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Page 4

by Amelia Wilson

  “Do you want this?” Baston asked as he pumped himself slowly.

  She nodded and he gave her stern look.

  “Say it,” Baston commanded.

  Sca bit her shoulder as his hand slid under her top cupping one of her breasts, thumbing the nipple.

  “Yes, I want it.” Abigail’s head started spinning as she tried to concentrate on what Baston was telling her.

  “Where do you want it?” He continued rubbing himself in front of her.

  “I want you inside me,” she told him breathlessly.

  “That’s a good girl. You just have to ask for what you want.” Baston stopped stroking himself and walked up to her. She’d never been spoken to this way during a sexual encounter.

  When Baston reached her he took her hand and sucked her middle finger into his mouth. The hot wetness of his mouth hit her senses hard enough to make her cry out.

  “I need it,” she told him, making sure she looked him in the eyes when she told him.

  “You’re so incredibly hot,” Sca told her squeezing her breast roughly.

  “Where do you want me?” Sca asked biting her neck. “Do you want me to fill your mouth?”

  “No,” Abigail told him, the power rushing over her.

  “No?” Sca asked his voice somewhat surprised.

  “I want your head between my legs,” Abigail decided. Why stop asking for things? This was going to happen, she might as well enjoy it.

  “You are so sexy,” Baston told her. His hand slid down her stomach and didn’t stop until he was cupping her wet center. His hand slipped inside her underwear.

  “You are wet for us,” he muttered as one of his long fingers dipped inside of her, collecting the dampness. He was stating the obvious, but hearing it from him made her that much hotter.

  “Strip for us,” Sca told her, pulling away from her breast.

  Baston’s finger rubbed over her clit, making her groan before pulling out and moving away from her. Another thing she’d never done was strip.

  Abigail wanted to tear her clothes off, she needed them more than she needed her next breath, but the two of them were teaching her to enjoy every moment just by making her slow down and use her words to guide them to her needs. She seductively pulled her shirt off her body. She crossed her arms over her breasts as she unhooked her bra. They stood spellbound at her actions and a small smile graced her face. She liked being the center of their attention.

  Abigail let the bra slide down her arms until it fell to the ground. She took her breasts in her hands and started kneading them. Baston’s hand was back on his shaft stroking it as he watched.

  “Don’t touch yourself,” Abigail told Baston.

  “Greedy little thing, aren’t you?” Baston told her as he removed his hand and put both of them behind his back.

  “Yes,” she answered, not the least bit bashful. Somehow, she was emboldened, like they had given her their own lust flower. It was just their presence, the chemistry, and the heat between them.

  “Good girl. This is all yours,” Baston told her ripping off his shirt and standing in front of her in his full glory.

  “I know,” she said feeling the power surge through her.

  Sca took his clothes off as well, allowing her to feast on his body. He was glowing more than he had been, and Abigail knew it was from his desire for her.

  “Continue,” Sca told her his hand going to touch himself but stopping when Abigail shook her head.

  Abigail unhooked her pants and pushed them down, throwing them off when they reached her feet. She stood there in her panties and reveled in Baston and Sca’s eyes moving over her. Abigail smiled and stepped wide and snaked her hand in between her wetness. Her finger sunk into herself and she nearly collapsed at how good it felt.

  Abigail pumped her fingers in and out, almost on the verge of release just from what her fingers were doing.

  “Don’t come,” Baston ordered putting his hand to stop her.

  “Maybe we should let her come,” Sca said, licking her spine, causing goose bumps to break out over her skin. She hadn’t even realized he’d moved that close.

  “No, those belong to us,” Baston told him pulling Abigail’s hand away.

  “Stand up,” Baston told her.

  Abigail stood and Sca took her hand, sucking on the finger that she’d had inside herself.

  “Yum,” Sca said after releasing her.

  Baston grabbed the back of her neck and slammed his mouth to hers. Abigail kissed him back with abandon. His tongue thrust into her mouth as Sca came up behind her and put his arms around so he could caress her breasts. There were so many sensations moving through her and so much warmth around her.

  They both started moving her backward until they hit the bed. Abigail moved to get on all fours but Baston stopped her.

  “Stay on your back, I want to see you.” Baston smiled wickedly when she gave him a confused look.

  “I don’t understand how that would work,” Abigail told him truthfully.

  “You’ll see. Scoot all the way up to the top,” Sca assured her, kissing her on the mouth.

  When he moved to go away, Abigail locked her arms around him kissing him deeper. Sca complied, kissing her senseless as he dragged her body up to the top of the bed. Baston moved in between her legs and nudged her bottom up. Baston pushed a pillow under her ass bringing her to the level he needed her at.

  “Perfect,” Baston said as he plunged inside of her.

  Sca was still kissing her as his hands roamed all over her body. When Baston had pumped into her a few times he pulled out and pushed into her other entrance. This was another first, but she felt ready for him. He pushed inside slowly and then sank all the way in. There was pain at first, but Sca moved down her body licking and sucking on her heated skin. When Sca’s lips found her center Baston moved inside her ass and pleasure started to flow through her.

