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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 36

by Stephan James

  "But money will. And I have quite a bit of that."

  Matias leaned back, not sure what that meant. Albus dug around in his pocket and brought out a single dollar bill, waving it around to the side; curious, the small man fell for the ruse and watched it go.

  In an instant, he was on his back, with the tall and fair-haired Albus draping his body across him. Their lips met again hard and it was a furious kiss full of passion this time as Albus dragged his touchdown to his zipper and then wrenched it open, fumbling around inside for his dick.

  "Oh, it's cute as well," Albus said and closed his hand around it. Pleasure shot through his member, straight to his groin. He gasped, raising up his hips off of the floor to shove himself against that soft grip.

  I can't believe I'm doing this again, he thought, but at the same time, he discovered he'd never wanted anything more. All that time spent thinking about what he'd done with this couple, and now he was going to get a one-on-one session.

  "I want to see yours now," Matias whispered, and was rewarded with a show as Albus pushed down his slacks and brought his own dick out. Precum was already beading up on the tip, dripping onto his shirt. He reached for it, caressing one fingertip reverently over the soft, leaking head; it swelled beneath his touch, turning dark red and needy.

  They kissed again, and Albus rubbed the length of his hard cock against Matias's. It felt good but wasn't exactly perfect, the friction in only one place not quite enough to make him more excited.

  The taller, more experienced man must have sensed that because suddenly, his body lifted up and was gone, and then it settled back down again backward. He straddled Matias, facing his feet on all fours, with his dick position right about his mouth.

  His own mouth was right about the small man's cock.

  Sensing what was about to happen, Matias opened his mouth and begged for the sweet taste of that dick filling his mouth. He also raised up his hips, arching his back, pleading for Albus to take his as well.

  Very slowly and gradually, Albus lowered his dick down.

  Matias took it into his mouth, whimpering gratefully as it first filled him and then began to press for his throat. He took as much as he could, his tongue savoring the musky-sweet taste, and when it stopped, he started to suck on it as hard and eagerly as he could. His body was screaming with pleasure, and that was, even more, he felt his own dick being taken into the other leopard's mouth.

  The suction as great, pulling at something deep inside him. He started to shake and buck with it, shoving his cock in and out of Albus's mouth, feeling the resistance at the back of the other man's throat and fighting against it; in his own mouth, the exact same thing was happening. It was almost impossible to focus on both things at once, especially when the sexual fog in his brain was making him short-circuit, filling his thoughts with nothing but want and need, but he managed it somehow.

  Above him, Albus groaned and thrust his cock in deeper in his mouth than ever before.

  Matias cried out, the sound muffled, and did exactly the same. In the next instant, he was rewarded with a shot of cum filling his mouth; his own dick was burning out of control, and then his orgasm came and he lost control of his load, spurting it all over Albus's face.

  The two parted, gasping. All he could do was lay there, watching Albus's legs head for the bathroom. The sink ran while he struggled to get his breath back, and then the tall man came back. He'd cleaned up his face and straightened his clothes, all signs of their wild sex gone but for the roughness of his hair.

  And he watched, completely satisfied, as Albus just went right back to the couch and picked up his book. Their eyes met, light to dark, and Albus said calmly, "Oh, yes. You really are adorable."

  The next day, they woke up to the sound of the front door of the cabin opening. Matias immediately leaped into action, transforming into his leopard form and racing to block the path to Albus.

  It was only Lance, looking incredibly worse for wear. His face was shadowed, and the bullet wound on his arm had been covered up, but the rest of him was covered in untreated bruises and gashes.

  "Relax, little leopard," he said, sounding incredibly tired. "I'm not going to attack my own mate, though I do appreciate you looking out for him. Let him come to me?"

  Reluctantly, Matias backed away and let Albus run past him, straight into the arms of his lover. Both men were in tears as they kissed and embraced, and then they leaned against each other without leaving each other's arms. "What happened?" Albus whispered. "You're so hurt…"

  Lance shrugged and then grimaced. "I'm okay, for what it's worth. You should see the other guys."

