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(Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips

Page 24

by Gerry Bartlett

  “You don’t even know where the grocery store is yet, so I guess they’ll have to be.” I turned to my father. “We need to talk. But later. I’ll go get dressed and see to Jerry. Alesha, you just take care of our guests. Which it looks like you’re handling perfectly.” I patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’m used to doing without help here anyway.”

  “If you’re sure, mistress. I’m here to serve you of course.” Alesha set the tray on the coffee table and Charis fell on the Cheetos with delight. She also grabbed a bottle of water I hadn’t realized I had stocked.

  “Call me Glory, Alesha. Down here mistress and Lady Gloriana will sound strange to most people you meet.” I saw her frown. “You’ll get the hang of it.” I smiled and headed back to the bedroom. Richard was there, checking Jerry’s vital signs. I think Richard had been a doctor once in his long, long past. He certainly seemed to know what he was doing when he dropped Jerry’s wrist and nodded.

  “I have a feeling he’s going to wake up soon. His pulse is strong. Go ahead and get dressed. I plan to give him some of my blood while you do.” Richard’s hair was wet and he’d obviously showered. He had on a shirt and pants that must belong to Jerry. Guess he’d raided Jerry’s closet which was in the guest room. I’d taken over all of the generous closet space in the master bedroom. Jerry had insisted. The reminder of how thoughtful he’d been made me tear up but I wouldn’t allow myself to cry again.

  “He’s really better? I thought he looked like it, but was afraid it was wishful thinking.” I sat on the bed next to Jerry and pried open his mouth. Richard used the knife Flo had brought in the night before and cut his wrist then slid it inside Jerry’s lips.

  “Good. His fangs came down right away this time.” Richard smiled. “An excellent sign, I’d say.” He nodded toward the bathroom. “Go on, you’ll feel better once you’ve showered. Florence is making use of your guest bath so I don’t expect her out for another half hour.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. I wish I had something for her to wear.” I glanced at my bedside table. Where was my cell phone? Where was Jerry’s? We’d obviously need new ones. But we had a land line, Jerry had insisted on it for the high speed Internet. So I picked up the phone and called my shop.

  “Vintage Vamp’s Emporium, best vintage clothing store in Austin, Lacy speaking. How may I help you?”

  “Lacy, it’s Glory.”

  “Oh, my God! Where have you been? Where are you now?” She burst into noisy tears. “Sorry. But we’ve been so worried.”

  “I know. If I could have contacted you, I would have.” I really felt bad about that. It was my shop and I’d left people in charge who I didn’t pay nearly enough. I needed to get down there and see what was happening.

  “Are you all right?” Lacy had calmed down.

  “Sort of. Jerry’s been hurt and I’m taking care of him. But that’s not why I called.”

  “What can I do? Anything. Just lay it on me.” Lacy called to someone and I could hear excited chatter. “You have no idea how frantic we’ve been, Glory.”

  “What’s the date, anyway? How long have I been gone?”

  “Months! It’s October 15, girl. Don’t you know? Were you hit on the head? A prisoner? Oh, God! I knew it had to be something bad for you not to reach out to us.” Lacy’s voice went shaky again.

  That long. I’d been gone almost a year. Ten months anyway. I really, really had a bone to pick with my mother.

  “Are you there? What do you need?”

  “Something for Flo to wear. She’s here in my apartment with me and needs an outfit in a size six to wear home. We arrived in the middle of the night last night and her clothes were ruined. You know nothing of mine will fit her. Can you pick out something cute and have someone bring it up? Quickly?”

  “Arrived from where?” Lacy wasn’t the kind of person to let little details slip past her. Of course her boss disappearing wasn’t exactly a little detail.

  “It’s a long story. I’ll catch you up later. Promise.” But would I? This goddess thing wasn’t going to play well among most paranormals. Lacy was a proud were-cat and wouldn’t like the news of my Zeus connections and that I had the powers to go with it. And who would blame her if she was skeptical about tales of Olympus? I’d had to see it to believe it myself.

  “So, about those clothes, Lacy.”

