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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 3

by Stephan James

  “Congratulations,” She chuckled, turning towards Jordon and extending a hand for him to shake. “You’d better keep an eye on this one, he tends to think a little too far out of the box, and one of these days it’s bound to get him in trouble.” She winked when Jordon accepted it, turning her attention back to the nervous looking men and waving them off. “Let’s go, boys, I want to find myself something to drink.” She chuckled, winding her arm around the slender waist of a beautiful omega female as she went.

  “Hannah is my go-to gal,” Dominic smiled, watching the woman walk away with a proud glint in his eyes. “She fought her way into my office one day, and set all these papers in front of me. Her degree, charts she had to improve company productivity, all of her qualifications, and she told me that she was better qualified than anyone else in the building. I took one look at the pile and I told her she was right. Hired her on the spot.” He pointed out, leading Jordon around the room with a happy smile on his lips.

  “You hired her even though she was an alpha?” Jordon asked, looking a little surprised. Female alphas frowned upon almost as much as male omegas. He had only ever met a few in his past, but he remembered them being powerful people.

  “Course I did,” Dominic smiled, looking down at Jordon with a smile. “She was the more qualified candidate.” He pointed out, leaning down and kissing his lover on the lips slowly. “Just like you were the man that I was destined to mate with.”

  Smiling softly up at the other, Jordon felt his heart flutter in his chest. He had never felt this way about anyone before, and it was a wonderful feeling to know that Dominic felt the same way. Lowering his gaze, he took the other’s hand and let out a sigh.

  “Well, now that you’ve got me blushing, why don’t we go meet the rest of your coworkers?” he asked, his eyes sparkling as he let the man take his arm once more.

  “It’s been amazing, Becca,” Two months after mating with Dominic, Jordon was thrilled to find himself living the life of luxury alongside the man he loved. Humming as he sipped at a cup of tea that Dominic’s maid had gotten for him, he smiled as his roommate giggled excitedly.

  “Any sign of a baby bump yet? I know you two have been trying,” She chirped on the other end. Though she had been disappointed that she had lost out on a roommate, Dominic had made sure that Jordon’s rent had been taken care of for the rest of their lease which meant she had an entire room to do with as she pleased.

  “I was just about to take the test when you called actually,” Jordon hummed, glancing over at the package with a smile.

  He was nervous about bringing a child into the world, but at the same time, he knew that Dominic would take care of them both. He had fallen even more in love with the man in the past two months, learning that not only was he incredibly attractive, but he was compassionate, funny, and a great leader. The only thing he had been able to find wrong with the man, was that he tended to give people the benefit of the doubt. His brother had been a constant nuisance, and yet he refused to do anything about it. He loved the man and believed that he was genuinely good, deep down.

  “Well as soon as you are, make sure you call me,” Becca giggled, thrilled with the idea of her longtime bachelor friend actually settling down and having a family. “Do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl?”

  “As long as it’s breathing and has all its toes when it comes out? I really don’t care,” Jordon hummed, glancing down at his watch and swearing when he realized what time it was. “Hey, Becca, I gotta go. I want to take the test before Dominic gets home so I can surprise him!” He explained, standing up and snagging onto the box.

  “Alright! Call me later if you’re preggers!” The woman laughed, hanging up the phone a second later.

  Thrilled, Jordon scrambled into the bathroom, feeling his heart race in his chest as he started the test. He told himself not to worry. If he was pregnant that was great, but if he wasn’t, it just wasn’t the time. Still, he knew deep down he would feel the same disappointment he felt before. He wanted to have a child with Dominic, more than he wanted anything else in the world.

  Closing his eyes as he held the test in his hand, he felt his heart flutter in his chest as anxiety rolled through his stomach.

  It was fine. It was going to be fine.

  Glancing down, he felt his heart soar and his breath catch in his chest when he saw the little blue plus sign staring back at him.


  He was pregnant!

  Beaming as he scrambled to his feet, Jordon let out a laugh as he rested his hand on his stomach. They were going to have a baby! He was going to be a mother! Tears building up in his eyes, he quickly set the test in a plastic bag.

