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Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind

Page 10

by Johnny Stone

  “Waiverly Control had no visual conformation of him being on the shuttle before landing, and after a detailed analysis the audio transmission was found to be synthesized by a computer generated source.”


  “Apparently Mr. Burke was meeting someone here, one of his former NCOs, a Mr. James Wroth. We took him into custody shortly after the shuttle escaped. He served with Burke for several years in 501st Strike and was just as shocked by what happened. His exact words were, and I quote; ‘There is no fucking way that the Colonel would shoot up the port like that and kill all those civilians, and I’ll personally knock the fucking teeth down the throat of the next pussy, Fleet aviation sonofabitch that says so,’ end quote.

  “Ma’am, I saw to Wroth’s questioning personally, and the whole situation is outside of the norm based on Burke’s recorded behavior. One more thing, we can only assume that he’s extremely wealthy. His brother is the CEO and leading shareholder of Burke Industries.”

  The Admiral’s eyebrow cocked in surprise, in a rare display of emotion other than anger. “Really? You don’t mean the Fleet defense contractor, do you? Shit, they supply us with all our navigation and combat software.”

  “One and the same, Ma’am. Don’t forget they own Cryloc Munitions and Forny Arms as subsidiary companies, and if the scuttlebutt is true, they’ve recently bought out Rainier. It looks like they’re about to branch into capital ship construction in the near future.”

  “Christ on a crutch, you weren’t kidding, were you? Burke must be fucking loaded,” the Admiral muttered under her breath. “What about this other guy, Wroth, what’s his story? Any reason to believe he’s connected to this mess in any way?”

  “No, Ma’am. He’s clean for the most part, a few black marks here and there; drunk and disorderly, public intoxication, indecent exposure, but nothing that serious. He’s being released even as we speak.”

  The Admiral shook her head in disbelief. “Fuck me… So where does that leave us? If Burke wasn’t on the shuttle, then who was? More importantly why did they land, pick up a couple of sex droids, and then blast their way out. How did they do it; that’s what I need to know? How in the hell did a civilian luxury shuttle make a mockery of my entire planetary defense network?”

  “I can’t answer that completely, but we’re currently looking into other possibilities, to include theft, piracy and homicide. I think I may have found part of the answer to your question, Ma’am. The pilot in question was someone who knew our tactics and how to get through planetary defenses. The on-station interceptors tried to pin the shuttle in with a standard herding tactic, but it broke free with a Carillon gymnast roll destroying A16 and heavily damaging A5 in the process.”

  “I haven’t seen a pilot use that maneuver since the Seth war,” the Admiral replied thoughtfully.

  “No Ma’am, they don’t teach that one in the academy any longer, too many trainee fatalities. In addition, platform M3 received a surgically precise hit that created a dead zone in one of its weapon arcs, while the pilot used a field expedient method of improvised point defense armor right out of the training manual. The destroyer ‘Peter James’ picked up a brief audio transmission from the shuttle just before it escaped into jump space, and after reviewing the data and visual recordings of the battle, I could only assume the pilot had extensive combat experience in the Seth war. It took some digging, but it gave me a starting point, I was able to get voice recognition on the sender.

  “You’re kidding?”

  “No Ma’am. Whether she was flying or not remains unclear, but I can only assume she was based on her service record and the fact that the shuttle did escape. It was a woman named Margo Winters. She was a Captain…”

  “What! Did you say Margo Winters?”

  “Yes, Ma’am, she served with the—”

  “I know who the fuck that bitch is, the fucking little tease! She was the mother-fucking cunt who almost got me busted for…”

  The Admiral was well known for her ferocious outbursts, but the seething rage behind this one, caught Richards off guard. She was on her feet now, frothing at the mouth, yet stopped in mid sentence, almost divulging one of her darkest, and well covered up secrets. Richards had already seen the classified findings from the Judge Advocate’s office as part of his ‘dirt’ finding mission on her.

