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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 4

by Stephan James

  Moving to his feet, he came to stand in the doorway and leaned against the wall, ready to tease his lover about worrying too much about him and managing to forget something important in the process. Just as the door opened, he felt his words die in his throat, his eyes widening a bit as he spotted Bennett in the doorway.

  “Hello, my dear,” Bennett grinned, his eyes dangerous as he moved forward.

  “What are you doing here? Dominic isn’t home,” Jordon started, his hand moving instinctually down to his stomach as Bennett moved forward slowly. Taking a few steps back, he bit his lip, his eyes wide as the man let out a soft amused hum.

  “Of course, he’s not here, I wouldn’t be here if he was,” Bennett grinned, licking his lips and sliding his hand into his pocket. “You see, for the longest time I was my brother’s heir. I had plans to kill him soon, but when I found out that he had found a mate? Well, that just wasn’t going to do, especially when I found out that you were pregnant with his damn brat.” He spat furiously, his eyes flashing as he took a step forward.

  “You-you were going to kill your brother? For what? The money?” Jordon stuttered, trembling as he moved backward and put the couch between himself and the other man.

  “Not just the money,” Bennett snapped, “The money, the power, the influence that he has! He’s wasting it all! Mating with a male omega, hiring on female alphas as if they are the same as us! As people who deserve to have that position!”

  “We aren’t any different!” Jordon yelped, stumbling backward and feeling his heart pound in his chest. “You have plenty of money! You’re one of the most eligible bachelors! Killing me…killing your brother isn’t going to change that!” he trembled, gasping when the man let out a snarl and lurched forward.

  “You don’t know me! You don’t know what I’ve endured living in my brother’s shadow! Everything was going to be fine! I was going to be the head of the family and then you showed up and ruined everything! I had to change my plans! I had to change everything!” He roared, looking livid as he lunged over the couch and snagged onto Jordon’s arm.

  “You’re insane! Let go of me!” Jordon roared, his hand transforming into a paw and slashing open the other’s hand. Stumbling away, he gasped as the man retracted his bleeding hand with a yowl of pain.

  “You little bitch!” The man roared, swearing and lurching towards Jordon with a snarl. His shape changing as he jumped, his massive jaws snapped at Jordon’s shoulder with a snarl.

  Barely managing to stumble back, Jordon yelped and changed his own shape, his claws skittering across the floor as the panther jumped forward and attempted to slam into him. Massive jaws sank into his shoulder but pulled back when Jordon’s back claws gauged massive slices down the man’s chest.

  Terrified, and desperate to defend his unborn child, Jordon scrambled way from the beast and into one of the side rooms. He was not going to let the other kill him. He was not going to let the man touch his child! Gasping in distress when the man lurched into the room, he hissed and scrambled over the bed, transforming into a human and wrenching the door to the bathroom open. Slamming it shut behind him, he locked it with a gasp and shuddered.

  Blood poured down his shoulder in rivers, leaving him light-headed and terrified. He had to escape; already he could hear the wood starting to strain under the weight of Bennett’s massive body. Lurching forward, he grabbed onto the window and hauled it open with a gasp, transforming once again into his lean cat-like guise and scrambling through the window just as Bennett managed to knock down the door.

  He had to get away. He couldn’t let the man catch him! Scrambling down the road leading away from their house, he gasped as he transformed back into his human shape. He could hear Bennett’s furious roar filling the air behind him, tears streaming down his face as he waved down a car.

  The man inside the car immediately pulled to a stop when he saw the blood on the small man’s shoulders, his eyes wide as he scrambled out of the car.

  “Are you alright? What happened?” he demanded, gently helping the boy into the car.

  “My brother-in-law just tried to kill me, please get me away from here!” He sobbed, his head spinning as pain rolled through his shoulder. He couldn’t tell if he was going to pass out or be sick. What he did know was that he was safe, at least for right then.