  “Sure. On it. I’ll bring them myself.” Lacy started issuing orders to someone with her. “And, Glory? I hope Jerry is okay. I’ll say prayers for him. We all will. Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just worried sick about him, you know?”

  “Yes, I do.” She thanked someone. “Got an outfit. I’m on my way up now.”

  “That was nice of you, Glory. You know Flo didn’t want to put on that big dress again. Bad memories, she said.” Richard was patiently sitting beside Jerry on the bed, his wrist in Jerry’s mouth.

  “It’s the least I can do for my best friend. When I think of how you two came up there to help…” My voice quavered.

  “We both love you, Gloriana.” Richard held out his extra hand. “Would go through hell for either one of you.”

  “I think you just did.” I squeezed his fingers. “I love you too. Thanks for being Jerry’s friend and mine.” I studied Jerry’s face, so still. “How’s he doing?”

  “He’s drinking strongly. I’m going to pull him off soon.” Richard tilted his head toward the door. “There’s the doorbell. I wonder if Alesha will answer it. She’s dressed a little strangely for a housekeeper.”

  “True. I’d better go.” I gave Richard’s hand one more squeeze then headed to the living room. Sure enough, Alesha had shown Lacy in and was taking some skinny jeans and a sweater from her arms.

  “Mistress, uh, Glory, I will take these to Mrs. Mainwaring.” Alesha smiled and hurried toward the guest room.

  “Wow, who was that?” Lacy asked before she threw herself into my arms. “I’m so glad to see you, girlfriend.”

  “My housekeeper.” I hugged her and realized she had changed in a big way. “Um, glad to see you too. Is this a baby bump I’m feeling?”

  “Yes.” She grinned and twirled around in front of me. “Can you believe it? Rafe and I are having a baby.” She got serious. “I hope you’re okay with that. I know you two are close.”

  “Close. Yes, really good friends. I’m happy if you two are.” I read her mind. She was happy but worried about her family and his. Smart. Were-cats and shape-shifters mating wasn’t accepted by either clan.

  “We have some issues to work out but we love each other. That’s the important thing.” Lacy paced in front of me. “How’s Jerry? Is it life-threatening?”

  “He’s getting better. He’s in a coma but we expect him to wake up any minute. Keep your fingers crossed and your prayers going.” I could hear the TV blasting again. “I have company on top of everything else. I’ll tell you all about it when I come down to the shop. As soon as Jerry wakes up, I promise.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” Lacy hugged me again. “There have been changes. I had to hire someone new. I hope you like her. She’s a shifter. Rafe knew her from back in the day.” She made a face. “Pretty sure they hooked up but what are you gonna do? We were desperate for help and she fit in.”

  “If you’re okay with her, I trust your judgment, Lacy.” I was anxious to get back to Jerry and was afraid it showed.

  Lacy nodded. “Thanks. She can be a little rough, but customers get her. Kira is steady so far. That’s what we need, especially if I take time off when the baby comes.”

  “Yes, you’ll have to, won’t you?” I’d taken her for granted. That had to stop. “Thank you! For holding things together at the shop. I am so lucky to have you. Don’t think I don’t realize that. I do.”

  “I’ll let you get back to Jerry.” Lacy sniffed. “I know if Rafe was hurt… Well, hang in there, boss.” She hugged me again and headed for the door.

  “I’m trying. See you soon.” I s
hut the door on her and leaned against it.

  “Glory! He’s waking up.” Richard yelled from the bedroom.

  I ran to see what was happening. It was true. Jerry was tossing and turning. Muttering in his sleep. A nightmare? When I tried to take him in my arms, he lashed out. Richard and I each grabbed one of his hands and held him down.

  “Jerry, you’re home and you’re safe. It’s Glory. Wake up, love. Wake up and talk to me.” I kept talking, trying to penetrate whatever dream world had him locked away. He finally quieted and lay still.

  “Glory?” He opened his eyes. “Where are we?”

  “Safe. Home. Away from Olympus.” I scooted next to him and touched his cheek.

  “Thank God.” He closed his eyes again.

  “Please don’t go back to sleep.” I laid my head on his bare chest. At least I could hear his heart beating strongly.

