Ugly, Perfect

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Ugly, Perfect Page 9

by Melanie Walker

  This is the truth to our story luv.

  What I give you here will change everything you thought you knew about me, and prove I was always watching.

  You let me know if we go further. This is your call.


  I download the attachment and sit staring at the email.

  He was basically yelling at me, in the way D does, which isn't yelling. It's like he wants to adult on me and make me think. I hate it to. I hate when he gets all smart on me and goes deep because I can't handle it. He is the funny jokester that gets deep in the quiet hours of the night and they are few and far between. I want to read whatever is missing from the story but I am scared, I don't know if I truly want to know.

  Whatever was inside of that document, once I read it there was no going back.

  Chapter Twelve

  August 2011

  Boulder CO


  I sit in the rental car, patient as a serial killer awaiting a victim. I can't breathe through my anger, but I have had time to let this shit fester and I was done voicing threats on empty ears. Emjay was never gonna tell Ken to watch his ass. I have told her to tell him who watches her, I had told him. But she is too proud to actually stand up and use me as the weapon I am. She would rather fight the battle herself.

  She's no longer in charge though.

  I hit done the minute I saw her face on my screen.

  I called Roz and told him I had a job in Colorado that needed attention now. I didn't need to go into specifics though, he knew enough. I told my boss I had an emergency with the club. He was scared of me enough as it was there was no way he would call the little Misses. I made damn sure to come here first, before going to her. No way I was leaving until I knew if this mother fucker was dumb enough to come looking for retribution once I was done with him.

  Retribution was mine. Emjay is mine. He was about to learn that the really slow and painfully hard way. I make sure there are no cameras, but to call this shithole street seedy was an understatement. I was pretty sure he could scream for help and nobody would come. Either way, I would make sure he would scream and I will shoot any mother fucker that tries to stop me.

  I didn't fear prison or the law, for the simple fact that our Denver Chapter had the law in their back pocket. There was no record of me being here, I was close enough to drive in to Colorado for a couple days. Now, here I was and I sat waiting for a sign this fucker was home. The flicker of a television show through the blinds started and I smiled. "Showtime fucker."

  I got from the car and walked right up to the front door of his single wide trailer circa nineteen-shoulda-been-torn-down-in-sixty. I knock, all polite and shit, but it's all an act. I have my long hair pulled back because I hate blood in my hair. I wear my cut with pride and know that I have a change of clothes in the car for when I am done getting my fucking point across.

  "Who the fuck are you?" Kendall asks me, but I toe in through the door, using one hand to grip him by the throat and push him back and my other to grab his hands as I kick his door shut. I push him back, blocking his air supply and enjoying the panic in his dilated eyes when he realizes who I am.

  Once I have his ass planted in the kitchen table chair I release my hand and wait for him to panic. "What the fuck man?" He yells and looks like he's gonna cry. I don't question what she saw in him, we all have our crosses to bare and my Emjay hates herself for loving this dude once. For trusting him.

  "Oh, you'll know why I am here soon enough Kendall." I say and smile like a psychopath and it scares him. "Don't piss yourself yet, we have a long night ahead of us." I say and go rifling through his drawers and cupboards looking for weapons.

  I pull out the three cans of Pork and Beans he has in the cupboard and a few sticks of butter. I grab the disgusting looking hand towel off the oven and the roll of duct tape from a drawer full of useless junk. He looks at me horrified, but obviously too scared to fuck with me or try and run. I half want him to just so I can get the party started quicker and give him one of the many large bumps on his head he delivered to my woman.

  My woman… Yeah well in this she is. Bikers are all about property and Emjay will always be mine, no matter what… she is mine.

  "Dude, I keep my drugs in my room." He says and I can see the tough guy in him as he says it. I don't detect fear but it's because he thinks I am like him. I am nothing like him.

  "I'm not a junkie asshole like you." I say and grab the duct tape and make my way to him. Once he sees it he lets go of the tough guy act and I see the fear. I enjoy his flinch when I pull a seat in front of him and straddle it so we are nose to nose. I told Mal that I wouldn’t be scared of him nose to nose, and I meant it. Maybe it's my way of proving I can be a man of my word, maybe it's because I know how dark shit is about to get. Either way, I am looking forward to his pain.

