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Enemy through the Gates

Page 5

by D T Dyllin

  The engine in the Rav4 revving to life pulled my mind back to the interior of the car and the date I was supposed to be on. I willed myself to look away from the dark night and from where I knew Bryn most surely still lurked. I glanced over at Jeremy and gave him another tentative smile to which he returned one of his own. “Music?” he asked.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “My iPod is down there in the console, already hooked up; I’ll let you pick our soundtrack for the evening.”

  I began scrolling through his music selection without another word. I decided on Seether’s Fake It for the first song… somehow feeling it was oddly appropriate… and genius-ed it. Once the selection was made I turned it up loud enough where it would make conversation relatively difficult. Obviously taking the hint, we rode in silence, except for the music, and I stared out the window watching the world blur by without really paying attention to where we were going. When I felt the car come to a halt I looked up to see the warm glow of Tony’s restaurant sign shining through the windshield. Pittsburgh and the surrounding suburbs are jam packed with local mom and pop Italian places, so Jeremy bringing me to one wasn’t that odd, but it definitely wasn’t a coincidence that he had chosen my favorite. “My mom told you, didn’t she?” I said with a frown.

  Jeremy looked at me, taking in my frown, and shot me a puzzled expression, “It’s okay, isn’t it? I mean was your mom wrong?”

  “No,” I sighed fingering the buckle on my seatbelt. “She was right. This place is my favorite.”

  “Okaaay.” Jeremy drew out the word obviously considering what to say next. “Look, I know this is all awkward like I said before, but there’s no need for it to be painful. It’s not like I was exactly thrilled when my parents informed me I had a date with someone that I’d never met before. But then again it’s not as if I’m seriously seeing anyone right now anyways.” He smiled at me. “And now after meeting you, even though I can tell you’re less than thrilled to be here, I’m thinking this might not be that bad a thing after all.”

  So much for him not being interested in me. He seemed nice enough, and I didn’t relish the thought of being mean to him, but what was the point, really? “Look.” I said sternly. “I’m here because my mom has it in her head that it’s time for me to start dating proper young men, and I’m sure I don’t have to clue you into what she means when she says that, but—”

  But what? I couldn’t exactly tell him that I was in love with someone else. It no doubt would get around and my mom would demand to know what was going on, and I couldn’t afford for anyone to figure out what was going on between Bryn and I.

  “But what?” Jeremy asked. “Are you, well are you—there’s no easy way to ask this so I’m just going to… are you into girls or something?”

  “What?” I blinked at him in total shock. I so hadn’t seen that question coming.

  “Well you’re not married, and you’re not in a serious relationship, and if you’re not a lesbian then I don’t see why you can’t at least have dinner with me, give me a shot. Unless you think I’m completely repulsive?” He met my eyes and grinned, knowing full well that he wasn’t repulsive.

  An image of Bryn flashed in my mind’s eye and how he made me feel when he was kissing me, the thought of me being into anything but boys made me laugh. I couldn’t help the smile that stayed on my lips. “Fine. Dinner, but that’s all I’m promising.” I’d at least pretend to give him a shot and then tell my mom there was no chemistry or something. Next contestant, please.

  Jeremy turned to open his door, shooting me with a 100-watt smile. “That’s all I’m asking.”

  I unhooked my seat belt and slid out of the door to meet him beside the car. He offered me his arm, which I eyed warily before stalking off towards Tony’s. I’d have dinner with him but I never said I would touch him.

  About forty-five minutes later, numerous glasses of soda later, and our meals completely devoured, I had discovered that Jeremy wasn’t that bad.

  “So then what’d you do?” I laughed, trying hard not to squirt soda out of my nose.

  “So there I was out in the woods, by myself, completely naked, no phone, no keys, nothing. My only choice was to hoof it home. Luckily a few blocks from where I was I found a trash bag that didn’t reek too bad that covered me up until I got home.” He paused to laugh some himself. “You shoulda seen the look on my dad’s face when I tried sneaking in the back door. Of course he was so proud when he found out it was because I was beginning to come into my powers.”