  “Let him rest, Gloriana. It’s a healing sleep.” Richard walked to the door. “I’m going to check on Florence. She’s having a hard time getting used to Earth again. I’m surprised at that. My strong Italian woman is showing me a vulnerable side.” He smiled. “It just makes me love her more.”

  “Yes, take care of her, Richard. Flo acts tough, but she needs you.” I couldn’t let go. “Just like I need Jerry.”

  “He’s on the mend. I’ll be back in a few minutes to check. Are you all right?” Richard leaned against the door frame. He probably needed blood after giving Jerry so much.

  “Sure. Why wouldn’t I be? It’s Jerry I’m worried about.” I sighed and closed my eyes when I heard the door shut. Why wouldn’t I be? Because Jerry should be blaming me for everything that had happened, starting with his trip to Olympus. Then there was being mortally wounded. Not to mention all his suffering in the cells and the humiliation of finding out that his skills weren’t good enough to win one of the most important fights of his life. I couldn’t stop the tears that trickled down my cheeks to fall on his skin.

  “What’s this?” His hand landed on my hair. “Crying with joy, I hope. I seemed to have lived after all.”

  “Jerry!” I sat up and saw he’d opened his eyes again. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I’ve been dragged behind a running horse over a mountain or two.” He took my hand. “This is our bedroom. Finally.”

  “Yes, Mars got us home. And we’re vampire again.”

  “Everything back to normal.”

  “I hope so.” I was almost afraid to ask. But, being me, I had to know. “Do you still want to marry me?”

  “After what I went through to have you how can you ask that?” He looked away. “But I lost the fight. Kratos won you fairly.”

  “He chose someone else.” I laid my hand over Jerry’s heart, just to check. It beat strongly.

  “You can’t be serious.” Jerry covered my hand.

  “Oh, yes. He risked Zeus’s wrath to be with the woman he loves. Sound familiar?” I smiled, pretty sure we were going to be all right.

  “I knew he was a brave man. Didn’t know he was crazy. Did he live?”

  “Yes. My grandmother talked some sense into Zeus. Seems my grandfather was tired of my interference in certain matters anyway. You know I’m anti-slavery. And big on the rights of the handmaidens.”

  “Yes, those are just two of the things I love about you.” Jerry smiled. “Guess Zeus wasn’t a fan.”

  “No, he wanted me gone anyway. If I married Kratos I would have been a constant thorn in his side. Now I’m safely home and will only have to go up there once in a while to see Grandmother. Hopefully it will be once a century.” I leaned down to kiss Jerry. “I love you. I never saw such bravery as when you fought Kratos for me.”

  “I lost.”

  “I think he cheated.” I smiled against his lips. “You are much more the man than he is. Put him on Earth on your turf and he wouldn’t have lasted five minutes.”

  “You are very loyal, Gloriana.” He pulled me down to kiss me deeply and I realized he was well down the road to recovery. I finally pushed him away.

  “Jerry, you need rest and I need a shower. Stay here. Sleep some more. No nonsense now.” I said it sternly. I meant it. Of course he followed me into the bathroom anyway. Vampires have such miraculous abilities to recover. I have a feeling Richard knocked on our bedroom door a few minutes later but realized he wasn’t needed. Not at all.

  Chapter 14

  “Good news. Jerry’s awake and the wedding is on.” When I walked into Jerry’s man cave, I knew I probably still had the glow of a woman who had been well-loved. Did I care? Not at all.

  Mars looked me over but didn’t say anything. Charis jumped up and hugged me.

  “Does that mean I can be your Maid of Honor?” She pulled me down to the leather couch. “I have some ideas about the dresses. Flo will be the Matron of Honor, won’t she?”

  “Slow down, Charis.” I laughed, still giddy at the thought of my man even now talking to Richard about wedding plans. “I think Jerry should have time to recover first.”

  “Yes, of course.” Charis nodded to Mars. “Find that show on the recorder, Father, and let Glory see it. We need to take her dress shopping.”

  “I have a dress, Charis. It’s in my closet.”

  “Indulge the girl, Gloriana.” Mars clicked the remote. “I’ve learned it is the father of the bride’s responsibility to pay for the wedding. Whatever dress you bought on your budget surely won’t compare to these.”

