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Redeemer (Night War Saga Book 3)

Page 23

by Leia Stone

  Tore groaned. “I didn’t go flying. I tripped on the rug.”

  Now it was my turn to laugh. “You totally flew.”

  “Be nice,” Tore warned. “Or I’ll pack a little fake bird in your Bora Bora luggage.”

  I shuddered. We’d be leaving soon for our long-awaited vacation, and while I was totally ready to finally get some alone time with my sexy, sexy boyfriend, I might never be ready to look at another bird again. Nott’s alter egos had left some deep scars. Birds? No thanks.

  A calming presence from behind made me turn toward the house, where my mother stood in the open doorway.

  “Hey, Mom,” I greeted her. Using that name never got old.

  “Hello, Daughter. May I steal you away?”

  “Sure. Be right back.” I leaned in to give Tore a stern look. “No birds in suitcases.”

  He winked. “Then be nice.”

  With a laugh, I followed my mom into the house. She led me to the guest bedroom, where she stood on tiptoe to pull one of the huge photobooks from the closet. Over the past few days, she’d shown me countless images of my dad, of their life together before he passed, and of my first year of life. I thought we’d gone through all of the pictures she had in the closet, but the thick, tan-colored volume she held in her hands was one I hadn’t seen. What was inside that was important enough for her to leave her own party?

  “Have a seat.” She gestured toward the bed, and I plopped onto the plushy mattress. She sat beside me, opened the book, and thumbed through the pages until she came to an image that made me smile. My parents stood together beside an enormous pile of lumber. Behind them was a wildflower-filled cliff that offered a spectacular view of the Asgardian countryside.

  “Wow.” My fingertips traced the edges of the photograph. “What is that?”

  Mom turned the page, where a series of pictures told the story for her. My dad, Garrett and Hjalmar nailed the lumber together. The lumber took on the form of a house, its footprint much larger than the one I was in now.

  “Where was this?” I asked.

  “Atop one of the mountains, just east of here,” Mom offered. “The day we found out I was pregnant with you, your father chose a plot for our home. He had always been a craftsman, and it was important to him to build a house for his family with his own hands.”

  My heart pinched. Oh, Dad.

  My mother turned another page, revealing a photo of Bodie’s dad installing a window, while my own father made a funny face behind him. The following page showed the now-completed house. My mother sat in a rocking chair on the wooden porch, her feet propped up and her hands on her hugely swollen belly. A wave of sadness pulsed through me. If Mom was that pregnant, this must have been one of her last days with my dad. The last picture showed Elora atop a ladder, painting what seemed to be a nursery while my dad put together a crib. My crib.

  My throat constricted, and I bit down on my lip. So much love had gone into this beautiful home. And it had never even been lived in. Not by me, at any rate. Not that I knew of.

  Mom flipped to the last page of the book. This one was empty.

  Poor Mom.

  “We completed our home shortly before you were due to be born. But when your father died, I just couldn’t move into it. There were too many memories.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I reached over to hug my mom.

  “Don’t be.” Mom pulled away, and drew a silver key from her pocket. “Elora maintained the house for me while I was asleep. She and I talked while you and Tore were off dealing with that traitor, and she is adamant, absolutely adamant, that Tore is every bit the god your father would have wanted for you to be with. He is kind, and honest, and most importantly, he loves you with every fiber of his being. I can see it in the way he speaks to you. He honors your spirit, Allie. That kind of partnership is more than most gods dare hope for in a lifetime.”

  “Mom,” I whispered. I swear, if I cry one more time this week . . . I blinked the tears away, determined to have at least one tear-free afternoon.

  My mother pressed the key into my hands. “This key belongs to you, now. When Tore proposes, and I have no doubt that he will, I want the two of you to have the house that your father built. It’s what he would have wanted. It’s what we both want.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered. Live in the house my father built? Could my life possibly get any better?

  “Eir! Allie!” Greta’s voice rang through the open window. “We have a visitor!”

  Right. After one more hug I shelved the photo book, tucked the key into my pocket, and followed my mom outside. At the edge of the garden, the Alfödr stood atop a low bench, addressing the crowd. Oh my God, was this it? Was he making the announcement?