  I took another sip of soda. “I never knew that could happen to Gatekeepers. I wonder if it happens to a lot of you guys?”

  Jeremy averted his eyes in embarrassment. “As far as I know I’m the only one. Although I’m not going to be making my incident public, so maybe that’s why I haven’t heard of it happening to anyone else.”

  “Well, I’m just glad being a Seer doesn’t run that risk. I have enough potential for embarrassing situations as it is, I don’t need to worry about zapping all of my clothes out of existence when I go to manipulate energy around a gate.”

  Jeremy’s brown eyes met mine, suddenly serious. “I’m guessing there’d be a lot less complaints if you were seen around town naked though.”

  Our gazes stayed locked for a minute before I turned away and cleared my throat. “So are you better now? With your powers? That doesn’t happen on a regular basis I mean?”

  “No, it hasn’t happened since then.” His attention was temporarily distracted as our waitress brought back his change from our check. He took out a couple of bills and left them in the book for her.

  I saw my opportunity and seized it. “I guess you’re ready to go then?”

  “Yeah, I guess. I don’t suppose—”

  “No,” I interrupted. “I need to be getting home. I have to get up in the morning pretty early for—church.” Yeah, I hadn’t been to an early Sunday service in—ever—I’d never been to an early Sunday service. But he didn’t know that.

  “Oh.” Disappointment showed in his eyes. “Then I guess I’d better get you home.”

  I felt a wave of guilt. I mean Jeremy was a nice and charming guy, and if it wasn’t for Bryn I might even be interested. “Thanks for dinner and everything,” I said as I stood and headed for the door. He caught up to me and walked in silence on the way to the car, where he opened and shut the door for me again. I turned up the music like before for the ride home, which effectively kept him from talking to me anymore. I heaved a sigh of relief when we pulled into my driveway.

  Jeremy turned the car off and opened his door. “I’ll walk you up.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to…” I trailed off as he was already making his way around the car. Why couldn’t he just take the hint already? Ugh.

  He helped me out of the car and walked beside me all the way to my front door where he paused to face me. “Well, I’m really glad I met you, P.J., even though I know you’re still feeling weird about this whole thing. I’ll call or text or something and maybe we can go out again. I hope you’ll be more open to it since you can see that I’m actually a nice guy.”

  I wasn’t really sure what to do. I didn’t want to be mean, but I didn’t want to lead him on either. Should I hang out with him again for appearance sake, or move on to the next guy my mom probably already had lined up? It’d probably be easier to go out with Jeremy a few more times before I dropped the no chemistry line on everyone. I had to at least pretend I was giving him a real shot. “Yeah, okay.”

  He smiled at me, real happiness shining back at me from his eyes. “Alright, talk to you soon then.” He leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before I had a chance to react. He paused to lock eyes with me and gave me another smile before heading off down my walk. I stood there and watched him leave, turning to go in my house, but then I stopped. I had to see Bryn—now. I suddenly couldn’t get the tormented look he had on his face before I left out of my head.

  I took off at a dead sprint for Bryn�
��s house, hoping he would be there. As I neared his house, which was only a few blocks down from mine, and crept into his back yard, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the light in his first floor bedroom was on. Thank God he’s home. Making my way up to his window, I paused to listen, making sure he was alone. It would be an utter disaster if his parents found out I was sneaking into his bedroom when I was supposed to still be on my date. I smiled when I didn’t hear any voices, reaching up to tap on the window. A few seconds later Bryn peered out, and then pulled up his blinds and opened his window so I could crawl through. I could hardly wait to feel Bryn’s arms around me, and I fully expected to be greeted with the same enthusiasm from him, and yet when I went to him, his arms stayed limp at his sides and his eyes regarded me with dark emotion. “What’s wrong?” I asked studying his face for some clue. He didn’t say anything; he just kept watching me, his eyes churning with something I couldn’t read. When I looked closer, I could see his whole body was wrought with tension. “Bryn?” I licked my lips nervously, noting that his eyes followed my every move. He slowly stalked towards me, backing me up against the wall. His hands came to rest on either side of my head, balled into fists. And even though he seemed so angry, so dangerous, my breath caught in my throat and my pulse began to race with excitement. “Bryn?” I said again, my voice coming out breathy and low.

