to think when the car pulled up.

  The building we arrived at looked more like a laboratory than anything. I even spotted the odd man in a white coat walking through the sliding doors at the front of the building.

  “Where are we?” I asked. I had been expecting a concert hall or stadium of some kind. Any large space that could house hundreds of people. This was nothing like what I had been expecting.

  “This is where it’s taking place,” he said as he stepped from the car. “What were you expecting?”

  “Hold up,” I said, grabbing him by the arm. As I did, he looked down at my hand wrapped around his bicep. He looked surprised to see it there, as if me grabbing him was the most unjust thing to ever happen in the world. “Are you going to tell me what exactly is going on? What did you bring me here for?”

  “You’ll see,” he said, pulling his arm from my grip.

  The room Grant led me to was more akin to a doctor’s office than anything else. It was cold and isolated, with white walls and no windows. There was even a chair in the room similar to ones used by gynecologists. But that was nothing compared to the four men who were waiting for us.

  Two of them wore suits, much like Grant’s. They looked like business men and held themselves in a way that only men with a lot of money were able. They actually reminded me of Grant to some degree, and one of them was easily his equal in terms of how good looking he was.

  The other two men wore lab coats. They were spindly and creepy. As I entered the room, I felt their eyes ravage me, as if they had never seen a woman before now.

  “Is this her?” one of them asked, the moment Gr
ant and I were in the room. His voice was high-pitched, echoing through the room. It sent a shiver up my spine.

  “It is,” Grant responded, looking smug with himself. I didn’t like the look of that smile, or the look of the room we were in. “What do you think?”

  “Excellent!” one of the men in suits said. “I assume that she is as perfect down there as the rest of her suggests?”

  “Even more so,” Grant assured him.

  It was at that point that I had to speak up. The conversation taking place around me creeped me out terribly. These weirdos spoke about me like I wasn’t even in the room. And I still had no idea what the fuck was going on. I was fairly certain I wouldn’t like the answer once I found out.

  “Okay, that’s it,” I said, stepping back from the four men. “Is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on? Who are these men? Why are they wearing lab coats? And where is the audience? Aren’t we here to sell products?”

  Grant took my hand, turning me to face him. “Kendra, I’m afraid I haven’t been completely honest with you. I didn’t bring you here to help me make a sale. I brought you here as a model.”

  “What? What kind of model?”

  “My plan is to extend the Luscious brand nationally. Starting here and then moving to Vegas and L.A. and even New Orleans. These men represent prospective clients in those cities. Before they agree to any purchases or contracts though, they need to see the products in action.”

  He had to be kidding. There was no way he could expect me to do this.

  “The one that interested them the most was the gummy mold. They want to see it in action, and they want to see a final product to take back with them. Understand?”

  Oh, I understood all right. And I was furious. Grant literally wanted me to get up on that seat, spread my legs, and let those men make a mold of my pussy. He literally expected me to go along with it like some sort of lap dog.

  I was going to unleash hell on him. I was going to tell him to go fuck himself, turn, and storm out of the room. But I stopped myself at the last minute. I stopped myself because I knew that if I did that, it would hurt the business. If it hurt the business, it would ultimately hurt Grant. As much as I hated myself for it, I could still never do that to him.

  So I complied. I nodded my head and obediently climbed up on the chair. I allowed the men to remove my pants as they brought out the gummy mold. I sat there in silence as the two creepy men in lab coats proceeded to touch me in places that no man should touch without permission. I sat in silence as the other two men in suits watched me, hunger in their eyes. I sat in silence as they made comments about how nice my vagina was and how perfect it would be. And I sat in silence as they shook Grant’s hand at the end of it all, congratulating him on his hard work and how much they were looking forward to working with him in the future.

  Although I was silent, I wasn’t idle. I spent that time planning what I was going to say to Grant. I spent that time fuming, knowing that I would unleash on him the moment we were alone. The moment that we got back to the hotel. And that’s exactly what I did.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?!” I yelled, the very second we were in the room. I didn’t care that I cursed. Or that I screamed. I didn’t care that I showed him how much he’d gotten to me. He had done a terrible thing, and he needed to know it.

  “Keep your voice down,” he said calmly as he closed the door behind me. “We have neighbors.”

  “I don’t give a damn! That was fucked up. How could you think that was okay? You brought me here under a false pretense!”

  “Did I?” he asked, acting as if he had done nothing wrong. “I told you, I needed your help selling a product, and that’s exactly what you did. I really don’t see why you’re so upset.”

  “You can’t be serious? Having those men eye-fuck me? Having them grope me like a piece of meat? I’ve never felt dirtier.”

  “Really? I would have thought you’d like being man-handled by a group of men. I would have thought that was right up your alley—”

  I slapped him. An open palm across the face. I had never been more furious with someone. I had never felt more enraged. He could fire me if he wanted to. He could never speak to me again. In that moment, he was the most disgusting person I had ever come across.

