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From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned

Page 8

by Angie Hayes

  “No problem, give Zaria a kiss for me.” Keisha said right before we hung up.”

  I picked up my baby and sat down in the rocker in the corner of the nursery and started to breastfeed. I had finally gotten the hang of it, because at first I was struggling. I now love the bond we share when I’m feeding her. I also enjoy the weight loss that comes along with it. As I’m rocking back and forth, I look down at her beautiful innocent face and just melt. Tears slowly roll down my face because I still can’t believe that I made the horrible decisions in the past to abort my previous pregnancies all because of some fucking man. I really pray God has forgiven me. I continue starring at Zaria, and all I saw was Troy starring right back at me. She looks so much like him it’s sickening sometimes. I guess I will always have a part of him with me after all.

  Chapter Nineteen


  When Keith told me that Stacy had finally decided to let their daughter come to our house, he was so happy that I couldn’t help but smile. Although in the back of my mind I wanted to tell him to not trust that her and go through the courts. Really, who was I to suggest something like that when I didn’t do the same with David? I just enjoyed the moment and hoped like hell that bitch didn’t play with my husband feelings. I would hate to have to fuck her up.

  “What’s wrong baby?” Keith asked me at dinner that night. I must have spaced off after he told me the news about Destiny coming over. I started thinking back to the meeting I had with David, but of course I couldn’t tell Keith that.

  “Oh nothing baby, I’m just thinking that Jass will finally get to meet her step sister.” I lied.

  “I know babe! I’m so excited to have all my girls this weekend. We definitely have to do something. What do you think about taking them to the water park?” He suggested.

  “Sure baby, that sounds good.” I answered with a smile. Keith grabbed my hand from across the table and looked deep into my eyes

  “I’m so glad and grateful to have you and Jass in my life. I know it hasn’t been easy with the Stacy situation, and I want you to know that I am really sorry for not telling you before we got married. I was just being selfish and didn’t want to risk losing you.” he confessed.

  In that instant the guilt of having sex with David hit me like a ton of bricks. Once we moved to California, I pushed that incident so far back into my mind, because I knew that it was a one-time mistake that wouldn’t happen again. David and I were in two different states, so I didn’t have to worry about being in that situation again; or so I thought. Now David has managed to come all away across the map to invade my thoughts again. I knew I needed to tell Keith what was going on as far as David coming to visit and how he wanted to see Jass, and truthfully I knew he won’t have an objection to that. Keith isn’t that type of man. He’s all for a man wanting to be in his child’s life, especially with him being deprived of Destiny. It was me that couldn’t handle Keith and David being in the same room. I knew that there was no doubt that my guilt would eat me up so damn bad that I was liable to confess to the shit right then and there, so because of that I was I’m trying to avoid it as long as possible; or at least until I could get my feelings under control.

  That night after dinner, Keith and I made slow passionate love to each other. I was all into it until I found myself thinking back to David and the last thing he said to me. I closed my eyes to stop the thoughts but as soon as I did, David’s sexy body appeared in my mind. Moments later I came hard; so hard I temporary was unable to breath.

  I didn’t know what the fuck was going on.

  Chapter Twenty


  Rico ass has been having a fucked up attitude for the past three weeks, and I’m sick of the shit. It seemed to start right after my fuck session with Cory; which by the way was good as hell! Now Rico won’t even fuck me! It’s like he knows what went down with me and his homeboy, but isn’t saying anything. I asked Cory the last time we hooked up if he had said something to Rico, and he told me he hadn’t. His exact words were “I don’t want that nigga cock blocking me from getting that good pussy again.”, so I knew he didn’t say anything. Besides, I’m sure Rico would have said something by now or whopped somebody ass if he actually knew. All I know is I’m tired of his ass walking around here with his bitch mode attitude.

  “Rico, do you plan on coming by tonight?” I asked as he came by the house to pick up some work.

  “I don’t know; maybe if I feel like it.” He said as he counted his money.