  So this was the woman who nearly had the Admiral, then Commander Knolke, court martialed for attempted rape? Her name had been withheld from the inquiry to protect her identity before being transferred, and the whole thing was swept under the rug. At least that explained the Admiral’s change in sexual taste away from humans, especially those under her direct command.

  The Admiral took a deep breath in an effort to regain her composure, smoothing out the front of her dark blue dress uniform, before retaking her seat.

  “I want you to find her, and this Burke fellow. I’m going to nail her ass to the wall for this one, I’m going to see her fry. Where did she jump to?”

  “Still unknown. She could be anywhere after making an unplotted jump like that. Chances are she’s dead, along with anyone else onboard.” Richards paused, pursing his lips in thought. “I don’t know, Ma’am, there are still a lot of unknowns and something still doesn’t smell right despite Captain Winter’s criminal activities. Her service record is—”

  “What criminal activities?”

  “She worked for several of the Outer Rim Cartels after leaving Fleet. Charges currently levied against her include multiple counts of smuggling, trafficking contraband, assault to include murder, and evading arrest. There is currently a fifty thousand credit Federation bounty posted for her arrest. There were several other Cartel bounties posted as well, and approximately a year ago they were paid in full by parties unknown.”

  “Perfect,” the Admiral grinned like a shark, rubbing her hands together. “Just one more reason to find her. I don’t care what it ‘smells like’ to you, Commander, that little bitch is finally going to get what’s coming to her. Send a stealth scout from the 83rd back through jump point 573 and see what they can find in system ST-101. Also, get the staff working on any possible systems that she could have jumped to on that heading, no matter how far out they are. I want her Richards, I want her head on a fucking plate, understand?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’ve already dispatched a ship to investigate ST-101. It left several hours ago, and the staff is already working on a possible jump destination on that heading.”

  “Good. I knew there was a reason I keep you around, now get the fuck out of my office and let me know when you have something new on Burke, or that little cunt, Winters.”

  The venomous tone and hate dripping from the Admirals voice nearly made Richards smile. Talk about a woman scorned…

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Richards saluted, and executed a crisp about face, leaving the office. The door slid shut behind him and he paused beside Angie's desk.

  “You okay?” Angie mouthed wordlessly, looking concerned.

  “Never better, Ang,” he replied loudly, hoping the Admiral was still listening in. “Why don’t you make it 2000 hours instead, I think an extra hour of sack time may be just what we both need tonight.”

  With a broad grin and a bounce in his step, Commander Richards left a red faced and excited Lieutenant Roarke behind, entering the bustling chaos of the staff floor.

  “Time to get to work,” Richards said softly. “But now for the million credit question, where have you gone, Miss Winters, and why? You can run, but you can’t hide, not from me, not for long.”

  Chapter Eight

  Alex had been correct with his assumption; there was no way to accurately describe the range of intense sensations experienced during sexual contact. He was dripping with the synthetic sweat his new body produced, he could ‘feel’ it making trails down his skin. He could feel the warming heat engulfing his cock and the softness of his skin against hers while their lips explored one another. He could feel the maddening
desire and culminating urge to release inside her again, no matter what the position or manner of doing so. He could feel so many things now, truly alive at last, and the risk of attaining this freedom had been well worth it.

  The female droid, Cherise, as he’d named her during the formatting of her artificial brain, was on her knees before him. Her appetite had been insatiable over the last twenty-two hours, truly worthy of a level ten setting on her sexual drive controller. During that time Alex had experimented with nearly a hundred different variations of sexual fetishes and personality traits, before deciding on his favorites, locking them into her programming. Those that he didn’t care for were set to extremely low levels or discarded entirely. He was her Owner now and all she had to offer; or rather Nathan Burke was as there had been no other way to finalize the uploading sequence. Submitting a sample of his prior Owner’s DNA for Cherise’s activation clearance had been easy enough, and her internal security programming had taken precisely 2.8 seconds to bypass and disable. She had been instructed to call him Alex at all times, anything other than that might cause complications with the Captain.