  She screamed at bliss they were giving her. Baston pushed in and out of her as Sca’s mouth worked magic on her. His finger moved up and slid into her. The sensations were too much and Abigail was thrown into an earth-shattering orgasm as the two of them continued to give her pleasure.

  Abigail blindly reached over and grasped Sca’s shaft in her hand. Sca moved over until his cock hung over her face. She sucked it in greedily. Now Baston’s fingers pleasured her as her mouth moved over Sca’s erection. It was not long before another orgasm was running toward her at blinding speed and she knew there was nothing she could do to stop it. Sca continued thrusting his hips. She felt him swell between her lips before he cried out and came with a shudder, grasping the back of her head. Baston continued to move, lifting her ass higher into the air as he too found his release and cried out before collapsing onto her and kissing her breasts. She came again after feeling each of them release and hearing their passionate cries.

  Baston pulled out of her as Sca rolled off of her. Abigail took large gulping breaths as her heart hammered in her chest. Baston kissed her and she laid her head on Sca’s chest.

  “So did we succeed?” Baston asked.

  “Huh?” Abigail asked not understanding his question.

  Sca laughed and rubbed his hand over her back.

  “Did we make you see stars?” Sca finally said.

  “Yes,” Abigail told them giggling.

  “Good, because I saw them too,” Baston told her nipping her shoulder.

  She fell asleep soon after and didn’t wake up when the men left her sometime in the night. She woke up to an empty bed and assumed they’d gone to be with Cherie for the evening. She felt rested even though her body ached everywhere. She headed into the kitchen to see if she could find them.

  Chapter Six

  “Morning, sunshine,” Sca said as she walked into the kitchen. He was bent over Ruby’s little glowing form feeding her eggs. Sca was amazed at how much she changed and grew every day. He knew she was his. Despite the fact she glowed like him, it would be hard to make a case she could be Baston’s
based on her appearance alone. She was grinning and bouncing as he fed her. He saw Abigail watching them closely and smiling.

  “Morning, what’s for breakfast?” she asked.

  He winked at her, knowing why she was so hungry and delighted in the redness that worked its way into her cheeks. She was a gorgeous woman, and now that he’d had her he just wanted her again.

  “Eggs, bacon, omelets, pancakes, waffles, and fruit,” Baston said. “I hope you worked up an appetite.”

  He slapped her hard on the butt and handed her a plate. Sca noticed Abigail was at ease with them. She didn’t seem as tense as she had before. She piled her plate high and went to sit next to Halo, who was playing with his fruit arranging it into different patterns on his plate.

  “Grapes are my favorite,” she said to him and popped one in her mouth. He grinned and popped one in his mouth, grinning as he chewed.

  After she finished breakfast, Sca called her over to him. He kissed her on the top of the head and rubbed her back.

  “I can’t believe that worked. I consider it a small victory since the only children I’d been around on Earth was my mother’s best friend’s little girl, and that was in very short bursts.”

  “You’re good with him,” Sca smiled at her.


  She beamed back at him and he couldn’t resist kissing her.

  “Come outside with us,” he said, “we want to show you the farm.”

  Sca was proud of everything they’d been able to build for their family. He wanted to show Abigail, so she’d love it too. He hoped she was warming to the idea of staying with them. Besides the fact there was no way for her to go home anytime soon, he needed her to want to stay with him.

  He watched her walk out in front of them, admiring her curves. He found himself wanting to have her alone and just share a moment between the two of them. He realized it would be against the rules with Cherie, she wouldn’t like it. He had never had the desire to be with another woman before. He could tell this time was different.



  Abigail followed Baston out the back of the house and saw a large lush backyard with a huge greenhouse and what looked like a miniature version of the house.

  “The chickens are in there. We’ve figured out how to grow food on the land, which wasn’t easy at first because we didn’t understand how to use the soil. We can have vegetables, eggs, and chicken. It’s actually pretty healthy living.”

  “This is fantastic. How long have you been here?”

  “Four years, give or take,” Sca said.

  Abigail saw a large metal box to the side of the barn; it had several buttons on the side and what looked like a door. She moved towards it and walked along its side. The metal was warm to the touch as she ran her hand along it.

  “What is this?”

  “This is my pride and joy,” Baston said patting the metal box on the side. “It’s the ship we use to travel off the planet.”

  Abigail was taken aback. “You can leave?”

  “She’s only been up once. I can’t trust her to go on back-to-back journeys.”

  “What do you do when you go off?”

  “We went once. I took them to a nearby planet. The navigation in that ship is rusty as hell, but it works for ships close by. It’s really old and I was able to update a few things on it while we were there, get the kids some toys, and Cherie some clothes and cleaning supplies. She didn’t ask for much.”

  He smiled when he talked about his wife, and Abigail could see the love in his eyes. She now knew there was a way off the planet, so her mind had shifted to maybe seeing Earth again.

  “Is there a chance the ship might make it to Earth?” Abigail couldn’t help asking.

  “You ready to leave us already?” Sca asked. He tried to sound like he was joking but he caught a bit of hurt in his voice.

