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Dragon in the Mist

Page 6

by Julia Mills

  “Thank the Heavens for the mad dragon,” Uther winked at his grumpy friend. “What would we do without ye?”

  Chapter Ten

  “I can’t believe she’s here. It’s a miracle.” Sarah Beth’s voice cracked with emotion as Mara felt the back of her mom’s fingers brush against the apple of her cheek. “I know she’s still in there. I can feel her, Calysta. My baby is trying to come back to me. Do you have any idea how to help her?”

  “Not yet, but Della is looking through all the old grimoires we got after y’all destroyed Cleland and Kyra is going through the ones on that side of the pond.”

  Mara wished she could thank everyone for their help. Wished there was something she could do besides imitate a lump on a log and wait for someone to save her. Thankfully, the strong wards they had all over the Lair of the Blue Thunder Clan and her family’s magic were strong enough to keep Thanatos from making contact, or worse yet, jumping back into her soul.

  In awe of the way Calysta went right to work, cleaning her up and placing a healing poultice on the worst of her wounds, Mara would forever be in the Priestess’ debt. Not only was she helping, but she’d also enlisted her sister, Della, who lived with her and her daughter who was mated to a dragon from the Golden Fire Clan in the states. The Leader of Earthen witches was not only a powerful practitioner but also a kind and loving person, with an endless capacity to forgive and showed it with her every action.

  And to think Cleland and Thanatos used me to try and break her spirit. I only pray I can watch that stupid, son of a whore demon be returned to the Pits of Hell where he belongs. And then I’ll have to find a way to make up for everything I’ve done.

  Trying not to drown in the immense guilt she carried within her heart, Mara was pulled from her thoughts as the warm scent of cedar combined with the fresh scent of a cool evening breeze filled her senses, making her feel like she could do absolutely anything.


  His name rolled through her mind making her feel stronger, lighter, ready to tackle whatever Thanatos could throw at her. The touch of his hand on hers sent crackling sparks of power, the power of their blessed connection, shooting through her body. The sound of his voice, a gravelly baritone, spoke directly to her heart and soul, giving her another huge dose of renewed hope. But it was the feel of his lips upon hers that made Mara truly believe she had a future, one with love and a happily ever after with him by her side.

  “Uther Blackthorne, this is Sarah Beth McKennon, Mara’s mother,” Calysta’s introduction of the two most important people in Mara’s life made the witch hold her breath and pray they would like each other.

  Her fears were washed away as Sarah Beth’s tearful voice gushed, “Thank you so very much for bringing my girl home. I owe you a debt I am not sure how I will ever repay.”

  “Ye owe me nothing, Mrs. McKennon. It is I who owe Mara my life.” His fingers slipped between hers. “For I am only back among the living because of her wee, small cry amidst the darkness.” He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it before continuing, “Mara is the light of my soul, my reason for being. She is everything to me, and I have not even truly met her yet.”

  Uther paused, his gaze warming her face, the love he already felt for her making her heart beat faster.

  I need to talk to him. I need to let him know that Thanatos is coming. I have to protect my family and friends…my mate.

  The icy fingers of dread crawled up her spine. Dread filled her mind. Something was coming. Something was…no, someone evil was nearby. It wasn’t the fucking demon, but someone just as bad, getting closer and closer.

  But who…

  Her panic grew. Her heart beat so fast she was sure it would jump out of her chest. Mara tried to focus on what her mother and Uther were talking about, but her mind wouldn’t stop searching for whoever was lurking in the shadows with hate in their heart and malice in their intent.

  She heard the voices of three of her sisters, Annalisa, Isabella, and Brenna, as they spoke with Calysta. They sounded so far away like they were speaking through a staticky connection or from the bottom of a well.

  “Can we perform the ritual today?” Annalisa, the oldest of the McKennon sisters and by far the most assertive asked. “Do you think it will work?”

  “Honestly, I have no idea. This curse or spell or whatever it is that…” Calysta’s voice wavered. Mara could feel her fear. Heard the Elder Witch take a deep breath before continuing, “Thanatos.” That one word hung in the air like the great, dark cloud, threatening to wash them all away in its propensity for death and destruction.

