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Dragon in the Mist

Page 5

by Julia Mills

  Chapter Eight

  This is so damned frustrating, Mara grumbled to herself. I’m being poked and prodded and still can’t tell anyone what the hell is going on. Being stuck in my own mind while my mate and the woman I tortured are talking about me like I’m some kinda lab rat is really starting to me off.

  Listening to Uther’s voice and feeling the electricity of their connection as he continually touched her was the only bright spot in the whole damned mess. Without him, Mara knew she would still be laying in that cave waiting for Thanatos to return and for all hell to break loose.

  Not that I’m not doing the exact same thing here, only the location is different.

  She needed to tell them that Thanatos was planning to follow her. That he would use her to kill the dragons, her family, absolutely everything she’d ever known with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.

  This can’t be the way it ends. That stupid bastard can’t win. There must be something I can do.

  The sound of Calysta’s voice pulled Mara from her inner monologue as the Grand Priestess explained, “Maddox and Drago will be back any minute. He keeps asking me if I’m sure it’s really you.”

  “Aye, I can only imagine. Doxie always demanded proof.” Mara’s dragon’s voice had an undertone of sadness as he continued, “I have tried many times over the years to reach him, but…” He cleared his throat, his emotions running wild. “Whatever spell the wizards used to ambush us was just too strong to break through. Even now, I am still unable to use mindspeak.”

  “I know, and I am sorry, Uther. I explained all of that to my impatient mate, but I think his excitement at seeing you after so long is getting the best of him. I can hear it in his voice, as well as Drago and Alicia’s.”


  Mara wished she could cry. She was so happy to know at least one of her sisters was coming. That someone still cared.

  “I have no idea how you survived,” Calysta went on while cleaning Mara’s wounds. “I would’ve lost my mind.”

  “We both know that is not true.” Uther’s voice was little more than a whisper as he continued, “I have seen Mara’s memories. You were most brave in the face of heinous conditions.”

  He saw… Oh, my Goddess, what must he think of me?

  “It wasn’t Mara’s fault. Cleland tricked her and took away her free will. I’m only sorry she wasn’t rescued the same day that I was.” Sadness filled the air, tears colored Calysta’s tone. “I am so sorry for everything she’s been through. I can only hope she can forgive us.”

  Me? Forgive them? She doesn’t blame me for all the terrible things I did to her?


  Mara immediately recognized the voice of Maddox, also known as the mad dragon, as he bellowed, “Holy shit, man, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”

  “Aye, and ye’re just as mad as ever.” Uther’s sounded so happy, so full of life. It was amazing to hear and made Mara want to break the shackles of Thanatos’ spell all the more.

  “Drago.” That one word was filled with emotion, so much respect, so much brotherly love and comradery that Mara wasn’t surprised to hear the sounds of hands being slapped on backs and could only imagine the manly hugs that were being passed shared.

  “Where have you been, old man? How are you feeling? How did you find Mara?” The man Uther had called Drago’s questions came in quick succession.

  “Honey, give Uther a minute to get his bearings. He’s obviously not even had time to shower, and if he’s anything like you would be with me, he hasn’t moved from Mara’s side since he found her.” Alicia’s soft, lilting voice wrapped around Mara’s heart, making it hard for her to breathe.

  Her older sister’s soft touch on her cheek coupled with the love and regret Mara felt coming from Alicia had the younger witch counting the seconds before her sister hand brushed against her cheek again. Thankfully, her prayers were answered when Alicia placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered, “Welcome home, Little Sis. Mom and the others are on their way.”


  Visions of Sarah Beth McKennon’s easy smile, sparkling blue eyes and the way she was always there for all her children warmed Mara’s heart. There hadn’t been a day during her time with Cleland and then Thanatos that she hadn’t wish she’d gone to her mom instead of running off on her own. She longed to have one of Sarah Beth’s warm hugs and to hear her mother say that everything was going to be okay.

  Even if I know, it won’t….

  “Yeah, I’ve been tellin’ the big galoot that he can use my shower and borrow some clothes, but he just gives me ‘the look’ and grumbles something in Gaelic under his breath.” Kayne’s laughter broke up Mara’s pity party, suddenly giving her something other than herself to think about.

