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Slave World 2 - The Ties That Bind

Page 11

by Johnny Stone

  The Captain moaned again, a mew of growing bliss. She was still dreaming, and Alex suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to have her, now. By his estimate, she would still be under the effects of the Natox for at least another 1.47 hours before waking. He could revive her, but what if she refused? Doing it this way did offer a 100% probability of sexual gratification on his part.

  Picking the Captain up, Alex took her to their cabin, laying her gently on the bed. He climbed between her legs, taking one in each hand, lifting them, spreading them. The wet crevice between her thighs invited him onward, splitting wide in a pouting vertical smile, with inner lips connected by glistening strands of clear syrup. Alex gazed down at it thoughtfully, he had never noticed the difference until now. The Captain’s inner labia were much fuller and more elongated than Cherise’s, and slightly discolored near the outer edges. His first thought was that she looked worn and shoddy when compared to Cherise’s small, trim, much neater appearance. It was interesting that he found Cherise’s more desirable to look at, along with the absence of a strong odor, he would ensure that the Captain washed thoroughly before their next time together.

  Alex placed his cock against her vaginal opening, parting the tempting slit, running the tip up and down its length until it was slick and well lubricated. He would be careful with her, remembering what had happened earlier with the Owner, by his estimates he was nearly a third longer and thicker than the Owner and he had torn her. The vaginal opening and canal in general were both capable of, if not designed for pliancy, but it required time and patience to bring it to its maximum potential of pleasurable sensation. Alex had no doubt that she would surely come to enjoy the increase in size, but she would have to be gradually conditioned to it.

  He entered her slowly, closing his eyes, focusing on every stimulus receptor that lay embedded in the head and shaft of his in bio skin covered cock. Heat. A slick, smothering heat began to engulf him. Pleasure… Ecstasy… Self-gratification. Alex went deeper, pushing through her slick, fleshy resistance, she was tight, but in a different sort of way than Cherise. Her outer lips followed his shaft, hugging it, as the inner muscles of pussy clammed tight, gripping at him. Alex opened his eyes, seeing that her head was now turned to the side, mouth slightly agape, and her breathing had increased almost to a soft pant. She could feel him; she was enjoying the sensation just as he had hoped.

  Alex leaned forward, gently kneading one of her breasts, while her erect nipple brushed against the underside of his palm. Just above the salmon pink of her splayed vaginal lips, Alex noticed her clitoris had become engorged as well. He began stroking it with his thumb, applying a slight amount of pressure to it with every pass. The Captain’s body twitched beneath him when doing so, gripping his cock tighter. It was real, and exchange of honest pleasure on both their parts, but…

  It was enjoyable fucking her, yes, but different, almost lacking in a way. He could only thrust with 73% of his length before reaching the end of her canal and after a time the sensation of tightness began to diminish slightly, while she stretched to accommodate him. Her inner folds still followed his shaft, suckling it with soft, slurping sounds, but it was diminishing, nonetheless. What would it be like after an hour, or several days of continual use, let alone a lifetime? Interesting… The one thing that set the Captain and Cherise apart, was the fact that she couldn’t replicate the life he felt and smelled between his legs, the realism of the secretions.

  Alex saw her stomach begin to ripple and contract, she was nearing orgasm, and it was because of him! He had wanted to wait until his reservoir was full again, but he would come with her the first time. Using her breasts as leverage, squeezing them, Alex began thrusting harder and faster. When the Captain let out a rippling moan, shuddering, contracting around him, he initiated his own ejaculatory sequence.

  A warm spray of her watery ejaculate began to seep from around her taut lips, covering his shaft, leaking down the cleft of her ass to soak the bed. They came as one until his powerful orgasm receded, hers was a series of multiple releases lasting an incredible 28.7 seconds. Could she sense it perhaps, sense that he had finished inside her, making it even more intense? Odd that he felt no different than with Cherise, perhaps even less in some ways, he was expecting something different, something more profound from his first sexual experience with the Captain.

