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Even The Preacher Got A Side Chick

Page 3

by Angie Hayes

  “I promise you, that toothpick looking bitch got one more time to come for me and I swear she’s the one that’s gonna need Jesus when I’m done with her ass” Tonya said worked up.

  Ever since I introduced Tonya and Karla to one another when Tonya first visited the church, she never cared too much for her. She said it was something about Kayla that rubbed her the wrong way and she just couldn’t be trusted.

  “Girl, come on and let’s hit the mall so you can work off some of this extra estrogen you got going on” I said laughing as I got up and grabbed her arm to go.

  I left money on the table since it was my turn to pay and we left to go do some damage to Travis’ black card. Every time I catch his ass doing dirt, after I fuck them up, I make sure to put a dent in his wallet as well.


  “So I think we should narrow it down to these two designs here and have the committee vote on them ASAP so we can start building” I said to Paul as we sat in the back of the restaurant and looked over the layouts for the new church.

  “Yea we do, they both look great but which one is the cheapest?” he asked laughing.

  Although he seemed to be joking, I knew the less we spent on building the new church, the more money his ass could pocket. I knew the lifestyle and expenses Paula and Karla had, and it damn sure wasn’t just from his salary the church was paying him. When I first was appointed head deacon, since I already had my own construction business, it was also suggested that I become over the trustee board as well.

  They are the ones that handle the finances of the church, and since I was a business man, I was fit for the job. That’s when I started noticing that money was being skimmed off the top. The tithe amount that was marked on the envelope from tithe payers we recorded differently in the books. I also noticed that when collections were made or donations given for the Pastor’s anniversary, none of the money went into the church funds like some of it should, but in fact all the money was gifted to the pastor!

  Finally one night after bible study, I confronted Paul about my findings and that’s when he offered to double my salary without the church knowing it. Now, money was never my issue and I damn sure wasn’t short on it, but it was the idea of having more power than Paul once again. So I took the offer and continued to turn the blind eye of him robbing the church blind. His ass may think since he’s the pastor that he’s in control, but the truth is I’m the one that’s in control!

  I know his secrets, fucking his wife and getting paid extra so how I see it his ass is my bitch just as well as the other ladies I fuck with.

  “Drawing B is the cheapest, if this is the route you wanna go I’ll present it in front of the committee and let them know this design is the best and more efficient.” I explained.

  “Good! See that’s why you’re my right hand Travis. God knew what he was doing when he spoke to me and told me to appoint you as my best soldier.”

  Yeah right! I caught ya ass in some pussy other than Karla, that’s why you appointed me to this position. God ain’t have shit to do with this nigga! I thought to myself as I smirked at him.

  “So now that we got the business part out of the way, you ready to tell me how you really got that damn black eye because I know it wasn’t from no closet door” Paul asked smirking.

  “Man Fatima caught my ass down at the Moe with Sister Patterson granddaughter and beat her ass. When I tried to stop it, she turned around and snuck my ass too in the eye” I reminisced shaking my head as I touched my eye.

  “Oh you were there with freak ass Ebony. Yea, I had a piece of that too! You know she like it in the ass though.” Travis said laughing.

  “Yeah. I’m just glad Fatima didn’t recognize her when she saw her; because I know she would have put on a show at church last Sunday.”

  “That she would have. Fatima is a young firecracker that’s crazy about yo ass. Karla use to be the same way with me” Paul chuckled.

  “Use to be, what happened?” I asked as if I didn’t already know the answer.

  “This life is what happened. Once I got in the ministry, I let the devil use me more ways than he could. I love teaching the word, but no matter how much I pray to fight off the temptation of the skin, it always seems like the man wins first. I love Karla, she was sent by God to be my rib. And believe me when I say she put up with so much of my stuff that I still don’t honestly know how she stayed around this long. I just believe that over the years, my antics have started to wear her down. I pay attention to my wife and I know she’s tired. She stopped doing the things she used to do, that a wife is supposed to do. Now all she seems to care about is looking good and having the outside world thinking we’re the damn perfect couple” Paul claimed.

  “So you don’t think she probably seeing somebody else?” I asked trying to see what it was he was actually thinking.

  “Hell no! I mean she can’t find no better than this here!” Paul leaned back in his chair displaying himself. “Besides, I’m still tearing that ass up damn near every night so she wouldn’t even think about letting another nigga hit it. Her ass may be slack when it came to the kitchen, but she made up for it in the bedroom” Paul said smirking like a school boy.

  I instantly became flustered and pissed. Karla swore me up and down that her and Paul weren’t even sleeping in the same bedroom anymore let alone fucking! But yet I got this arrogant muthafucka sitting across from me bragging how he still fucking her ass!

  “Aye man I hear that. But look, I need to wrap this up. I need to go home and make peace with the Mrs. I’ll talk to you later, make sure you give Karla my love” I said cutting the lunch short as I got up to leave dapping Paul.

  “No problem. And make sure you run that particular design by the board” He reminded me.