  “What you mean if you feel like it?” I asked angry. This nigga is really flipping the script.

  “Like I said if I feel like it, damn, stop asking me all these fucking questions.”

  “You know what, fuck you Rico!” I screamed in his direction. “I don’t need yo’ ass coming around here anyway with that fucked up attitude!”

  The next think I knew I was getting the shit slapped out of me! I flew to the floor with my ears ringing and my face stinging like hell. He then picked me up by my hair and brought me real close to his face; so close I thought we were gonna kiss.

  “Listen Bitch! That’s the reason I barely come by here anymore because yo’ mouth has become real fucking reckless. Now I tried to ignore you and not fuck you up but you keep pushing me. I suggest you leave me the fuck alone. Don’t question shit I do, and continue to hold it down here when it comes to my business, or else they gone find yo’ ass floating in somebodies fucking river!” Rico warned as he released my hair and tossed me onto the couch.

  All I could do was cry. Some of my hair had been pulled out, and it felt like my scalp was literally on fire. Rico had never put his hands on me before, so I don’t know what brought this shit on. My first reaction was to grab anything I could and knock his ass upside his damn head for putting his hands on me, but the look in his eyes told me he was dead serious about me floating in the river. Rico left, slamming my door so hard that my wall cracked. I’m sitting here terrified and don’t know what to do. I finally got myself up and went to the bath room to see the damage to my face. The whole right side is swollen and my hair was all over the place. I applied an icepack on my cheek to control the swelling and lit a blunt to calm my nerves. The Kush wasn’t doing the job, so I called Cory to see if he can help me get a good nut.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “What the fuck you mean I’m on suspension?” I asked baffled.

  I had gotten called into the office by my manager who told me that the sheriffs had come to the office to serve me with a restraining order against Candy’s dumb ass. The bitch went and filed a report saying that I was harassing and threating her. The paperwork said that I was ordered to stay a thousand feet from her, and that I was scheduled to appear in court for a hearing.

  “Like I said Troy, until this matter is resolved, you are on unpaid suspension.” My boss man replied.

  “Unpaid? Man this some bullshit! I don’t even deal with this stupid ass girl!” I shouted. Now this hoe was fucking with my money!

  “Well that’s for the courts to decide. We have too many high profile clients who use our services to have this foolishness brought to the job. You’re lucky I didn’t fire you, because this is grounds of termination. Since you do have a good work history with us, I’m giving you some time to work out whatever it is you have going on so you can come back to work.” He told me. “Troy, one other thing. Now I don’t want to get in your business, but I ain’t dumb. I have heard and seen you do some reckless dumb shit with these women out here. Son, you already have what most men want and that’s a family and a home to go to. Nothing out here is worth losing that, nothing. I suggest you get yo’ shit in order because Karma, she doesn’t forget an address.” My manager preached.

  I know he has a point, but right now, I don’t wanna hear that shit.

  All I wanna do is get my hands on Candy and ring her fucking neck.

  “I hear ya. I guess I’ll clock out.” I told him as I got up to leave.

“I’m giving you three weeks of leave, and like I said, handle ya business.” With that said, I closed his door and left.

  How the fuck this bitch just gone up and lie like that? I haven’t spoken to Candy’s ass since the day she texted me saying she lost that fucking baby. Now, all of a sudden I’m harassing her? Here I am finally working on getting things back on track with Cass and now I gotta tell her about this bullshit! Fuck that, I’m 'bout to go to this bitch Candy’s place right now and bash her fucking head in!


  I know his ass saw red when he was served those order of protection papers. I purposely made sure they were sent to his job and not his house. Everyone knows that the workplace frowns upon shit like that. I sat parked across the street waiting to see if he was gonna come out, and just like expected, he did. Shortly after the officer left serving him, Troy’s stupid ass came marching through the parking lot fast ass fuck. I could tell he was pissed, because he looked like he was ready to kill somebody. He peeled out the parking lott moments later, and I just sat there laughing my ass off. This nigga ain’t seen nothing yet, because I’m just getting started.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I’m so mad I can spit bullets right now! It’s been four days and Keith is still barely talking to me, and it’s all because I whopped his baby momma’s ass! I knew that hoe had a motive behind her sudden niceness. I tried my best to be on board with everything once he told me how she agreed to finally let Destiny come over for the weekend, but like I said before, I had my doubts.