  “I couldn’t stand seeing you leave with him,” Bryn practically growled, his voice so low I barely recognized it. “I had to fight everything in me to not come after you.” His chest was heaving as he tried to keep himself calm. “You’re mine. I won’t share you.”

  “It’s not real Bryn. You know that, I’m yours—all yours.”

  He stared at me a few more seconds, his eyes raging with so many dark emotions. “It felt real, Peej—so real. It felt like I was losing you to him.”

  I reached up and cupped his face, feeling his jaw tick with tension. “I’m here now. And I’m yours. Always.”

  He caught my lips with his, taking my mouth forcefully, dominating me like he never had before. I welcomed the feel of his jealousy turning into passion as he explored me with his tongue and mouth. Our clothes began falling away, and soon we were both left in just our underwear. Usually this was the point where Bryn and I stopped. We hadn’t gone much farther than heavy petting and neither one of us had been completely naked in front of the other. Our physical relationship was just so new that we were both in awe of the simple things, like kissing and touching, but tonight—tonight Bryn didn’t show any signs of stopping. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to protest. I’d wanted to give my virginity to him since the first night in the woods. He was the one who didn’t feel like it was the right time or place; he was the one who felt I needed more for my first time. Even though all I really needed or wanted was him—that’s all I’d ever need.

  “I need you, Peej,” Bryn rumbled as his fingers deftly dipped down under my panties. I moaned as his long fingers explored areas where no boy had ever gone before.

  “Yes,” I gasped into his mouth. Bryn made quick work of getting my bra and panties off, lifting me up and setting me down on his bed. He joined me there, but not before sitting back to study me in all my naked glory. I fidgeted under his rapt gaze. “Bryn,” I pleaded reaching for him. It was one thing to be naked with Bryn while we were kissing and touching but I didn’t like him studying me while I just laid on his bed stark naked.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Bryn whispered in reverence. He then came to rest over me, his pelvis cradled in between my legs. I attempted to swallow back my nerves as it really sunk in that Bryn and I were going to have sex. I locked gazes with him and his sea storm eyes pulled me under, washing away all my trepidations. “You still taking the pill?” Bryn asked huskily.

  Reality check. “Yeah.” My mom would be absolutely furious if she knew I was using the pill for its intended purpose and not just to regulate my period. Especially if she found out I was using it with Bryn on the heels of a date with someone she had set me up with. “What about your parents—”

  “Not here,” Bryn said as he dipped his head delivering me with more kisses before pulling away again. “You ready? I don’t wanna hurt you.”

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” I whispered, looking deep into his dark blue eyes. The way he looked at me in that moment, the love that emanated from him made me feel like the most beautiful and special girl in the entire world. Someone who looked at me like that deserved to have everything that I was, mind, body and soul. So far he’d only received two of those three. Tonight he would have everything.

  As he pushed into me, filling me in a way I’d never been able to imagine, I tried to mentally prepare myself for the pain. From all accounts, the first time for a girl was almost always painful, and I thought I was ready, but no amount of mental preparation could have readied me for the level of pain I was currently experiencing. I gritted my teeth and dug my nails into Bryn’s shoulders, not wanting him to know how much it really hurt. But it was short lived, the pain I mean, and slowly, ever so slowly, as Bryn rocked back and forth inside of me, the pain began to be replaced by pleasure. A deep-seated pleasure that made me truly understand for the first time why people like Jenna were so sex crazed.