  He and Tore had spent much of the previous afternoon locked in tense negotiations about Tore’s new job. Tore had come home exhausted but happy, reporting that the Alfödr had agreed to his terms. In addition to working alongside the still-undefined position of Redeemer, the new Revenge would have a secondary officer who served as his right hand, signing off on all decisions before they became effective. This would ensure that Revenge never had too much authority, and that his ego always had a minimum of two checks.

  But Tore hadn’t mentioned plans to announce anything at the party. Was he doing this now?

  “I am delighted to share,” the Alfödr began, “that at the next full moon, we will host both Tore and Allie’s ascension ceremonies.”

  Wait. We’d what, now?

  “As you know, Tore will be ascending as God of Revenge. And it is my absolute honor to introduce you to Asgard’s first Redeemer.” My breath hitched as the Alfödr extended his hand to me. We hadn’t told anyone what I was. I was still figuring it out myself—a little heads up would have been nice before the ruler of Asgard shared my new identity with dozens of curious eyes. But Tore led the wave of applause, and I gave a small smile as I let my hair fall over my face, hiding me from the jubilant crowd and keeping my friends from seeing the bright red spots that surely dotted my overheated cheeks.

  The applause died down as Tore moved away from the still-smiling Alfödr, and Asgard’s ruler moved calmly into the crowd and toward the platter of lingonberry cookies.

  “Hei there, Redeemer.” Tore slipped his hand into mine the minute he reached my side.

  “Hey,” I offered. “Did you know that was coming?”

  “Nope.” He shook his head. “But it’s all out there now. So, let’s take care of one final order of business to make sure we have the life I want for us.” Tore tugged me over to the vegetable beds where Johann and Astrid stood, their heads tilted together in quiet conversation.

  “Hei.” Astrid looked up with a smile as we approached. “Congrats to both of you.”

  “Thanks.” Tore nodded. “Astrid, last night I told the Alfödr that my ascension was conditional on you agreeing to be my second. I won’t run things like my father did and you will be a valuable voice of reason, helping to ensure I never become what he was.”

  Astrid went completely white. “Your second?”

  Johann and I grinned at each other. It really was the perfect arrangement. We both knew Astrid would kick Tore’s butt if he stepped out of line.

  “I would be honored.” Astrid placed a fist over her heart and bowed her head.

  Tore shook his head. “The honor is mine.”

  I squeezed Tore’s hand, turning him back toward the party. “Come on, Protector. Let’s give these two some privacy. Hey, Hannie, have you kissed her yet?”

  Johann’s olive-hued face went beet red. “I. Well. I mean. Allie!”

  With a laugh, I pulled Tore away from our mortified friend. We returned to the party where we laughed, celebrated, and ate copious amounts of slightly burned lingonberry cookies while we counted down the minutes until Bora Bora.



  ONE WEEK, A BIFROST trip, and a short boat ride from the mainland later, Tore and I stepped giddily off the wooden dock and sa
nk our feet into the white sandy beach of Bora Bora. Technically, we stood on a private island that was shielded from mortals and accessible by only a handful of attendants, but since said secret island was within Bora Bora’s borders, I was rolling with the generalized location name. Uberørteøy Nøkkel was way too hard to pronounce. Or spell.

  Seriously, Allie. Learn some Scandiwegian already.

  We’d arrived just before sundown, so we had some time to explore the overwater bungalow nestled between a tropical forest and a private beach. The structure was bigger than I’d expected it to be. When I followed Tore inside, I discovered an impressive master bedroom complete with a four-poster bed, an en suite bath with jetted tub, and more candles than I’d thought existed in all the realms. The property also had a generous kitchen, charming dining nook, and an expansive living area. Each room was situated so it faced the ocean, and since the bungalow had sliding glass doors in lieu of a traditional back wall, the entire structure had an airy, open feel.

  It was absolutely gorgeous.

