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Further To Fall

Page 22

by Catherine Cowles

“Jesus, Liam! Turn the fuck around and try knocking next time,” Austin bellowed. Luckily, my back had been to the door so there was no way Liam could have actually seen anything, but I’m sure his imagination was working overtime. I grimaced at that thought, certain my cheeks were turning fuchsia.

  “You know Ford and I have keys. Why would you do this to me?” Liam groaned as Austin deftly got me back in my bra, and I slipped my shirt back over my head.

  “Where is Ford, anyway?” Austin asked.

  Liam had a hand covering his eyes and was facing away from us. “He was outside on a phone call when I pulled up.”

  Just then, the front door opened, and Ford strode in. “What the hell is all the yelling about?” he asked, sending a perplexed look towards Liam, who still had a hand over his eyes.

  Liam pointed roughly in my direction without turning around or dropping the hand from his eyes. “Carter flashed me!” He sounded outraged.

  “Oh, I did not, you big drama queen. And you can take your hand off your eyes now.”

  “Are you sure? You are like my little sister, and I never, ever want to see my little sister’s boobies. Or my little sister about to go to pound town with my best friend.”

  Ford snorted. “Hey, I thought I was your best friend.”

  Before Liam could retort, Austin jumped in. “Watch it, Liam, or I’ll go to pound town on your face.”

  Both Liam’s and Ford’s expressions twisted into ugly grimaces, but it was Ford who spoke. “That’s just wrong, man. And some fucked-up mental imagery I won’t be able to get rid of quickly.”

  “I’m the one who’s going to have nightmares!” Liam yelled.

  I stepped in between all of them. “Enough, all of you are a bunch of dramatic babies. I’m hungry, can we order some food?”

  Liam pouted. “Fine, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to eat.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Let’s see what you say when Little Dom’s arrives, fatty.” He immediately perked up at the name of our favorite Italian place. That’s what I thought.

  The next morning, I was sitting in Austin’s passenger seat, sipping my coffee and texting with Taylor as Austin and I pulled into the school parking lot. Last night, the boys had stayed far too late, and I had fallen asleep on the couch while they watched a baseball game. I had briefly awakened to Austin carrying me back to his bedroom and stayed semi-conscious long enough to take out my contacts and brush my teeth. I woke in the morning to find myself pinned between Austin and Blue. Austin had not been happy to discover Blue in his bed, but he was just going to have to get used to it.

  As we swung into a parking spot, I spotted John waiting in the same place he had been yesterday. I waved in his direction, and he responded with a chin lift. I liked John. He wasn’t the most talkative, but I could tell he was salt of the earth and took his job seriously. I would never admit it to Austin, but I breathed a little easier knowing that John was right outside my door all day. “Morning, John,” I called as I slipped from the Range Rover.

  “Morning, Carter.”

  Austin came around the front of the SUV and threw an arm over my shoulders. He always claimed me in some way—an arm around me, holding my hand, grasping the back of my neck. I loved that he wasn’t afraid to be affectionate in public. It was never over-the-top, but I always appreciated it. Maybe because I had been unsure about us for so long, this clear declaration always hit me right in the feels. I pressed my body into his, hoping he’d sense my gratitude. He tilted his head down and kissed my forehead. “Let’s get you to class.”

  “You don’t have to walk me all the way in, you know.”

  “Last time I didn’t walk you all the way in, you almost got strangled by a crazy person.” John’s head snapped up, and I stiffened. Austin squeezed the back of my neck to soften his words. “Sorry, baby. Didn’t mean to remind you. I just won’t ever take chances with your safety again.”

  I forced a smile to my lips. “Good thing you taught me how to kick some ass, huh?”

  Austin grinned at me. “Damn straight. John, she broke the guy’s nose and crushed his nuts.”

  John held open the main door for Austin and me. “Good for you, sweetheart.”

  “So you know I’ve got your back if anything goes down.” John chuckled in response.

  Austin kissed the top of my head. “My Firecracker, always causing trouble.”

