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Man Candy

Page 13

by Tia Siren

  “I know I can’t change what happened, but still,” I said, trying to focus through my intoxicated state. “You have to understand that it was a mistake.”

  “Oh yeah? Like you slipped and let those men do that to me? I almost feel bad for you.”

  By that point, her top was completely undone. It billowed out around her, offering me glimpses of her breasts, contained within a black bra. It was distracting, to say the least. The fact that I was drunk didn’t help matters either. “What are you doing?”

  “I want to go home,” she said andunzipped her jeans. “I want to leave first thing tomorrow morning. No hanging around. No breakfast. The moment we wake up, you are taking me home.” She wiggled out of her pants and dropped them to the floor around her ankles. After that, she shrugged out of her top. It also fell to the floor.

  “Okay, fine,” I agreed, trying my hardest not to stare at her. It was difficult, though. In a black bra and panties, she looked breathtaking as always. Her curves were fire. The black thong she had on strained against them. She traced her finger over it, as if considering taking that off, too.

  But she didn’t. She turned and headed toward the bathroom instead. For a moment, I watched her go. Licking my lips as her booty bounced and jiggled behind her. And then, without even realizing it, I followed her.

  Into the bathroom I went. By the time I got in there, her bra was off and the shower was running. Steam slowly filled up the room. She kept her back to me, dropping the bra to the floor by my feet. I craved for her to turn around so I could see her gorgeous breasts. I wanted them in my hands, in my mouth.

  I loitered in the doorway, staring at her, and she turned around to close the door. “What the hell are you doing?” she asked when she saw me. Her breasts were still out, she didn’t bother to cover them up or hide them. It may have been the alcohol, but I was sure that she wanted me to stare at them. In fact, I was sure that she wanted me.

  “I’m apologizing,” I said, closing the door behind me. As it closed, I turned back and locked it, shutting the two of us in the bathroom. Steam continued to pour from the shower, building around us. Alone. Together.

  “And how are you planning on doing that?” she asked. She leaned back, putting both hands on the counter behind her. Again, it may have been my imagination, but I could have sworn that she was pushing her pussy out, pointing it toward me. I knew what I had to do. I knew what she wanted me to do.

  So far, our entire relationship had been about me. Every time we had been together, it had been in service of my needs and my desires. I had told myself that was fine and that she enjoyed it as much as I did. But it was finally time to return the favor.

  I stepped into her, pressing my body up against her. She didn’t move. She didn’t push me away. For a moment, we stared at one another in silence. Our faces a mere inch apart. I could feel her warm breath on me. I could feel her moist pussy, pressing up against my hard cock.

  I leaned in and kissed her on the neck. Again and again. They were soft, tender kisses. Each time I brushed my lips over her skin, her body quivered. I could feel the response. I kissed her on the neck again before moving down.

  I kissed her chest, then licked at her breasts and nipples. I moved from the right nipple to the left, kissing and biting them. I delighted in the way her nipples hardened in my mouth.

  Once they were ready, I moved down even further. Dropping to my knees, I kissed down her stomach and traced a line with my tongue toward her belly button, keeping it wet. I kissed and licked toward the top of her panty line, not even bothering to pull them down as I moved my tongue around it.

  Her hand ran through my hair, and she let out a soft moan, urging me forward. She knew what I was going to do, and she wanted it. I could feel it in her breathing. I could see it in the way her plump lips quivered.

  With both hands, I gently peeled her thong off her. She arched her hips, allowing me to pull it down to her ankles. On my knees, my mouth was less than an inch from her lips. I kissed around them, pinching her thighs with my teeth, licking her everywhere but where she wanted me.

  It was only when she was ready, when she was just about to scream out and beg for me to finally do it, that I plunged my tongue inside of her.

  Chapter 22


  I was going to tell him to get the hell out when I turned around to see him standing in the bathroom. The idea of slapping him across the face again sprang to mind. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. The moment was just so sexual that I let it take hold of me.