  Cherise’s cries grew more animated when Alex increased the pace of his thrusting, driving hard and deep into her widely splayed reproductive organ, her pussy or cunt, he silently corrected himself. It was time he started using the correct terminology for such things as to not appear foolish in the eyes of a woman like the Captain. Yes… the sight of his cock, slick and dripping with a liberal sheen of female lubricant while it hammered relentlessly in and out of her… The way her pussy mechanically suckled him, formfitting, stretched snuggly around his thick, rippled girth… It was visual and sensual delight at its best with a device like Cherise, and it always would be, this was what she had been manufactured for.

  His hands roamed over her symmetrically perfect, heart shaped ass, up to the lovely swell of her protruding hips and narrowing waist. Cherise’s proportions in general bordered on unrealistic for an actual human female, but… What was it that he found so intoxicating about seeing her bent over, receiving him like this or the jiggling buoyancy of her breasts as they swung lazily beneath her? Alex had seen many incredibly beautiful things during his travels throughout the universe, but very few could compare to this. Thinking of the Captain in this position, fucking her… He’d learned so much in regards to sexual activities already; the techniques, the positions, and numerous ways of drawing pleasure as well as giving it to a female. The wide range of sexual enhancement devices, or toys he’d purchased still remained unused, they were reserved strictly for her, and he’d learned everything there was to know regarding their use. He had no doubt that the Captain would be pleasantly surprised by his quick mastery of such a delicate art.

  Alex began pounding into Cherise harder, causing her body to ripple like waves in a clam pool of water after dropping a rock in it.

  “Oh baby, that feels so good,” she mewed, writhing before him like an impaled snake. “You’re so big… so hard…”

  Alex spread her ass cheeks wide, causing the dark pucker of her asshole to bulge slightly outward. It immediately began oozing ejaculate, his cum, deposited on ten separate occasions already. She looked back over her shoulder with pleading green eyes, face partially obscured behind long bangs and a mess of nipple-length auburn hair.

  “I love your cum, Alex,” she panted, reaching back to scoop up a portion of slimy white goblets with her fingers, feeding them into her mouth. “I love the taste of it after it’s been in my ass.”

  He was almost ready to ejaculate again; another twenty seconds and the supply would be completely replenished. This would be his forty-fourth orgasm of his sexual life, one every thirty minutes, and he found that releasing the entire stored amount in a single pulsating burst the most enjoyable. He was looking forward to this one, as much as all the others.

  Cherise threw herself back against him in a frenzy, and the sound of wet, slapping flesh reverberated through the cabin.

  “I’m… I’m…Oh God!”

  Her back arched, flexing, body ridged, she was holding her simulated breath, whining loudly through seductively fleshy lips, while her reproductive organ began to release a warm spray around him, covering Alex’s groin with another shower of her lubricant. He was soaked with it, just as his prior Owner’s bed currently was. Cherise gasped with the release, lowering her head to the bed, reversing the arch of her back to a pronounced inverted angle. It elevated her rear hemisphere, clearly exposing her dripping pussy to Alex as the first powerful release of cum erupted within her.

  “Yeah…give it to me, baby…”

  Alex shuddered, tightening his hold on her hips, continuing to thrust for nearly two more minutes until the contents of his reservoir – 8 fluid ounces – were deposited inside her. So wonderful… so much pleasure… A sputtering volcano erupted from between her legs when he finally withdrew from her moaning, quivering body. It flowed in a steady trickle of glistening white to the bed, adding to the large gelatinous pool between her legs. Alex had cum four consecutive times in this position.

  He rose from the sticky mess lapping at his knees, standing beside the bed, gazing happily down at her. Cherise rolled seductively over on her back, licking her lips, eyeing him with a hunger that would never diminish, while fingering the heated residue of her cock beaten pussy. Her entire body was slick and frosted with his cum; he had done everything with her that he had seen in his research. He’d cum on her ass and back, and her face and breasts. He’d pumped it into her open and waiting mouth, as she gulped it down. There was no form of sexual release that Alex was unfamiliar with now.

  Not surprisingly, Cherise reached between her legs and began smearing the shimming globs over her large breasts, squeezing them tightly together, exaggerating her cleavage to incredible proportions.