  Tore was more relaxed than I’d ever seen him—no clenched jaw or furrowed brow in sight. He stopped for a lingering kiss as he deposited our luggage at the foot of the enormous ocean-facing, mosquito net-swathed, four-poster bed. Blood pooled in my belly as he moved his lips against mine, and I threw my arms around him, intending to finally make good on my long-overdue rain check for alone time. But Tore gently pried me off of him, putting an inexcusable foot of distance between us and shooting me an unfairly sexy grin.

  Seriously? What more could we possibly have to wait for?

  “Patience, Pepper.” Tore chuckled at my groan. “There’s something I need to do first.”

  “What?” What? Good God, what could he possibly need to do that was more important than this?

  “Well, for starters, I haven’t shown you the deck.” Tore pulled back the sheer curtain that parted the bedroom from the wooden planks that stretched over the water. His biceps popped against his short-sleeved button-down as he tied back the fabric. When he held his hand out to me, I laced my fingers through his. I tried not to drool when he put his other hand at the top of my butt and gently guided me outside.

  This deck tour had better be a short one.

  “Looks like dinner’s here. Shall we sit?” Tore tilted his head toward the edge of the deck, where silver-domed plates and a bevy of tea candles and loose orchids rested atop a white-clothed table. Two tall, teak chairs framed the table, which stood just feet from the sea. On the opposite side of the deck were a couch and two chaise lounges, and nestled against the center edge was an overflowing infinity tub just big enough for two. Water pooled over its edges directly into the ocean, and the soothing sound harmonized with the calls of birds from the tropical landscape behind us. The entire deck was swathed in candle-laden votives, and a sea of tall orchid-filled vases.

  Holy mother of all things Asgardian. Was this place for real?

  “What do you think?” Tore asked.

  My bare feet trod lightly across the worn, wooden planks as Tore led me toward the table.

  “I think . . .” I smoothed the front of my cream-colored sundress as I lowered myself onto the thick, white cushion. “Tore, I . . . I mean . . .”

  There were no words.

  “I know.” Tore pushed in my chair before settling into the seat across from me.

  “It’s so beautiful,” I whispered, my eyes moving from the sun setting over the endless ocean, to the tapestry of flowers and candles that lined the deck, to the light glow of the bungalow behind us, and the green-on-green landscape of the island behind that, before returning to the spectacular demigod in front of me. Tore lifted the silver domes from the plates, revealing a feast of cured meats, cheese, and fruit.

  “This is the first course. We’re supposed to call for the second when we’re ready.” Tore pointed to a small, silver bell in the center of the table that apparently summoned invisible assistants. Who knew? “And don’t worry—I requested that the menu during our stay be chicken-free. I figured you’d had enough for a while.”

  Laughter bubbled in my throat. “God, I love you.”

  “And I love you.” Tore shot me my favorite dimpled grin. He pushed his chair back and walked around the table to stand beside me, sliding one hand into his pocket as he walked. “And if you’re not completely sick of me after nine realms of travel, hundreds of hours of workouts, and a kind-of forced job placement, I’d like to make you an offer.”

  I chuckled. He wasn’t wrong about the job. Redeemer, yeesh. “What’s that?”

  “The thing is, my life was pretty empty before you came into it. And now that I know what it’s like to love you, I don’t intend to let you go.”

  My insides melted at his words. “You never have to. You are completely and totally stuck with me.”

  “Unofficially yes.” Tore pulled his hand from his pocket and dropped to one knee. When he held up his hand, his fingers pinched a delicate silvery band topped with a brilliant, round-cut gem. No way! I sucked in a sharp breath, my chest rising with the inhale as Tore’s clear blue eyes locked in on mine. “But in case you hadn’t noticed, I like to make things official.”

  Oh. My. God. Oh, my God. Ohmygod. Tore Vidarsson was proposing!

  “I have loved you from the moment you hit me with your pink can of pepper spray, and I will love you long after our souls have risen to Valhalla. I want to spend every day showing you how much I cherish every single thing that makes you who you are. You’re my world, and you’re my light. And so, I was wondering . . .”

  “Yes?” I asked, breathlessly.

  “Allie Rydell, will you marry me?”

  My chair was flat on the ground, in danger of being pitched into the warm Tahitian sea, before he’d even finished the question.