  Matias gave a harsh little laugh. "I bet they're all in the ground by now"

  "If they're not, they should be," Lance growled. "In any case, I called for backup and we beat them back but they're still there. Our house is destroyed anyway. We can't go back."

  Matias winced. "All this is because of me. I'm so, so sorry."

  He cringed, bracing himself for Lance's rage, but it didn't come. The man just looked at him, but his gaze wasn't as piercing or as harsh as it could have been. In fact, it was almost understanding.

  Maybe he can tell that I had sex with Albus while he was gone. If Albus has chosen me, Lance is way too loyal to do anything about it. And I guess I'm still pregnant so he's not going to risk that.

  That was still the strangest thing he had ever experienced in his life, but he was a man who could transform into a cat so maybe it wasn't as odd as he was making it out to be.

  And as the days started to go by, it became almost normal.

  They stayed in the cramped little safe house for a few days until it was okay to leave to head to a more permanent hiding place while all this was taken care of. That meant they were constantly stepping on each other's toes. Tensions were high, and conflicts resolved by bouts of furious sex. As it was typically Matias making the couple angry, he was usually the receptacle. Being an omega, that was just how it was; he actually really liked it in a way, because it meant he was getting attention and, somehow, it was making Lance become more tolerant of him.

  Strange, but he would take it!

  The real safe house was across the border, several hours of driving, and about a hundred miles from the nearest major city. It was like a miniature mansion, far more luxurious than the cabin although not quite as good as the penthouse.

  Once they were there, they found a shifter nurse and she was fully in charge of bossing Matias around to make sure the baby was as healthy as it could be. He didn't see how it could be anything else, not with how fast it was growing. Apparently, because he had no female parts, his body had grown a special sac just to house the baby; when it came time for the birth, the sac would detach and make its way harmlessly out of his…Well, his ass. And harmless for the baby. This was supposed to hurt a lot more than even women's births.

  So, of course, he was nervous about that. He was nervous about everything, and hungry all the time. Already brooding by nature, he was full-on moody now and often bounced rapidly back and forth between tears and screaming.

  If something was too loud, he screamed.

  But a few minutes later, he would probably bawl his eyes out about it and then eat the pint of ice cream that Albus brought. And through it all, his stomach only swelled larger and larger.

  Then, one day, he felt it move and thought he was about to die. But apparently, that was normal.

  It doesn't feel normal, he grumbled, but that was just because he'd never been pregnant before, probably.

  As the months went on, Lance was in and out all the time while Albus stayed behind. Apparently, Matias had finally managed to anger enough people that they were joining forced to find and kill him. But, Lance assured him in a surprisingly gentle tone, that they would never find him all the way out here in Mexico! That was absurd.

  He felt better after the reassurances, until he noticed that Lance often spent the nights staying up and patrolling the perimeter. Just in case, perhaps.
Or he was expecting something that he wasn't talking about.

  The baby came soon after that.

  Matias was even in the middle of getting an examination by the nurse. He was stark naked from head to toe, and she had her hands on his enormous stomach. "This must be uncomfortable," she commented, sounding like she didn't really care one way or another. "But women do it all the time, so I'm sure you'll be fine. In any case, she's due any day now."

  "You can tell the gender?" he asked curiously, peering down at the enormous girth of his belly.

  "It is just a feeling I have," she said.

  In the next instant, his stomach gave an enormous lurch from the inside out. It didn't hurt so much as surprise him, but he screamed anyway.

  "What the hell" he wailed, and then his stomach bucked again. It hurt this time, and he grabbed it forcefully with his hands to try and shove it back down as it gave the third jump.

  "No, no," the nurse scolded. "Don't push like that! Actually, don't do anything at all! You men are all so clueless! Wait here and I will find Albus!"