  Maddox took over, promising, “It’s okay, Callie. I won’t let that bastard anywhere near you, not ever again.”

  The silence was deafening. Mara wondered if anyone was even breathing. And then her dragon spoke, his voice clear and concise…strong in its intent, as he continued where Calysta could not.

  “Whatever magic Thanatos has used to lock Mara into this deep state of unconsciousness and to disappear without a trace, is strong. It is from the very Devil himself.”

  She could feel conviction running through her veins just as she knew it ran through his. With her mind’s eye, she could see the Dragon King with whom Uther shared his soul gearing up for battle. His brilliant, sparkling scales twinkled like the stars in the sky. His eyes, dark and intense, were glued to hers. Opening his huge snout, his voice sounded like the timpani drums being played to perfection in an orchestra.

  “Aye, Mara McKennon, ye can feel it, too.” It was a statement not a question and said with such conviction, Mara could only nod. “But our Uther does not. His focus is on ye, as it should be.”

  The Dragon King’s eyes glowed with an inner power, an introspection that amazed Mara. “The evil that comes is in the guise of one that is known to the Priestess. One who seeks to destroy not only the dragons, but also to corrupt and enslave all Earthen magic.”

  “What can I do?” Her question was little more than a whisper. “How can I help when I’m stuck here, lying like a corpse waiting for the buzzards to pick my bones clean?”

  Brennus laughed, the sound rough and raspy, like Mara’s granddad used to sound after smoking his pipe. “Ye are so much more than you realize, my little witch. That is why you were chosen by Cleland and then Thanatos. I am honored to have ye as my mate and together, we shall fight whatever wicked comes our way.”


  “There is no but, Mara McKennon, there is only do or die.” The Dragon King’s elliptical pupils glowed with the power of the celestials as he added, “Are ye ready? Are ye truly the one the Universe has made for Uther Blackthorne and for me? Tell me now. Do not waste my time if ye cannot rise to the challenge.”

  “I am not wasting your time. I am your mate, and I love Uther.” The words were spoken before she could think. Brennus had dared her. Questioned not only her motives but who she really was in her heart and soul. He had made her take a stand, and for the first time since Cleland drenched her in black magic, Mara felt in control.

  The Dragon King’s snout curled into a smile with the tips of his massive canines peeking out, making him look even more opposing. Nodding his huge head, the battle horns on his brow lengthening with every bob, Brennus asked, “Are ye ready, Mara McKennon? Are ye ready to do what ye must to banish the evil that has taken hold of yer soul?”

  “YES!” She snarled. “I am ready.”

  “Then so it shall be.”

  The words had barely crossed the Dragon King’s lips when a shock of power shot up Mara’s spine, a steel rod replacing the mere bones and muscles, making her whole, invincible, ready for battle. A light, so bright and all-encompassing that she was momentarily blinded, exploded in her mind. Images of her family, her friends…of Uther, flashed through her mind, gave her renewed purpose, showed her the path to not only save those she loved, but also to redeem her tattered and broken soul.

  Flames shot across her nerve ends. Her body caught fire. Muscles that had been
frozen by Thanatos’ evil incantation were rejuvenated. She felt strong. She felt invincible.

  Her lungs expanded. Her heart beat anew. She was reborn, being given a second chance by the Dragon King with whom she would share her life.

  Chaos broke out all around her. Calysta yelled. Her mother cried out. Here sisters wailed. But it was Uther’s roar of, “Mara, please mo ghrá, do not leave me!” That gave her that last mighty push.

  Breaking through the serpentine bonds of Thanatos’ curse, Mara watched his oily, dirty magic shatter, the black, greasy shards crumbling as they were swept back into the hell from whence they came.

  “Go, Mara McKennon, go to Uther. Fulfill the destiny you were made for.” Brennus gave a final roar as a rush of magic shoved Mara to a sitting position. Her eyes popped open, and she gasped for air.

  Rapidly blinking, her eyes slowly focusing, she found Uther and with a scratchy croak, whispered, “Oh my Goddess, you are beautiful.”

