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From Mistress To Wife 2: Love Scorned

Page 9

by Angie Hayes

  “Baby, can you please stop being this way and talk to me.” I begged her.

  I had just gotten off of work and came home to silence once again.

  “Stop being what way Shawn?” she asked as she looked up from folding laundry.

  “So distance and cold.” I told her.

  “How do you expect me to act when the man I love and who claims to love me, doesn’t want to get married?”

  “That’s not true. I do love you and want to get married.”

  I knew she was hurt and so was I, but I still couldn’t bring myself to tell her the real reason why we couldn’t get married just yet.

  “Shawn, save that shit. I’m tired of hearing that same ol’ tired ass excuse you keep giving me. I get it, you don’t wanna raise another man’s child.” she shrugged. “All you have to do is be straight up and tell me the truth, and I could move on from there.” The sadness in her eyes broke my heart.

  I hate that I’m the one causing her so much pain.

  “Trust me, if I can move on from Troy then I can move on from anybody.” She reminded me.

  Just hearing her talk about moving on put me in panic mode. I waited too long to be with her, so I can’t lose her now.

  “Look baby. I think you’re taking all of this out of proportion. I am going to marry you. I also want you to give Zaria a little brother or sister; I just figured you needed some time to get into the routine of being a mommy before you get stressed out with planning our wedding.” I reasoned.

  “Shawn, cut the bullshit okay, because I suggested that we can wait on the whole wedding part and just go to the court house, and yet you still coming at me sideways with fucking excuses. You must have forgotten that I was with a lying muthafucka for three years, so I know bullshit when I hear it.” Alicia snapped.

  She stood up tossing the sheet she was folding into the clothes basket. ”I’mma ask you this one last time, because after this I won’t ask again. What is really going on with you not wanting to get married right now?” she demanded with her hands on her hips.

  As she stood there mean mugging me, I felt like time stood still. Fuck it, I can’t do this anymore. I knew there was no in hell I could prolong this conversation. Carmen wasn’t budging on that the divorce thing, so I had to come clean.

  “Alicia sit down, we need to talk.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  ” I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when he was inside his boss’s office!” I said laughing on the phone to Nicole.

  I had just got threw telling her how I had Troy ass served with restraining order papers at his job, thanks to my new friend’s advice. I know the charges are bogus, but I vowed to make sure I made his life a living hell, and what better way than to start with messing with his money? Suddenly I hear a loud banging on my door.

  “Hold on girl let me see who the fuck knocking on my shit like the police.” I said as I got up and went to the door. I don’t know why I didn’t look to see who it was at first, because right when I opened the door Troy came barging in. He grabbed me around my neck and threw me up against the wall.

  “What the fuck are you doing Troy?” I asked as I struggled to get his hands from around my neck.

  It felt like he was trying to crush my windpipe. I lifted my leg and was able to knee him in his stomach; which forced him to release the hold he had on my neck. As I fell to the floor trying to catch my breath I felt Troy grab a handful of my hair and drag me from the living to my bedroom.

  “Troy please stop you’re hurting me!” I pleaded all while trying to pry his fingers away.

  “Bitch you think I give a fuck about hurting you? You had a nerve to go down and file those bullshit ass charges, then to have that shit come to my fucking job? I’mma fuck yo’ ass up bitch!” Troy screamed in my face with spit spewing out his mouth.

  “Troy I’m sorry please, I’ll drop the charges, just let me go!” I swore crying out from the excruciating pain from both the rug burns and my hair being pulled.

  “Oh I know yo’ ass gone drop these charges right after I fuck yo ass up some more!

  Troy was now standing over me and slapping me repeatedly. My face began to get numb from the constant hits he was giving me. Looking down at me, Troy reached back and hauled off and smacked me in my mouth so hard I instantly tasted blood. I was in so much pain right now, and terrified because I don’t know what’s going to happen next. I continue to beg him to stop as best as I could, even though I was gasping for breath. Troy lifted his hand and was about to punch me in the face, when he was tackled to the floor.

  The two police officers man handled him and threw him to the ground all while he yelled out, calling me every name in the book. A third officer came to my aid and asked if I was alright. Before I could answer, he was already calling for rescue to come tend to me.

  “You fucking, stupid lying ass bitch!” Troy screamed. He struggled and fought as best he could as he was forced out of my apartment.

  I continued to lie on the floor, crying and hurt. I knew I was doing too much with the restraining order, but I didn’t think he would do this! Little does he know, he really fucked up now! I’m a press charges on his ass again! That nigga will be under the jail when I get through with him.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Keisha and I haven’t really been talking to one another since the whole Stacy fiasco. I’m still mad at the way things went down. There they were, two grow ass women fighting, and to make matters worse, it was in front of kids. I know Stacy was dead wrong when she answered the door like that, but hell I was shocked too!

  “Stacy what the fuck you doing?” I asked when she came to the door damn near naked. I do admit that she looked sexy ass fuck. My dick instantly got hard!

  “Hey you, I wanted to talk before you took Destiny with you.” Stacy said with a grin. I knew what type of “talking” she was speaking of, and it damn sure wasn’t going to happen.