  I could feel him devouring me with his eyes. I could sense his hunger and his desire in the way he stared. I let him stare. And then he turned and closed the bathroom door, locking us away from the rest of the world. I let him do that, too. I let him step into me and kiss me on the neck. I let him work his way down my body, kissing my nipples and kneading my breasts. And I let him drop to his knees, remove my panties, and taste me for the very first time.

  It just felt too good to stop. I knew that it was wrong. I was still furious with him, after all. I hadn’t forgotten how he had treated me. There was no way I was going to forget that. But I was weak. As he pushed me up on the counter and spread my legs, I knew that there was no stopping him. It wasn’t forgiveness, though. I preferred to think of it as getting what I was owed.

  On the counter, I kept my legs spread as he buried his head between my thighs. All the while, his tongue worked my pussy. He started by licking inside my lips and pushing his tongue inside of me. He then pulled his tongue out and licked me again, before plunging it back inside.

  The whole time, he purposefully avoided my clit. His tongue would move toward it, before darting away. I would feel the barest hint of it, taking in a deep breath in preparation before he denied me. Again and again. And each time he did, I could feel my clit swell. It grew and grew, engorged in the moment. It quivered and ached for his tongue, begging for some attention.

  And then, after what seemed like forever, he gave in.

  His tongue ran over the tip of my clit, and a bolt of lightning shot up my legs. I grabbed onto the top of his head, steadying myself as his tongue ran over it again.

  “Fuck,” I moaned, unable to help myself as his wet tongue began to massage my clit in rhythm to my deep, steady breathing.

  Steam filled the room, blanketing the two of us in its heat. I leaned back and accepted Grant’s apology. And to his credit, he knew what he was doing down there. I had never been eaten like that before. He seemed to be a part of me, able to read my mind as he sucked and licked me. It was never too hard or too soft. Never too wet or dry. It was perfect.

  I wanted to come all over his face. I wanted him to taste me forever. I wanted him to bathe in it. But I also wanted him to fuck me.

  “Grant,” I said. Softly at first. Out of breath, I could barely speak. “Grant. I want you to fuck me.”

  He pulled his head from between my thighs and looked me in the eyes. “Okay.”

  As he stood up, I pulled him into me, smothering him in my kisses. Our lips locked onto one another’s. Steam from the shower filled the room. The heat and passion between us was incredible. In that moment, I forgot why I was mad at him. I forgot everything he did to me. I didn’t care. All I wanted was to feel him inside of me.

  My hands went to his belt, undoing it. His pants dropped to the floor around his ankles. His shirt was off a second after that, and his boxers another second after that. His huge cock poked and prodded at me, already as hard as I’d ever seen it. He spread my legs and prepared to thrust into me, but I stopped him.

  “No, in the shower.”

  He nodded his head, taking my hand and leading me into the shower. The warm water covered the two of us as we locked into each other’s arms. His hands ran over my entire body, scratching and stroking me. My hand moved straight for his hard length, wrapping around it and squeezing it.

  There was a soap pump on the wall in the shower. I pumped a dab of soap into my palm and coated his cock with it. I
massaged and stroked it, keeping it hard. All the while, he kissed at my neck, my face, and my tits. His hands wrapped around my ass, pulling me into him. His cock pressed itself against my thighs. I had to feel him inside me.

  I lifted my right leg up and wrapped it around his waist. As I did, my hand went back to his stiff prick and guided it into me. I gasped as his thick member plunged into me. Again, I had forgotten just how big he was.

  I struggled to take him all at first, as merely his head entered me. But then, slowly, he pushed himself up and into me. My lips spread apart, and I swallowed him whole. Once he was in me, he pushed me back so I was up against the wall. Water poured down my back and onto my face. The heat was incredible.

  Making sure to stay inside of me the whole time, he began to grind against me. It wasn’t hard and fast like it had been before, but soft and sensual. There were no fast movements or jerky attempts at getting himself off. He made it all about me.