  He could hear the man beside him calling 911 as his head lolled back against his shoulder, his eyes rolling back in his head as he fought to stay conscious. He wanted Dominic. He wanted to be as far away from the deranged man that was currently stalking through the woods of his home.

  Feeling his eyes rolling back in his head, he closed his eyes and moaned as he started to fade into unconsciousness.

  The first thing that Jordon heard when he woke up was the sound of a heart monitor steadily thrumming along beside his bed. His eyes fluttering open slowly, Jordon let out a soft moan as a fog of drugs and dull pain rolled through his body. Looking around blearily, he let out a soft gasp when he felt a hand take his own.

  “It’s alright, it’s me,” Dominic’s soft voice filled the air a moment later, the feeling of his thumb trailing across the back of his wrist coaxing him out of his fog.

  “Dominic,” Jordon groaned, his eyes fluttering a bit as he fought to focus. Trembling as he remembered what had happened the night before, he gasped and tried to sit up, “Dominic, Bennett he…” he rasped, relaxing when Dominic’s hand gently pressed him back against the bed.

  “I know,” He mumbled, his lips pressing against Jordon’s forehead. “The man who brought you here told the police that my brother tried to kill you.” He grit his teeth as he closed his eyes, a look of grief crossing his face. “They arrested him a mile away from our house, covered in blood and cursing.” His voice shook as he spoke, grief clear on his face.

  “I’m sorry,” Jordon whined, tears forming in his eyes when he felt the grief that his lover was feeling course through him. “He was going to kill you; he said that he wanted your money, your power.” He whispered.

  “I know,” Dominic mumbled, his hand resting on Jordon’s swollen stomach as he closed his eyes. “I knew that he was jealous, but I never realized exactly just how jealous that he was.” He sighed, closing his eyes and pressing kisses over his lover’s face. “He won’t ever hurt you again,” Dominic promised, his eyes serious as he stared back at his lover.

  “I’m just happy that he won’t be able to hurt you,” Jordon whispered, leaning in and kissing the man slowly, the hand not attached to his bad shoulder sliding up to rest on Dominic’s cheek.

  “Trust me, he might have said he was going to be able to, but I’m stronger than him,” Dominic growled, his eyes sparkling as he looked back at the other. Jordon chuckled at this, nodding as he rubbed at his bad shoulder gently. Feeling something in his stomach shift, he gasped, realizing quickly that he had forgotten to ask about the growing child in his stomach.

  “The baby! Is the baby ok?” Jordon asked a moment later, his hand trembling as he rested it on his stomach. Instantly, Dominic smiled softly, nodding as he pressed his lips to Jordon’s.

  “They’re both fine,” He chuckled, smiling when Jordon’s eyes went wide. Nodding when the other looked at him with a shocked expression on his face, he kissed him sweetly. “Two, we’re having twins. A baby boy and a girl.” He winked, laughing when Jordon let out a soft, delighted noise and wrapped his arms around the other’s shoulders.

  “Twins?” Jordon laughed, hugging his mate tightly and smiling when the man pulled him closer and nodded. Pressing a kiss to the top of his head, Dominic smiled and trailed his fingers through his hair.

  “Twins. Looks like we’re going to be in a bit over our heads,” Dominic chuckled, his eyes sparkling as he pulled the man closer. His eyes filled with joy, Jordon’s hands ran over his stomach and a soft hum fell from his lips.

  “I’m so happy,” he breathed, tears rolling down his face as he wrapped his arms around the other’s shoulders. He didn’t have to worr
y about Bennett anymore, and on top of it all, he had another bundle of joy to join their growing family.

  Taking a few moments to bask in the idea that he was having two children, Jordon let out a soft laugh and closed his eyes.

  “C’mere,” He ordered his mate, pulling the man forward until he was on the bed and laying his head against his chest. “When do I get to go home? I’ve got a lot more planning to do if there’s another child in the mix.” He laughed, trailing his hand over the man’s warm chest and smiling when he felt his lips press to the top of his head.