  “Stacy I don’t have time for yo’ games. Please just call Destiny so I can get my daughter and go.” I told her putting a stop to whatever she had planned.

  “Oh I’m pretty sure you remember what type of games I like to play when I dress like this.” Stacy responded slightly above a whisper.

  Before I had a chance to reply, Keisha walked up and made her presence known. After that, all I remember is them fighting.

  Shit got so bad that Stacy ended up not letting me get Destiny for that weekend. I was hurt more than anything. I mean, Keisha knew how much I was looking forward to finally being able to get Destiny, and she let her anger over power all that. I understand how she felt as far as seeing another woman coming to the door like Stacy did, I just wish she would have given me the opportunity to handle it. When I walked away she should have known that it had no effect on me! I was getting upset all over again, and need someone to talk to. I had been calling Troy all day, but his phone just keeps going straight to voice mail. Knowing him, he’s probably somewhere laid up in some pussy. So I reached out to Shawn to see if he was available.

  “Hey man what’s up.” I greeted when he answered the phone.

  “Man everything.” Shawn replied. He sounded like he had some deep shit on his brain as well.

  “Damn bruh, what’s going on?”

  “I finally told Alicia the truth.” said he revealed. Damn his shit is way deeper than mines.

  “Oh shit what happened?” I asked shocked, because Keisha hadn’t mentioned anything to me about it, but then again we haven’t talking much either.

  “Shit’s all fucked up. I came home the other day wanting to talk because I saw how my excuses were bothering her. I sat down and asked her to talk. Dawg, she flipped! Told me she wasn’t trying to hear my bullshit ass excuses and that she had no problem moving on from, just like she did with Troy. She then asked what the real reason I didn’t want to get married, and I knew I couldn’t lie anymore. I don’t know if Carmen will ever give me a divorce, so I felt like I
didn’t have a choice, and I told her.”

  “Damn, are you guys okay?” As soon as the words left my lips, I realized just how dumb the question was.

  “Hell no we ain’t okay! She slapped the shit outta me and told me to get my shit and leave. I tried to explain my situation, but she wasn’t trying to hear it. She started sobbing and throwing shit like a mad woman. It wasn’t until Zaria started to cry when she stopped. Alicia went and got the baby and told me that if I didn’t get the fuck out within the next thirty minutes, her folks would be raising Zaria ‘cause she was gone gut my ass. So I bounced.” Shawn exhaled. “Damn Keith I really fucked up! You know I didn’t mean for none of this shit to get like this. I think I lost her man.” he sounded so pitiful.

  I felt his pain, but what did he think was gone happen? He knew he was married, and didn’t tell Alicia the deal from jump. Not only that, but he proposed to her. I wasn’t gonna say I told you so but I’m sure he knew I was thinking it.

  “Look, I’m sorry shit went down like that with y’all, and I know how much you love her, but you gotta understand why she feels the way she does. You already know what she went through with Troy, so she probably feels like she played the fool again, but with another man.” I voiced letting him know exactly how I felt.

  “I know, but you know I didn’t intentionally mean to hurt her. Troy deliberately didn’t tell her. This marriage wasn’t fucking real, this was business! I would never hurt her on purpose.” Shawn said.

  I listened as Shawn pleaded his case to me like I was the Judge deciding his fate.

  “I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt her, but the fact is you did. A lie is a lie no matter if it’s deliberate or not. You just need to give her some time, because right now she ain’t trying to hear you.”

  “I know she’s not. I just don’t know how much longer I can take being away from her and Zaria. If I could, I would have married Alicia before I even went back to Afghanistan! Damn I fucked up!” Shawn screamed into the phone.

  “Alright man, calm down. Listen, we’ll be there in two days. I’ll try talking to Alicia and let her know that she needs to just hear you out and then me and you a link up.” I told him.

  “Thanks man, I appreciate that. Look I gotta go, duty calls, but make sure you call me when y’all get here.” Shawn told me as he prepared to hang up the phone.

  “No problem, I’ll holla.” I said and hung up the phone.

  Ain’t this some shit?

  I called him to vent about what’s going on in my household, and ended up trying to help him with his. His situation is way more fucked up then what I got going on, but still. I not only need some order in my house, but I also need for my wife to understand she doesn’t have to worry about my baby momma; I have that under control. On the flip side, Stacy needs to understand that she is just that, the mother of my daughter and nothing more. Since I don’t know when she’ll let me see Destiny again, I figure I’ll take things into my own hands. I need to be able to see my daughter when I want. I picked up the phone and make a call to my lawyer.

  I didn’t really want it to come to this.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “What do you mean you not locked up for child support? What the hell are you in there for?” I asked after receiving a phone call from Troy telling me he was in jail.

  Originally I thought it was because of a child support warrant or something, so to find out that it isn’t has me wondering.

  “Baby, I’ll explain later. Can you please come down here in the morning? I’m going to pretrial and hopefully they’ll release me. If not, I’mma need you to post my bond.”

