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Even The Preacher Got A Side Chick

Page 9

by Angie Hayes

  I was on my way to the church for our monthly Deacon Board meeting. Tonight I was presenting the drawings Paul and I chose for the design of the new church. It would also be the cheapest, but they wouldn’t know that part. Paul and I came to the agreement to let them think that this would be right where our budget was and skim off the top of the money. That way, we both will walk away with $15,000 apiece.

  I pulled up to the church to see that the rest of the deacons and the pastor were already there. I walked inside and greeted everyone and got down to business.

  “Okay gentleman, this is the design the Pastor and I agreed upon on. It has all the necessities and space that we all agreed on and it’s right there on the head with our budget.” I explained as I pointing at the designs on the projection.

  I got the confirmation that they were on board by the nodding of their heads in agreement. We spent another thirty minutes going over the numbers and setting a date to begin breaking ground. All through the meeting, I noticed how quiet Paul was. Normally he would be the one leading the meetings, but he just sat there like the rest and let me handle everything. After every one was satisfied, we ended the meeting in prayer and left.

  “Pastor, can I speak to you for a moment?” I asked Paul as he was leaving out of the room.

  “Sure” he said as he stopped and came back to take a seat.

  Once every one left the room, I closed the door and took a seat across from him.

  “What’s going on Paul, because you were exceptionally quiet throughout the whole meeting” I inquired.

  “Man I just got so much stuff going on at home. I’m sorry about that.”

  “Naw, it’s cool. Is there anything I can do to help?” I offered.

  Whatever Karla was doing was really stressing him out because I have never seen him like this.

  “This is something I have to handle on my own, but thanks for the offer” he replied.

  “Alright, well call me if you need me” I said as I got up and gave him a pat on the shoulder as I headed out of the room.

  I left out of the church and headed into the parking lot where I got into my car and headed home. I knew Fatima would still be there getting ready to go to work. She started working the night shift lately which I know it was just to avoid being home with me.

  I hated that we were on these terms, but I just needed some time to figure out how I was going to handle this Karla situation and make things right with my wife. When I pulled up home, Fatima’s car was still in the driveway. I walked inside to an empty living room.

  I walked up the stairs to find her in the bedroom with her matching bra and panties changing into her scrubs. Her body was so fucking beautiful and toned. My dick started jumping in my pants hoping to feel the inside of her, but I already knew she wasn’t about to give me no ass.

  “Hey baby” I greeted her.

  “Hey” she answered back dryly as she was moving around the room avoiding me at all costs.

  “Fatima can we talk?” I asked taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

  “I have to get ready for work.”

  “I know but it won’t take long” I pleaded grabbing her hand lightly as she passed me.

  She stopped and turned around looking at me as if she really didn’t want to hear anything I had to say.

  “Look baby, I’m so sorry about putting my hands on you the other day. I promise I will never do anything like that again! I just didn’t know how to control my feelings when you told me that you wanted a divorce. Fatima, I love you more than life itself and the thought of being without you tears me up baby!” I said with sincerity looking her in her eyes hoping she believed me.

  She just stared at me for a few seconds. She finally removed my hand from hers and told me that she had to go, when she went into the bathroom to continue to get dressed. I got up and went back downstairs to fix me a quick sandwich. Moments later Fatima came down, grabbed her purse and keys and left out the door without so much as a goodbye.

  I fixed my sandwich and sat at the island eating. The house was quiet, but my thoughts were loud as hell. I knew my wife deserved better, but I refused to let her have that with someone else. I knew that I could be the man she needed me to be again, but this thing with Karla was too deep. This bitch acted as if she didn’t care if Paul found out she was fucking around.

  When I met her at the condo that day she text me, I tried talking some sense into her ass and let her know that we needed to cool it, but she wasn’t trying to hear me. She told me that she wanted what she wanted and that was me. Right there I knew she was becoming obsessed with what we were doing.

  I fucked her with no emotion and tried to unleash as much pain on her as I could, but it seemed like the harder I went the more she enjoyed that shit! Normally I would be passionate with her, but this time I wouldn’t even kiss her! Every time she tried to kiss me I would turn my head. Then I just told her to turn over on her stomach and fucked her from the back altogether so I wouldn’t have to look at her ass.

  Afterwards, I tried to reason with her again by telling her that we needed to chill, but that’s when she told me that if I thought of leaving her, that she would bring us both down by telling everyone that we had been having an affair. I couldn’t believe this bitch had the nerve to go there knowing damn well what could happen.

  I wished like hell I had never fucked with her ass, but it’s too late for that now. I left there that day and have been dodging her calls again, but I knew I would have to answer her sooner than later. I continued to sit there and eat my food when my phone rang. I noticed that it was an unknown number. I never answer unknown calls, but something told me to answer this one.


  “I have a way to get rid of that bitch Karla, and I think we both could benefit from it” the caller on the other end of the phone spoke.

  “Who is this?” I asked confused.

