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Even The Preacher Got A Side Chick

Page 2

by Angie Hayes

  I had to remind her ass that ever since we said ‘I Do’, she didn’t have to lift a finger to work. I made sure she stayed in the latest clothes, diamonds dripping from which ever body part she wanted, newest car off the show room floor and house where she could lay her whole fucking family head and still have plenty room left over! So whatever else I chose to spend my fucking money on was none of her damn business!

  I assume my infidelities started taking its toll on her because she started acting out! Hell every other woman I fucked with, Fatima somehow found out and whooped they asses. But that shit didn’t matter to me, because once my wife found out about one, I moved on to the next. Alexandria may be small, but I carried much weight around here and could get anything I set my hands on and dick in.


  “That’s right bitch, suck this dick like yo’ life depends on it!” I grunted as Candice was down between my legs sucking my dick as if she was trying to clear the skin off this muthafucka!

  “Hmm you like this shit daddy?” she asked as she came up for air while licking on the head.

  “You know I do, now put that shit back in ya mouth so I can bless that throat.” I demanded as I gripped the back of her ponytail and shoved my piece down her throat.

  With the feeling of her warm breath and suctioning tongue around the grasp of my dick again, within minutes I exploded down her throat. She knew the routine to stay down there and suck every last drop until I was done. Money and good sperm were the two things I damn sure hated to waste.

  “Whew! Girl you damn sure know how to make sure I start my day off right” I said catching my breath as Candice stood up licking her tongue across her top lip.

  “You know I have to take care of my man. I definitely don’t know want any other bitch doing it.” She replied as she went into the bathroom in my office.

  Seconds later I heard the water running. She came back into the room with a warm cloth and proceeded to wash my dick off thoroughly. Once she was done, she licked the head once more and tucked it back into my briefs before walking back off to the bathroom. I was still leaning on the front of my desk trying to catch my composure from that heavy ass nut I just released.

  “So what do you have planned today?” Candice asked coming back into the room fixing herself.

  “I have a couple of meetings and then I’m having lunch with your father to see where we are with the ideas for the new church.” I explained as I fixed my belt buckle.

  “Well while y’all talking, maybe you can try and convince him to ease up on his bank account and stop being so damn stingy! I know it’s that fucking bitch ass wife of his though. Ever since he married Fatima, things between him and I haven’t been the same.” Candice complained.

  Every time I mentioned her father, she would always bring up how he’s not giving her money like he use too and blaming it on his wife. But the truth was, he got tired of always having to pay thousands of dollars to American Express every month because Candice was too fucking lazy to get a job and support her ‘wanna be living like the Joneses’ habits.

  If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m Reverend Paul Stanley; Pastor of New Faith Missionary Baptist church, and I just had my friend, head of my deacon board, Travis’ daughter sucking my dick like Jesus was about to come back down and give her a reward for a job well done! Ever since Candice turned 18, I’ve been fucking that pussy, mouth and ass with no remorse. I was the first she ever had and if I had my say, I’ll be her last. But I knew that wasn’t gone happen. Candice was a nice piece of young ass I enjoyed, but I also knew if a man came along with more money and power than me, then she’ll be strapped on his dick next.

  I know what y’all thinking: He’s a preacher! Now don’t get me wrong, I love the Lord and I knew I had a calling to preach his word since the age of 12 which is why I tried to live by his word and attend Seminary School after I graduated High School. I didn’t smoke, drink, curse or fornicate. My goal in life was to learn and understand the word of God and teach it to those who didn’t understand it. And also make sure I fall in love and marry the woman God created for me to be by my side.

  One I finished seminary school; I set out to do just those things. I met my wife Karla when I went to visit a church in North Carolina. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on! She had a petite build with ass and titties that fit her frame just right. Her hair had a natural curly texture to it that just flowed a little past her shoulders and bounced freely. She was creole mixed so her complexion was smooth.

  She had light brown eyes and a beautiful smile that displayed dimples. When I was in the pulpit that Sunday as the guest pastor, it was hard for me to concentrate on what I was teaching because I was so distracted by her. Once I was done, imagine my surprise when the pastor of that church introduced me to his family and I learned that she was his daughter! I knew right then and there that she was the one I was gonna marry and have by my side to lead my flock.

  Twelve years later, I’m the pastor of my own church and still married to the woman I fell in love with from the first time I laid eyes on her. But hear me when I say this, neither of us are the same people we were back then! With becoming the head of my own church came power, money and all of the unlimited pussy that I could ever want! When Karla and I first got married, it was her idea to start our own ministry in a small town and build our way up and that’s exactly what we did! Since we came to Alexandria our lives haven’t been the same.

  My wife, who was once a quiet, church going young lady, became a fashionista first lady. She wore nothing but the best, had personal shoppers, drove cars that had to be imported, she never wore the same suit and hat to church twice, and whenever she stepped out on the scene, everyone knew who she was. My wife carried herself with so much swag and grace that she was on a pedestal all her own. But just like the power, money and pussy went to my head; the spotlight of being the first lady went to hers as well.