  I stared at the TV screen and realized immediately what show my sister had found. It was set in a high-end bridal boutique. Brides and their friends, with their mothers too, tried on a variety of dresses, each costing thousands of dollars. Then, when they found the right one, they said, “Yes!” Every once in a while, they didn’t pick anything but usually the choice was a gorgeous confection of lace and satin that made my mouth water. Dad was right. My off-the-rack choice which had been on sale didn’t compare.

  “Glory, what is going on here?” Flo was at the door and had her hands on her hips. “Are you changing your wedding plans? Without me?”

  “I haven’t agreed to anything, Flo.” I patted the seat next to me. “Look. It’s that program. The one you tried to get me to watch before we went dress shopping.”

  “You refused to even consider it.” Flo flounced across the room and sat. “You already picked a red dress. It looks good on you.”

  “I’ve offered to pay for a new one.” Mars smiled like he was anxious to indulge me. I couldn’t say a thing. “No budget. If you girls want to fly to New York, I’ll take care of everything. What do you say?”

  “Hold it.” Of course this was like a dream come true. Or would be if the very mention of New York City didn’t make my stomach churn. “I can’t just take off again. I have a shop to run. I’ve neglected it for way too long.” Yes, that was a good, legitimate excuse. I really wasn’t afraid to go back to New York. No, I couldn’t be.

  “Surely another week or so won’t make a difference.” Mars frowned. “And your mother is anxious to help you with this.”

  “Oh, now I see where this is going.” I stood. “Payback for getting us home. How much are you going to make me suffer for getting Jerry back here?”

  “Glory, calm down. Since when is dress shopping suffering?” Flo jerked on my pants until I was down on the couch again. “Your father is trying to make you happy. So we have to take Hebe along. She’s trying to win your favor now. Remember? So she should be on her best behavior.”

  “Great. How lucky can we get?” I couldn’t imagine my mother on her best behavior. That would last about five seconds. New York and my mother doing her level best to drive me crazy. Could this get any worse?

  “Glory, Father’s willing to shell out big bucks for bridesmaids’ dresses too. Flo and I can pick out whatever we want.” Charis and Flo smiled at each other. Both of them were tiny, though Flo was the smaller of the two. I really didn’t want to think about following them down the aisle with me in white, a color I never w
ore because it made me look like a snowball.

  The program was still going, but on mute, as we debated the issue. I didn’t have time for this. Flo thought I should get my priorities straight. I knew it could take months to get the right dress ordered and into the store. Flo pointed out that they already had some in stock. In my size? Charis admitted she’d done research on the Internet, her new favorite toy once her father had explained it. She was sure she could find the right dress in the right size once I picked it out.

  Why was I arguing? Because I hadn’t been back to New York City in decades and there was a reason why. I had a history there but with gaping holes in my memory of that time. My boyfriend back then had somehow managed to erase my memories. How? I had no idea. But I did remember how helpless I’d been back then, refusing to use my powers and letting Greg Kaplan run all over me. Yeah, the Glory years in the Big Apple hadn’t been good ones.

  “Glory, are you even listening to us? We could have fun in New York. A girls’ only road trip, amica. You should be all over this.” Flo was looking at me strangely.

  I was beginning to feel outnumbered and bullied when Jerry appeared in the doorway. He was dressed in jeans and a white dress shirt and had never looked so good to me.

  “What the hell is going on here?” He held out his hand and I ran to him. “Glory, you look like you’re about to cry or hit someone.”

  “Wedding plans. I guess I’m afraid we’ll never get to the altar, Jer.” I wrapped my arms around him.

  “We will. I’ll see to it. Remember, we had it all figured out before. Richard and I were just discussing it. But that booking fell through since you disappeared.” He glanced at Mars. “Now I find out from Richard that we are expected to be civil to your mother. Not sure I can do that. Considering how she interfered before.”

  “Gloriana made a promise.” Mars stood and faced us.

  “But I didn’t.” Jerry didn’t back down. “As far as I’m concerned, this wedding can be anywhere anytime. But I don’t want Hebe near it.”


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