  “Yes!” I launched myself at Tore. “I will absolutely marry you. Yes.”

  As I crashed into the God of Revenge, he wrapped his arms around me. He pressed his mouth to mine, making my heart beat even faster with his intensely charged kiss. I settled into his lap, raising my hands to his hair as I prepared to show him how much I cherished every single thing about him, too, but Tore pulled back with an amused smile.

  “Do I get to put this on you?” He offered up the sparkling ring.

  My fingers trembled slightly as I held out my left hand.

  “Don’t be nervous,” Tore murmured as he slipped the symbol of his commitment over my finger. “I’ll always take care of you.”

  My fourth center expanded, my heart growing so big it threatened to burst right out of my ribcage. “I know you will,” I whispered. I stared at the beautiful, sparkling stone on my finger before looking up to meet Tore’s eyes. “And I’ll always take care of you.”

  “Oh, I’m counting on it.” Tore planted another delicious kiss on my lips. “But first, we should probably eat. Mack helped with the menu and according to him, that cheese plate is to die for.”

  “Well, if Mack says it . . .” I winked.

  Tore scooped me in his arms, standing so he could set me lightly in his chair. He walked around the table to right my original seat, and lowered himself into it. I popped a piece of cheese into my mouth and bit down, savoring the way the flavors danced across my tongue. Mack had not been wrong. This cheese was good.

  “Eat up, Pepper.” Tore’s words emerged in a deep rumble. “You’ve got a long night ahead of you.”

  A second slice of cheese lodged in my throat. I coughed until it was free, and took a long drink of water. Did he mean . . .?

  Tore leaned forward across the table and took my chin between his thumb and pointer finger. He gently guided my face to his, running his tongue along my lower lip. I parted my lips to move my tongue lightly against his, shivering at the tantalizing sensation of Tore’s mouth against mine. He took my bottom lip between his teeth and raked the sensitive skin, eliciting a burst of fireworks that shot straight through me.

  Yup. That was exactly what he meant.


  Heat flooded my lower abdomen, and after another delicious kiss, I pulled away from Tore, breathless.

  “So . . . are you hungry?” I asked.

  “Not for food,” he growled.

  “Me neither.”

  “Good.” He didn’t say another word, just pushed back his chair and pulled me from mine. In one swift movement, he had me cradled in his arms. His mouth covered mine as he marched determinedly across the porch and back to the bungalow. He could have been walking straight into the ocean for all I cared. So long as his mouth was on mine, and we were wearing significantly less clothing very, very soon, I would be a happy demigod.

  Correction—I was more than happy. As I twined my fingers through Tore’s tangled hair, and as he carried me across the threshold, I was straight up blissed out. This was heaven—Tore holding me against his insanely taut chest, his tongue probing mine, and the knowledge that we were finally—finally—going to do this.

  The anticipation had nearly killed me. But good God, it had been worth the wait.

  Bora Bora.

  Tore shifted me into one arm. He pulled the mosquito netting back from the four-poster bed, and sat me on the edge of the thick, plushy mattress. Without taking his eyes off me, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the sea of muscles beneath. He dropped the shirt onto the ground, so he stood in front of me wearing only his Bermuda shorts. Oh, yum.

  “Arms over your head, Pepper,” he ordered.

  So, he was all bossy in here, too? Double yum. A fresh surge of heat washed over my lower half as I placed my wrists together over my head. Tore wrapped one arm around my lower back and pulled me off the edge of the bed, onto my feet. In one swift movement, he tugged the hem of my dress over my head, leaving me standing in my lacy white undergarments. Tore’s eyes moved slowly along the delicate contours of my bra, and down to the tiny scrap of fabric between my thighs that was all but begging to be removed.

  “Oh, sweet gods,” Tore murmured. “You’re even hotter naked than I imagined.”

  Heat swirled south of my navel. I stepped closer to Tore, placing my hand atop his bare chest and loving the way my engagement ring glinted in the setting sunlight. Tore’s heart beat erratically beneath my fingers, and I pressed myself closer so his leg nestled between mine.


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