  How could she get Uther to take care of himself? To not waste any more time worrying about her? To figure out that Thanatos had plans for the dragons?

  Then Alicia spoke, and Mara thanked the Goddess for her sister’s strong powers of perception. “Go on, Uther. Go with Kayne, Maddox, and Drago. Get cleaned up. I promise I will stay here with Mara, right by her side, until you get back.”

  Mara could feel her dragon’s resistance, the need that matched her own to stay close, but was glad when Drago stepped in. “Come, Uth. My Alicia has missed her sister so very much. I can see that she wants some alone time and also needs to talk to Calysta. We will only be in the way.”


  “I know it is hard. Even now, I never want to be away from my Beloved either.” Mara could hear the smile in Drago’s voice. “But there are times it is called for, and this is one of those times.”

  Once again sparks of their connection raced up Mara’s arms making her heart flutter and her body warm from the inside out. Kissing both her cheeks and then her lips, Uther murmured, “I will be right back, mo bhana-bhuidseach beag, and I would love nothing more than to see your beautiful eyes when I return. Tá tú ag an bhfianaise mo anam.”

  Right back atcha, Uther. Goddess knows I am trying to break this damned spell.

  Listening to him walk away, enjoying his answers to the other Guardsmen’s questions, Mara felt the strength of their mating bond grow. Summoning every ounce of white Earthen magic she could muster, the youngest McKennon witch listened as Alicia and Calysta discussed her condition, waiting until the moment came when she could help them break Thanatos’ curse.

  That bastard’s not gonna know what hit him.

  Chapter Nine

  Standing in front of the mirror with scissors and a razor unlike anything he’d ever seen, Uther stared at the unfamiliar image looking back at him. If he hadn’t been looking through his own eyes, he would’ve sworn he was looking at one of the old drunks who used to gather outside the pub he and the lads frequented. Silver, black magic and a hundred years underground had taken its toll, not only on his looks but also his mind.

  “And I would still be there if it hadn’t been for her,” he mumbled aloud.

  A grumble from King had him chuckling, “And ye, too, mo chara. I wouldn’t have been able to save Mara if ye hadn’t led the way.”

  Turning back to the mirror, Uther grabbed hold of the ragged beard that trailed down his chest and began indiscriminately, and with a great deal of malice, hacking away at the wiry whiskers, getting rid of the blatant reminder of his imprisonment. The more he cut, the lighter he felt. The clearer his mind became. The knots in his stomach loosened. It was cathartic, almost spiritual. as if he was cutting away from the past, ready to begin anew.

  When nothing but stubble remained on his chin, he started on his hair, letting the long, dark, matted strands fall to the floor like leaves from the trees in the Fall. Dropping the scissors into the pile of hair and whiskers that had managed to hit the sink, he grabbed the electric razor, and while reiterating Kayne’s instructions, shaved his face clean and his hair nearly to the scalp.

  Turning towards the bedroom, he smiled at King, asking, “Better?” Then laughing
aloud when the jaguar gave a grumbled yawn without so much as even raising his head.

  Jumping in the shower, the mighty Guardsman who could wield a sword, fix a wagon wheel, and shoe a horse, all in record time, alternated between teeth-chattering cold and skin-scorching hot water for a full minute before finally getting the stream to a comfortable temperature.

  Clean and dressed, he took one last look in the mirror just as Kayne yelled, “Get down here and get something to eat before Doxie cleans every plate,” echoed through the room.

  With King at his back, Uther padded down the stairs, stepped onto the cool tile and made an immediate right into the kitchen. Stopping before anyone noticed he’d arrived, Uther looked at three of his very best friends, men he thought of as brothers, even more so than his own.

  There had never been a time through all their years together that he couldn’t count on them to be right beside him in battle or buying the next round at the pub. Together, along with the others of their Force, the Enforcers, Uther was sure they’d seen it all, but to know most were now starting the next part of their lives, he was so very happy for each of them and looked forward to the day they were all reunited.

