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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 26

by Stephan James

  For Gale, he had risked everything twice over and was now prepared to do it again a third time. However, this way didn’t involve so much the threat of a physical injury as it did the threat of losing his entire livelihood.

  Stefan was still waiting, accustomed to the brooding gap between words.

  Here goes nothing.

  “I….I was thinking that perhaps Gale…”

  A look of disappointment crossed Stefan’s face, and Noah rushed forward to change tactics. His advisor obviously thought that Noah was going to send the younger man back home to his family in America.

  So he blurted out, “I was wondering if you still knew the location of my mother’s engagement ring? The one my father gave to her when he proposed?”

  Stefan looked a little confused. “Well, yes, I do. I suppose it would still be in her jewelry box.” The dragon prince stared at him for a long moment before realization came. “Oh! Oh, my! You don’t mean…Shall I fetch it for you now?”

  Noah hesitated, then saw how Stefan was bouncing with excitement like a child, and smiled a little to himself. It was a crooked smile because he was out of practice, but nonetheless charming all the same. The fact that he could feel how it lay on his face made him feel good, proud of his own changes. There was no reason to wait. He could only hope that Gale would accept. “Yes. Slip it to me when you bring in our meal.”

  A short half an hour later and Noah watched, hidden from another doorway, as Gale entered the dining room in yet another borrowed outfit. He looked dashing, like a fairytale prince.

  This was what he had been waiting for, and he rushed through the door to pull out Gale’s chair for him.

  “Oh…Thank you!” Gale beamed at him, his chest puffing out with happiness.

  Making conversation was a struggle, but that was normal, and his lover noticed nothing unusual. Stefan wasn’t so stealthy as he was meant to be however, so he saw it quite clearly when the advisor slipped a little box onto the table at Noah’s elbow.

  “What’s that?”

  Noah jumped with surprise and knocked the box onto the floor. It snapped open upon colliding with the ground, and a little golden ring spilled out. Gale leaned down from his chair and caught it as it skittered across the hardwood floor towards him, reacting on instinct; then, he gawked down at what he held.

  “What…is this?”

  Noah blushed hard and turned his head away. Damn! This wasn’t how he had meant for things to go at all! His stomach was doing flips inside him from near panic at having his little rehearsed plan gone so awry, but he leapt forward a few steps and tried to find his footing. Practically tumbling out of his chair, he collapsed onto one knee in front of Gale and looked up into his eyes. So eternally blue, so in contrast with his own. Where such a sheltered tourist had acquired such patience, he didn’t know. He only knew that now he had it, he couldn’t live without.

  “Gale,” he began, “I…I know that this might not be the life that you had planned for yourself, but I wanted to…offer it to you. Offer me to you. I’ve never met anyone who can stand me like you do. Please, will you be my prince?”

  Those blue eyes clouded over with shadowy thought. Noah’s fate hung in the balance as his little lover turned the ring over in his fingers, curly bangs tumbling over his forehead as he looked down. The price of what he was giving up might simply be too heavy for this.

  I should have known not to open myself up like this.

  Then, Gale looked up and a smile curved on his lips. It was a sweet, easy smile. “Okay,” he said agreeably.

  Something in Noah’s chest seemed to snap, some sort of restraint, and he threw his arms around Gale’s neck. “Thank you,” he murmured, breathing in the warm, clean scent of freshly-washed skin.

  Gale turned his head and tenderly kissed Noah’s cheek. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  They ate their meal quickly, during which Noah promised himself that he would never again hide himself or anything he did –starting after their wedding, of course. His new fiancé didn’t need to know that Noah had gone back in the middle of the night to burn the bodies of those attackers, bones and all; he refused to tell Stefan when such things occurred, because his advisor was exactly the sort to get police involved in a place where there was no need for them.

  After the wedding, he would be truthful about all.

  Stefan had been watching, of course.

  “Wonderful!” he trilled, greeting the couple as they headed out of the dining area. “I think this calls for a celebration. A public celebration. What do you say to, in a week’s time, allowing guests into our castle once again? I will summon all the dismissed staff and have a formal ball prepared!”

  Gale looked a bit intimidated at the thought. Noah was sympathetic and put his arm around his lover’s shoulders, but he knew that it had to be done. If they were to be Kings together, Gale was going to have to get used to this much in the same way as he had when he was first allowed out of his private chambers.

  The next week was a blur of activity. The castle filled with faces, all of them familiar. Nearly everyone seemed in a much better mood than they had been when they left, and the dark gloom cast over the caste ever since the old King and Queen had died was finally lifted somewhat. Noah and Gale were put through their paces: tasting food, rehearsing lines and acting out the announcement so that it would seem theirs was a bond of true love rather than circumstance, and holding still for hours in awkward positions so new clothes could be tailored to them. Noah was to wear a stark, crisp suit of national colors while Gale wore something rounder and softer to accentuate his smaller stature. Looking in the mirror after all the preparations had been finished and the last stitch finally stitched, Noah thought they were beautiful together. How could anyone ever think this was wrong?

