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Enduring Fate

Page 20

by Alicia Rae

  Colton and I reached the end of the enclosure.

  Lily, Abbey, Gail, and Audrey all hastily rose from their seats and came barreling straight for me. The four of us all exchanged hellos, and I was bombarded by their friendly hugs, barely having time to breathe. We all ended up in what looked like a football huddle. It made me feel so welcomed.

  When we finally separated, Lily gave me a once-over, and I did the same to her. Lily was as beautiful as ever. Her blonde hair was swooped up into a messy ponytail, and she was casually dressed in sweatpants and what appeared to be one of Kyle’s Army hoodies.

  “Paige! We’re so happy to see you!” Lily cried with an elated gaze and a sincere smile. “I didn’t know you were flying in this weekend! What a surprise!” She redirected her attention to her husband, Kyle, and narrowed her normally sweet eyes. “All this time, you knew that Paige and Colton were coming, and you kept it a secret from me?”

  Kyle came over to his wife, and he tugged her into his arms. She looked so tiny against his large frame.

  He responded, “You just planned this campout a few days ago, beautiful, so it was only a secret for about seventy-two hours.” He unleashed a handsome grin in an attempt to redeem himself under his wife’s playful yet admonishing stare. “I didn’t want to get your hopes up because I wasn’t sure if they were going to make it.”

  Jason slapped Kyle on his back and gripped his shoulder. “Good save, buddy.” He chuckled.

  “It’s okay—since they made it.” Lily smirked, reaching all the way up on her toes to kiss Kyle.

  Kyle dropped one hand on the small of Lily’s back, the opposing came to her nape, and he kissed her back. My cheeks warmed as I felt like I was invading on a private moment between them.

  “Goddamn it, Kyle,” Jason groaned, turning his head away. “How many times do I have to tell you to do that shit in private?”

  Kyle lifted his hand from Lily’s back, raised it, and flipped Jason the bird before Lily finally rocked back on her heels.

  Kyle cocked his head at Jason and said, “Consider it payback for all the times you lock lips with my sister in front of me.”

  Abbey was Kyle’s sister and also Jason’s wife. PDA was a sensitive topic in this group. Every time Lily and Kyle turned on the heat, her cousins would have to witness it. Then again, Kyle would also have to endure Jason ravishing Abbey. It was utterly amusing to watch from the sidelines.

  I stifled my laughter, knowing this was only the beginning of their banter for this weekend. It was like having front row tickets and a bucket of buttered popcorn to a comedy show.

  “All right, you two.” Abbey stepped in, darting her eyes between her husband and brother, while keeping her amusement in check. “Let’s eat before we burn our hot dogs to a crisp.”

  All the guys’ expressions went wide at the mention of food, and then they headed straight for the fire pit as the ladies stared at them in awe. The five guys pulled out buns, paper plates, and plasticware. Jason even found a container of potato salad and opened it.

  “Well”—Abbey laughed—“that worked.”

  From the corner of my eye, I caught the shimmer of Gail’s brown hair glistening in the sun.

  She set her hands on her hips and chortled. “Yeah, it did.”

  “I still think food should be a love language,” Lily chimed in.

  We all sat in our spots, stunned.

  Audrey’s green eyes shifted over to us and landed on Lily. She grinned. “I think you might be on to something.”

  The guys went about their business as though they were oblivious to our presence.

  “Do you think any food will be left for us?” Abbey asked with mirth.

  “Not for much longer. We need to go over there and start throwing our weight around.”

  I drew my eyes together at Audrey’s comment. Blake was a Marine and a huge tank of muscles.

  “And that works with Blake?” I asked her in awe. “If so, you need to spill some pointers.”

  The girls fell into a hushed laughter before glancing at Audrey.

  “I can hold my own.” Audrey shrugged, smirking. Then, she shook her head from side to side in equal measures of amusement and deliberation. “Well, I like to think I can…some of the time.”

  This time, our giggles filled the air. We couldn’t seem to hold it in.