  She actually brought both men, though Lance had to leave halfway through.

  The pain was immense, and time dragged on for hours as the contractions grew worse and worse. Matias felt every bit of what the nurse described, as the special baby-sac detached itself and began to travel down through to his anus, where his opening stretched painfully wide and bled as it split from the pressure.

  "Only a little longer," the nurse encouraged, massaging his stomach.

  The pain ripped through his body again and he screamed. "Get it out of me!"

  Albus grabbed onto his sweat-slick hand and looked right into his eyes. The sight of those calm, amber orbs filling his vision brought him back, and he struggled to focus just enough to hear what was being said to him.

  "Matias? You're almost there. Don't give up! Just one more push!"

  Matias gasped, his brain full of nothing but pain. As the next contraction came, he bore down as hard as he could and was rewarded with a sudden huge release of pressure. The nurse gasped, "Here she is!"

  And the world was split by a thin, whimpering cry as the new Cassian heir took in her first gulping breath.

  Matias watched as the child was taken from him and given to the actual parents, the ones who would be raising her to be all she could be. And suddenly, though this whole pregnancy had been nothing but an inconvenience, his heart started to ache.

  "Hey…Matias? What's wrong?"

  A hand settled on his shoulder and he looked up to find Albus looking at him worriedly, leaning over the infant cradled in his arms. His heart gave another huge wrench at the sight of the child, and he felt hot tears spill down his cheeks. "I….It's just….what do I do now?" As he spoke the words, admitting his fears, he felt the sobs start to come. "My whole line of work is in jeopardy. You don't need me anymore."

  "That doesn't mean we're going to throw you to the wolves!" Albus gasped, looking shocked and offended. "Or the snakes, as it were. No, dear Matias. No one is going to be put in danger just because they think their job is done here."

  Matias sniffled. "You mean I can stay?"

  "Of course!" Albus leaned down and gently kissed his cheek.

  "I love you guys," he said, and then immediately blushed. It must have just been the hormones talking because he was never as happy as that normally but he couldn't help it right now.

  And it wasn't even the blonde man standing nearby who answered. It was Lance, who had hung back to watch. "We love you too," he admitted gruffly. "I have no idea what we're going to do now but I went through hell to save you. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

  Exhausted and relieved, Matias closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  Omega Marked


  Vincent Laroche only cared about one thing, his gang the alpha lions. After the untimely loss of his pregnant fiancee, the last thing he was looking for was another mate. That is, until he rescues an omega named Axel Barnette from being raped by a group of needy Alphas.

  Axel needs protection and a way out of his brothers reigns. The only option he has is to be marked by an alpha. The only Alpha he wants is straight, doesn’t take him seriously, and wants nothing to do with him.

  Will Vincent come to realize Axel is what his life is missing before it’s too late?


  Heavy breathing accompanied rapid footsteps, splashing through puddles from the storm the night before. A sketchy-looking man ran through the back alley of an abandoned factory lot, ducking behind old vehicles, skirting past dusty boxes and crates, and eyeing any objects lurking precariously overhead. He held a package in his arms, pressed tightly against his chest. Behind him, the man could hear growling and the faint scent of Pillar’s cigarette brand filled the air. His heart began to pound in terror but his legs continued on despite his body’s exhaustion.

  “Almost there… Almost…” He smiled wide, a nasty and crooked smile that would frighten any child that happened to see it. “The boys and I will be rich! We’ll be set for life! Then we’ll take over those shitty Alpha Lions and fuck this city hard!”

  Suddenly, the man skidded to a stop and his jaw dropped. He had reached the exit gate of the factory ground but his exit to freedom was blocked. Several lions stood before it, their eyes glowing with amusement and irritation. Their low growls echoed in the night but the man focused on the one in the middle, the leader of the group. That particular lion stepped forward, its emerald eyes shining with anger and confusion as it eyed the other.