  Everything started when Keith, Jass and I went to pick Destiny up together. He had just gotten off of work, and we had plans to go straight to the movies after we picked Destiny up. I guess Stacy didn’t expect me to come with him because when we got there, Keith went to the door by himself and that bitch had a nerve to open it in a fucking sheer teddy! I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. Who the fuck does that in broad day light with their child inside the house? I told Jass to stay in the car and hopped out and went and stood next to Keith. The bitch originally had a smile on her face, but when she saw me, that shit was wiped off in an instant!

  “Well, hello to you too Stacy.” I said with a grin, although inside I seethed.

  Stacy didn’t speak back, and instead the bitch rolled her eyes before she tried to cover herself up with her robe. Seconds later she called out to Destiny letting her know her dad was outside. Once Destiny saw us she ran and jumped in Keith arms. She was so happy to see him. Stacy had no clue that her child had just saved her from a beat down.

  “I’ll bring her back Sunday evening Stacy.” Keith told her and walked toward to the car with Destiny and her things. I turned around to make sure Keith was out of reach so he couldn’t hear me, because I wanted to have a chat with the hoe.

  “Alright Stacy look, I don’t know you and you damn sure don’t know me, because if you did you’d know its two things I don’t play about; that’s my family and my money.” I counted off with two fingers. “Now I don’t know what the fuck you thought yo’ ass was gonna do with my husband answering the door in that tired ass get up you got on, but bitch I suggest you fall back before I help yo’ ass fall back.” I threatened. Stacy stared at me and smiled.

  “My, my, are we intimated?” she asked. With a step backwards she opened her robe to show me barely covered body. I just shook my head and laughed in the silly bitch’s face.

  “Never that hoe. Keith is my husband. I share that last name.” I held up my hand and showed her my ring finger.

  “Yeah, but I have his child, so bitch I’m never going anywhere. When he decides to leave yo’ ghetto ass and come be with his real family we’ll see who has his last name then.” She snickered. “Until then you and your daughter can keep pretending to be one.”

  The next thing I knew I grabbed her by her hair and snatched her through the doorway. She was trying to kick me but ended up on her ass when I slung to the ground. Right when I got ready to stomp the hoe I felt hands wrap me around my waist and lift me up in the air. This forced me to release my hold of her locks.

  “Keisha are you fucking crazy? Get a grip on yourself!” Keith yelled as he held me back.

  Stacy got up from the ground and tried to come for me but was stopped in her tracks when Keith stepped in the middle. She then tried to swing on me from over his head, but ended up hitting him in the face instead. I jumped around Keith and cold cocked her ass dead in the eye! Somehow Keith managed to maneuver himself in between us again, but this time he held Stacy.

  “That’s enough Keisha! Go get in the car with the kids.” Keith barked.

  “Yeah, bitch bye!” Stacy mocked while Keith was still holding her.

  Before I could reply I heard my baby calling out my name. I turned around to see Jass and Destiny with their faces pressed up against the window crying their eyes out. It was then that I came to my senses and rushed to the car to see about the kids.

  “Keith let’s fucking go!” I yelled over my shoulder as I opened the car door.

  “Naw, fuck that, give me my fucking daughter! I refuse to let her go to your house now with that crazy bitch!” Stacy screeched.

  She wiggled her way from Keith’s grip and stomped over to the car. When she got to the driver’s side, she reached in and snatched Destiny out by her arm. By that time the poor child was kicking and screaming.

  “Stacy don’t grab my daughter like that, or you’ll have to worry about me on yo’ ass.” Keith warned.