  “You’ll find out soon enough, I’ll text you an address and I want you to meet me there a week from today at 6pm. Don’t be late, and don’t say shit to anyone about this either. I’ll see you tomorrow, if you decide not to show just know that bitch will try and make your life a living hell.” And with that the caller hung up.

  The voice came from a woman, but I couldn’t recognize it. The call ended and next thing I knew I received a text with an address. It must have come from a burner phone because it still didn’t show a number. I don’t know what the hell was going on, but I damn sure was about to find out.


  I was beyond tired, but right now I felt like I had no choice but to work as much as I could so that I wouldn’t have to be home. I also wanted to stack as much money as I could so I could get the fuck away from Travis and this damn town! I knew that if I told my folks what was going on that they would help me and want me to come back home, but I didn’t leave there in the first place just to go back.

  I was starting to have a pattern of no matter where I went, bad luck would follow me. I was still in shock from what Paul did to me the other night. I would have never thought that he would put his hands on me! I was so scared of the look in his eyes, that I thought that he was actually going to hurt me. For the first time, I was afraid of him which was why I was trying to avoid him. Even when he called himself apologizing, I still wasn’t trying to hear that shit.

  I wanted nothing more than to spit in his fucking face, but I knew if I would have done that, he probably would have knocked my teeth out. So I just left out the house without saying a word to him. It was Friday night, and the ER had been busy nonstop! I don’t know what was in the air, but it seem like we were getting these young ass kids coming in all night long for doing some shit. I recognized most of them, and when they saw me they quickly put their heads down trying to avoid eye contact.

  Finally I was able to catch a breather once the rush slowed down. I was standing against the counter with my head in my hands trying to get myself together.

  “You okay” I looked up to see Tonya standin
g next to me.

  “Yeah girl, I’m just tired that’s all.” I said as I stood straight up and stretched.

  “Well you have been working nonstop since you’ve been back. I mean I’m glad that you’re back, but I don’t want you to burn yourself out.” Tonya said with concern.

  “I know, I just don’t want to be home as much that’s all” I sighed shaking my head.

  I didn’t tell Tonya that Travis had put his hands on me, because I was ashamed. She already knew I was putting up with his lies and cheating, I didn’t want her to know that I was now also putting up with his hands.

  “Look, why don’t you move in with me? I keep telling you that you don’t have to keep putting up with Travis’ shit Fatima” she expressed.

  I continued to stand there for a moment quiet, contemplating her offer. I wanted nothing more than to leave this bullshit ass marriage and haul ass, but I didn’t want to put her in the middle of my mess. I also knew that Travis would probably act a fool if he knew that I left to go stay with her.

  “I really appreciate the offer Hun, but this is something I have to deal with on my own”.

  “I know you can deal with it on your own Fatima, but you don’t have to! I could tell that you are beyond tired of what’s going on. I see it in your face every time we are around one another. And add on the fact that you are taking on all these double shifts confirm it, just let me be here for you.”

  “You are here for me, by being the great friend you are, being my shoulder to lean on and my ear when I need to vent. You truly are my best friend Tonya, but I really need to handle this on my own. Trust me when I say I’m working on a plan to be rid of all of this” I informed her as I gave her a hug.

  “Alright, well whatever it is that you got cooking up, just make sure you put ya girl on. I wanna kick some ass too!” Tonya laughed.

  I joined in on her crazy ass knowing she was serious.

  “Listen, since we both are about to get off and don’t have to work for the next three days, why don’t we hit the spot that we went to a couple of weeks back? We both could use some drinks and truthfully, the last time we were there it was some fine men walking around there! I’m in a drought, so I’m on the prowl for some new dick!” Tonya said laughing looking around to make sure no one else heard her.

  I don’t know about the place crawling with good looking men the last time we were there, because I was just having a good time with good music and drinks. Although I know Travis stay doing him, I’m not the type of woman to cheat on the person I’m with. Considering that I liked the atmosphere from the last time and didn’t want to go home to a begging ass man who full of I’m sorry’s, I decided to take Tonya up on her offer.

  “Alright girl, I’m down!” I told her.

  “Good, meet me at my house around nine and we can leave from there” Tonya instructed.

  The rest of the day went by smooth. I received occasional texts form Travis telling me that he loves me and how sorry he is. I erased those shits just as quick as they came to my phone. Soon as I was about to get off, he sent a message telling me that he was about to head out for a couple of hours, normally I would question where he was going, but this time I made it my business this time to just reply back saying okay.

  I felt some type of relief knowing he wasn’t going to be home when I got there. Once I was off, I hurried home so that I could soak in my Jacuzzi tub before I left for the club. After I took my bath, I decided on wearing a turquoise body con dress with my black suede Manalo pumps, and my black half jacket. I unwrapped my hair and combed it down with a part in the middle.

  I had just recently added some blond highlights to it, so it was fierce! I applied some mascara on my long lashes that were often mistaken for fake ones, and nude color Revlon lipstick on my lips. I gave myself a once over in my full-lenth mirror and loved what I saw! No one would ever guess that I was a deacon’s wife.