  "Oh God… Jesus man. Don't kill me. Whatever it is we can work something out!" He is panicking and it's more than I had hoped. I watch as he indicates the heap of useless female on the bed and I know just by the look of her that its he stupid bitch that helped hold Emjay down. "Dude, she will suck your dick in the best way, or fuck you if that's what you need."

  I hate this sack of shit like I have never hated before. No matter the trash he fills his bed with, to offer up your old lady like she is gram of coke to be sampled… It takes everything to not put one between his eyes.

  I pull a strip from the duct tape and the sound of him getting ready to shit his pants makes me laugh. "God, dude please man. Whatever I did man, I will make it right dude. Don't kill me!" He is begging and I am in no mood to see a man cry after he beats a woman damn near critically.

  "I won't kill you dipshit." I see the look of pure fear fade, but it is short lived. "What I have planned is far more sinister and I need you alive to ensure it never fucking happens again."

  I strap his hands to the chair so he couldn’t move. No matter how big a pussy a man became, he would always find the will to fight. I usually welcome the fight, but I had to make it fair… eye for an eye shit.

  Once I have him tied good and tight I sit back down in front of him so we are nose to nose. "Now, I didn't bring someone along to hold you down while I made you pay, so the Duct tape will have to do."

  He struggles for a minute, but my pulling out a knife and slamming the tip of the blade into the table shuts him up. "Next time it will be through the arm of that chair and your flesh. Feel me fuckface?"

  He nods and I pull up the pictures I had got from the local authorities , for a small price of course. Another pound of flesh I would owe the Denver Chapter. I show them to him and see his eyes flash with hate, suddenly it doesn’t matter that he is tied to a chair. He fuckin hates her, and that will make this so fuckin worth it.

  "What about it?" He asks, all tough guy and tips his chin at me.

  I stand, kicking my chair away, before I bring my heavy steel toed boot onto his knee in a downward motion, similar to stomping.

  I reach for the butter as he roars in horrendous pain and shove a stick of the butter in his mouth, making it almost impossible to breathe unless he forces himself to calm down. "Don't start screaming yet." I say through gritted teeth and watch as he gags on the butter trying to spit it out. "So, it was the stomping of the knee that got you control first. So, eye for an eye I did the same. Now, I have control already. I have since I walked in here. Want to know why Kendall?"

  He blinks through his tears, most the butter having fallen out of his mouth as he spits and gags trying to get composure I refuse to let him have. I stalk beside him, get up close and laugh as he flinches, the movement causing another wave of pain from his obvious broken knee. "The woman you beat up while your useless cunt held her down…" I look over my shoulder to the woman still passed out cold on the bed. "Such a downgrade from the fine woman you had in high school right pretty boy? I'd be mad as hell too if I had to fuck that after losing Mallory."

  "What… what are you? Her man or something? I thought you left?
" He is breathing heavy and I know he wants to pass out.

  "Or something." I say and grab the can of Pork and Beans, bringing it down on his forehead. I see the knot form and go black instantly and I was shocked by how bad I needed to refrain from hitting him too hard. I went three more times in succession, bam, bam, bam! Until he looked like he may pass out.

  "Ooooh no ya don't you fucker!" I snap and go for the syringe in my cutt pocket. I pull it out and wave it in front of him. "Know what this is?" I ask and pull the cap off, remembering exactly what I was told when administering epinephrine.

  He shakes his head no, but it's slow. Even scared he isn't clear headed enough to get what I am saying. "What? Tired?" I ask and he nods a yes and I laugh, slamming the needle into his vein, just followed the puncture holes on his arm. Within seconds he was wide awake and knew exactly what I had given him. "There you are." I say and punch him in the nose, not breaking it but definitely hurting it. "No." Punch to the face. "Sleeping." Another one and he starts to scream in agony like a little girl.