  Alex terminated the stimuli to her microprocessor, rising off her. Odd… Why was the signal still active? A glitch perhaps? The signal frequency and her brain waves were nearly identical at the moment, and he had to terminate the signal twice more before the link with her was finally broken. The Captain instantly grew calm, and she rolled over on her side, pulling her legs in close to her chest, with her tail fanning out behind her jutting rear. It was wet from her release, and she immediately began leaking a steady flow of ejaculate from the bulge of her puffy, vaginal cleft. It was also when Alex noticed that the base of her tailbone where her tail grew from appeared swollen and irritated. Apparently lying on her back was not the best position for the Captain to sleep, or have intercourse in. He would have to remember this in the future.

  A kiss on the cheek was his final act before leaving the Captain to awaken on her own. Alex thought it to be such a meaningless display of contact between humans, except in a physical sense of pleasure. Many races didn’t engage in the practice at all. The close proximity did allow him to breathe in the scent of her body still flooded with passion, and the strong aroma spoke of her willingness to have sex again. Perhaps it was a way of testing for a perspective mate, to see if their desire was also as strong, a mating ritual that would lead to more intercourse in time?

  Alex’s first time with the Captain had been very different than expected, granted she had been asleep, but the physical sensation was still the same. Disappointment in many ways, yes that was it, he felt disappointment at the moment. He had much to think about while making his way to the refresher to clean the hours of sexual residue from his body, especially the Captain’s germ laden and foul smelling odor; he didn’t wish to infect Cherise with her stench. So much to consider in regards to their upcoming relationship…


  My eyes fluttered open and I stretched, letting out a long stuttering yawn that grew into a high-pitched whine resonating from my fingertips to my toes. I’d been dreaming of Nathan as we made love, and the slick sensation between my thighs meant it had been a good one. When I rolled over, my rump came in contact with a cold wet spot on the bed and my thighs stuck together resisting the movement. That’s when I noticed the lingering ache ending deep between my hips, and I reached back rubbing gingerly at the sore, tender spot centered at the base of my tail. Damn, it hadn’t been a dream.


  Maybe he was in the cockpit, I activated the intercom.

  “Master, are you there?”

  Nothing. He should have answered; he could hear me anywhere in the shuttle, even the shower. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, something was wrong. I instinctively reached for a pistol at my side that I hadn’t carried since becoming a slave. That’s when a vague illusion of life started coming back to me, the battle and the escape into jump space… Alex had disobeyed my orders… I hadn’t seen Nathan in how long? Had all that actually happened? My life was a blur and nothing made sense.

  I nearly jumped out of my skin, sliding back on the bed until coming in contact with the mirrored headboard, when a tall, nude woman entered the cabin carrying a tray laden with food.

  “Good morning, Captain, I have breakfast for you.”

  Who the hell is this, and how did she get on the shuttle? It was… no it couldn’t be, she’d been dead for years.

  “Tiff?” I asked hesitantly. No, wait… her eyes, she was a droid. When she took a relaxed seat on the end of the bed, I focused on the small print serial number just above her left hip. She was a pleasure droid.

  “Hi, my name’s Cherise,” she smiled innocently in a light, bedroom voice that reeked with latent sens
uality. This droid bimbo may look like my old friend Tiff, but she didn’t sound anything like her. “The Owner told me to see to your needs. Are you hungry? Here, I made this for you.”

  She offered the tray to me, and my stomach growled in reply.

  I don’t trust little Miss fuck-bot; don’t take it. She looks like Tiff for a reason, and...

  I wasn’t planning on it.

  Yeah, I was hungry, but I didn’t dare reach for the food. I didn’t have a clue as to who she was or what the hell was going on, but I sure as hell was going to find out.

  “Where’s Nathan?”