  Gradually through time, she stopped doing the things a wife is supposed to do. I stopped getting those good home cooked meals from her, and started eating what our cook that she hired cooked. She stopped picking out my suits for Sunday Services and left that up to our maid to handle. She stop fucking me four to five times a week like we use too, and now I’d be lucky if she gave me the ass once a month! All Karla cares about is her appearance and making sure I stay on top of my game so her ass can stay up top with me!

  Somewhere along the way, I let all the things I was against take over my life and now I can’t seem to get shit back under control. Hell in all honesty, I don’t even know if I want shit to change!

  “Did you hear me Paul?” Candice asked standing in front of me breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “Look baby girl, I told you before that I can’t discuss you with yo’ daddy. That’ll make things look suspicious. Especially with me asking him to give you more money to support your shopping habits. You graduated from college so why don’t you put your degree to use.” I hinted to get her ass a job.

  “Oh you want me to put my degree to use and get a job, but yet you got yo’ stuck up ass wife living like she’s Michelle Obama and not lifting a finger? Shit I’m fucking you too so why can I not sit on my ass and get paid for this pussy also?” Candice said a little louder than I wanted her to.

  “First off, lower your damn voice while talking to me in my office! And I told you about worrying about what Karla got going on. She’s the first lady and my wife and ain’t shit changing that but God himself.” I reminded her ass.

  “Whatever Paul. Every time I mention your precious little wife you cop an attitude. I tell you what, maybe I should start looking elsewhere for somebody else who appreciates a good woman with good pussy, because it’s obvious you don’t appreciate this.” Candice said lifting up her dress and revealing her juicy pussy with no panties on underneath.

  My dick started jumping once I saw that pretty cat looking back at me. I had to quickly remind myself that I had somewhere to be, but I knew I m
ost definitely had to take care of that later.

  “Look do whatever it is you feel you need to do, but I gotta run. You know the routine, leave out quietly. When I’m done handling my business I’ll call you so I can handle that there” I said pointing down to her pussy.

  She just snatched her dress down roughly, grabbed her purse and walked out my office slamming the door. I shook my head as I gathered my things and left as well.

  “Everything ok Pastor?” My secretary Shirley asked as I passed her desk.

  “Everything is fine Shirley. I’ll be gone for the rest of the day so only call me with the important calls and take messages for the rest. Have a blessed day” I said as I smiled heading to my car.

  I knew Candice was pissed at me by the way she left, but she’ll be ok. Once I’m done with meeting with her daddy, I’ll make sure to punish that pussy.


  “I hate when you have to just leave so suddenly” I pouted as I rolled over and watched him put on his pants.

  I had just finished getting my brains fucked out and wanted nothing more than to cuddle and lay on his chest, but as always the church came first.

  “I know baby, but I gotta meet your husband for lunch. We need to go over the budget and he wants to see the designs I have for the new church. So you know its business first and pleasure later.” Travis said as he walked over to the bed and kissed me passionately.

  I loved this man and the way he made my body feel! If this was a perfect world I would be married to Travis instead of Paul’s cheating lying ass, and would be happy. I know that I’m cheating also by sleeping with Travis, but I didn’t start fucking around with Travis until I got tired of Paul and his whores.

  When I first heard Paul preach at my father’s church, I knew he would be a man of power in the pulpit. The way he spoke he demanded your attention and the way he looked he wanted to be seen. He also knew he could preach! Growing up as a preacher’s kid, I knew the difference between a pastor just show boating and yelling in the pulpit versus a pastor that really catches the spirit and that’s exactly how Paul was.

  Not to mention he was extremely sexy with his caramel skin, dark bedroom eyes, a sharp goatee with a clean shaven head. He reminded me so much of the actor Rockmond Dunbar from the series Soul Food. I was a virgin when we first met, but I had to ask God for forgiveness for the thoughts I was having while watching him preach his word. Surprised he asked me out once my father introduced us, things took off from there and less than a year later we were married.

  I knew the kind of Pastor Paul could become given the right opportunity, so when I suggested that we start from the ground up on building a congregation in a small town, he jumped on the idea and we headed to Ohio. Once we got here, Paul said the spirit spoke to him and said we needed to settle in Alexandria and we’ve been here ever since.

  I regret like hell I even suggested to my husband that he start pastoring in a small town because he hasn’t been the same since! Don’t get me wrong, I knew what baggage came along with becoming the first lady. I mean, I did see how my mother handled things growing up. She always had to take a backseat to the church, and I was prepared for that. But what I wasn’t prepared for was taking a back seat and dealing with the lies, cheating, STD’s and just blatant disrespect by my husband!

  In the beginning, I tried to still be the submissive wife the bible said I should be. I ignored the late night so called meetings, coming home in the morning, the smell of perfume that lingered on his body that I knew I didn’t wear, the nasty looks I would get from the other women at church or the hickeys on his chest.

  But overtime, it all began to be too much. I wasn’t dumb nor blind. I knew Paul was fucking around; and no matter how much I fucked my husband, be available whenever he needed me, made sure he had home cooked meals seven days a week, bills paid and take care of the house, his ass was still gone fuck around with other bitches.