  I reach for another stick of butter and shove it in his mouth and watch him choke. "Now, I am being nice by my own standards. I am giving you exactly what you gave her, but in scarier and more lethal doses. I pull out my knife and cut the Duct tape from his wrists, watching him fall back into the chair. He is weak, even with the adrenaline coursing in his veins. I can see him struggle with the need to fight me.

  "That feeling, that helpless terrified feeling you have right now?" I step in close and haul him up by the backs of his arms, twisting him until my arms are linked through his from behind. "This is gonna hurt now…" I say low into his ear to ensure he hears every word, then I bring my knee up and slam into his lower back with everything I have, forcing him to fall over the table. I let his arms go and deliver four punches right into his kidneys incase the knee to them didn't do the job.

  "Bruised kidneys…" I say and step back to get the knife I pulled out of his drawer. I go for a chunk of his hair and start slicing until there are four defined bald patches on his head. "The hair you pulled out of her scalp." I gather the hair and shove it in his mouth, letting it thicken into the butter.

  Fuck the thought makes me gag.

  I turn him until he is facing me and watch as he tries to breathe with the butter and hair and the absolute agony I can only imagine he is in. "You broke her nose." I slam my fist directly on the bridge of his nose and watch as it smashes to the side and is so obviously broken. "You beat her body, every inch bruised and tender." I start bashing my fists all over his body, hitting every square inch, knowing he can take more than she could. I reach for the can of Pork and Beans and rein down on him as he did her.

  I showed no mercy.

  I gave no fucks.

  I inject another small dose of the epinephrine, enough to wake him up so I can finish. "Dude, please…" He says and I realize he can still talk when I know she couldn’t for two days. A rage inside of me explodes and I grab his throat and slam him to the wall, my free hand on his jaw. I see his eyes going red from the force, just as hers did and I pull back, though my rage wanted him. I look him in the eye, for a long moment I let him see my hate and my fury before I pushed him back against the wall, holding his forehead and used my free hand to grip his jaw and pulling until I felt it pop.

  "Now talk to me mother fucker! Tell me how fun it was doing this to her!" I slam his head against the wall and force myself to step back. I watch him try to talk, but he can't. He is fighting for words, just as my girl did.

  "Put your hands on the table." I say and grab the cans of Pork and Beans. He starts to cry and shakes his head no.

  "Yes! Yes you will!" I roar and grab him, forcing him to face the table, knocking him over so he has no choice but to lay them on it to keep from falling. I bring first one, then the other can down with all my might on to his hands. I can hear the bones crunch. "Now Ken, I am breaking every fucking bone in both hands so you know every time you look down at them healing, why you got hit." I bring the cans down again and listen to him scream in agony and I am out of butter so I deal with the obnoxious crying.

  "This is just a warning." I grit between my teeth as I haul him from the table and hold the small patch of hair I left in the center so he can look at me and understand… to remember who did this and who he will face if he dares to seek revenge. I show him the Sergeant at Arms patch on my cutt, my name KOLE just below it. "My name is Dante Kole, Sergeant at Arms for The Knights of Thunder. I will kill you in ways you can't imagine if you share this story with anyone. As far as anyone is concerned you were jumped over a dime bag. I paid for safe passage through here, so no law will help you. But hear me loud and clear Kendall, if you ever touch her again; I will leave with your hands in the saddle bags on my bike and your tongue will end up in the garbage disposal." I grab both hands and slam them on the table. "Am I clear?" I roar and he nods, trying repeatedly to say yes and can't do to his unhinged jaw.

  "Mallory Wayne is mine. I kill for mine Kendall, and I won't hesitate to kill you. You want to touch Knights property, then be warned it'll end grim." I want so bad to shave his bitches head bald, but I don't touch a woman unless there is no other option. Should this bitch get reckless though, I know enough Old Lady's here that can take her.

  I hear a mumbled bunch of fuck-all come from his mouth and know he is trying to say something to me. I get closer, close enough to try to understand him knowing he is broken and can't hurt a fly. Once I realize what he is saying I want to hit him all over again. "She ain't worth it?" I ask just to be sure, when he nods I decide I was being too nice in the end.