  “The doctor says I can take you home tomorrow morning,” Dominic explained, trailing his fingers through the man’s hair and smiling when Jordon let out a happy noise. “So why don’t we rest?” he asked with a smile, “We can plan for the children all we want in the morning.”

  Too drugged up to argue, Jordon let out a soft sigh and nodded. Pressing his face to the other’s shoulder, he closed his eyes and let out a hum.

  “Alright darling,” he mumbled, his fingers tangling into his shirt. “I love you so much,” he breathed, closing his eyes and smiling when the man pressed his lips to his shoulder. Letting his breathing even out, he sighed, falling to sleep a few moments later with a soft sigh.

  Mila and Lucas.

  A beautiful boy and girl both gifted with their father’s dark hair and his own blue-grey eyes were the best gift that he had ever hoped to receive. After almost losing his life, cradling his children in his arms after a nine-hour labor was the best feeling in the world. Trailing his fingertips over his daughter’s cheek, he smiled and pressed his lips to the top of her head when she shifted.

  “They’re beautiful,” Dominic smiled; his eyes tired as he sat beside his lover’s bed and trailed his fingers over their son’s small hand. “They look so much like you, it’s amazing.”

  “She looks like me, but Lucas looks like his daddy,” Jordon insisted, smiling as he kissed his lover on the lips slowly.

  Since he had been attacked, Dominic had been watching over him like a hawk. He never left his side, and actually gave Hannah full control of the company until his return. Though his brother was in jail, he didn’t trust the man not to try anything. As far as he was concerned, his brother was still a threat until he was put away for good.

  "You realize this is probably the end of our late night party’s right?” Jordon laughed, kissing the man on the lips and smiling when Dominic laughed and nodded.

  “Well, parties are more for bachelors anyway. I’ve got three reasons to want to be home every night,” Dominic whispered, his fingers trailing over his mate’s cheek for a moment and a sigh falling from his lips as Jordon smiled and pressed their lips together.

  “You sure know how to sweet talk me, you know that?” Jordon laughed, kissing the man slowly and laying back in his bed. He was exhausted, but he had no desire to go to sleep while he was cradling his children and learning their faces.

  “I like to think of it as a talent of mine,” Dominic beamed, pressing his face to Jordon’s side and sighing softly before crawling up onto the bed with him gently and lifting their daughter into his arms. “I can’t get over how small they are.” He pointed out, letting the little girl’s hand wrap around one of his fingers with a hum.

  “They won’t be small forever, but I’ll miss it when they aren’t,” Jordon admitted, closing his eyes as he let out a sigh. “I just hope that they get along.” He mumbled, terrified that they would wind up like his mate and his brother.

  “We won’t let them wind up like my brother and me,” Dominic insisted softly, his eyes serious as he looked back at his lover. “My brother was never my parent’s priority, but I’m going to make sure that they both know that I love them equally.” He pointed out, trailing his fingers through his daughter’s hair gently.

  “They’ll be just fine,” Jordon agreed, sighing and pressing his face to his lover’s shoulder. “Becca and Hannah are already fighting over who is going to be the godmothers.” He mumbled.

  “I think they’re all secretly hoping we die,” Dominic moaned softly, laughing and shaking his head with a sigh. “We’ll decide later, for now? I just want to focus on our little family.” He mumbled.

  “No parties?” Jordon teased, laughing when the other bit his shoulder.

  “No parties, I promise. Just us,” Dominic grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement, “Maybe I’ll make some of that pasta that you taught me to make!” Jordon moaned, remembering how badly the other had managed to burn the sauce. Shaking his head, he kissed his lover on the lips.

  “Alright, we can make some more pasta, but this time, I’m going to be in charge of the sauce,” He decided, giggling when Lucas squirmed in his arms and let out a soft whine of protest. Kissing the top of his head, Jordon sighed and leaned against his mate with a soft smile. “I just can’t wait to bring them home.” He explained, his hands trailing over their son’s back as the child huffed and squirmed in his arms.