  I grinned as I swung the door of my classroom open, but it died on my lips. The walls were covered in black and white photos with red writing: whore, slut, bitch. And when I saw what the pictures were of, vomit crawled up the back of my throat. It was me, straddling Austin, top off, head thrown back. My immediate reaction was that I had to get rid of them, no one could see these. I reached out my hand to the images directly in front of me, but John stopped me. “You can’t touch them. There might be prints or some kind of trace evidence.”

  “The kids can’t see these.” My voice was high and panicked, sounding foreign in my ringing ears.

  “We won’t let them.” Austin’s voice was hard.

  “I think I’m going to be sick.” John grabbed the trashcan by my desk, and I emptied the meager contents of my stomach into it while Austin held back my hair.

  When the heaving stopped, Austin handed me a tissue. I took it with a shaking hand. “Let’s get you to a bathroom.”

  “Toothbrush. My desk.” I pointed that still-trembling hand towards a drawer in my desk. John retrieved the brush, handing it to Austin.

  “John, here’s my phone. There’s a contact for a Detective Massey. Call him and explain what happened.” Keeping one arm around me, Austin handed the phone to John, who nodded. “Baby, where’s the teachers’ lounge?”

  “Next to the office.” My voice sounded foreign to my own ears. Dead.

  Austin ushered me down the hall to the lounge. Following me into the bathroom, he leaned against the door as I brushed my teeth and ran a damp paper towel over my mouth and neck. When I was done, he pulled me to him and held me tight, massaging my nape. His heart pounded against my cheek, and I knew rage was flowing through his veins, but he was containing it, not wanting to scare me further.

  “Those pictures were taken last night,” I said softly, hesitantly. “Someone was on your property.”

  “I know.” The words sounded like they were barbed and ripped from his throat. “I’m going to have John double the number of guys we have on duty.”

  I inwardly cringed, thinking of the cost, but didn’t say a word. We just continued to stand there. “This is crazy.” The image of all those photos and ugly words overtook my mind, and tears brimmed in my eyes. “So many people are going to see those pictures.” The tears crested my lower lids and fell down my cheeks. My skin began to crawl, and my body trembled. I pushed away from Austin. “I need to take a shower.”

  His brow furrowed as he studied my shaking form. “What are you talking about?”

  Sobs wracked me as I struggled to get words out. “I-I feel so dirty.”

  “Oh, baby, no.” Austin pulled me into his arms again. “You are not dirty. You are everything pure and beautiful in my world. You are perfect.” He held me as I cried everything out. As the tears slowed, Austin pulled back slightly and began sweeping the tears away. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. Absolutely nothing.”

  He cupped my face in his hands, continuing to catch any stray tears with his thumbs. When they stopped altogether, he kissed each lid and then my forehead. “I love you, Carter. We are going to figure this out, I promise you.” I nodded but didn’t speak, afraid more tears might fall. I knew Austin was taking this hard. I knew it killed him that he couldn’t build a wall between me and anything that might possibly hurt me. I had to be strong, if not for myself, then for him.

  Austin and I exited the bathroom and headed back towards my classroom. He held me firmly against him as if he could shield me from all that was to come. I paused our movement, tilting my face up to his. “Let’s just wait out here.” I didn’t need to see t
hose photos again. Once had been enough.

  “Okay, baby.” He pressed his lips to my forehead.

  Within minutes, Detective Massey and other officers arrived at the school. Massey squeezed my shoulder reassuringly and then went to talk to Principal Hughes. When he returned, he pulled Austin and me aside. “We’re going to put your students in the gym for now, they’re bringing in a substitute, so you don’t need to worry about that. The only people who will enter that room are trained law enforcement officers.” I nodded, grateful for the reassurance. “Do you know when the pictures were taken and where?”

  I nodded again and forced myself to speak. “They were taken last night at Austin’s house.”

  Austin spoke next. “I had two members of my security team on hand, one at the gate, and one patrolling the perimeter of my property but, clearly, they missed this guy.”