  I grab the canister of Morton's Salt and empty the bottle on his face and hands, knowing the shit will burn and scar like a mother fucker. "She is worth everything to me Kendall. Don't forget that." I say and throw the empty canister at him and left having made my point.


  I pull up to her house, a wave of emotional shit I can't acknowledge kicking my ass. I had showered before I checked out of the hotel and made sure as best I could that there were no signs of last night on me. She knows me like her own soul and if I gave her the chance she would have spared Kendall.

  I both loved her for it, and wanted to wring her neck over it. Dumb girl didn't have enough sense to not always do the right thing.

  I made my way to the door. Walking down these stairs last time I was here was like walking the green fuckin mile. I look at the flower bed outside her door that he held her down on wishing I had hit him one last time when I see the flowers all destroyed.

  I knock on the door, not really processing the fact I am about to be face to face with the only woman who could drive me bat shit crazy and love so much all in one heart beat.

  It's just after nine and I assume she's up, but realize she's probably scared to answer the door. I send her a quick text.

  Me: Answer your door luv.

  She doesn’t respond but I can hear her shuffling to the door, then it opens and… fuck me it is still worse than I thought… I don't know what I thought to be honest. It's my Emjay, she is still so beautiful. Big grey eyes I can't think straight when I look into them, are now a deep purple, the bruises have faded some in the last week. Her face is still the one I see when I close my eyes, but bruised lightly now, and her jaw still swollen, the bruising set in . She is wearing a thin strapped tank top and those yoga pants things chicks wear and the skin I see is marred by bruises.

  I should have killed him.

  "Dante?" She asks, and I don't know why. She fuckin knows who I am.

  "Obviously luv." I say and catch the screen door as she flies out it, crumbling into my arms sobbing.

  I would be a heartless bastard if I didn't get a little emotional here, and I did in my own way. I just wanted to hold her and make sure she knew she was safe. I had made damn sure she was before I even let her know I was here, but I need her to believe she is safe.

  It hits me harder than anything could, that she is in my arms again.

sp; I fucking cherish it.

  She covers her face, hiding from me and I know it's because she is self conscious over the damage. "Look at me now baby." I say and kiss her head, knowing how humiliated she must feel. I can't fix her though, unless she looks at me and accepts what he fuckin did.

  She does, and her tears hurt me in a way nothing ever will. "It's so bad…" She says and tries to bury her face again but I stop her.

  "Sssh now." I say and she shakes uncontrollably with tears. "I know luv, I know." I just hold her in between my legs on the front porch, Harley licking the glass and whining for her. God and all watching and neither of us give a shit. I hold her because she needs it. I hold her because she feels so lost… I hold her because it is all I can do for my crazy broken woman.

  The entire days been spent lounging on her couch and letting her talk. I haven't stopped loving her, not for even a second Now it would be next to impossible to leave her. There has been only a few times where she hasn’t been in my arms today and I know, fuck I know I shouldn’t touch her or kiss her but I don't fucking care right now. Not my club or my wife are playing into this. It is Rayen, Rayen is the only thing stronger than the love I have for Emjay.

  I am mad as hell by the notion. I had tried to stay away and let her go and look what happened? Now, fuck that now I was in it. I had proven to myself that I couldn’t walk away. I was always here, inside of the very fiber of her, no different than she was me.

  "What is that?" She asks and looks to the TV pointing. "Turn it up. That's Ken!" She exclaims and there is no hiding the damage I inflicted about eighteen hours ago as his face is plastered on the five o'clock news.

  Shit was about to get real.

  She listens to the news anchor as she describes a gruesome discovery in an area they call Skid Row, where a drug deal went terribly wrong. "Sources say that Downing, a twenty-one year old living in the Grand Junction area, was assaulted early Monday evening after investigators learned that Downing and another man; who has yet to be identified ,got in an altercation after authorities were tipped off on a location to a meth lab the two had been using. Both men have been apprehended and are in police custody as the investigation continues."


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