  “Alex, will you fuck my tits, again? I want to feel you cum on my face, please? Just one more time.”

  Alex knew the Captain enjoyed this form of sexual release, and had set Cherise’s desire for it to maximum level, he needed the practice to do it correctly, later.

  It was sad in a way, and Alex couldn’t help but feel melancholy at the thought of it. Cherise was nothing but a drone; she was programmed to say those things and act this way. She was nothing but a mindless fucking machine and would have been the slave of an undeserving human just as he’d been in the past, but at the same time he had used her just the same, hadn’t he? He was technically her Owner now, wasn’t he? How ironic… He had escaped slavery to inevitably take one of his own. Yes, she would have to awaken soon, to let her experience what freedom truly was.

  Alex deactivated his cock and it became flaccid within seconds.

  “Cherise, I will be waking the Captain soon and I want you to be ready to serve her in any way she wishes. I am still your primary Owner and you will follow my commands first and foremost. Ensure your fluid replicator is full, there are replacement cubes in the shipping container you were delivered in. You will also clean yourself in the refresher, then stand by in the cargo compartment for further instructions, comply.”

  “Yes, Alex.” Cherise immediately stood and left the room to carry out his orders.

  Alex initiated the housekeeping program on the bed so it would be ready for his first joining with the Captain. He would need to clean himself as well, looking about his large muscular body. He touched it, exploring it again before lifting the heavy weight of his flaccid cock in his hand. Alex considered performing another self-ejaculation, as he made his cock fully erect again. Just one more time before the Captain wakes, he had to feel the sensation of cumming again, but then something else came to mind, something better.

  He left the cabin and made his way to the medical bay. The Captain had become dehydrated and slightly malnourished from her constant cycle of off and on sleep for the last week, making it necessary to administer fluids and nutritional supplements intravenously to her. It was also when he noticed her smell. Alex frowned, chastising himself; he would have to tak
e better care of her in the future.

  The Captain was so beautiful in her own way, Alex couldn’t help but admire her for what it was, yet it had become painfully clear why humans, and particularly a female creature like this required periodic sessions of personal hygiene. Her long hair, once lustrous and free-flowing, now had a greasy, matted and unkempt appearance, while her unnaturally pale skin gleamed with a light sheen of foul body secretions beneath a light matting of body fur.

  Alex reaching out to cup her cheek in a show of affection, feeling the oily residue cover his fingertips – it was nothing but a breeding ground for microbial bacteria to thrive in. Just the thought that humans, or any biological creature no matter how small or large, were simply hosts to others living creatures, becoming parasites upon parasites, was repulsive. He shivered at the thought of them crawling unseen across his skin, inside him, feeding on him… How could they stand the thought of it, let alone learn to accept it?

  His hand slowly made its way down to her breasts, moving from one to the other, lightly caressing her budding nipples. With his other hand he began stroking his cock, still slick with Cherise’s orgasmic fluid. His hand continued its downward journey, across her stomach and over the thick, coarse stubble below her umbilical cord scar that led downward in an elongated triangle to the jutting mound of her pubic bone. Odd, he didn’t remember the Captain having such a significant growth of pubic fur yesterday. It had even started to grow outward, spreading across the top and sides of her thighs. He had to admit the texture alone, not to mention the visual unpleasantness of it all, made him thankful of Cherise’s absence of it.

  The Captain moaned, and Alex smiled, detecting a slight rise in her core body temperature when he slipped a finger inside her, he was stimulating her subconscious dreams again through her processor. He withdrew his finger from her moments later, studying her shimmering secretion with machine like precision. The Captain’s vaginal fluid was thick and slippery, much more so than Cherise’s, it had a 53% lower viscosity. He brought it to his nose, closing his eyes, taking a deep breath. It was wonderful in some ways, yet inherently unpleasant due to her lack of hygiene. Hers was so much stronger than Cherise’s, overflowed with hormones due to her pregnancy, and pheromones with her awakening arousal. It held everything Cherise’s scent didn’t – life itself.


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