  “Are you girls coming to eat or what? Last chance before I make another plate!” Jason called at us, stopping us short.

  “Yes!” Lily said.

  We all bustled over to grab our plates of food.

  The fire popped and snapped in the pit, and we all stared into the flames. I was snuggled up in Colton’s arms with my nose resting against the crevice of his neck. Each couple was positioned about the same as we sat in a circle around the fire. Jason and Abbey were at my left, Blake and Audrey followed, Kyle and Lily sat directly across from us, and Damon and Gail were at our right.

  The hot dogs and beer had been reduced to just beer. Everyone was relaxing and enjoying one another’s company as we winded down for the night.

  “Man, it’s so quiet. It’s too quiet.” Gail scanned our surroundings, and Damon looked at his wife with understanding. There was nothing to see but tents and pine trees. “Someone needs to talk or argue or take someone’s toy and make the person cry,” she added.

  I studied Gail, seeing she was serious.

  Damon looped his arm around his wife, pulled her close, and kissed her cheek. “I miss them, too, but we’ll see them soon enough.”

  “I have to agree.” Lily smiled even though she seemed almost sad. She snuggled closer against Kyle, and he stroked her back. “I’m not used to this free time or being able to sit still. I feel like I should be playing with the kiddos or stealing kisses and hugs while juggling laundry and making dinner.”

  Lily’s admission made me feel dizzy, but the love in her voice was endearing.

  “I keep wanting to glance over my shoulders,” Abbey said comically, briefly looking over each of her shoulders from Jason’s lap. “I feel like I left my children in the car or something. I have to remind myself that I didn’t.”

  “Aw,” I crooned, bouncing my attention between all of them. “Who is watching all the kids?”

  “Grandparents,” all six of our friends said in unison.

  Colton and I laughed.

  “All of them? Together?” Colton asked in awe. “Damn, they must be superheroes.”

  “Not all together,” Lily explained, snickering. “Well, a few of them.”

  “Oh, thank goodness.” Colton expelled a whoosh of air along with me. “I thought they were severely outnumbered, and we might need to call in backup or something for them.”

  “No, no,” Lily responded, still laughing. She pointed to Kyle and herself. “Ours are with Kyle’s parents.”

  “So are our three,” Abbey chimed in with hilarity. She made a shaky gesture with her hands in front of her. “So, that household is five against two. But Pearl is such a great big sister, so I think she’ll be the helper.”

  “Or she might end up being the mediator when Maggie and Tyler start fighting over toys,” Jason spoke with the most loving smile on his face, showing his love for his children.

  It made me smile myself.

  “Our twins are with my dad,” Audrey piped in, causing me to beam at her.

  With the help of Blake, Audrey had patched up her relationship with her parents years ago before her mom had passed away. If anyone knew the true meaning of forgiveness, it was Audrey.

  “Wait…” Colton paused with his beer midair. His eyes glowed with hilarity as he fired out, “That sounds like the numbers are uneven again.”

  “Yep. Don’t worry though. Gramps can hold down the fort. He’s a trooper.” Blake scrunched up his face. “Well, hopefully.”

  “I’m sure Dad’s doing just fine.” Audrey tipped her head up to kiss the curve of Blake’s defined jawline.

  “Our munchkins are with my parents, who are probably b
eing overturned as we speak. Nathan can be quite feisty since he hit two years old,” Gail said lovingly.

  “I think he’s going to be a lawyer with those debating skills he has going on already,” Jason said thoughtfully before taking a swig of his beer.

  Damon rotated his head to face his brother. “You might be on to something.”

  Gail leaned her head against her husband’s chest and laughed. “I agree.”

  “Uh…as much as I miss the little bundles of cuteness…wrapped in trouble”—Jason kicked back in his chair, pulling Abbey with him—“we’re all getting a break to relax with good friends and beer. Let’s have a good time while our folks are chasing around miniature Energizer Bunnies.”

  “True.” Damon nodded, grinning broadly.

  Kyle made a comical yet pained expression. “Until Sunday night—when we get them back all hyped up on sugar.”

