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Even The Preacher Got A Side Chick

Page 8

by Angie Hayes

  At this point, I wanted nothing more than my freedom.

  “I told yo ass that we ain’t getting no divorce and that’s that! So I suggest you stop bringing that shit up Fatima!”

  “Fuck you Travis, just let me go!” I yelled.

  Next thing I knew he charged towards me so fast that I didn’t have time to react. He grabbed me by my neck and pinned me up against the bathroom wall.

  “Now if you think I’m playing, try me and I swear if you ever try to leave me you’ll be somewhere stankin’.” Travis seethed through his teeth with a tight grip still around my neck.

  I tried to pry his hands from around my neck, but I couldn’t match his strength. After a few more seconds, he finally released his grip. I slipped down the wall grasping for air as the tears rolled my neck. Travis just stood over me breathing hard starring down at me with a look that I had never seen before. I was so terrified that I just continued to sit on the floor and not move.

  “Now that we finally have that understanding, I don’t want to hear another damn word about the shit” Travis finally spoke as he stared at me pure, evilness in his eyes.

  I scrambled from the floor and went into the bedroom. Travis slammed the bathroom door and then I heard the shower come on. I got back into the bed crying harder, but silently as I tried to digest what the hell just happened.


  Ever since Paul started shooting dope with me, things between us have been on point, especially the sex! He always put it down before, but when we fucked when we were high, that shit was bananas!

  “So what are your plans for today baby?” I said to Paul as I rolled from on top of him.

  We had just finished having another one of our fuck sessions, and I was starting to come down from my high. Lately it seemed like I never stayed high long enough, which is why I constantly stayed trying to get my next fix.

  “I have some church business I need to take care of and then I’m heading home” he mentioned as he reached over on the night table and grabbed his phone.

  It had been going off since he got here and I was starting to get annoyed by it. I knew it wasn’t nobody but Karla’s old ass probably nagging him and asking him where he was. I was so sick and tired of that bitch, and lately I haven’t been trying to hide it either when I saw her.

  “Ugh, I really wish you would put that shit on silent or cut it off!” I scoffed as I got up and went into the bathroom to pee.

  I cut the shower on so that I could wash up real quick, which I hoped that Paul would join me instead and it would be on! I opened the door to find him sitting up on the edge of the bed trying to talk low into the phone. I crept up behind him so that I could eavesdrop.

  “I know baby, I’ll be there shortly I had to handle some business first. I can’t wait to feel that ass” I heard him say.

  I instantly became pissed off! How the fuck can this nigga say he can’t wait to feel the next bitch when he was just fucking me in every hole and angle! I cleared my throat loudly letting him know I was standing right there hearing his ass! He quickly turned around almost dropping his phone.

  “I gotta go” he said and hung up his phone.

  “So that’s what we do Paul? What my pussy not enough for you that you have to go home and fuck your damn wife!” I yelled as I stood there still naked with my arms folded across my chest.

  “Candice please don’t start with your dramatics. We just had a good time together so that’s all you need to worry about.” He brushed me off as he headed into the bathroom.

  I followed right behind his ass not ready to let this go. He hopped in the shower and began washing. Seeing the soap going down his chiseled chest, and the water glistening on his sexy ass frame caused me to get wet all over again. I just couldn’t get enough of him if I tried to! I jumped in the shower behind him and grabbed his rag from his hand and started washing his back.

  As I was washing his back in a circular motion, I took my free hand and reached around him to massage his dick. I felt his manhood react to my touch as he got hard. I positioned myself in front of him, got on my knees with the water beating down on me and took him whole into my mouth.

  “Shit!” Paul yelled out as he leaned up against the wall.

  I grabbed his dick with both hands and went to work. I was sucking and jacking him off at the same time. I deep throated Paul and that threw him overboard! Within minutes, I felt him shaking which meant he was about to cum. He gripped my hair from the top of my head and screamed out as he blessed my mouth with all his seeds.

  I wasn’t done there though, I made sure I got every last drop. Once I was done, I stood up and grabbed the wash rag and went back to washing him. I always made sure to do whatever it was I had to do to take care of Paul. Since I knew he had a wife, I knew that I always needed to stay on my shit!

  After we were done showering, we both headed back into the room and got dressed. I decided not to bring back up the subject of what I heard. I didn’t want to nag him because I’m pretty sure he already got enough of that at home.

  “When am I’m going to see you again?” I asked putting on my shoes.


  “Really Paul?” I said with an attitude.

  It seemed like more and more he was starting to brush me off. Hell, before today, I hadn’t seen him in two weeks! I even went to that dumb ass meeting his wife holds at the church just to see if he was gonna be there, but he wasn’t. I had to play it off and act like I was there because I was interested and be around her ass. She left the meeting early that day saying she needed to get home to him.

  I wanted to beat that bitch’s ass right there in the House of the Lord and send her ass to meet him early, but I had to hold my composure. Instead I tried calling Paul all that evening hoping to ruin whatever it was they were doing, but he never answered my calls or texts.