  Chapter Eleven

  He couldn’t believe his eyes. Could barely breathe. In the span of a single heartbeat, Mara had gone from being trapped in a mystical coma that no one knew how to break, to sitting upright and speaking as if everything was fine.

  Pulling her into his arms, Uther held his mate close, listening as his heart skipped a beat to fall in sync with his. The sheer power of their bond, the connection they’d been given by the Universe Herself, skittered across his every nerve-ending, strengthening their joining, filling him with a monstrous energy that forced the residual black magic from his cells and reinvigorated his soul.

  He could see Brennus’ proud, smiling face in his mind’s eye and knew at once the Dragon King had worked a miracle. Giving a single nod to the dragon of his soul, Uther leaned back and looked down at Mara, her crystal blue eyes full of doubt.

  Leaning his forehead against hers, he let all the adoration he already felt for her fill their bond, as he assured her, “Everythin’ will be all right. I am here. No one and nothin’ can hurt ye.”

  “But…” She paused, the fear of rejection and recrimination so thick he could feel it sitting between them. Waiting as she took a deep breath, he listened as she finished, “You don’t know what I’ve done, the people I’ve hurt.”

  A tiny sob slipped out as she struggled not to cry, that single whisper of sound breaking the Guardsman’s heart. Scooping up his mate and carrying her into the first empty room he could find, Uther hollered over his shoulder, “I promise to bring her right back.”

  Kicking the door shut, he stalked across the room, sat Mara on the edge of the hospital-type bed and stood up, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at his lovely mate. “I do know what ye have done. Have seen it with me own eyes.” He tapped his temple. “Just as ye can see my memories, so I can see yers.”

  Leaning forward, Uther caged his mate with his body, laying the palms of his hands on either side of her thighs on the mattress. Looking at her, waiting until he was sure he had her undivided attention, the Guardsman asked, “Did ye do those things of yer own free will?”

  He saw the shock in Mara’s eyes as she sputtered, “W-Well…no…”

  Not giving her time to think, Uther powered on, “Did ye leave yer home, yer family, the ones ye love, and take up with a crazy wizard then a homicidal demon just for fun?”

  “No.” Her voice was stronger. She lifted her chin and straightened her back, but still the Avenger continued, “Did ye murder, torment and harm all those people of yer own free will?”

  “No, I did not.” The confidence was growing with every word she spoke, and then Uther fired the question he knew would get his mate’s thoughts on the right track. “Did ye call to me? Did ye ask for help? Did ye even consider taking yer own life to escape the torment of the demon known as Death Incarnate?”

  “Yes. Yes, I did.” The words had barely been spoken when Mara threw her arms around Uther’s neck and crushed her lips to his.

  She had flipped the switch. Mara had lit the fuse. She had opened the final part of Uther’s heart, the one he thought had been lost forever.

  His hands skated along her hips and up her ribs, sliding under her arms and lifting her off the bed until she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist. Mara’s hands tickling the stubble on his head, her nails scoring his skin, along with the soft mewls she sweetly moaned, were simply too much for Uther’s fraying control.

  Pushing her back against the nearest wall, he deepened their kiss, demanding entrance and growling when his mate freely opened to him. He dominated her mouth like he hoped to dominate her heart. Kissing her with all the desire and adoration he’d been holding onto since he first heard her voice.

  Her desire rose to meet his. Together, the way the Universe, Fate and Destiny had always meant for them to be, Uther and Mara were explosive. Their need was a roaring fire, encompassing all they’d ever known, blowing their bond wide open and filling both of them with a love and devotion that can only come when true mates find one another.

  “Ahem, yoooooohoooo, there are several other people, including Mara’s mother, who would like to see her pretty little face.” Kayne’s chuckle reached into the bliss of the moment, popping the bubble of desire, and making Uther growl, “Go away, Kayne,” as he kissed down Mara’s neck, needing to mark every inch of his Beloved for all to know to whom she belonged.

  “No can do, Big Man. Sarah Beth is pacing the floor, and Calysta is about to send Doxie in after you.” The demi-god gave a little knock on the door before adding, “And you know that little vein that stands out on Drago’s forehead when he’s just about to lose his cool? Well, that sucker is pulsing like its keeping time for a marching band.”

