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Page 5

by Amelia Wilson

  “It’s been beeping since she got here,” Halo said handing the machine to his dad.

  “They’re tracking you. Abigail, who took you?” Baston demanded.

  Suddenly everything became very urgent. The high-pitched noise was getting closer and Abigail realized she recognized it. She’d heard it when she was taken. They were coming back for her! Being true to her mind always wandering to the wrong thing at the wrong time, she wondered why they hadn’t wanted to know this information earlier.

  “What do you mean they’re tracking me,” she said her voice sounding far from her own. The words choked out.

  “The aliens who took you. Did they have red armor? What did they look like?” Baston had now turned his attention to Abigail.

  “Um,” Abigail fought with her brain to remember what they’d looked like. Everything seemed draped in a fog she couldn’t clear. Slowly her mind started to form a picture of the things, a memory of being on the ship. “They had dark black skin and tusks coming out of the bottom of their mouths. They did have some sort of red plate on their chests. I think their eyes were yellow.”

  “Those are Jaca. No doubt that’s who’s after her,” Sca said.

  Baston nodded. “Cherie, kids, go to the bedroom shut the door and get in the closet.”

  “I have to tell you something Baston, and you aren’t going to like it.” Sca stood in front of the tall man and suddenly looked smaller to Abigail.

  “When Ation showed the Astro Fox to you, I followed you. I knew you went to see where it was. I heard you say I had hungry eyes for it. You were right, I took some.”

  “You aren’t supposed to know about that Sca, there was a reason he only told me.”

  “I know but I did, I followed you and I took some recently.”

  “You did what?” Cherie came back from sorting the kids out with her hands on her hips.

  Abigail didn’t know what was going on but sensed some sort of betrayal.

  “I told you to stay in the room,” Baston said.

  “I’m not staying in the room when y'all are out here fighting who knows what for our family.”

  “How could you do that Sca? If they find it here, they’ll destroy this planet, they’ll kill Ation and his people. Did you not think of that?” Baston’s eyes burned and he stood even taller over Sca as his voice rose.

  “I wanted to make Ruby a birthday present, Baston. I took the smallest possible amount.”

  “You have to hide it, well. If we’re killed the Jaca can’t find it. You understand what you’ve done?”

  “Don’t talk like that, Baston,” Cherie said. “We are not going to be killed because we’re here for our kids.”

  Cherie had moved to stand between the two men and she held her hands on her hips. Both of them immediately looked apologetic and moved to hug her.

  “Men, it’s time to keep our new lover safe.” Cherie winked at her and went to a closet at the back of the kitchen. Abigail hadn’t noticed it before because it was built into the wall. She pulled out a gun. Well, Abigail assumed it was a gun. It had a trigger, but there were also a lot of buttons. She tossed it to Baston and pulled out more.

  “All right, Abigail. The green button powers the gun up, the yellow button finds your target. You just have to get the cross arrows on it and the red button will fire and continue until that target is dead. Then you find your next one.”

  “Dead?” Abigail said aloud as she took the gun.

  “Yes, we aren’t dealing with your friendly neighborhood abduction. They wanted you for their science, but now that you’ve escaped them they’ll just want to kill you for sport. They’ll kill all of us for you, too, so just remember when you’re shooting them it’s kill or be killed.” Baston went to help Cherie and left Abigail standing in the kitchen just holding the strange gun in front of her.

  “You can do it, babe,” Sca said. The term of endearment gave her a little thrill of pleasure. This soon turned to despair as she realized her abduction and running away was what brought this poor family to this point. Now she’d brought an evil alien race to them and they were going to have to fight for their lives instead of living their peaceful little existence by themselves.

  She wanted to tell them she was sorry, but a loud bang on the side of the house silenced her.

  “Get ready,” Baston yelled.

  The first of the large black tusked men burst through the door and was met by a blast from Sca. He retreated back behind the dining table turning it over on its side. The large alien didn’t seem to be stopped. Sca fired at him again and waited as Baston ran at him and pushed him back from where Sca was crouched.

  Sca ran to the china cabinet on the side of the room and quickly retrieved something before darting to the back of the house with it. Abigail assumed it was what they were arguing about. Baston aimed his gun at the alien, but the creature was too fast and knocked it out of of Baston’s hand. He picked Baston up and threw him across the room through the large glass table. Abigail fumbled with the gun she’d been given unable to remember how to use it.

  Another large alien came into the room through the hole that used to be a door. It made some strange noises to the other and then let out a high-pitched screech when it saw Abigail. As it rushed towards her, she once again tried to make her hands work the gun. It was another fail and Baston recovered from being thrown through the table and ran at him again. He leapt onto the alien’s back and squeezed around its neck.

  The alien just laughed as they moved around the room. At least, she thought it was laughing. It became hard to tell. They smashed into a clock on the wall sending it crashing to the floor. It shattered and Abigail’s heart sank a little. Their gorgeous home was getting destroyed because of her. Their children were in danger because of her. She hoped they were tucked away somewhere safe where they couldn’t hear what was going on. She was extremely concerned they’d be scarred for life.