  In and out, in and out. He moved to my breathing, and I moaned in pleasure every time he entered me. His spare hand rubbed around my clit as he did, doing all it could to bring me to climax.

  In and out he moved, his huge cock sliding as deep into me as it could. I could feel all of him, opening me up. I could feel all of him doing everything in his power to bring me to climax. And then I did.

  It started in my toes. That tingling sensation. Then it moved up my legs. They began to shake as he increased his speed. He bit down onto my neck, an act which seemed to release a fire in my stomach as the sensation spread to all of my limbs.

  “I’m going to come,” I whispered in his ear.

  “Good,” he whispered back.

  His speed increased and so did my breathing. It became fast and intense. Hard and rough. He gave me everything I needed to reach my climax. My entire body shook, my pussy clenched around his cock, my knees buckled, my stomach gave out, and my heart ached. All the while, he stayed inside of me, keeping himself there until my body stopped shaking.

  It was only when I was done that he slowly, very slowly, pulled his still hard cock from me. He hadn’t orgasmed. I didn’t even think he was close. And for some reason, I was glad. This moment was all about me. This time, he was fucking me and not the other way around.

  I pushed him back before turning the water off. His cock was still hard as I stepped around him, out of the shower, and toward my towel. Wordlessly, I dried myself off, only too aware of the way that he stared at me. I don’t think he was mad at me for not finishing him off, but confused. As if he had no idea what to do with himself.

  “Now what?” he finally asked as I wrapped the towel around myself.

  “What do you mean?” I asked back as I unlocked the bathroom door. He still stood in the shower, dripping wet.

  “Do you want to stay with me tonight?”

  I had never heard him sound so nervous. He reminded me of the sweet boy I knew in high school, asking out a girl who he wasn’t sure liked him back. It gave me an odd sense of power.

  In truth, I would have loved nothing more than to spend the night with him. I would have loved to have wrapped myself in his arms and fallen asleep to the sound of his deep breathing. And more than that, I would have loved to have woken up in the morning, relishing in his smell, the sound of his voice, and the feeling of his body draped over mine.

  But I couldn’t. Now that I was done with him and I had finally gotten mine, I remembered what he had done to me earlier that day. I still couldn’t forgive him. Not fully anyway. I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to forgive him, but if forgiveness was possible, it would take time. Grant had made me work so many times to regain his trust. It had been a running theme in our relationship. And I understood his hesitation. I had betrayed him in the past and hurt him.

  But this time, he’d hurt me. He’d betrayed me. If he ever hoped for there to be anything between us, it was his turn to work at regaining my trust. And that trust wouldn’t come easy after what he’d done. I needed the strength to stand firm and keep resisting him.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said, opening the bathroom door. “I think you should spend the night back in your room. And me in mine.”

  “And tomorrow?” he asked, still not moving.

  “Tomorrow, I want to go home. Nothing has changed.” I took one more hard look at his face. Grant looked dejected and even a bit sad. He looked like an abandoned puppy, pouting at being left outside in the rain. Good. I turned and walked back into the bedroom.

  I quickly got changed into my pajamas, not wanting to be naked in front of him again. Sure enough, the moment I had my clothes on, he stumbled from the bathroom, still soaking wet, his clothes scrunched up in his hand. He didn’t even bother looking at me as he made his way into his room and closed the door behind him.

  I slept like a baby that night. It wasn’t just because of the sex, either. Although sleeping after sex was always easier and more relaxing. The reason I slept so well was that I finally felt like I’d reclaimed some of my power back from Grant.

  He always took control of me, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing sometimes. But I’d shown him he couldn’t just treat me however he wanted and get away with it. I wasn’t a piece of trash he could kick around when he felt like being cruel. I had limits, and he had pushed those limits too far. He understood that. The steamy session in the bathroom had been entirely about me and my pleasure. Grant had been apologizing for the way he had treated me. And afterwards, I had shut him down like he had shut me down so many times in the past.