  I nodded my head in approval, left my money for my portion of my bill on the table and left out. Soon as I got in my truck, I saw that I had a text message from Karla with a pic showing me shaven pussy with the message she misses you already daddy. I just laughed and deleted the message without responding. Shit from what I just heard, her pussy was getting plenty of attention and it just wasn’t from me, I decided to head home to my wife and try to make up once again from the shit I’ve done.


  Although Tonya and I had plans to go to the mall after brunch, she got called into the hospital for work so we had to take a rain check and I just headed on home. I missed working as a nurse and feeling that nurturing feeling of helping others. Once Travis and I were married, he didn’t want me to work. He wanted me to stay at home and concentrate on being his wife and the future mother of his kids.

  Kids was something I longed for in the beginning, but now I knew I couldn’t bring a child into this world and fucked up situation of a marriage I’m in. That’s why I take my birth control faithfully! A lot of women think a baby will fix their relationship, but I knew better than that!

  Lord knows how many countless times I’ve been on bended knees asking him to fix my marriage and yet I’m still stuck dealing with the same disrespectful ass man! I’m trying hard to hold on, hoping Travis would finally get it and understand that I’m his wife and honor our vows better, but I’m losing hope. I pulled into our driveway, relieved to see that Travis truck wasn’t in there meaning he wasn’t home.

  Every time I caught doing dirt, his ass would avoid me much as possible. Then he would come around with gifts and bullshit apologies as if it was supposed to make up for his dick being in another woman other than his wife. I grabbed the mail out the box and made my way inside the house. As I looked through the mail, I noticed it was nothing but bills so I sat them down on the entry way table in the foyer and went into the kitchen to grab me a bottle of water.

  Soon as I grabbed my water, my doorbell rang. I wasn’t expecting anybody, so I was curious as to who was at my door. I looked through the peephole to find Travis rude ass daughter Candice standing on my porch. The little bitch has the nerve to be standing out there like she had an attitude, tappi
ng her feet waiting for me to answer the door. I was tempted to leave her ass standing out there, but I decided to just go ahead and see what it was she wanted so she can get her ass away from my house.

  “What’s up Candice.” I answered the door less enthused.

  “Well hello to you too Fatima, is my daddy here?” She asked walking up in my shit uninvited.

  “Nope.” I answered short as I closed the door.

  “Do you know when he’ll be back, I need to talk to him about something important.” She stated sucking her teeth.

  Take deep breathes Fatima because I know you’re liable to fuck this little girl up!” I slowly said to myself before responding to her.

  “I’m sorry Candice, I don’t know what time your father will be home. Maybe you should try calling him and see.” I suggested. I was trying my best to be civil to her ass, but over the years she had grown into this smart lil bitch who thought it was ok to keep trying me just because I was her step mother.

  “Uh don’t you think I did that already? If he would have answered his phone then I wouldn’t be over here asking you!” she said getting slick out the mouth.

  “Well I don’t know what to tell you, other than the fact that he ain’t here. Look, I just got in and I’m about to take a shower; so try coming back later when yo daddy here.” I said as I went to open the door, holding it open for her ass to go.

  The last thing I wanted to put up with right now was Candice and her brat ass attitude. I already knew she wanted to talk to her daddy about why she was suddenly limited on her spending; and I also knew she guessed I had something to do with it, which I did.

  “Whatever Fatima. My daddy’s probably with his other bitch anyway.” She smirked in my face while passing by me heading out the door.

  “That’s fine. Maybe you should ask his other bitch to sponsor ya ass then. I know that’s why you over here to talk to Travis, because your allowance has been cut short!” I laughed in her face. “Well let me confirm what I’m sure you already know, I told your daddy that it was time for yo ass to get a job! I don’t give a damn who you are, but I refuse to sit back and let you keep racking up on bills that we have to pay!”

  “We? Bitch that’s my daddy’s money and what he gives me has nothing to do with you!” Candice yelled out.

  See, this is why I don’t deal with this bitch! Because just like her daddy, she would cause me to catch a case!

  “If that was the case, I wouldn’t have a say so! And I said get a fucking job! Now bye, call ya daddy and if he with this new bitch then leave a message on his voice mail and I’m sure he’ll call you back!” with that being said, I slammed the door in her fucking face and went upstairs to take a nice long, hot bath.


  “I swear fo’ God I can’t stand that bitch!” I screamed out loud in my car.

  I was still sitting in the driveway of my daddy house mad as hell with his stupid ass wife! She had a nerve to come out her mouth reckless at me and put me out of my own daddy’s shit? I picked up my phone and tried calling his ass for the fourth time and I still got the voicemail.

  “Ugh!” I let out a sigh of frustration as I started my car and drove out of their driveway.

  I sent Paul a text message hoping he would make good on his promise and come by and see me later. I was a little low on cash and I needed some money from him, so what better way to get it after I fucked his brains out. I wouldn’t have to worry about this shit with my daddy if Fatima would just stay out of my business!

  Ever since my mom died when I was young, it has always been my daddy and I. It was safe to say that I was a daddy’s girl and loved every minute of it! I got any and everything I wanted from him, and when he was dating women they would try to buy my affection as well. Yea, I took their gifts, but afterwards I would tell my daddy I didn’t like them and he would send them on their way.