  “Nice haircut,” Kayne smiled. “Now, get over here and eat some of this feast I’ve been slaving to make while you’ve making yourself beautiful.” Pulling out a chair, the demi-god went on, “I know you look no worse for wear, but I also heard your stomach growling while we were in the Clinic and remembered how much you enjoyed breakfast.”

  Taking a seat, Uther started to chuckle as Maddox added, “If I know you, you haven’t stopped for a minute. Always gotta be the hero. Had to rescue your damsel in distress.”

  “And you’re one to talk, Doxie,” Drago scolded, slapping the mad dragon on the back as he threw back his head and laughed. “I remember a day when you would bitch and moan if we even stopped to water the horses.”

  “Now, that’s not…”

  “Doncha be lying, old man. I was there, remember?” Drago interrupted, his dark eyes twinkling as he teased his old friend.

  Filling a plate with food and setting it on the floor for King, Uther then filled his while listening to his friends teasing each other about old times. Taking a bite of eggs and sausage, the Avenger moaned aloud, speaking with his mouth full, “This is the best food I’ve ever tasted.”

  “Aye, amazin’ how good food tastes when you haven’t eaten for a hundred years, is it not?” Drago nodded, his eyes wide and his smile bright. “My Alicia makes the best blueberry pancakes in the world. You’ll have to come over once Mara is up and feeling better.”

  At the mention of his mate’s name, Uther set his fork on the edge of his plate and looking around the table at the others, asked, “Tell me what you know of this demon, Thanatos.”

  “He’s an evil bastard, hellbent on world domination, but aren’t they all?” Kayne shook his head, taking a drink of coffee, then adding, “I’ve tried to think of a way to get Dad involved, but unless Death Incarnate threatens me directly, I don’t think the old man will get involved.”

  Nodding at the demi-god, the son of Lugh, the Celtic god of the Sun, Uther agreed, “Tis not yer father’s mess to clean up. Ye know we are more than capable of handlin’ whatever the bastard throws our way.” Taking a sip of his own coffee, the Avenger added, “What is this I hear about ye spending time in Hell. Did ya leave anythin’ for the baddies?””

  Tipping his chair, balancing on the back two legs, Kayne chuckled as he ran his hands through his hair, “Yeah, I had a nice long vacation in the Pits. Got to be a hellhound and everything. Those fucking wizards had quite an imagination when it came to places to hide us.”

  Pointing at Drago, the demi-god continued, “The Commander was buried not five miles from here, stuffed in a silver box.” Sitting the legs of his chair back down, he chuckled, “He called out, and Alicia heard him. Must be something special about those McKennon girls. They can wake the dead.”

  “Or witches in general,” Maddox winked with a chuckle. “Goddess knows they don’t let their men get away once they’ve got us in their sights.”

  Smiling, but needing to hear about his other brethren, Uther asked, “And what of the lads? Have they been found? Do ye know if they still draw breath?”

  “Aye, all but Atticus have returned,” Drago nodded. “And all but Kayne has found his mate.”

  “Oh, I know where she is.” The demi-god got up from his seat, filling his cup with coffee before turning back and leaning against the counter behind him. “Dad made sure I knew who she was.” He shrugged. “I’ve just decided to wait a while before jumping off that particular bridge.”

  The room erupted in laughter as Maddox asked, “Jumping off a bridge, is it? Mating Callie was the best thing I’ve ever done. Ya’ oughta try it.”

  “Well, for you that’s true. The Heavens know your Priestess is the only one who can control your nasty temper and put up with your bellyachin’.”

  Kayne ducked as Maddox through a butter knife at him while yelling, “Just wait until you bring your girl home. Paybacks are a real bitch, my friend.”

  Watching his brethren howl with laughter as they continued to tease one another did more to help Uther’s return to civilization than anything…except for Mara, nothing compared to her. Finishing his breakfast, he took his plate and King’s to the sink. Looking at all the gadgets and appliances lining the counter, he wondered how long it would be before he truly felt comfortable in his own skin.

  “So, was the jaguar with you the whole time, or did you pick him up along the way?” Kayne asked, coming up beside Uther as he stared out the window over the kitchen sink.