  “You think you're clever, do you, Ace?" the lion spoke in a grave voice. "Sneaking into our gang, tricking Valentine, me and all of us? Just for money?"

  The man rolled his eyes and smirked nastily. "You're a lion, aren't you, Vincent? You should know that our kind strives to be the dominant creature. As alphas, we have to stay on top and who cares if we use these underhanded ways of doing so? It's fun watching others sink to the ground, especially when they know they've been fooled."

  “Ace, were you the one…who killed Shiba?” the lead lion questioned him, an icy chill in his voice.

  The other man’s smirk merely widened and glee filled his face. “And if I was?”

  The lions behind the leader all stepped forward, growling much louder now. They all knew how much Shiba and Vincent had been in love. She was his omega and she had been five months pregnant with their child. The baby would have been born already if she were still alive. Vincent glared scornfully at the man. He took on his own lion form and dropped the package by his feet.

  “You’re dead.”

  A few minutes later, the lions were gone and in their places were various men, sidestepping the lion corpse laying lifeless on the ground. A pool of dark blood formed underneath it. They made the decision to leave it to rot then turned their gazes to Vincent, who stood away from them, staring up at the half moon in the inky sky. One of the others walked over by his side and placed a hand on his shoulder. No words were said but smiles were exchanged by the men. Vincent went, picked up the package, and peered inside to check that all the money was there.

  “Idiot only took 250,000 dollars," Vincent shook his head and gestured to the others. "Let's head back to the old man's club. I want a drink."

  Vincent Laroche was one of the head leaders of the most ruthless and dangerous gang in the city: the Alpha Lions. It was an gang of alpha males and females with the ability to become a lion at will. Regular humans were sometimes invited in but not many, as most just wanted to get information on the criminals. Those humans all ended up eaten like deer. The big boss in charge of everyone, including Vincent and the other leaders, was Valentine Weathers, an older gentleman who ran a nightclub in the lower district of the city. Sweet Nightblood was the name.

  The group headed back to the club, parked their motorcycles in their usual spots, and then went inside. They passed the bouncer, who nodded to their waves and greetings. Vincent left the others as they all ente
red the dimly-lit interior. The others scattered. He moved across the dance floor with a serious expression on his face to avoid being called at by random chicks and guys. He approached a secluded section of the room, blocked out by black curtains. Two large, bulky men standing there chatting quietly with a curvy redheaded woman. Vincent recognized her almost immediately, Aslana Youngs.

  “Here to see Valentine, Aslana?” he asked as he came to the woman.

  She glanced at him and grinned, one hand on her hip. “Of course. What’s that you’re holding?”

  “Money that Ace was planning to steal from Valentine," Vincent answered her.


  The red-headed woman frowned slightly but said nothing more. With Vincent pushing back the black fabric of the curtains, they walked past the hulking guards. There were multiple women lying about, glaring intensely at the pair like suspicious cats. Sitting further away with a blonde skinny girl on his lap was Valentine himself. His fiery red eyes looked to Vincent and Aslana. Then, a huge grin spread across his face.

  “It’s quite rare to have two of my heads here at the club at the same time,” he said in a deep, amused voice. “Vincent, how are you doing, my friend? You look pissed.”

  “Being made a fool of is enough to get anyone pissed. I got the money back from Ace. My boys and I killed him earlier.” He tossed the package onto the table in front of Valentine.

  “What a sneaky cat,” Valentine growled and shook his head. “And what about you, Aslana?”

  The redhead smirked. “I managed to get some info on the punk alphas that have been breaking into our facilities in the North section of the city.”

  “How’d you get that intel?” Vincent asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “That's none of your concern, big man." Aslana crooned and shot him a wink.

  He rolled his eyes and left the two without another word. He moved to the bar and sat on an empty stool, ordering a Cosmic Raven. The bartender gave him a nod and began mixing his drink together. Vincent let out an annoyed sigh and ran his hands through his thick ebony hair.


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