  My entire world narrowed down to Bryn and me, and I could no longer tell where I ended and he began. Surely there was nothing closer to bliss than being in the arms of the man I loved, and sharing such intimacy with him. A feeling of warmth bloomed in my center, pushing outward into spasms of ecstasy. Bryn captured my face in his palms, forcing me to look at him instead of throwing my head back like I wanted. He didn’t last too much longer after that, and I slumped down in his bed feeling completely boneless. Never, ever had I imagined sex would be so wonderful, or maybe it was just that way with Bryn.

  I smiled up at him as he collapsed above me, careful not to put his full body weight on me. I ran my hands through his silky tasseled hair, and then down over his sweaty back. He shuddered at my touch, leaning forward to kiss me with a slow languidness that spoke of shared intimacies, and unspoken promises. “I love you, Peej. More than I can even begin to explain.” His voice was so low and husky it seemed to brush things on my insides, making me shudder in turn.

  I gazed up into his eyes with adoration. “I love you too,” I whispered, surprised at how husky my own voice sounded. I wished I could stay in his arms forever, forgetting about the outside world and all the problems it contained. But our love wouldn’t be enough to protect us from our parent’s wrath if they found us like this.

  I must have frowned because Bryn’s brow furrowed as he looked at me. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  “No. Bryn—” I bit my lower lip thinking about what we’d just done, “—you made my first time more amazing than I ever could have imagined.” He grinned at me, a look of pure male pride washing over his features. “I just wish I could stay here with you and not worry about everything else.”

  He rolled onto his back tucking me into his side so my head rested on his chest. “I hate this, Peej. I just wanna be with you. I wanna be able to touch when I want, to kiss you when I want. I wanna yell from the roof tops that you’re mine.” He pulled his fingers through my hair. “I don’t wanna have to watch you go out on dates with other guys.” I felt his fist ball up in my hair.

  “It wasn’t so bad tonight, was it? I mean, yeah, it sucked that I had to go on that date, but—“I lifted my head so I could look in his eyes. “—look at where we ended up.”

  He frowned at me. “I’m sorry, Peej. I really wanted your first time to be more special, not in my bedroom because I was crazy with jealously over some guy that you’re not even really dating. I just—”

  “Shhh…” I brought my index finger up to his lips. “I’m glad it happened. I wanna give everything that I am to you, Bryn. The rest doesn’t matter. Tonight was the best night of my life so far because I just shared something with you that I’ve never shared with anyone else. You own me now—heart, soul… and bo

  “You own me too, Peej. Everything that I have—that I am—belongs to you and only you. Always.” His lips sought mine out and our kisses began to become more fevered again. And I wanted so badly to stay in his arms, kissing, exploring, learning all there was to know about pleasing him, and discovering what I liked best too. But we couldn’t stop the outside world from happening; eventually it would seek us out.

  “Hey. I should probably go.” I started to get up but Bryn pulled me back down to capture my lips with his again. “Bryn.” I tried to chastise him, very unsuccessfully, especially since my body seemed to have a mind of its own. I groaned as he rolled me under him, obviously not liking the idea of me leaving quite yet. “Five more minutes…” I murmured, giving myself over to him.

  * * *

  My eyes fluttered open to sunlight streaming through Bryn’s bedroom window. “Oh shit!” I sat up with a start. Bryn reached for me without opening his eyes, trying to pull me back down into bed. “Bryn—no! Wake up! We fell asleep.” His eyes cracked open and he sat up on his elbows, drowsily scanning his room. I could almost see when realization hit him. “Oh shit.” He leapt from bed and pulled on a pair of shorts.

  I meanwhile was frantically searching for my clothes. “Oh god—Bryn—we’re going to be in so much trouble. They’re going to know. They’re—”

  “Calm down, Peej. Don’t panic just yet. My parents obviously didn’t check in on me, so our cover isn’t blown yet.”


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