  “So you want me to come down there and post a bond for some shit I don’t even know anything about? I thought it wasn’t supposed to be no more lies Troy?” I yelled.

  He really got me messed up if he thinks I’m just going to come down there without finding out what the hell was going on with him first.

  “Cass I only have a short time to make this call so I don’t have time to explain everything to you, but please just know I didn’t do shit this time.” Troy told me interrupting my thoughts.

  “Uh huh.” I said not believing anything he was saying.

  “I gotta go, just please make it here downtown tomorrow morning at nine.” and with that the phone went dead.

  I sat motionless for a moment with the phone still in my hand. Now I’m really worried about what’s going on with Troy. Not able to take it anymore, I got up and went to the computer. When I was able to pull up the website, I searched his name and his mug shot popped up. When I saw what he was charged with, I looked at the computer like I had never seen one before in my life. My husband had been arrested and charged with assault and battery. There was also a violation of a restraining order listed as well.

  “What the hell? What damn restraining order?” I asked out loud.

  I had no clue as to what the hell was going on, or who had the restraining order against him. Just when I decide to give our marriage another go, this crazy shit surfaces. Here I am under the assumption that Troy has really learned his lesson and was finally getting his shit together, but I see he’s taking things to a whole other level. Without a doubt I already know that this involves another woman. Yeah, I’ll be there in the morning because his ass got some serious explaining to do.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. Here I am right back where I started by being involved with another married man. Why does this shit keep happening to me? Is this my Karma for having those abortions? I don’t know where to begin when it comes to this shit. All I know is that Shawn and I are over! I have a daughter to think about and I refuse to go through with him what I went through with Troy.

  “Listen, I know you are in a funk, but we came to visit and I want you to have a good time.” Keisha told me.

  She and Keith had come into town early this morning. I told her what happened with me and Shawn the day before, but shared that I didn’t want to make them uncomfortable, so if they wanted to postpone the trip they could. Of course Keisha insisted that now was not the time for me to be by myself.

  “I know boo, it’s just this is too much for me. I just don’t understand. Shawn knew first-hand what I went through with Troy and yet he turns out to be just like him.” I cried. I was trying to keep my tears from falling, but I couldn’t control them.

  “We’ll did you let him explain himself? I mean, did he at least say why he didn’t tell you?” Keisha questioned.

  “Hell no, I didn’t give him a chance! All I heard him say was that he was married and I snapped, because that’s all I needed to hear. As far as I’m concerned there is no excuse.” Keith walked into the room carrying Zaria in his arms. He leaned over and handed her to me.

  “Here you go mommy, I’m getting ready to head over to the sports bar to have a drink and a few games of pool with Shawn. I’ll be back.” he said while heading out the door.

  I could tell things were still a little thick with him and Keisha.

  “Shit bye.” Keisha sneered, but Keith was already gone.

  “I take it you guys are still on bad terms.” I asked putting Zaria down in her bassinette.

  “Girl, Keith is still on this silent bullshit, so I’m helping his ass by being silent my damn self.”

  “You are so damn stubborn. Have you actually tried to look at it from his point of view?” I knew Keisha was upset, but it was Keith who was deprived from seeing his child, not her.

  “Oh he already made his view very clear and that was that I was wrong.”

  “We’ll it doesn’t look like he was trying to tell you that from the way you explained it to me. It looked like he was just trying to tell you that he was handling it and you should have let him.” I told her.

  Keith loved my cousin and Jass like crazy and there was no way he would jeopardize them for anyone.

  “Please! Only thing he said about the heffa
was that she was crazy. He made sure to drill me on what I did.” she frowned. “As my husband he’s supposed to be on my side and my side only. Fuck all that right and wrong shit.”

  “Keish do you hear yourself? The man was already having a hard time with the bitch about seeing his daughter, and when he finally gets to have her come and spend some time with you guys overnight, y’all fighting! Keith is a good man and wants nothing more than to be a father to his child. I think he just wants you to understand that.” I pleaded, hoping that she would see my point of view.

  “Now I fully understand you beating that ass, but that wasn’t the time or the place. Besides, you said yourself that bitch did seem a little off when you were talking to her.” I reminded her.

  “I know, it’s just when Keith came down hard on me I got defensive. I snapped when she said what she said about Keith leaving me for her and that Jass was my daughter, basically like we were a fake family.” Keisha explained.

  “Like I said, I completely feel you on the ass whopping part cuz, but it wasn’t the time. You had both Jass and Destiny there, and neither of them needed to see that foolishness. Speaking of Jass, did David contact you again about seeing her when he comes out there?” I asked remembering the last conversation we had about that and her not even telling Keith.

  “Naw, not yet.” she paused. “Since you over here telling me to be reasonable and hear Keith out, don’t you think you should do the same with Shawn? I mean I know he told you he was married but some shit ain’t adding up.” She said.

  “What you mean by that?” I inquired.

  “Like for one, the man moved you up here, proposed and then moved in with you. Where was his wife during all this, because it damn sure couldn’t be me at home waiting on his ass!” Keisha said.


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