  I bit the corner of my lip. “Liam and Ford must have arrived right around when those pictures were taken, maybe they saw something.”

  Austin kneaded the nape of my neck. “I think they would have said something if they did, but it’s worth checking.” He turned towards Detective Massey. “I can give you their contact numbers.”

  He took the numbers down on his notepad. “I’m going to send some officers over to your home to check for any shoe prints or other signs that someone was lurking outside.”

  “That’s fine, just have John call his man at the gate, and they’ll let you in. You should also talk to him.” Austin inclined his head over my shoulder, and I turned to see Kyle taking in the scene.

  Detective Massey was suddenly alert. “Who’s that?”

  “That’s Carter’s ex, Kyle Davis. He works here and would have access to the classrooms. We’ve had a couple run-ins with him where he’s made his displeasure at us dating known.”

  I pressed myself harder into Austin’s side. I hated the idea that Kyle could be responsible for all of this. Detective Massey rose, flipping his notebook closed. “I’ll have a word with him now.”

  Just as Detective Massey departed, Principal Hughes approached. He was a kind man, but a stickler for the rules, and I was sure having police invade his school had not made him happy. “Are you okay, Carter?” he asked.

  I tried to give him a smile, but I’m pretty sure it came across as more of a grimace. “I’ve had better days. I’m really sorry about all of this.”

  Principal Hughes looked down at his shuffling feet. “None of this is your fault, but given everything the police have told me, I think it’s best you take a leave of absence.”

  My jaw slackened, and Austin’s hold on me tightened. “What do you mean?”

  “I think you can agree it’s not worth the risk of this maniac acting out when your students are present.”

  I swallowed back the tears that wanted to resurface. I had given so much to this job, truly my blood, sweat, and tears. And, in a flash, it was gone. “Whatever you think is best,” I said, holding back the words that wanted to come out because he was right. I would never forgive myself if something happened to one of my kids because of me.

  “I’m sorry, Carter, it’s just until this situation is resolved. The school year is almost up anyway.” I nodded woodenly as he turned left.

  Austin wrapped his arms around me, resting his lips on my brow as he spoke. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  A throat cleared behind me, and I turned to see Detective Massey. “Kyle has an alibi for last night and this morning that we are going to check out. He says a friend came over to play video games. He crashed on his couch and was still there when Kyle left for work. Also, an officer found a broken window in the classroom next to yours, it looks like the perpetrator entered the school there. There is no interior surveillance, so we are out of luck on that front. Why don’t you two head home, there’s no reason for you to hang around. I’ll come by as soon as I’ve wrapped things up here and update you on what we’ve learned.”

  I nodded. It seemed like that was about all I was capable of doing this morning. Austin held out a hand to shake. “Thank you. Call my cell if you need anything from us,” he said. I was silent as we wove our way through police and school staff, not meeting anyone’s eyes, letting Austin guide me. A numbness had taken over. It felt as though my life no longer belonged to me but to this invisible bad guy who had stolen the controls, steering me in whatever direction he desired.



  I slumped back into the couch as Austin showed Detective Massey and his colleagues out. The police had been crawling all over the property for hours with not much to show for it. Two partial shoe prints that couldn’t give them much information, and no fingerprints.

  Austin and John had created a security hub in the guest house, adding additional men to patrol the property and placing cameras everywhere. It felt like I was living in a prison, a very posh and comfortable one, but a prison nonetheless. My skin was starting to itch.

  Austin reemerged from the entryway. “Why don’t you go take a bath and relax a little. It’s been a long day.”

  “That sounds perfect.” I rose from the couch and stretched. Austin’s eyes zeroed in on my chest as the material of my blouse stretched across my breasts. I crossed to him and placed a chaste kiss on his lips as I headed for that dreamy soaking tub in the master bath. Blue plodded along behind me.