  “No, just curious.” Abigail didn’t want to sound eager to leave, but everything she knew was back on Earth, home with her family and friends. They had to be worried about her. She had been in denial hoping there was some sort of time difference where when she returned to Earth it would be the same time she’d been taken. She was going off of movies and television shows, though. In her mind she knew it wasn’t plausible.

  “It will be a long time before it can go that far. Next trip we’ll try to get to a planet further out though. My plan is to keep going further and further and see where we end up.”

  “That’s really great,” Abigail tried to sound chipper, so he didn’t notice her disappointment.

  “Why don’t you go back in and see if Cherie needs a hand. We’ll tend to the chickens.” Sca gave her a big smile.

  She went in and found Cherie cleaning up after breakfast. Ruby was in some kind of playpen and Halo was playing with some toy in front of it. They were really good at keeping themselves occupied. She poured herself some coffee and sat down at the table to watch Cherie clean.

  “So, tell me. How was it?” Cherie asked smiling as she pulled Ruby’s shirt off and wiped her torso with a warm wash cloth.

  “Breakfast was delicious, thank you.”

  “No honey, I mean last night with my men. How was it?”

  Abigail felt her cheeks burning and didn’t know what to say. Her hands went to her cheeks trying to hide her embarrassment. The feeling of their hands on her came back to her, and for a minute she couldn’t say anything.

  “It was fine,” Abigail said. There was no way that was close to the answer Cherie was expecting from her, but she just winked and went back to wiping the counters down.

  Cherie moved up to her after she finished cleaning and pushed the hair from her face. She reached out and touched her breast which instantly hardened beneath the flick of her fingernail. She put the other hand on Abigail’s ass and moved in for a kiss. Her pregnant belly was firm and pressed into Abigail’s flat one as she pushed into her.

  Abigail was taken off guard but didn’t pull away from her. She allowed her lips to be massaged with Cherie’s tongue before parting for her and allowing her to explore the inside of her mouth. She felt heat pool in her abdomen and a familiar throbbing between her legs. Cherie deepened the kiss and pushed her up against the counter. Her soft body pressed against Abigail and she let out a moan.

  Cherie’s hand went down to Abigail’s stomach and underneath her shirt. It was warm and crept slowly up to her breast. She started to stick her tongue back into Cherie’s mouth and explore. She tasted sweet and really good to Abigail. She pressed her body back against Cherie’s as her tongue continued to probe her mouth. She felt Cherie’s hand cover her breast and she squeezed it as she brought her other hand to the back of Abigail’s neck.

  “Do you want to come right now?” Cherie said.

  “Yes,” Abigail said without even thinking, breathing heavy against her lips.

  “Well you can’t because my kids are right there, but now I’m all you’ll be thinking about.”

  Cherie smiled and moved away from her and heading to the living room. Abigail followed her stunned, her core still throbbed and her lips felt bruised from the kiss. Cherie was right, she was all Abigail thought about.

  “We’ll watch something on the holopad before the boys come back in. I bet you miss sitting and just watching a good show.”

  “Go on in there and I’ll bring us some biscuits.”

  “You’re still hungry?”

  “Oh, that’s right. I forget I’m the only pregnant one here. I’ll bring me some biscuits.” She laughed.

  Chapter Seven

  Later that afternoon Abigail went to have a bath before supper. She enjoyed soaking and letting the water soothe her still aching body. The men had come back in for lunch and then went right back out to work the farm. Both of them were sexy with their sweaty t-shirts and smears of dirt on their faces. Then there was Cherie, looking delectable in the kitchen as she licked spoons tasting what she was cooking. More than once Abigail found her hand between her le
gs in the bathtub but resisted knowing the real thing would be so much better.

  Now she’d dressed in some clothes Cherie had let her borrow and gone downstairs to see what was for dinner. She could smell it from the tub and it smelled delicious.

  Abigail relaxed against the high-backed chair in the living room. She was feeling completely satisfied even though the situation was still a little weird. Cherie was cooking in the kitchen while Ruby and Halo played on the floor in front of her. The whole house had an open plan so the kitchen was really only the kitchen by what was in it and the living room was determined by the furniture.

  “Can I help you do something Cherie?” she called to the woman who was chopping and mixing up a storm.

  “No, you just rest, dear, I have it all under control.”

  “You’re so good at juggling everything,” Abigail said.

  “I had to learn young how to keep house and mind children. It was something ingrained in me and now I get to actually enjoy it. Back then it was a punishment.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Cherie started to answer when she stopped and looked out the window. A high-pitched squealing noise interrupted the tranquility and caused Abigail to jump up out of the chair. Ruby started to wail and Halo started knocking over his block fort.

  “What the hell is that?” Cherie asked rushing over to pick Ruby up and comfort her.

  “I think the lady brought them,” Halo said and ran into his room. When he returned he had a device that looked like one of those hand-held price checkers she’d used when she worked at the grocery store. Only this one was beeping and had strange buttons on the side.

  “What are you doing, son?” Sca asked moving forward to see.

  The little boy didn’t answer. He brought the machine up to Abigail and ran it over her leg and up her side. It beeped the same and she felt a bit like a plot of land being searched for metal. The boy ran the machine down her arm and it started beeping loud and fast when he reached her wrist.


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