  On the seventh day, the castle gates were opened. The parking lot was filled with cars, and then very quickly the whole road and even the surrounding grounds were filled with all manner of vehicles and bikes as people from all over the country arrived. First, there were the nobles, and then the upper class, and then the lucky few commoners who were easy enough to pick out due to their enormous eyes and agape mouths.

  Those who held private tickets –which amounted to about a third of the total arrivals-, were ushered into the grand ballroom. A throne stood against one wall, but there was another one standing empty beside it. The gigantic room was abuzz and aflutter with wonder at who would take their place there at the prince’s side.

  As the last guest was allowed in, and the last number tallied off the list, Stefan poked his head back around the other side of the door and nodded to Noah, who stood at one end of the hall while Gale was at another. On their cue, they walked forward together, met by the door, and then entered the ballroom with their arms linked together.

  “So enters the Prince Noah and his…fiancé?” someone called from near the door.

  Gale was shivering at his side. Noah felt uneasy too, as the light chatter fell away to disgruntled surprise. They walked around the front of the crowd, their arms falling down slowly so that they were holding hands by the time they came to a stop in front of the thrones. A strategically-placed beam of light slashed through the air and cut across the golden ring, drawing hundreds of eyes.

  “People of Moldova,” Noah called out. Utter silence fell as he spoke. His voice was powerful, and many realized in that moment that their feeble heir was not as ill-minded as they previously feared.

  “My people, you all remember the passing of my parents. Generations of us will be saddened at their loss, for it will be felt through countless lifetimes. My parents were wonderful leaders. I know I have great footsteps to follow in and much to learn, but I am ready to face this challenge right now than I ever have been.”

  A few people nodded, though most were staring at Gale still, who in return watched his shoes with great interest. However, Noah wasn’t worried.

  “And I have found someone who is truly fitting to stand at my side. My…lo
ve…for him…” Did he love Gale? The truth wasn’t important right now; he turned his hesitation into emphasis and plowed on. “…goes against our laws and, some would say the very nature of things. Nevertheless, I say that love is a greater force even than nature, and I have loved Gale for a long time. I…”

  “Lies!” someone shouted.

  Noah’s heart froze. Gale flinched. Judging by the flow of turning heads, Noah tracked the tide to the person who had spoken. “Who dares to challenge me?” he said angrily, feeling his pulse start to pound. Dread nagged at him. Not now, he pleaded. Let me control this just this once.

  The speaker was a minor upper class woman of little important. “I was at Forestside Inn the day that hooligan showed up! He tried to rob the ATMs!”

  “I think I recognize him, too!” another one called out. It was a round lady, and her presence made Gale flinch extremely hard. “Why, I was the one who sent him to the castle in the first place about three or so weeks ago! The Prince is a blasphemer and a liar!”

  And just like that, the floodgates opened.



  “Marry an ugly commoner? Disgusting?”

  Noah was shaking now too, his pulse pounding too hard to control. If he opened his mouth, he was going to burst apart.

  And then, a final shout. “My husband went to talk some sense into the Prince and never returned!”

  “My brother is missing!”

  The doors of the ballroom burst open and everyone else in the castle began to push and fight to enter. The clamor rose, vices vying to be the loudest.

  Gale stared at him, tugging on his hand urgently. “You never got it taken care of?” he mouthed.

  There was no time to answer, because a gun came out and fired. Concealed carry in Moldova was legal as long as a license to do so was obtained, but there was no time to check in this situation.

  Noah burst out of his skin just in time, and the bullet scraped across his scales and ricocheted away back into the crowd. His tail lashed and he reared up on his hind legs, mouth gaping open to blast out fire.

  “No!” Gale shrieked. “Noah, stop! Don’t hurt anyone!”

  I can’t let him be disappointed in me.

  Closing his jaws, Noah swallowed his flame. As the fire seared his lungs, he dropped down onto all fours again. Anger had turned to fear, and people were screaming, fleeing from the sight of him.

  For the first time, Noah froze with panic. He was such a monster. These people all saw him for the monster he was.

  Then, there came a tug at his wing and he saw Gale looking at him with tears on his face. “Let’s go!” his fiancé pleaded.

  The doors were all blocked, so Noah nodded. Then, he came over to Gale and slid his body beneath the smaller man. Gale understood and clung on tight. Thirty-foot wings slowly extended, and then thrust towards the ground. The lift was immense and terribly freeing, and Noah leapt up into the sky and thundered his wings. Rising higher and higher, he spat a gout of flame at the roof to weaken it and then smashed through it with his side so that Gale would be safe from the contact. Freed, feeling his fiancé’s arms and legs clinging to him tighter than a tick, Noah swept his gaze over the chaos of the place he once called home –and once called prison, as well.

  Then, he turned his wings to the forest and flew away.

  Riding a dragon was rather like riding a horse, if a horse’s body moved from side-to-side rather than up and down. And, it was also like riding a horse if there were wings flapping very fast on either side, and a terrifying drop down below, and there was nothing to hold onto.

  So, Gale supposed riding a dragon really wasn’t like riding a horse at all. All he could do was try to dig his nails into the creases between Noah’s scales and try to convince himself that he really, really wasn’t afraid of heights at all. He was rather glad when it ended, even though a descent into thick woods wasn’t ideal and the stop was so abrupt that he fell off and landed on his back on a twig.