  I started the water and went in search of something to create bubbles. Surprisingly, I found some bubble bath under one of the sinks. Opening the cap, I sniffed—lavender, perfect. I dumped a generous portion under the faucet. Stripping down, I left my clothes in a pile on the floor and stepped into the steaming water. I let out a sigh as I submerged my body in the foamy depths. This tub was heaven. Nothing scary or bad could exist in this tub, only warmth and comfort. I was never going to leave.

  A soft knock sounded at the door, and I jolted. I must have drowsed a bit because the water was tepid, and my bubbles had greatly diminished. “Who is it?” I needed to ask since the number of people wandering around had greatly increased.

  “It’s me. You still alive in there? Turned into a prune yet?”

  “Yes, and yes. You can come in.”

  The door opened, and Austin sauntered in. He knelt beside the tub, dipping his fingers into the water. “This is practically cold. Let’s get you out of there.” Grabbing a towel and shaking it out, he held it open for me like I was a little kid. But his gaze on my body as I rose from the water said he was not looking at me like a child. I felt his eyes roam from my face to my breasts and navel, stopping longest at the juncture of my thighs. My stomach muscles clenched.

  Austin wrapped me in the soft terrycloth, slowly and thoroughly drying my arms. Then moving to my chest, where the material brushed over the tips of my breasts that had hardened into sharp points. A tightening sensation started in my core. Abandoning my chest, he dried my stomach and then knelt in front of me to run the towel over each leg.

  My breath hitched as I saw where his head was positioned. He lifted his eyes to mine as he leaned ever so slightly forward and ran his nose through my small dusting of damp curls. I bit down on my lip at the erotic sight. Austin’s eyes fell closed. “You smell so good.”

  My breath was coming faster. “Austin, I need you.”

  His eyes flew open again. “Are you sure?”

  I had never been more sure about anything in my life. Taking this step had never felt right before. Not the right person, not the right time. I had built up losing my virginity in my mind, thinking it needed to be the absolute perfect scenario. But now I realized I didn’t need candlelight and flowers. I just needed Austin. “I’m sure. I’ve always wanted it to be you. And right now, I need to feel alive.” He placed a kiss right above my pubic bone. I let out a breath. “I’m on the pill,” I started.

  Austin cut me off, rising to his feet. “I’ve been tested. I’m clean. Can I take you bare?” I felt another clench. I nodded. He cupped my face, letting the towel drop. “I need the words, Firecracker.”
  “Yes,” I whispered.

  Austin picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, arms around his neck. “You have to stay in the bathroom,” he called to Blue, who whined in response. I giggled at that. Austin laid me gently on the bed. His eyes bore into me like he was trying to commit every detail to memory. He pulled his t-shirt over his head, and now it was me taking in every ridge and curve of muscle along with the sprinkling of dark hair that disappeared below his waistband.

  Austin sank to the floor, pulling me so that my butt was at the edge of the bed as he slowly pushed my knees apart. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Even your pussy is perfect.” His lips started at the inside of my knee, licking, sucking, kissing, and nipping. He worked his way towards my center. That cord inside pulled tighter, and my chest heaved.

  I jumped a little when his tongue darted inside, but he used an arm across my belly to hold me in place. Taking his time, he lazily explored my core, teasingly tracing circles around my clit but never actually making contact.

  “Austin,” I groaned his name in frustration.

  “Patience, Firecracker, I have to get you ready for me.” He dipped a finger inside, and my hips rose up to meet it. Austin pushed my hips back down.

  My head strained against the mattress. “More.” I was begging. I didn’t care.

  He inserted a second finger, using them to stretch me as the tip of his tongue ventured closer to my clit. Then, a third finger. It burned for a moment, but then Austin’s tongue was flicking that bundle of nerves, and I was shattering as he stretched me further.

  As I came down, Austin slowly removed his fingers and quickly shucked his pants. I stared in a bit of horror and a lot of anticipation at the erection that stood tall against his stomach. Austin was a large guy all around, so the size of his cock shouldn’t have come as a surprise, but it did. He chuckled at the look on my face. “It’ll fit, promise.” He bent over me, taking my mouth in an aggressive kiss that turned tender. “It might hurt at first.”


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