  A few moments later, Jordon felt his heart start to race in his chest as he heard the front door open.

  Dominic was home. This was it; he was finally going to get to tell his lover that they did it, that they were going to have a baby. They had been trying so hard for so long, and they did it. He didn’t think he had ever been more excited than he was in that moment.

  Taking a deep breath, he smiled when he heard Dominic’s voice ring through the house, calling for him. Clutching the bag to his chest, he pushed open the door and scrambled into the living room where his lover was setting his briefcase onto the couch.

  “There you are,” Dominic smiled the moment he saw him, opening his arms for his lover only to hesitate when the baggy was shoved into his hands. “What’s this?” he frowned, lifting it up and eyeing the contents slowly.

  It took him a moment, but gradually his eyes widened and his mouth fell open in a gasp. Glancing up at Jordon, he let out a startled, strangled sound.

  “You’re…” he started, dropping the bag and running his fingers through his hair. “You’re pregnant?” he laughed, tears forming in his eyes as Jordon nodded excitedly.

  “We’re pregnant!” Jordon laughed, lunging forward and wrapping his arms around his lover. Beaming as Dominic pressed their lips together happily; he squeaked when the man scooped him up into his arms and spun him around excitedly.

  “We’re going to have a baby!” Dominic beamed, clutching the man to his chest and dancing around the room with the smaller man in his arms. Laughing right along with his mate, Jordon wound his arms around his shoulders, pressing his face to his neck and beaming as the man cheered.

  He didn’t think that he’d ever been happier in his life than he was at that exact moment. The love of his life was holding him in his arms, and they were going to bring life into the world. He didn’t care what other people thought of their relationship, or what people might think about them having a child. All he cared about was in that moment was that they were happy, and no one was going to take that away from them.

  “We’ve got to celebrate!” Dominic decided, his eyes sparkling as he kissed his lover on the lips once more before settling him on his feet. “We should throw a party! Or make a big press announcement and tell the world that we’re going to be parents! I can start thinking up a guest list for the party, I mean we’ll have to have a baby shower right?” he stammered, blinking when Jordon caught his hands and smiled softly up at him.

  “Baby, I’d love to have a party, but later,” he insisted, kissing the man on the lips slowly. “For right now? I’d like a nice quiet dinner at home with my sexy alpha, and then maybe we can take a bath and celebrate on our own.” He grinned wickedly, trailing his fingers down the man’s chest and chuckling at the look of realization that crossed his alpha’s face.

  “I-I think I’d like that,” Dominic grinned stupidly, kissing Jordon once more and humming when Jordon tangled his fingers into his hair. “What would I do without you?” he whispered, trailing his hands down Jordon’s sides slowly.

  “Probably throw a party,” Jordon teased, pinching the man’s cheek with a laugh before taking his hand and pulling him towards the kitchen. “C’mon, tonight we’re cooking for ourselves. We’ll send the cook home, and you and I are going to make some old fashion spaghetti w
ith meatballs.” He insisted, smiling when the other grimaced.

  “I don’t think I have ever cooked a day in my life,” Dominic admitted, laughing when Jordon pulled him into the kitchen.

  “Guess you’ve gotta start someday! C’mon Mr. Multibillion Dollar Company! Let’s see if we can’t teach you a new skill,” Jordon insisted, digging through the fridge for ingredients as Dominic stood watching him with an adoring look on his face. Glancing over his shoulder, Jordon raised an eyebrow. “Why are you staring?” he asked in amusement, straightening and handing the other a few ripe tomatoes and mozzarella cheese.

  “I’m just wondering what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you in my life,” Dominic mumbled, his eyes soft as he regarded the man in front of him. “I mean, I had given up hope I’d ever find someone that I would love enough to start a family with. To spend the rest of my life with, and you just sort of came out of nowhere. I had to have done something. Maybe I died and went to heaven?” He smiled, setting aside the ingredients that Jordon gave him.