  My only worry now was how he would treat me as a result of what happened. I hoped that he would be mature about everything. I hoped that maybe, he would actually tell me he was sorry in the morning, and we could begin to move on. Despite everything that had happened, I still cared about him and wanted to be with him. But on equal terms. Grant needed to respect me. If he couldn’t do that, there was no hope for our future.

  Chapter 23


  It was an odd sensation, being used. That was what happened. Kendra had, without a doubt, used me. It was odd that I didn’t realize it was happening until after it was done. I had gone into her bedroom to apologize. When it became clear that she wouldn’t accept my apologetic words, I decided to take matters into my own hands and show her how sorry I was.

  And that, she seemed to accept. As I ate her out, I thought I felt her opening up to me. I thought it was her way of accepting my apology. When she asked me to fuck her, I was sure things between us moved back to a better place. She pulled me into the shower and had me take her, and I thought we were past our problem. But that hadn’t been the case. She’d made that clear.

  I had to give her credit. She knew what she was doing. The moment she came, she left me standing there in the shower, dripping wet and frustrated. She went back into her bedroom, satisfied and spent. That had humbled me. When she told me I couldn’t spend the night with her, she’d humiliated me. When I laid in bed alone, thinking about what she’d done, I felt like a fool.

  I guessed we were back to our old games. Well, if that was the way she wanted to play, I was more than happy to oblige.

  The next morning, Kendra walked into my room bright and early. She clearly wasn’t kidding about wanting to go home as soon as possible. I was still brushing my teeth when she barged in. I walked out from the bathroom when I heard her, my toothbrush still in my mouth.

  She shot me an annoyed look and planted her hands on her hips. “Are you ready?” she asked. Behind her, I could see her bag, packed and waiting.

  “What do you think,” I said through a mouthful of toothpaste. I shook my head in irritation and went back into the bathroom to finish up. I wasn’t about to let her push me around. She may have gotten the upper hand last night, but it wasn’t going to last. It was my plane after all.

  “I told you I wanted to leave straight away,” she shot back at me. She didn’t follow me into the bathroom, though. Maybe she didn’t trust herself? Or maybe she didn
’t trust me?

  “So sorry to keep you waiting, your majesty,” I yelled back from the bathroom. I spat the toothpaste out and rinsed my mouth. “How inconsiderate of me.”

  “You know what I meant.”

  I strolled out of the bathroom. “Don’t worry. We’ll go in a second.”

  My bags were already packed, and I was actually ready to leave. But I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of thinking that she was in charge. I chose to take my time.

  I picked up my suitcase and threw it on the bed. I reopened it and meticulously looked through all my packed clothes, making sure that everything was there. I then zipped it up and followed that with a thorough search of the room. Under the bed, behind the dresser, and back in the bathroom. I looked everywhere, careful not to leave anything behind.

  The entire time, I felt Kendra’s eyes staring daggers at me. Her arms were crossed, and she tapped her foot up and down. If she were physically able, I was sure that she would have been breathing fire, too.

  “Okay,” I finally said, after I was sure that I had wasted enough time. “We can go—”

  Just then, the phone rang. Perfect. I smiled to myself as I strolled across the room to answer it. I didn’t know who it was, but I could see that Kendra wasn’t happy about it. Just another time waster.

  “Hello,” I said as I answered the phone, putting it on loudspeaker. “It’s Grant.”

  “Grant, darling,” a familiar voice spoke through the phone. It was Loren Pratt. This couldn’t have gone better if I planned it.

  “Loren,” I beamed, making sure to look at Kendra as I did. “What a pleasant surprise.”

  “I thought you might like it,” she responded, happily.

  “Like it? I love it.” I made sure to look at Kendra, who was actively avoiding my eyes. “How did you get this number?”


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