  “Ow,” he moaned, and sat up to rub at the sore spot. His mind was reeling, and he couldn’t register any of what had just happened. It was all too unreal.

  Beside him, Noah shape shifted back to his normal human self and put his face in his hands. “Oh, Gale, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

  It really was, but that wasn’t exactly a nice thing to say at a time like this, so Gale just crawled over and wrapped his arms around Noah’s strong, capable shoulders. “It’s okay,” he soothed. “We’re still together, aren’t we?”

  “It’s not that,” Noah whispered brokenly, hiding his face. “They’ll kill me. Did you see the way they acted? Did you hear all the things they said? They’ll kill me for what I’ve done.”

  Gale was silence. There was nothing he could say.

  “But,” Noah continued quietly, “I want you to escape. Please. I will tell you my account numbers so that you may get into my money. Take as much as you need and quickly, before it is all shut down. Then, get back to America and…”

  “No!” Gale practically shouted, releasing Noah and then grabbing at him by the shoulders. He tried to shake the dragon prince, but he was too solid and muscular to be shifted. “No, that’s stupid! I love you and you can’t make me go anywhere!”

  As the prince went very still, Gale realized what he had said. It was true. He loved Noah.

  “I love you too, you idiot,” Noah said, and then wiped his eyes on his hand. He took a deep breath and then looked around as if trying to make sense of where they were, and then gave up with a shrug. “Well, I have no idea what direction we flew in and I suppose no one else here really does, either.”

  Gale sighed. “I wonder if the world is going to be a lot different after this?” he wondered, but Noah was laughing even before he finished talking. “What? What’s so funny?”

  “Moldova is a country with less of a population than many cities! Anything that happens here is going to be very warped, or seen as a prank by the outside world. Many people don’t even know that we are a country, you know.”

  “I certainly didn’t. But really, I wonder what…are we supposed to do now?”

  Noah looked down, and then suddenly kissed him.

  They hadn’t kissed before at all until right now, and it was a very sweet kiss full of love and passion. As Gale drew back to look into Noah’s eyes, he saw the change come over the other man and knew that he was about to shape shift into a dragon again. But why? What was there to be angry about?

  He held stock-still as Noah wove around behind him in dragon form, not wanting to move just in case there was danger. Then, enormous paws settled on his shoulders. The claws were sheathed, and they were warm. It was only then that he remembered that Noah did have a great deal of control over the dragon when he wanted it.

  Then he felt it: a swollen, hard tip pressing right against the place where his opening would be if there wasn’t a pair of underwear and suit pants in the way. A wondering little whimper emerged from his throat at the feel of it. Surely, no one in the history of the world had ever had sex with a dragon before? That was going to be his honor, the very first special thing in his life that he’d ever done.

  Perhaps that wasn’t quite true, though. The first special thing he’d done was be the person who Noah could trust in, just as much as Gale had trusted in him.

  There couldn’t have been a more inopportune time for this, but everyone else had to be pretty far away from them. Maybe they would have to run away after this, but Noah was right. Moldova was pretty small. Maybe if they ran far enough, the disaster here would stop following them.

  A low, questioning thrum sounded in Noah’s throat. Gale sighed deeply, and then raised his ass up with an urging whimper. “Take me,” he whispered.

  Those paws dragged him over onto his back, and then the claws slid out just enough to rip away his clothing. Every scrap of it went, simply cast away as though it was worth nothing. Noah’s deep grey eyes held his as he spread Gale’s thin legs, and t
hen parted his own.

  It was Gale’s first –and last- view of a dragon dick. It was surprisingly humanlike, not scaled at all but shorter and wider; the skin looked a little more leathery, as well.

  Then those paws slid under his ass, lifting him up. Noah rose up into a sort of squat, balancing himself with his tail, and then slowly slid his wide, engorged dick into Gale’s ass opening.

  It was harder to take than the last time and he cried out, grabbing at the grass and root-strewn soil beneath his fingers. Noah stopped and blinked a little, then backed out to try again. With more consideration this time, he slowly slid himself inside again.

  Gale felt himself being stretched and moaned. It wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling, but it was nowhere near as pleasurable as it had been last time. His own manhood was begging to rise and be taken care of though, so he wiggled his hips to try to adjust the angle while beginning to stroke and pleasure himself. That helped, and a smile curled on his lips as Noah began to thrust in earnest. Now that he was stretched and already filled, the feeling of the dragon’s cock penetrating him was downright rapturous.

  He closed his eyes and his hand tightened around the base of his shaft, and he let out a high-pitched, yet soft cry as he neared breaking point. Something rough bumped his hand though, and he opened his eyes to find Noah’s fanged maw centimeters from his dick.

  Then, a draconic, wet tongue flickered out and wrapped around his dick, before slowly, leisurely, pulling upward in a hot squeezing motion.

  That was all Gale could take. His back arched and he screamed. Above him, Noah threw his head back and let out a long, trumpeting cry that deepened and expanded into a full-blown roar.


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