  Jason glanced at Kyle. “Don’t forget the new shiny, loud toy they’ll come home with.”

  “And they’re always the ones that take eight goddamn batteries to bring to life, and then they are drained in two days.” Damon grimaced.

  “And they cost enough to rob a man blind,” Blake finished with a grunt.

  I was laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes, and Colton’s chest was vibrating so greatly against my back that I was about to land flat on my ass in the dirt.

  Kyle’s eyes went thoughtful and warm as we all settled down, and I heard the sounds of the fire once again.

  “But then they give you that one look…” Kyle began.

  “And you’re done for,” Jason said, finishing Kyle’s sentence.

  I WOKE UP PAIGE by leaning over her on the air mattress and brushing her rustled hair from her face. I kissed the soft skin on her cheeks, and as she came to, she smiled up at me.

  “Good morning,” I whispered quietly. “It’s time to get up. Everyone is already getting dressed to go hiking and to check out the mountain peak.”

  “Morning,” she responded. Then, her brown eyes opened broadly in alarm. “Hiking?”

  “Yes, but we don’t have to go. We can sightsee the other areas if you aren’t up for a walk,” I explained gently. I was unsure if the journey would be suitable for her leg as she rarely talked to me about her limitations.

  Her eyes skirted back and forth as if she were lost in making up her mind. “No, I’m up for it.”

  I saw the second her determination settled in.

  “I don’t want to be left behind,” she added.

  I respected her decision, but I was still concerned for her safety. She had come too far to suffer any setbacks.

  I questioned, “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she stated matter-of-factly. She rose from the bed to change her clothes.

  I grabbed an apple from our small cooler, spun around to slightly lean back against it, and bit into the juicy fruit. I couldn’t help but sneak glances at Paige as she quickly stripped out of her pajamas.

  She reached for her clean clothes. “Hey,” she chided and smirked over her shoulder. “A little privacy here?”

  “No such thing is allowed,” I said before taking another bite of my apple. “We’ve passed that stage of the game.”

  The whole gang was spread out a few feet from one another as we climbed the dirt path. We had made it nearly two-thirds of the way to our destination when I noticed Paige’s pace slowing behind me.

  I paused to look back at her. “You okay?” I asked for the umpteenth time.

  I had offered to pick her up, but she’d kept refusing, as did the other girls.

  “Yeah,” she rasped, pushing forward. “Though, I don’t think becoming a professional hiker or guide is anywhere in my future.”

  “Hell no,” Gail piped in. “I thought I was in good shape, but this shit is brutal. It puts this physical sports therapist to shame.”

  Audrey stepped around a big rock instead of climbing over it. “As a nurse, I’m allowed to say that I’m pretty sure my blood pressure is dangerously high.”

  Paige’s face wasn’t too flushed, but I observed the change in her stride.

  I backtracked to her and knelt down in front of her. “Up you go,” I said in a tone not to be argued with.

  This time, Paige didn’t fight me. She slumped against me, looping her arms around me from behind, and I hoisted her up. I rose without any strain. Her lightness made me chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked along my ear.

  “You,” I stated, dodging around a broken tree limb.

  “How so?” she inquired.

  I closed in on Kyle as he was next to Lily. He was watching her every move and offering his assistance when she needed it.

  “You are kind of a pixie. You’re so light”—I lifted her slightly to prove my point—“that I could throw you around like a feather.”

  Paige’s hands came to my nipples, and she pinched her fingers together.

  “Ouch!” I roared with laughter. When she didn’t release her grip, I surrendered, “Okay, okay!”

  Kyle busted out in hilarity at my side and twisted to face us. “See? Pixie is a keeper!” Kyle winked at Paige.

  Paige pointed a finger at Kyle. “Don’t you start in, too, or I’m going to Google the worst nickname for you as soon as we get back to the campsite.”

  At the same time, Lily elbowed Kyle, making him grunt, as she threatened her husband, “No teasing Paige, or you’ll have my wrath to deal with, too.”