  “Candice you know the church revival is coming up and I need to prepare for that. We have over ten pastors this year visiting us and I need to make sure I leave an impression on them.” he explained.

  I knew Paul was giving me a lame ass excuse, but I just took it. As bad as I wanted to argue and let him know that it was bullshit, from the way he was acting lately I realized I needed to continue to act as the understanding woman and not give him and more grief. My ultimate goal was to get rid of Karla and I become the first lady and Paul’s wife.

  “I understand baby, well you know I’m here waiting on you daddy” I said seductively as I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck and plunging my tongue down his throat.

  “That’s why you’re my baby girl” Paul said slapping me on my ass as we broke free.

  We both said our goodbyes as we looked on cautiously and headed in our separate directions. Paul pulled off ahead of me, and something in my gut told me to follow him. I don’t know why, but it was just something telling me that he wasn’t heading home. I finally pulled out of the motel parking lot and trailed him. I made sure to be a couple of cars behind him so that he wouldn’t notice me.

  We were driving for about fifteen minutes when I noticed that he was bypassing his exit to get on the highway to go home.

  I fucking knew it! I said out loud as I continued to follow. I didn’t know where the fuck Paul was going, but I was about to be right on his ass finding out! I stayed a couple of cars back trailing him for about another twenty minutes. Where ever we were heading was surely out in the boondocks because this shit was way out of sight.

  Finally Paul pulled into a drive way of this house back from the roads. The house was secluded and looked nice. I stayed back and parked my car down the road and decided to walk back to the house instead. I crept up slowly as I approached the house. I looked around making sure no one else could see me.

  I didn’t know if there was anyone else there because Paul’s car was the only one in the driveway and the garage door was down. I decided to go around back and see if I could see anything in the window. Soon as I got to the back, I peeked in the windo
w and noticed that it I was looking into the kitchen. But what I saw next made me almost piss in my pants!

  Paul was sitting at the kitchen table getting his shoulders massaged and neck kissed on by Marcus! I took my phone out and made sure my flash was off my camera and the shutter was on silent and started snapping away at pictures.

  Once I couldn’t stand the sight of this sick shit no more, I quietly made my way back to the front of the house and back down the road to my car. I got in my car and hauled ass back to my side of the town. Hurt and angry was an understatement on how I was feeling right now! Not only did I have to deal with him having a wife, but now I’m supposed to deal with him fucking the town’s transvestite too!?

  Naw, fuck that! Paul had another thing coming if he thought I was about to play the third wheel, matter of fact it’s about time I become the queen bitch; and I have the ammunition to do so!


  No matter how hard I tried to live by the word I teach every Sunday, Satan just seems to keep winning in my life. I find myself falling deeper and deeper into sin, because here I was laying up next to Marcus when I was just laid up with Candice earlier.

  How I got here with Marcus in the first place was based on my hidden desires I had since I was a young boy. Ever since I was young, I used to always fantasize about what it would be like being with a man. Of course growing up in the south, being a homosexual would get you lynched right along with being black!

  My first curiosity came when I was about twelve years old. I was playing football with some of the other boys in the field. There was this older boy name Ronnie who was on the opposite team. He wasn’t from my home town and was visiting for the summer. Anyway, I got the ball and began to run when he tackled me and fell on top of me along with the other dudes. Ronnie and I were on the bottom of the pile and I swear I felt someone touching me on my dick.

  Once I was able to get up, I shook the thought out of my head and continued to play. Every time I had the ball, Ronnie would make it his business to tackle me and I would still feel like someone was touching my dick. After the game, I headed back to walk home when Ronnie caught up with me and asked if he could walk with me.

  I didn’t mind. As we were walking we started asking questions about one another. I decided to take a short cut to my house through these abandon buildings, with Ronnie still following me. Right when we walked through one building, Ronnie pushed me up against the wall and started gripping my dick.

  “I know you felt me doing this earlier when we were on the ground.” He breathed into my ear as he was grinding on me.

  I just stood there speechless and still. I knew this was wrong, but the feelings I was feeling felt so good! Next thing I knew, Ronnie got down on his knees, pulled my dick out and started sucking on it! I had never experienced anything like this before and I felt good! I started getting into the rhythm and pumping myself in and out of Ronnie mouth until I felt some stuff oozing out of me.

  That was my first time ejaculating and with another boy at that! After that experience, for the rest of the summer Ronnie and I would sneak off with one another and have sex. He taught me how to suck dick, the trick to taking it in the ass, and giving it. Every time I was with him, I felt guilty afterwards but I still couldn’t stop.

  I was happy when the summer came to an end and Ronnie went home because I felt like I was free from doing those sinful things again. I kept what I did a secret and hidden for years until I met with Marcus. When I ran into him in North Carolina while I was on a church conference, I knew who he was when I first saw him.

  His grandmother was a loyal member of my church and would often talk with me and have prayer for him. She showed me a picture of him when he completely transformed over while in LA and ask if I would pray for him to have those demons removed from him. Even though she loved him unconditionally, she was still a praying grandmother hoping he would change his life.