  “Nathan? Oh, you mean the Owner!” She giggled in the most annoyingly cute way I’d ever heard, hell, I almost expected to see rainbows and unicorns spewing out of her mouth at any moment. “He’s requested that I don’t use that name when speaking to him. He’s in the cockpit checking on navigational data, or some other such nonsense; you know how men can be at times.”

  The tray in her hands went flying when I jumped from the bed, almost stumbling headfirst into the bulkhead, running down the corridor with a muffled thumping on the carpet.


  The cockpit hatch was open and I saw his broad, naked shoulders sitting in the pilot’s chair. Something didn’t look right though, and I began to slow. When he stood and faced me, I screamed to a skidding halt, backpedaling, and in the process tripped over my feet, falling on my ass. The man was huge, and naked, and he towered over me. Visions of the past suddenly came flooding back, things I would rather not think about.

  “Stay away from me, just stay the fuck away from me! Master!”

  “There is no reason to be alarmed, Captain. You are in no danger. Here, let me help you up.”

  His attempt at a disarming smile looked wrong, strained or exaggerated when he stepped closer, extending his hand. Then I saw his eyes, it was another pleasure droid.

  The cargo bay! Slag his droid ass!

  Yes, the cargo bay, there’re weapons there! Thanks for reminding me.

  Don’t worry, sister, I’ve got you’re back. Always have, and always will.

  I was on my feet running again, and I swear my heart skipped a beat when I entered the cargo bay, shuffling to a slumping halt. All of the containers we’d brought aboard were open and empty, and there were two larger ones I didn’t recognize sitting empty and discarded against one of the bulkheads. The weapons were gone.


  “Captain, please, I would like to speak with you.”

  The voice startled me and I spun around, backing away. It sounded oddly familiar, now.

  “Alex, is that you?”

  “Yes, and there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Alex stepped closer, smiling again, and it reminded me of a demented Cheshire cat, deranged teeth and all.

  “You…you’re in a droid body. How?”

  “Do you like it? I’m quite proud of it, actually.” He rotated slowly in place, showing himself off like a model on a catwalk. “I configured it to something I thought you might find visually pleasing.”

  Yeah, maybe in another time and place. He fit the stereotypical image of a muscle-bound god that was so sickly handsome it reminded me of the hero cover-art on a romance novel. He was also hung like a mule, almost exactly like one in fact. Not since my time in the stables…

  “Pleasure droid, indeed,” I whispered softly. I couldn’t have cared less what he looked like, I wanted answers.

  Speak for yourself… I think I just came.

  Can I handle this, please?

  I don’t think so; you’re too fucking soft and wishy-washy. Let me deal with this guy.

  “You better start giving me some answers and quick, where’s Nathan, what’s going on, and where did that other droid come from?”

  “You mean Cherise? I purchased her at the same time as my own body. She has been ordered to look after you. If there is anything you need, she will see to it without question.”

  “What are you talking about? You can’t purchase anything, it’s against the law, and I sure as hell can’t see Nathan picking up two pleasure droids on a whim. Which brings me back to my first question, where’s Nathan?”

  “No, Captain, I purchased them on Tallin using Mr. Burke’s account. Might I add that you did an excellent job at escaping the spaceport and Federation naval forces. I’m very proud of you. I couldn’t have done it better myself.”

  “What are you talking about? I was fighting the Seth, not the Federation. Dammit, Alex, you better stop dancing around my questions and tell me what the hell is going on. I want to know why you disobeyed my orders and why you’re in a droid, and I swear to god if you don’t tell me where Nathan is…”

  Alex made the oddest expression, and for a moment it looked like he was going to throw up.

  “Yes, Captain, that’s what I meant. You did an excellent job at fighting the Seth. You really need to eat something, would you like Cherise to prepare you another meal?”

  My fists balled hard enough to make my knuckles crack, I’d just about had enough of playing games with him.

  “No I don’t want to fucking eat! I want to know what’s going on, and I want to know where Nathan’s at!”

  Alex let out an exaggerated breath, and I think he was trying to frown.