  In a split second, Kyle pounced on his wife. Her squeals surrounded us as Kyle slung her over his right shoulder, never breaking his stride.

  “What was that, beautiful?” he challenged.

  Laughter bubbled out of her, the kind that made others smile from just hearing it.

  “What kind of wrath are you packin’?” Kyle lightly smacked her behind, making her yelp and chuckle again.

  “Don’t forget who’s in charge,” Lily countered teasingly, smacking the ass of his jeans.

  “Oh, I haven’t,” Kyle drawled low and deep. “But it seems my beautiful wife might need a reminder later.”

  “Kyle!” Jason sighed loudly from my left.

  “Sorry,” Kyle called out. “Not sorry,” he murmured.

  The rest of us rolled with laughter. I felt bad for Jason because he had to witness a man making moves on his cousin, but Kyle loved Lily, and it was too damn funny not to join in on the hysterics.

  “So, how’s the life of a rancher treating you, Colton?” Damon asked out of the blue.

  “Good,” I acknowledged, seeing we were getting close to the top. “I’m hoping to take our breeding stock of horses to another level next year.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Damon’s voice sounded intrigued. “What do you have in mind?”

  Paige’s posture at my back had changed somewhere in the last few seconds. It wasn’t in a bad way, but I knew she was listening intently. Paige had still been distant from the training aspect of the horses, and talking about my future intentions for the ranch wasn’t a conversation we’d had.

  “I’d like to double the mares I breed next year.”

  “Are you going to keep the foals, show them, or sell them?” Kyle asked.

  “I don’t see myself getting into the show business. I just want to hang out at the ranch and train good, solid horses,” I answered honestly.

  “That’s respectable,” Damon voiced.

  “So, how’s the construction life?” I asked, briefly glancing between the four guys.

  “Great,” was all Kyle got in before Damon joked, “He works us like a dog.”

  “Hell yes, he does.” Jason gestured to his wife. “No, wait—this girl does.”

  Remembering Abbey helped run the back end of M & J Construction Co., my chest vibrated in amusement.

  Abbey glanced over her shoulder at me and winked. “As you can see, someone has to keep these men in line.”

  Jason gave his wife a sexy grin and teased, “Slave driver.”

  She p
layfully pinned her eyes at her husband. “That’s not my fault. Damon is the one who keeps designing these fancy buildings and elite offices that we need to build on a deadline.”

  “Traitor,” Damon fired off at Abbey.

  Damon was the architect of the company. I’d seen his work firsthand, and the man’s designs had left me speechless.

  “Then, he’s always too busy to sling on a tool belt and help out,” Blake broke in, cocking a grin at his brother.

  Damon bent down, picked up a small twig, and chucked it at his older brother. “Whatever.” He laughed richly. “I get down and dirty whenever I can.”

  “What about you, Paige?” Audrey asked from around Blake. “Where are you working?”

  “Um…I’m not right now,” she drawled.

  I could pinpoint the nervousness in her Southern accent.

  “But I was helping my friend, Ashlee, in Murfreesboro bake all sorts of goodies, and I learned a lot.”

  “Paige,” Jason crooned, closing the distance to walk beside Paige and me, “we are about to become best friends.”

  Not buying his innocence, I rotated to face Jason.

  Paige shifted her hands on my shoulders to maintain her balance. “Why’s that? Is it so that I can bake for you?” she challenged.

  “Don’t make it sound so bad.” Jason’s eyes softened at Paige. “I give the best bear hugs, you know.”

  Jeez, he was being quite the charmer.

  “So I’ve been told. I’ll see what I can do.” Paige snickered, and her breath tickled my skin as she hugged me tightly.

  I nudged him, using my weight. “Get back. She’s mine.”

  Finally reaching the top of the hill, I set Paige down. The ten of us all congregated to the edge, fanning out in a straight line, as we took in the outstanding view.

  Lake Tahoe was magnificent from up here. Pine trees and mountains surrounded the body of water. The lake was an energetic royal blue with a few boats gradually sailing across it. The boats didn’t dull the view. They only reassured me that it was real.


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