  By the time he introduced me to Fatima, I was well into my teenage years and doing my own thing, so I could care less who he was dating because it kept him out off of my back. She was young and didn’t try to smother me like the rest of the women prior to her did. She basically didn’t bother me and I was fine with that.

  When my dad told me that they were getting married I still didn’t care one way or another. By that time I was fucking off the chain and was having fun being able to do what I wanted to do. One night I was at a party and got fucked up off of some weed. I smoked weed before but that shit was totally different from what I was use too! Anyways, the party must have gotten out of control because after I smoked that shit, all I could remember was waking up in a jail cell.

  Until this day I don’t remember what happened for me to end up there, but lucky for me the cop that apparently arrested me was also member of the church we attended and where my dad was head deacon of and called my father. Ultimately I got chewed out by my father but the arrest stayed under wraps and never made it to my record because of who my father was. After that incident, I guess he decided to start back paying me some attention instead of Fatima because he became stricter.

  I sailed by high school and graduated with the anticipation of getting out of Alexandria and head off to college so I could resume living my life. I went away to Grambling State University in Louisiana and started fucking shit back up again! I was having the time of my life! I was partying my ass off, fucking every fine nigga I came in contact with, drinking, getting high all while still keeping my grades just above average so I didn’t have to hear my dad fucking nag.

  I majored in business because it was an easy major and I was fucking the dean at that time so I was gonna graduate regardless. But all the fun I had in college, I also had a secret life that no one else knew that I was living. That night at that party back when I was high school changed my life. I ended up graduating college, and it wasn’t because I met the requirements either.

  The dean wanted to hurry up and get me out off of his campus due to the fact that he was afraid I was gonna expose his ass to his wife. So I graduated, with a proud father and decided instead of staying in Louisiana, I would come back to Ohio. Since I had my degree, my father promised me a lucrative job with his construction company by helping him run it. At first it sounded like a good proposition. Me working alongside my daddy and having guaranteed money, but I found out that was not how things were gonna be.

  In reality, I was gonna work for my daddy and not with him. He wanted me start from the bottom and “work my way up” as he put it. He had me on some secretary shit with answering phones, taking messages and signing for some dame packages. Not to mention the pay was starting at $14.00 an hour! Who the fuck could live off that shit?

  I know there are people who can live off of less with no choice, but I had a choice and a habit to support. That’s right, I said habit. Like I mentioned earlier, that night when I was younger and got fucked up off that weed, I didn’t know what the fuck that was. I found out later on that it was laced with heroine.

  When I got to Grambling, I was reintroduced to it at a frat party and have been hooked ever since. People thought, including my daddy and his stuck up ass wife that I wanted money to just shop and floss around, but I wanted money to support my habit. I was an addict, but I was a functional one. Don’t get it twisted, I love staying laced with the latest and keeping my hair, nails, feet and eyebrows fresh.

  Everyone keeps hollering how I need a job and put my fucking degree to use, but why the fuck should I have to work when my daddy was paid and I was fucking the pastor of the biggest church in Ohio! Speaking of Pastors, I noticed that Paul had indeed text me back letting me know that he’ll meet me at our spot at 8pm.

  Good! Now I can get some dick and some heroine. I’ll deal with my daddy and Fatima’s ass later!


  After running into Fatima and her ghetto ass friend, I headed over to Jaspers; which was a boutique we had in Alexandria with the best seamstress this side of the state! It was also where I would have pieces of designer clothes ordered from New Yo
rk, LA, and Atlanta and have them shipped here to get altered. That’s how I stay ahead of these country bitches here.

  “So what do you think of this one here?” I asked Marcus as I modeled the dress I just tried on.

  “Oh girl, that shit it fierce boo. You wear that inside the church house and you liable to burn that shit down!” Marcus responded being loud and over the top as always.

  Marcus was what you would call a queen. Wasn’t anything manly about him except the rod between his legs which he tucked so damn good you would swear he already had a coochie; instead of saving up to buy one. “Please, if it hasn’t already burned down from Paul trifling ass then I know I’m safe!” I scoffed as I went back into the dressing room to change back into my clothes. While naked, I decided to send Travis a pussy picture just for the hell of it.

  “Honey I don’t see how you put up with that wolf in sheep clothing!” Marcus said as I was coming back out of the fitting room sitting in the chair waiting on me playing with his freshly manicured nails.

  “Don’t play coy, you know why I put up with it. Paul is very beneficial, powerful and paid. I stopped caring a long time ago who he was sticking his dick into and started doing me.” I replied as I tossed my hair over my shoulders, grabbed my things and headed to the register to have my stuff shipped to my home after the proper alterations were done.

  “I know all that sister girl, but it’s just too much! I couldn’t sit in the front pew every Sunday, smiling and singing praises when I know my husband fucked everyone in the damn congregation” Marcus threw in my face being shady.

  I’m really starting to regret telling his ass my damn business because lately it seems like every chance he gets, he’s always throwing Paul’s indiscretions in my face!

  “Well you just let me handle the woman situations and you concentrate on trying to become one” I snorted as I headed out the door to leave with him trailing behind me.


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