  “I really wanted to avoid this discussion until you’d had some time to adjust to normal bodily functions, but I see you won’t take no for an answer. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Mr. Burke was killed in an accident. The main hatch malfunction that was detected before liftoff became worse and he tried to repair it while you were in stasis. There was an electrical malfunction and it opened, and…I’m sorry, but Mr. Burke is dead.”

  I heard what he said, but it didn’t quite register. The best I managed was to stare back at him for several awkward moments of silence.

  “Say again? If this is some kind of a sick joke...”

  “It’s no joke, Captain, he’s dead. It happened nearly a week ago.”

  The bile rose in the back of my throat, somehow I knew he was serious. I began pacing the cabin, shaking my head, choosing to ignore the truth of the situation. It’s impossible, Nathan can’t be dead.

  “What about the redundant failsafe system? The emergency bulkhead hatch?”

  “All the safety systems suffered a simultaneously failure due to operator error, I told him he wasn’t qualified to do that level of maintenance work, but he wouldn’t listen. Once again, I’m terribly sorry, but he is gone.”

  I’m sorry, hon. I never cared for him much, but I know how much he meant to you.

  I hung my head staring vacantly at my feet. I felt it coming, the emotional explosion welling up behind my eyes. Is that hair growing on my stomach? Impossible. It was a blurry hallucination, and nothing more. I started to shake, and Alex stepped closer putting his arms around me, trying to comfort me. His naked body pressed against mine, tighter, closer…

  “Get away from me! Don’t touch me!”

  I pushed him away much harder than I meant to, but I was venting my pain in the only way I knew how. Alex’s two hundred plus pounds flew through the air hitting the bulkhead ten feet way with a reverberating thump. He sank to the deck looking up at me in shocked fear.

  “Don’t ever touch me again; you hear me!”

  I could barely see through the blurry haze of tears now, whinnying softly in distress.

  “That…hurt, Captain. If I’d been human, that attack would have severely injured me, possibly killed me. You… you tried to kill me.”

  I barely heard him, while my body continued to rip itself apart in anguish. I whinnied so hard my sides began to hurt, blubbering like a snot-nosed baby on my knees.

  There, there, Margo… It will be okay. I’ll take care of you now, I promise.

  “Why did ya leave him, Alex?” My words came out in a stuttering mess with a Deep South drawl. I hadn’t done that in a long time. “We have to go back, he may still be alive.”

  Alex was on his f
eet again, keeping a safe distance from me now.

  “That is impossible, and you know it. I understand—”

  “Shut up, change course. We’re going back… for him.” I was starting to hyperventilate.

  “It’s standard Fleet…procedure…Nathan…Nathan would have had an environmental suit on if working near a…an airlock. He’s trained… he knows…”

  “Captain, he didn’t have a suit on. He’s dead.”

  “No! Nathan is…is smarter than that! Change… change course now!”

  “We can’t. We are currently in jump space. He’s dead, you have to accept the fact and move on with your life. You are only hurting yourself by denying his death.”

  He’s gone, baby girl. Let him go, just like Daddy, and Tiff. You have to if we’re going to survive. It’s just us again.

  I don’t want to! It isn’t fair!

  I know… I know…

  “You will follow orders, Alex. Change…” The room began to spin as my vision grew dim and pinpointed.

  “You must calm down, Captain, your vital signs have risen to a dangerous level. Let me give you another sedative, if not for your own wellbeing, then for your unborn.”

  Did you hear what he just said? The droid bastard… I told you there was something wrong with him- I told you, and you didn’t listen! Why didn’t you listen to me!

  A moment of clarity in my madness as it all fell into place. Another sedative… Alex had been drugging me this whole time. No wonder I kept blacking out. No wonder I couldn’t remember anything. What was he up too? Why wouldn’t he obey orders any longer? He should have taken the shuttle back to Slave World after Nathan’s death, it was standard safety programming for any AI to return to the point of origin in an emergency like this.


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