  Blushing slightly at the man’s words, Jordon turned towards him and smiled softly, his hand moving up to trail his fingers over his cheek. It was hard to believe that someone as perfect as Dominic thought he was the lucky one. The man who could literally have anyone he wanted, thought that he was this gift from God. His entire life he had seen himself as a curse, and now he had an adoring alpha that looked at him as if he were an angel.

  “I guess we both got lucky,” he whispered, kissing the man on the lips with a soft chuckle. “Now we can share this miracle with our little miracle.” He hummed, trailing his fingers over his swollen stomach and smiling softly. Nodding, Dominic kissed him once more, his hand enveloping Jordon’s as they sat for a moment staring down at his stomach in awe.

  “I love you so much, you know that?” Dominic mumbled after a moment, glancing back at his lover and smiling when Jordon chuckled.

  “I love you too, now pick up an apron, we’re cooking,” He ordered, turning back towards the dinner he was preparing for them both.

  Announcing their pregnancy to the company caused a far smaller stir than the announcement that they had mated. People seemed resigned to the fact that they were together, happy, and that Jordon wasn’t going anywhere. In fact, even Bennett seemed prepared to make amends with Jordon, and requested that they all go out to eat to celebrate Jordon’s pregnancy.

  “I’m glad to see you’ve come around, Ben,” Dominic smiled as he and Jordon sat across from the man at the restaurant that Bennett suggested that they meet.

  “I suppose I realized that it was best for me to get on the good side of your lover, after all, he is a big part of your life now,” Bennett smiled, though Jordon couldn’t help but feel that there was still some malice hidden in his pale yellow eyes. “I would hate to be excluded from my dear niece or nephew’s life.” Bennett continued earning a shaking smile from Jordon.

  “Good,” Dominic beamed, lifting up his menu while Jordon continued to shift nervously beside him. Jordon didn’t know what it was, but something about Bennett felt wrong. He wanted to believe that the man genuinely wanted to be a part of his life, but the more that they spoke, the more he felt that there was something dark, hidden in the man’s voice.

  As dinner went on, Jordon continued to do everything that he could to keep his eyes on Bennett. The man was chatting amicably with his brother, but every few minutes, he would turn his gaze onto Jordon, his predatory gaze boring into him as he spoke.

  “Do you think that it’s going to be a boy or a girl?” Bennett demanded, his fingers tapping against the table. “I’m sure that Dominic wants a little girl, he’s always had such a soft spot for women running his company.”

  “You can’t still be jealous of Hannah, you didn’t even want the position when she claimed it,” Dominic shook his head, earning a small grin from Bennett.

  “What can I say? I suppose I just decided I wanted to have a bigger role in your business,” he pointed out, his eyes flashing slightly as he sipped at his glass of red wine.

  “You can have a bigger role, but you haven’t proven to me that you’re capable of managing a company as large as this one. You just don’t have the experience!” Dominic insisted, rolling his eyes when Bennett’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. For a moment, Jordon was sure that the man was going to explode, but instead, he simply smiled, shaking his head with a soft chuckle.

  “I suppose I’m just jealous of your success, brother,” He hummed, licking his lips in irritation when Dominic shook his head.

  “The only reason that I am more successful than you is because I spent my time in college studying instead of messing around,” Dominic reminded the man earning a soft chuckle from Bennett.

  “You’re right; I should have been more ambitious. I supposed that you were always the more successful out of the two of us,” Bennett hummed, his gaze flickering over to Jordon, “And now you’ve got a pretty little mate, a child on the way, and a successful career. Maybe someday I’ll earn the right to have some of the things that you have” He sighed dramatically.

  Taking a moment he hummed before reaching out and taking Jordon’s hand lightly. His eyes sparkling, he lifted his hand up to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to his knuckles.

  “I wish you all the luck and I hope that your children are brought into the world without any issues,” he smiled as he released Jordon’s hand. “After all, childbirth can be treacherous for both the mother and her children.” He hummed, pulling his hands back; he turned his attention back towards his meal, leaving a chill shooting down Jordon’s spine.