  Looking over his shoulder at King, the Avenger chuckled, “He found me and thank the Universe that he did. Without that feline, I would’ve never found me Mara.” Crossing the room while nodding at his feline friend, Uther added, “He led the way to the mountain.” Taking his seat, he blew out a long breath. “Thanatos had Mara hidden in the middle of Devil’s Kiss.” Glancing up at Drago, he asked, “Remember that fiery hole in the middle of the jungle?”

  “Aye, all too well,” Drago sighed. “How did Mara survive those temperatures?”

  Shrugging, Uther guessed, “Had to be Thanatos’ spell. That is all I can come up with. He had her locked up tight….and still does.”

  “Don’t worry, Uth. If anyone can find a way to break the curse, it’s my Callie,” Maddox proudly declared. “Between her, her sister, Della, and Niall, I do believe there’s nothing that a stupid demon’s created that they can’t crack.”

  “Aye, I believe Doxie is right,” Drago reassured. “And with Alicia, along with her sisters and mother,” the Commander, known to his closest friends as the Assassin, patted Uther’s forearm while adding, “they will free your Mara. It is because of their combined magicks that I am here, and not still buried in a silver coffin or worst yet, looking down at you from the Heavens.”

  Something nagged at the back of Uther’s mind. Something he’d felt in the cave in the Amazonian jungle, but hadn’t been able to think about until now. Still trying to decide if he’d really felt the presence of other dragons among the heated core of the volcano, or if it had just been wishful thinking, Uther asked, “And what of Zared? Is there any news of my brother?”

  The mood suddenly turned dark. His brethren all looked at one another before looking to him, and it was Maddox who answered, “We have not heard a word from Zared, or any of the Berserkers, since a month after you lot disappeared.”

  “From what I know,” Kayne jumped in when the mad dragon paused. “Search parties spent years looking for us and the lads in Zared’s Force, but every lead came up empty.” Leaning his forearms on the table, his tone unusually serious, the demi-god continued, “Just like us, no one ever found hide nor hair of them, not even their bodies.”

  “Then there is hope?” Uther asked, praying his younger brother was still alive…somewhere.

  “Aye, I believe there is.” Drago stood.
“Doxie never gave up on us, and here we are.”

  Nodding, just about to tell his brethren about what he’d felt in the depth of the Devil’s Kiss, Uther never got to speak as Maddox announced, “Callie has called the Witch’s Council for help and Mara’s mother and her unmated sisters have just gotten to the Clinic. She wants to know if you feel up to meeting your mate’s family.”

  “Of course,” Uther quickly replied, getting to his feet and heading for the door, the thought of the volcano and the jungle once again shoved aside.

  “Hey, Hillybilly Uth,” Kayne yelled with a snicker. “How about some shoes?”

  Stopping mid-stride, the Avenger glanced down at his bare feet then nodded, “Been a long time since I had to think about what I was wearing.”

  “I know what you mean,” Kayne laughed. “Here take these.”

  The demi-god handed him a pair shoes that felt like cotton on the top and had thick rubber soles on the bottom. Giving them a thorough inspection, Uther raised his eyebrows as the demi-god chuckled, “They’re a kind of tennis shoe. I’ll have the younger guys take you shopping later. They are much better at explaining new styles than I am.”

  Sure that Kayne was downplaying how much he’d already learned about modern advances, especially since the demi-god had shed all signs of an accent and spoke with modern slang, Uther grinned. Setting the shoes on the floor and sliding his feet into then, he said, “They are comfortable. Much better than those hard-bottomed boots we used to wear.”

  Slapping him on the back as he walked past and opened the front door, Kayne jested, “Just wait till you try on your first pair of lamb’s wool slippers. You will think your feet have gone to the Heavens.”

  “Alright, you two, enough with fashion lessons for the day,” Maddox grumbled. “I will never understand why you need anything but a pair of jeans, a comfortable T-shirt and a good pair of boots.”

  Motioning with his thumb over his shoulder, Kayne chuckled, “At least some things never change. We can always count on Doxie, to be growlin’ about something or another.”


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