  Sca was back now and fighting the other tusk man in the room. He got knocked into the wall and then threw into the kitchen. The alien marched towards Abigail and she finally got her act together. She charged the gun and shot it right at him. It kept shooting him and he kept coming.

  He reached her, grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling. She saw spots in front of her eyes from the pain and tried to pull its claws away from her tresses. Cherie somehow came out of nowhere with a large stick and clocked him on the head. The alien let go and made a horrible noise as he turned on Cherie.

  Abigail pushed off the floor and scurried to her feet. She surveyed the room for a weapon to help fight. The alien turned to Cherie and attempted to grab her but was no match for her swing. Cherie pummeled the target again and again until the thing crashed to the floor. Abigail located a chair and thrashed the alien across the back of the head.

  A crash in the other room alerted the pair to another attack. The china cabinet lay on the ground, shards of glass and plates were strewn about. An angry being charged at Cherie, one of its tusks was broken off and oozing a slimy matter. Abigail prepared herself as Cherie, belly and all, got ready for the fight. This time she grabbed a poker from the living room and plunged it deep into the eye socket of the creature. The monster-like alien screamed out in pain and backed away from the fight. Cherie smiled with approval as the aliens retreated from the room. They went to see if they could help Baston who was continuing his fight in the kitchen.

  The aliens were strong and large, but also clumsy. Baston easily slipped the monster to the ground after fighting with him a few rounds. He grabbed a nearby appliance, something that resembled a toaster, and beat the alien’s head in. He landed a few good whacks across the tusk and an electric boom sent a shockwave through the room. The creature lay stunned from the shock before getting up and running from the room.

  The family assembled in the kitchen and Cherie made sure everyone was accounted for. Abigail felt a heavy guilt. If she'd not been there then the family could have lived their lives in peace. Just a few days ago this worl
d knew nothing of her, nor she of it. Now there were battles, wars, and innocent beings were being hurt all because of her.

  Abigail ran to the front door but was quickly apprehended by Sca.

  “Stop feeling sorry for yourself. We know the risks. We want to protect you.”

  “He’s right you know,” Cherie responded. “We can replace everything in here, but we cannot replace you. You have become family.”

  The group moved slowly through the rubble and aftermath. Abigail wept heavily as Sca tried to console her. The evening grew darker and the trash filled with broken pieces of furniture and cutlery. Abigail quieted but in the back of her mind, a plan was forming.

  Chapter Eight

  The last rays of daylight said their farewell to the day and hot dinner replaced the broken pieces that had previously littered the home. Their food was very interesting to Abigail, it was never the same. She thought she detected somewhat of a chicken or beef taste, but Abigail didn't really want to know. All she felt was comfort as she bit into each morsel.

  “Are you okay?” Sca asked. His voice held a lot of concern.

  “Yes. Just tired and thinking about things.” She appreciated his concern and felt like he truly cared about her well-being.

  “After dinner, I will pamper you. We all will if you like.”

  “No. Don’t baby me. I need to toughen up. This is my fight and I need to deal.” Abigail was crosser than she meant to be. It sounded tempting, but she had to keep her head about her.

  “No one fights alone. You are family. We told you that.” Cherie’s tone was soft but stern.

  “I know. I know.”

  Abigail grabbed up her plate and rinsed it in the sink. The woman moved through the back of the house without another word. She stood where she could hear them talking.

  “She still feels guilty, you know,” Baston replied.

  “Yes, she is very kind and loving. No wonder she is wanted by the others so badly. I sense her pain even when she thinks she’s buried it deeply. We’ll check on her in a few. Give her some time.” Cherie’s words were that of a mother and friend. Abigail thought she understood the kind of situation she was in.

  She moved away as she heard them coming towards her making her way to the bedroom. Abigail knew what she was going to say would make everyone upset.

  “I need to leave. There is no way around it. I need to get back to my home planet. Knowing what I know. I can be safe there. There are places I can hide and things I can learn that will make me readier. I do not wish to endanger your family anymore. It’s not up for debate.”

  “You will not be able to get to Earth. You know the ship can only go so far.” Sca spoke in bold tones. She was a little taken aback by his forcefulness.

  “Sca, I care about you all, but I’m not worth your family being killed or captured. Your family has suffered enough!”

  “What about our contingency plan, Cherie how do you feel about enforcing that?” Baston turned his eyes to her.

  “I would do whatever it takes. The contingency is fine with me. We already have the homestead picked out and I'm pretty much bored with this place anyway. The new site has a lazy stream and meadows of flowers and grass for the children. I am sure we can make it homey in no time. Let’s do it!”

  “Wait what are you talking about? You’re not saying you’ll uproot your family, are you?” Abigail’s words floated in disbelief.

  “Yes. There is always a contingency in case of threat or war. That was the case before you arrived.” Cherie spoke in a soft tone.

  “I cannot let you do this. You can’t. You just can’t.”

  “Oh, but darling we can and it is decided. We will.” Cherie was firm and looked to the men. They started to move about on instant as if each had a chore that needed to be completed.

  “We will debate no further. By dawn, we will vacate this site and prep site B.” Cherie grabbed up her children and left the room. She wanted no more discussions with Abigail about the subject. Abigail had to respect her, but she wished they wouldn't make such a rash decision for her.