  He hadn’t thought that the other was dangerous, just impolite, but now? He was starting to feel like he should be more worried about his brother-in-law. Resting his hand on his slightly swollen stomach, he felt anxiety start to roll through his stomach. He didn’t know why the other hated him so much, but he was sure that he would find out.

  “When is your next big meeting with the stockholders?” Bennett asked, turning his attention away from Jordon and focusing in on his brother with a sigh.

  “Next month, I’ll be out of town for the day, but I won’t be gone long. I would hate for Jordon to be alone,” Dominic pointed out, wrapping his mouth around Jordon’s shoulders and pressing his lips to his shoulder with a smile. Giggling, Jordon smiled and pressed his lips to the other’s shoulder.

  “You’re making it sound like I can’t handle being on my own. I did manage to survive for twenty some-odd years before I met you,” Jordon reminded the other, his hands sliding over the other’s thigh playfully, noting the look of disgust on Bennett’s face.

  “Well, while you’re gone I’m sure that your beloved will be just fine,” Bennett hummed, his eyes sparking as he glanced over at Jordon. “After all, he seems to be fairly capable.” He explained, earning a soft chuckle from Dominic.

  “I suppose that you’re right, I don’t give you enough credit,” Dominic sighed, trailing his fingers down his lover’s back with a sigh. “I guess I just don’t want you to be alone. After all, you’re the most important thing in my life.” He chuckled, pressing his lips to the top of the other’s head.

  “I love you too, darling,” Jordon smiled, pressing against the other’s side and letting his gaze flicker towards Bennett, biting his lip when he saw a calculating look on the man’s face. “You’ll only be gone for the day; I can take care of myself.” He mumbled, lowering his gaze towards his plate with a sigh. He would be fine.

  By the date of Dominic’s trip, all thoughts of Bennett had fallen away. Jordon’s stomach was starting to swell, and his excitement for the child’s arrival was growing more and more with each day. Neither one of them wanted to be apart for longer than a few minutes, but unfortunately, Dominic’s work was far more demanding than either of them liked.

  “I’ll be home before you know it,” Dominic mumbled, sliding their lips together with a sigh and trailing his fingers through Jordon’s hair. “Try not to stress too much whil
e I’m gone, and do your best to keep off your feet.” He insisted, lifting up his suitcase and smiling as he trailed his fingertips over Jordon’s cheek.

  “You’re acting like I’m nine months pregnant,” Jordon laughed, shaking his head with an amused look on his face. “I’m only four months along; I promise you that nothing is going to happen while you’re across town for the day.” He smiled warmly, kissing the man once more and waving him off with a smile.

  “I know, I suppose I’m just nervous. I don’t want anything to go wrong while I’m gone,” he sighed, trailing his fingers through his hair and laughing when Jordon shoved him towards the door. “Fine, fine, I’m going! So pushy,” he teased, kissing his mate once more and rolling his eyes when Jordon shoved him out the door.

  “Oh just go so you can get back! I’ll probably be asleep by the time you get home so try to be quiet?” Jordon insisted before shaking his head and blowing a kiss at his reluctant over-protective mate. He would be fine.

  The moment that he closed the door, Jordon smiled as he shook his head. His lover was so protective of him, and it was so adorable. It made him feel as though he was wanted, and that was one of the best feelings in the world.

  Humming to himself, he settled himself in front of the TV with a bowl of popcorn and a cup of caffeine free tea. It was nice to have the day to himself, even though his body longed for the warmth of his alpha, he knew that the other would be home before he knew it. For the moment, he got to enjoy himself laying out on his back and watching the occasional movement in his stomach as his baby squirmed and kicked in his stomach.

  “Hello little one,” he breathed, trailing his fingertips over his stomach with a happy noise. “I can’t wait to meet you. Show you the world.” He hummed happily, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

  He was just about to doze off when he heard the sound of keys jingling in the front door. Had Dominic forgotten something? He wondered, sitting up with a frown, his hand resting on his stomach.


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