  I shook my head, because it took that to finally get him upset. He softened his tone. “Whatever went down between you and Keisha doesn’t have anything to do with Destiny, so please just let her come over as planned.” he pleaded. I listened to their interaction, but was too busy consoling my baby to even care.

  “Fuck that! That bitch attacked me and you expect me to send my daughter home with her? Hell no! Let’s go Destiny!” Stacy took Destiny into the house, as she continued to cry and slammed the door shut.

  Keith came back to car livid. He jumped into the driver’s seat, slammed the car door and drove off. He never said anything on the way home and neither did I. I already knew our plans were fucked up. When we got home I fixed Jass a quick dinner, made sure she took her bath, and put her to bed. Once I was done, I went into our room where Keith was lying in the bed watching Sports Center.

  “So you not gone say anything to me?” I asked as I took a seat on the edge of the bed.

  Keith took a deep breath, and cut down the TV.

  “What the fuck was all that about Keisha? Why would you do some stupid shit like that and jeopardize me seeing my daughter?” he said with so much hostile in his voice.

  “So you gone act like you ain’t see that bitch come to the fucking door half naked Keith? What the fuck did you expect me to do, wait until you fucked her to say something?” I asked him.

  I had gotten mad all over again. I couldn’t believe he had the audacity to blame me for what went down.

  “Of course I saw her crazy ass Keisha!” Keith looked at me as if I had three heads.

  “So why the hell are you making this all my fault? What did you expect me to do when the bitch answered her door half naked to greet my husband?” I asked.

  “I expected you to let me handle it Keisha! Now shit is worse!” He said throwing the remote control on the floor.

  “We’ll from my view; it didn’t look like you were handling shit Keith! Speaking of which, why the fuck did that bitch answer the door like that? Is there something you need to tell me?” I questioned him.

  “I don’t know why the fuck she answered her door like that, and no there’s nothing I need to tell you other than I don’t know when the next time I’ll be able to see Destiny again!”

  I could tell he was mad and hurt at the same time, but shit so was I! I felt like Keith didn’t hold Stacy accountable for anything.

  “She came to the door like that like it was a normal routine or something for y’
all. So, are you fucking yo’ baby momma?” I asked straight up.

  I had no plans to beat around the bush.

  “No! I’m not fucking Stacy.” I watched as his nose as it flared. “Since you want to know, I am blaming you for jumping the gun and acting like a fucking fool before you gave me a chance to handle things. When I left you should have been right behind me instead of staying back there trying to talk to the girl! I don’t give a damn if Stacy came to the door with her pussy hanging out, because whether you were there or not, I would have just gotten my daughter and bounced! I see you don’t trust me enough as your husband.” he stood. I’m sleeping in the guest room tonight.” Keith gathered his pillows and headed down the hall.

  I admit, maybe I should have walked away when Keith did. It’s just that I m a woman first and my instincts kicked in, so I lost it. I don’t know what the hell is going on. Had Keith been going over there without me knowing it and fucking Stacy? Something wasn’t right; because the only thing he could come up with was that she was crazy. Yeah well, I tried my best to knock the crazy out her ass.

  I didn’t even protest that night when Keith left to sleep in the guest bedroom because the way I was feeling, I didn’t want his ass to sleep with me either. Exhausted, I turned over and was about to doze off my phone chimed and alerted me that I had a new text message. It was from David, and he wanted me to know that he would be in town next weekend and wanted to see Jass. It was then that I knew there was more bullshit coming my way.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Alicia has been questioning me lately. She wants to know if I still wanted to be with her, even though I’ve assured her numerous times that I do. I guess it’s safe to say that she still doesn’t believe me. I can’t really blame her though. I know it’s because I have been giving her the run around about us getting married. So for the last few days she’s been walking around the condo looking depressed. She only tends to the baby, cleans the house, and cooks dinner; that’s about it. She doesn’t speak to me unless she necessarily needs to and when I ask her questions she gives me one word answers. Keith and Keisha are due to visit us in a couple of days, and I hope we can get back on track by then.


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