  I sprayed on my Burberry Brit, grabbed my clutch and headed downstairs to head over to Tonya. I was excited to be actually be going out again tonight, it helped me keep my mind occupied from what I was dealing with at home. But I had a gut feeling that tonight was really about to be off the hook!


  I just spent the last thirty minutes in my apartment getting high. After I sent Paul the text of him and Marcus’ punk ass, he’s been blowing my phone up! If only he would be calling me under different circumstances than that, but I already knew what it was about. I knew I had his ass under my control now, I just needed some time to decide what it was I wanted to do with him.

  I loved Paul and was definitely in love with him, but I was also pissed and hurt at the fact that he was fucking dick and pussy! I should have felt more disgusted than betrayed, but I didn’t. What I wanted was for him to be mines and all mines by any cost! Once again my phone started ringing, I looked at it and saw that it was my daddy calling.

  I haven’t spoken to him in a while and I knew that if I didn’t answer he would be knocking at my door. I didn’t want him to see me high, so I answered.

  “Hi daddy.” I answered trying not to sound sluggish.

  “Hi baby girl, I was calling to check on you since I haven’t heard from you in a while” he spoke.

  “Well I did come by your house a couple of weeks ago, but you’re stuck up wife told me you weren’t there and slammed the door in my face” I explained telling the semi-truth.

  “Fatima never mentioned you coming by” He said completely ignoring what I said about her slamming the door in my face.

  “I’m sure she didn’t.” I said sarcastically.

  “So what have you been up, have you been looking for a job?” he questioned.

  I sucked my teeth out loud showing my annoyance. I knew that was the real reason why he was calling, just so he can be all in my damn business.

  “I’ve been looking, but ain’t nobody hiring.” I lied.

  I haven’t been looking for shit. Why the hell do I need to really work when my daddy was making cash and not to mention the big payout I could possibly have coming up from Paul.

  “Well baby girl, you need to get on your grind because I can’t keep supporting you all your life. That was the main reason I paid for your college education, so you would be able to take care of yourself.”

  I pulled the phone from my ear and looked up at the ceiling as I heard him reciting the same damn speech he always says every time he mentions me having a job. He really was trying to blow my damn high, and I wasn’t having it!

  “Dad look, I said I’m trying okay? Besides, I’m sure your wife must be in your ear telling you that I need a job” I interrupted.

  “Fatima has nothing to do with this, so stop trying to make this about her. This is about you being a grown woman who has her daddy supporting her. I refuse to keep paying your rent, utilities, car note and insurance. Not to mention making sure you have money in your account! You need to get your life together and quick Candice!”

  “I gotta go dad, I’ll talk to you later” I said and hung up the phone abruptly.

  The main thing I didn’t want him to do he did, and that was blow my fucking high! I reached over to my nightstand to grab my dope only to see I was running short. I would only have enough for one shoot up and then I would have to re cop. I already knew the money I currently had in my account was just enough for me to have gas and food until my dad deposited more.

  By the way he was sounding, hell he might not even do that!

  I knew that I definitely needed to get on my shit now, and I knew just how I was gonna do that. I reached back for my phone and sent Paul a text telling him to meet me at my place tonight. He quickly replied back saying he would be here in an hour. Good, that gave me time to get myself together.


  I was finally relieved when I received a text from Candice telling her to meet me at her place tonight. Ever since she sent me those texts of Marcus and me, I had been trying my hardest to talk to her. I wanted to know how the hell she even
knew about us! I had so many questions, but she was ignoring me. I was on my way over to her place now, in hopes that I could talk some sense into her and make sure my secret stays just that!

  I was driving fast as normal. I reached her apartment in about fifteen minutes nervous as hell. I wouldn’t normally come over to her place because of the fear of someone might seeing me, that’s why we would meet up somewhere else. But this time, I had to come here on her terms.

  I parked as far away from her building as I could, got out looking around making sure I was unnoticed and headed to her door. Candice lived in some nice apartments which I already knew Travis was paying for. I nervously knocked on her door and seconds later she answered the door in some boy shorts and a sports bra.

  I walked straight in without speaking and went to take a seat on the couch. My hands were sweating and my heart was beating so loud that I thought you could hear it out of my chest.

  “You want something to drink?” Candice offered as she came into the living room.

  “No I’m fine” I said clearing my throat.

  “Well I guess we already know why you’re here. So when did you start liking dick?” she asked standing in from of me with her arms folded across her chest.

  I sat back on the couch and tried to get myself comfortable before talking.

  “I don’t know what you think you saw, but it wasn’t even like that” I mustered up. I knew it sounded cliché, but that was the only thing I could come up with.

  Candice started laughing as she went and took a seat across from me on the sofa chair.

  “Negro please! The eyes don’t lie and neither do pictures! I know what the fuck I saw and that was you getting a massage by a fucking punk and then him kissing you on your neck! I mean damn, I already knew I would have to compete with a wife, but now I have to compete with a dude too?” Candice said loudly.

  “I really wish you would lower your voice, and like I said, it’s not what you think” I calmly said.

  “Then explain it to me then Paul.”


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