  Lifting his head, Uther looked into Mara’s lust-soaked eyes and couldn’t help but smile, even though he was thinking of all the ways he could torture one of his closest friends. The little smile that curved her kiss-swollen lips and the twinkle in her eyes had him asking, “What is goin’ on in that pretty little head of yers?

  Laying her palms on his chest, she sighed, “It’s now or never. I need to go out and talk to my mom and my sisters.” She sighed, her chin dropping to her chest as she added, “I have to talk to Calysta, too. The things I did…were…I mean, I…”

  Gently placing his index finger under Mara’s chin, Uther lifted until they were once again eye-to-eye. “No one knows better than yer Priestess what those bastards are capable of. Talk to her. She will understand.” Placing a chaste kiss upon her lips, he leaned back and smiled, “I will be right there with ye. Lean on me. We are truly in this together…forever.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Can I talk to you? In private?” Mara held onto Uther’s hand with a death grip that only got tighter as Maddox growled when Calysta nodded, “Of course, sweet girl, let’s go into my office.”

  Pulling Uther with her, Mara actually cracked a smile when he stopped, turned, and stared at the mad dragon before commanding in a stern voice, “Stay,” complete with raised eyebrows and a cock of his head.

  Chuckling as she held the door, Calysta winked, “That man. If I didn’t love him so much, I swear he’d make me crazy.”

  Looking at her mate as the Priestess shut the door and took a seat in the overstuffed leather chair across from her and Uther, Mara knew exactly what Calysta was talking about. The young witch may have only actually seen her mate for the first time a few minutes ago, but she’d seen his heart, touched his soul, and heard his thoughts. There was no one more honorable, more loyal, or more honest than the man she loved more with every beat of her heart.

  The Universe doesn’t make mistakes…

  She’d never understood that statement until Uther. Had thought it was all a bunch of hocus-pocus, mumbo jumbo, that the Elders of both dragonkin and Earthen witches told the young ones to make them obey the rules, but it was true…so very, very true.

  “So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

  Calysta’s question floored Mara. She looked directly at th
e Priestess expecting her to yell, scream, point her fingers, turn Mara into a toad, give her a tail, something, anything, as retribution for what had happened…but the Elder Witch had a smile on her face.

  Glancing at her hand in Uther’s, Mara took a deep breath, summoned all the courage she could find and began. “Madame Priestess, I…”

  “Stop right there,” Calysta laughed aloud.

  Mara’s head popped up. She could feel that her eyes were as big as saucers and knew she looked like a fish out of water as she opened and shut her mouth at least five times.

  Finally, able to speak, the younger witch stuttered, “Um…what…did you just…I mean, can I…ummmm…”

  Reaching across the coffee table, Calysta held out her hand, waiting until Mara laid her free hand in hers to start speaking. “Mara, honey, look at me.”

  Slowly raising her eyes, feeling the support and confidence Uther was pushing her way, Mara tried to hold back the tears. Looking at the Priestess, expecting to see signs of anger, accusation, or just good, old-fashioned, I’m-gonna-kick-your-ass rage, Mara was shocked that none of that was there.

  All she saw was love, acceptance and forgiveness. She could feel that the Priestess wanted to help. Could feel how strongly the Elder Witch wanted Mara to be all right. It was so overwhelming, so completely unexpected that the tears she’d been holding back began to fall.

  One after the other, tear after tear, Mara let bits and pieces of the overwhelming regret and guilt flow down her cheeks. It was just as Brennus had said, exactly what Uther had been trying to show her, she was being given a second chance. She had a beautiful future, one full of love and happiness, sitting right beside her, all she had to do was accept it.

  Nodding, Calysta agreed, “Now, I want you to say all that aloud. Say every, single word that just flowed through your mind.” The Priestess let go of Mara’s hand and sat back. “Say it loud. Say it proud. Say you forgive yourself. Say that you would never knowingly hurt another. Say that it is all in the past and from this point forward, you are going to let go of the baggage. That you are going to give it to the Goddess and live a long, happy life with your dragon.”


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