  So when I spotted Marcus at the hotel we were having the conference at, those feelings started emerging again. That night when I approached him and met up with him in his room, he confessed that he really was a man and that was fine with me. Marcus was a bad ass woman and the only thing that confirmed that she was a he was what was between his legs. From that day forward he’s been allowing me to live my other life.

  He desired to have his dick removed, but I was against it. I didn’t have to say it, but Marcus knew I enjoyed having the best of both worlds with him. I was shocked when he decided to move back with his grandmother though. I knew she was ill, but I thought that he would take care of her from LA and visit occasionally. When I saw him that Sunday in church, I almost choked in the pulpit.

  Later on that evening, we met up and he confirmed that he was only here to see about his grandmother and nothing more. Then he started hanging with Karla and I was sure he had a motive then! Time went on and no one still didn’t know about my other life and Marcus and I still continued to do our thing without anyone knowing.

  I admit, it was beginning to be hard work trying to maintain my wife, Candice and Marcus. I had to stay on top of the lies I was constantly having to tell to Karla and Candice. Marcus was the only one that I didn’t have to lie to and be myself around. If this was another world and time, I would be with him and only him, but I can’t.

  “Why are you laying over there so quiet?” Marcus asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “I’m just thinking what life would be like if it was just me and you” I confessed.

  “Well it’s not that hard to find out.”

  “Marcus you know we can’t be together like that” I reminded him.

  “Paul this is 2015 and ain’t nobody living in the closet like that anymore. Hell you got preachers that’s out there now! You just chose to make your life difficult for you.”

  “Marcus we have been over this. I’m a pastor with a wife, I can’t just up and hurt all the people that depend on me including my congregation.” I explained.

  “Paul that’s bullshit and you know it! It’s funny how you don’t want to hurt them but willing to be miserable in the process. How long do you think you’re going to be able to keep this up huh? When my grandma gets well enough to be on her own, I’m out of this slow ass town and not looking back, so I suggest you decide what it is you want to do.” Marcus replied as he sat up in the bed.

  The thought of him leaving caused me to panic on the inside. I was in love with him and he knew it, so I didn’t want to see my life without him. I wasn’t in love with Karla anymore, and Candice was a piece of ass to me. Marcus was where my heart was at and it hurt that I couldn’t share that with the world. I knew that if I completely gave myself to him that I would be damned to hell.

  My life was spinning so much out of control that no matter how hard I tried to grasp it, I couldn’t control it.

  “Paul you know you could always come with me. Shit you could be a traveling preacher and settle in LA with me” he offered.

  This wasn’t the first time Marcus had offered me to go back to LA with him and live freely, but I just couldn’t leave Alexandria. I may have been a pastor in a small town, but my reputation was big. I refused to be in the world of scandal with leaving my wife to be with a man.

  “So how is your grandmother’s chemo coming along?” I asked changing the subject.

  “The treatments themselves are taking their toll on her. She’s so weak from them and the throwing up is draining her as well. But overall, they are working. She’s a real trooper with having both of her breasts removed, hell she said she didn’t have a man to suck on them anyway” Marcus laughed.

  I joined him picturing her saying that.

  “Well that’s a blessing. She’s a fighter and God is surely not ready for her yet.”

  “Paul can you not start that preaching shit. I’m not up for hearing that” Marcus complained rolling his eyes.

  “I’m going to get something to drink, you want anything?” he offered.

  “Yea, bring me back some water p

  Marcus got up from the bed naked and glistening, and walked out of the room into the kitchen. I heard my phone beeping. I reached for it off the night stand and saw that I had a text message. I opened to see that it was from Candice. It indicated that I had a picture message, I downloaded it and when it came into view I jumped out the bed.

  “What the fuck!” I screamed out loud.

  “What is it?” Marcus said as he came back into the room with two water bottles.

  I stood there speechless as I starred at my phone. Marcus came over to me to see what it was I was looking at.

  “Oh my God!” he said with his hand over his mouth.

  We both stood there in shock as Candice sent me a picture of Marcus kissing all over my neck and with a message saying I guess my pussy isn’t enough huh.


  I never in my life put my hands on a woman before I choked up Fatima the other night. I honestly didn’t mean to, but I was already pissed off from the stunt Karla pulled earlier that day with threatening to come to my home if I didn’t fuck her that day; and Fatima singing that divorce shit in my ear when I got home later on that night just took me over the edge. I may do what I do, but I’m not letting her ass go!

  Fatima is a good woman, and I’d be damn if I allow another man to reap those benefits. She’s been giving me the silent treatment since that day, but that’s to be expected. I needed to find a way to be done with Karla’s ass though. I don’t take to kindly to threats and she just showed how far she would go by doing that.

  I knew that if I tried to break things off with her now, that she would become a problem. When we first started fucking around, I thought that this was one affair that could be kept under wraps with no complications from the both of us. I mean, she had just as much to lose than I did! But just like any other mistress, she started catching main woman feelings and now she on some type of demand shit and I wasn’t having it!


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