  “Will you be coming to bed with us tonight, Abigail?” Cherie asked licking her lips. Abigail instantly felt heat wash over her. She really wanted to experience Cherie’s body on hers completely, but she couldn’t if her plan was going to work.

  “No, I think I’m going to try and get some sleep. Rain check, though.” She instantly felt stupid for saying that but all three looked satisfied with it.

  Cherie washed and put the children down for the night. Both Baston and Sca joined her in the room. In the night, their moans could be heard softly as each man took his turn on the pregnant beauty. Abigail felt their passion and wanted to join in but had other plans. She would wait for the sounds of passion to die down when they were in a deep sleep before she moved.

  She couldn't resist going to watch. It would be a kind of goodbye for her.

  Cherie lay back on the bed. Sca gently kissed her belly while Baston cupped her breasts as his heavy erection tipped onto the soft folds of her mouth. A warm liquid eased from the tip as she lapped at the head. He leaned over her so she could easily take him in her mouth. They didn't see Abigail watching at all as they were too wrapped up in each other.

  Sca eased back entered her softly at first. Sca controlled his thrusts at first but soon that control gave way to something more animal as he pounded her deeply. Abigail felt herself moisten as she watched.

  Baston continued to thrust softly into her mouth as he watched Sca glide in and out of her warm juices. He opened her wide and with every inch, he thrust into her hard. She moaned even more as the two took their turns for the next hour making her orgasm over and over again.

  After she'd watched a while she sat down outside their room and cried. Moments passed and the moans came to an end and soon were replaced with loud snores. She would miss the lovely trio and their children but this was the only way. Abigail crept from her bed and in all silence eased out of the battered home. As she approached Baston’s ship, the thought occurred that she did not know how to fly the thing. She opened the door and peered in. There were only one control and one other pedal, it couldn’t be that hard.

  The night air was cool and two moons rose high in the sky. There was a faint sweet smell to the air that was nothing like anything on earth, but it was divine. Some kind of flower or tree, she thought to herself as she moved close to the ship. But as she slipped around in the darkness a dark hand secured her mouth and waist. She tried to move but was unable, a sharp prick in her neck and soon everything went dark. When she awoke she knew things were not in her favor.

  Chapter Nine

  When she awoke she could hear men talking. The room was dark with only a small amount of light from under the door. The shadows that moved along back and forth were her only inkling of other arrivals. More voices joined the initial one she’d heard. She strained to hear the words and try to make sense of where she was. She remembered trying to leave and Han as it all came back to her.

  Fear gripped her and she couldn't move. They were going to force her to consent, wasn't that what Sca had told her in the woods? She sat up surprised they hadn't restrained her to the bed. Rushing over she tried to open the door using the knob. It didn’t turn at all.

  "It's no use," a small voice came from the corner. "I tried to open it earlier."

  Abigail strained to see who was talking in the dark. A small form moved from the corner towards her. She had red skin and wore some type of mask on her face. As she got closer Abigail saw her ears were pointed. They reminded her of the elves that always accompanied the department store Santa, only these were real. It was at this point she realized nothing surprised her anymore. Everything she’d seen made her a little less skeptical that anything was possible.

  "Are you a prisoner here, too?" Abigail asked.

  "Yes. The men have never come to Ation's tribe before. I don't know why this time is different. I overheard them saying their female isn't producing babies any
more. The young girl has come of age, but they don't know which one of them is the father. Poor planning on their part, but I wouldn't expect anything less."

  "You speak English in your tribe?" Abigail was surprised.

  "No, they have a translator on me." She lifted her hair and showed Abigail the translator on the back of her neck. It blinked and she reached for her own neck where there had been one inserted in her on the ship."

  "I had one of those the first time I was kidnapped. I guess this counts as the third since this crew has had me before. This room doesn't look the same. I don't know where we are." Abigail realized this meant Baston and Sca wouldn't know how to find her either. They may have thought she just ran away like she'd threatened to do.

  "They are awful creatures, but they aren't that smart," the young girl said. "I'm Dao. I think we can outsmart them if we put our heads together.”

  Abigail liked her. She was a smart being and seemed to have a drive Abigail had lacked until she was abducted and needed to develop it to survive. It was a bit of a relief to have someone with her, she didn’t feel as alone, making the situation seem less hopeless.

  "First things first, let's put some light on the situation." Abigail had taken a few things from Sca's house to bring with her on the ship. Looking back on her plan now it seemed so stupid, she wasn't sure what she'd been thinking. She probably would have crashed the minute she was airborne. They had told her it wouldn’t take her where she needed to go so she’d just planned to go hide somewhere on the planet. Then what, she thought. Every scenario ended up with her dying. She was sometimes too stubborn for her own good. If she got out of the current situation she would just stay with the family and be glad she was alive and not being forced to bear some corrupted men’s children.

  Pulling out a glowing stick she'd seen them use she cracked it and put it on the floor. The room was lit up and she could see where she was and what they had to work with. Dao had taken a blanket from the back of a chair and stuffed it underneath the door so the men couldn't see the light.


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