  Without waiting to see what his response was, I turned and stormed from the room. But I didn’t go into my own room. That would have left me too close to him. I had to be as far away from that man as possible. Instead, I turned into the hallway and made my way to the elevator. A minute later, I walked out the hotel and onto the streets of Atlantic City. I had no idea where I was going or what I was going to do. But I didn’t care. As long as Grant wasn’t with me. In that moment that was all I cared about.

  Chapter 21


  I took it too far. I took it way too far. The problem with hindsight was that it only gave insight on a mistake after the mistake was made.

  My plan for Kendra made perfect sense in my head. I wanted to push her boundaries, the way I’d been forcing her out of her comfort zone since I’d hired her at Luscious. And I wanted her to know how she made me feel, to know how much she hurt me. And more than that, how much she still hurt me. Every time I thought of her with Brody, it was like a knife to my stomach. The wound from high school had never fully healed, and she kept tearing that wound open, even now. Or at least, that was what I thought.

  That was why I blind-sided her with taking a mold of her pussy for a new line of toys. If she wanted to get fucked by other guys like Brody, this was the perfect way to make that happen. It was my way of getting that point across to her. She got the point, all right.

  And more than that, I thought treating her like shit would make me feel better and put me back in a position of power. But it didn’t. I felt terrible when the two of us entered that room. The chair sat in the room like a medieval torture device. The four men stood around her, touching her and judging her. They stared at her like a piece of meat and then treated her like one. What the hell had I been thinking?

  My actions had been cruel and heartless. In my desire to assert dominance over Kendra, I’d crossed a line we might never come back from. No amount of apologizing would be enough to smooth over what I’d done, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t try. I owed her that much, even if she would never forgive me.

  I just hoped Kendra would come back to the room soon.

  She had every right to slap me in the face. And she had every right to storm from the room in anger. Hell, if she picked up a chair and broke it over my back, I wouldn’t have held it against her. I deserved all of that and more.

  My biggest fear now was that Kendra was in trouble. I didn’t chase her after she left. She was too mad at me for that. If I went after her, even if I tried to apologize, she’d just think I wanted to control her again. She’d have gotten even angrier with me, just making things worse. So I let her go.

  But now I feared letting her wander around in an unfamiliar city was another mistake on my part. I worried about her. I opened a bottle of whiskey after she left. It slid down my throat like liquid fire, but the pain felt good. Like I deserved it after what I’d done to her. I wanted to smother my worries with a drunken haze, but the more I drank, the more I worried. I opened the door between our rooms and left it open. Then, I propped myself up on a chair to wait for her to come back. If she came back.

  I called her phone, but she didn’t answer. I considered going out to look for her, but that would be pointless. She could be anywhere in Atlantic City by now. Chances were, she had no idea where she had gotten to. That brought me back to my original fear. I hoped that she was okay.

  I also hoped that she would forgive me. When she came back, I’d have to do all I could to make her forgive me. I would prove to her that I knew I was wrong and beg her to accept my apology. If I had to, I’d get down on my knees. Whatever it took.

  I should destroy that gummy mold. It had been a stupid mistake to make her do
it in the first place. Jealousy stabbed my chest while I watched those men paw over her like that, even though I was the one that hired them. My heart felt like it was being crushed with every passing second as I saw the look of disgust on her face.

  I had to erase the result of my huge mistake. The mold would be destroyed. I’d let her do it herself, if she needed to. To prove that I knew I made a mistake. I just hoped that she was okay.

  It was late at night when she finally returned. I’d lost track of time in my drunken state, but I guessed it was well past midnight. Hours and hours after she had stormed out. By that point, I had downed the entire bottle of whiskey.

  She probably hoped I’d be asleep by now. She crept into her room and closed her own door softly behind her. She didn’t expect the door between our rooms to be open, and she certainly didn’t expect me to be sitting there, waiting for her.

  She tried to hide her shock at seeing me. She refused to make eye contact with me as she powered across her room, heading to the door like she wanted to slam it shut. I jumped to my feet and charged toward the door. I got there first. My hand closed around the door and pushed it open. She couldn’t ignore me now.

  “What do you want?” she snapped, glaring at me.

  “I want to talk to you,” I said, stepping into the room. I was a little tipsy and not even close to being in control of myself. I should have waited until the next day before trying to apologize, but alcohol mixed with love makes a man do crazy things.

  “Well, I don’t want to talk to you,” she shot back. She didn’t bother trying to push me out. Instead, she simply turned and retreated back into her room.

  “Just let me explain,” I said as I followed her. “If you let me explain—”

  “No amount of explaining will change what happened,” she said. “Or what you did to me.” She began undressing, but not in a sensual way. It was more like she was tired and wanted to get out of her dirty clothes. She wore a white blouse and jeans, and her hands unbuttoned her top.


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