  “Doc says we can leave as soon as the kids are cleared,” Dominic hummed, his eyes fluttering shut as he pressed closer to Jordon. Smiling, Jordon kissed his mate’s cheek.

  “I still can’t get over how lucky I am to have you,” he mumbled, chuckling when Dominic smiled softly.

  “Not as lucky as I am,” Dominic whispered, wrapping his arm around Jordon’s shoulders and smiling. His eyes still closed, he let out a happy hum as he pulled Jordon closer. This was something that he’d never thought that he would have. A happy little family, safe and warm, it was more than he could have ever dreamed of having.

  **********The End**********

  Omega Mpreg Collection

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  Omega Auctioned


  Kadin a trouble attracting omega, finds himself the property of one of the most dangerous and powerful gangs in the land. With escape almost impossible, he makes an attempt that almost cost him his life, but instead lead to his rescue.

  His Rescuer is none other than Prince Adrian, heir to the throne. Having enough of the current king's tolerance of the gang, Prince Adrian is determined to put an end to the kidnappings and violence while securing his seat on the throne. Will Kadin stand by his Alpha’s side or is the thought of being under the gangs control be too much for him to handle?


  Kadin Delaney’s mother always told him to be careful wandering around the forest surrounding their village. Slavers, murderers, and thieves took advantage of the dark paths to sneak up on their victims. The thick brush and ancient trees made traversing through the slender mountain trails most villagers took to hunt and gather supplies nearly impossible after dark. No one dared travel on the main roads provided by the capital, for fear of the bandits waiting in the trees for unsuspecting travelers.

  She always liked to remind him that a pretty little omega like himself wouldn’t stand a chance against the brutes waiting in the trees. He never let that stop him. He might be an omega, a man with more in common with women than men, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t fight, outwit, and destroy anyone who tried to do him harm. Just because he had the capability to carry children didn’t make him weak. He lived each day fighting harder than the alphas in his village to prove that he could keep up with them.

  The capital, Colmoen, was South of them. It took three days by horseback to reach it from their small village, and it was because of this distance that the crown tended to ignore their requests for increased security on their roads. They didn’t believe that the small Northern village, hidden away in the mountains, was worth the manpower it would take to protect its citizens. Despite the need for the citizens to gather supplies from the neighboring villages, their plight was not worth the attention of the crown.

  Until such point that the crown changed its mind, and decided that their plight was worth the expenditure, it was up to the citizens t
o protect themselves. Anyone who dared attempt the dangerous passage through the mountains had to realize that they were taking their lives into their own hands. No one would be there to save them should something go wrong.

  Despite all the preparation, expertise, and experience that his group had, Kadin never realized just how wrong things could go.

  “Kadin, they’re circling us! Keep up the right flank!” Emmet, Kadin’s best friend since childhood and one of the most talented fighters in their village, roared as he drew his sword and kicked his horse into a charge. With the grace of a dancer, he was able to swing off his horse far enough to slice his opponent’s saddle, sending the slaver crashing to the ground with a shout.

  They were on the last leg of their journey, Mela’s pass, a shortcut meant to get them to the safety of the city faster than going over the mountain itself. They had expected to make it to their destination before sundown when they were attacked. The group of slavers ambushing them with a roar when they came around one of the large cliff faces making up the pass.

  At first, Kadin was sure that they would be able to fight their way out, but as more slavers poured from the trees, he realized just how outnumbered they were. They could fight all they wanted, but it was starting to look as though they might be captured.

  “Go to hell you beasts!” Aislinn roared, the woman sending an arrow into the skull of one of the slaver’s heads while her twin brother, Daire, jumped from his horse onto the slaver’s beasts, kicking the man from the saddle with a grunt.

  “There’s too many!” Emmet hissed, grunting when he was knocked from his saddle with a powerful blow from a club, the wind knocked from his lungs with a painful thud. Seeing Emmet, the largest and most powerful alpha in their group go down, made Kadin realize just how hopeless their situation was quickly becoming.


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