  So I decided to begin to do me and make myself become not only the baddest first lady these heffas laid eyes on, but also to also make sure Paul wouldn’t continue to make a fool out of me.

  That’s why I switched shit up and stop doing the things I was once doing. I wanted Paul to know that I was far from the naive twenty-two year old he met in the beginning. Since he felt the need to go out there and still fuck around with these bum bitches after I gave him everything, I decided to let him have a go at it. But make no mistake about it; I wasn’t worried about no bitch trying to take my spot! No matter how much pussy they threw at him or how hard they sucked on his dick, his ass knew he wasn’t going anywhere!

  “Believe me babe, I know how it goes. I know the church comes first” I said as I rolled over out of the bed and headed into the bathroom to freshen back up.

  I cut the shower on and stepped inside. I grabbed my loofa and peach scented wash gel and began to try and wash the sin I constantly keep committing away. Travis has had this condo for about two years now without his wife Fatima’s knowledge. Fatima. If that bitch only knew what she had in a man like Travis. She thought just because she was young that she could keep a tight hold on him, but her young ass didn’t know how to tame a man like him. That’s where I came in at. I finished washing up and rinsed off as I stepped back into the room wrapped in my towel hoping for a quickie before Travis left only to find him gone already. I saw that he left a note on the pillow.

  Baby, I had to run but I promise you I’ll make up for having to leave so soon. I’ll call you later. Love, T

  I smiled as I read the letter and began to get dressed. You damn right his ass is gonna make it up to me and he knows exactly how.


  “Girl you did what?”

  “You heard me. I said I grabbed that bitch by her hair and dragged her ass in the parking lot and tapped that ass!” I answered Tonya laughing.

  We were having our monthly brunch and I was filling her in on the latest drama with Travis.

  “I wish like hell I was there! I would have loved to see you paint the concrete with that trick. And what did Mr. Lover-Man do?”

  “Girl he called himself trying to stop me from beating his hoe ass, but I knocked that nigga in his eye, jumped in my car and went home to sleep like a baby.”

  “Honey I don’t know how you do it! That damn Travis would have caused me to catch plenty of cases and the serious one would be murder once I got done with his ass!” Tonya said as she took a sip from her margarita she was drinking.

  Ever since I met her at the hospital that I use to work at before I married Travis, we have become the best of friends. Tonya was my girl and the one that pushed me into giving Travis a shot, but I won’t hold that against her though. She can be the life of the party and also the one that will pop off at any time!

  “Believe me when I say that I was close plenty of times to catching a murder charge behind his ass. But God is keeping me honey. I’m just so tired T.” I sighed as I took a sip of my drink looking out into the water from our deck view.

  “Uh um girl, you not tired.” Tonya blurted out as she stopped drinking her drink.

  “Yes I am.” I assured her hoping I sound convincing.

  “No you’re not boo, because if you were yo ass wouldn’t still be putting up with Travis and his doggish ways. You would be out here, living your life and fucking the world up alongside with me” Tonya said laughing.

  I could tell she was trying to lighten the mood and make me laugh, and her crazy ass was doing just that.

  “It’s not that easy Tonya. Travis is my husband and I want to be able to say I gave my marriage my all before I throw in the towel. Besides, that wouldn’t be a good look for the church. With Travis being the head deacon, him getting a divorce could tarnish that.”

  “Listen to me Fatima. You have given this marriage and that man your all, only to keep being disrespected, lied and cheated on! What more do you have to give? Shit, his ass is liable to come home with some type of nasty ass disease from one of these heffas and pass that shit to y
ou, and it could be something shot and pills can’t cure. You’re a nurse, you know how that goes. As far as the church, I told you from the first time I visited there that it was a damn cult! Fuck Travis, fuck that church! You need to look out for you!” Tonya said a mouth full, and then she sat back in her chair and started back drinking her drink.

  Before I could respond, I heard a familiar voice.

  “Hey Fatima!” I turned around to see Karla walking up to our table.

  “This bitch” I heard Tonya suck her teeth.

  “Be nice.” I said smiling through clenched teeth.

  “Hey Karla, what are doing this way?” I asked her as we gave each other air kisses when she walked up to our table.

  “I was heading over to the boutique. Marcus had some pieces flown in from New York and asked me to come in to see which pieces I wanted.” Karla gloated.

  I swear she thought she was damn Queen of Alexandria with the way she acted. She felt that no one could out dress her or upstage her in anyway. This bitch even used the most openly gay dude around Alexandria to be her fucking flunky. Marcus portrayed to be her stylist but we all knew he wasn’t anything but a yes man to her.

  “That sounds like fun, maybe you should hurry up over there before they close” Tonya interrupted throwing major shade.

  “Oh don’t worry about me boo, they stay open for me no matter what so I’m good.” Karla threw back at Tonya.

  “Ok well it was good seeing you Karla, we were just about to leave so I’ll catch up with you after church Sunday” I intervened so nothing would pop off.

  “No problem. See you Sunday Fatima. Oh be sure to invite guests if you please, it’s a lot of people in the world that needs Jesus” Karla sneered looking at Tonya as she put her shades back on and walked off.


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