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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 37

by Stephan James

  “You alright, Vin?”

  Vincent raised his eyes as one of the waiters stood by the counter. He was one of Aslana’s men. His name was Fyre Wisps. The pair had grown up together and were pretty good friends, especially since Fyre always seemed to appear when Vincent was distressed or upset.

  “Hey Fyre,” Vincent shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, I guess I’m alright.”

  Fyre sat beside him with a frown on his face. “I heard about what happened with Ace. I have to admit that I never really trusted that bastard, he always seemed like he was hiding something but to go this low… I’m sorry, Vin.”

  “It’s not your fault. I should’ve been by Shiba’s side more.” He picked up the drink the bartender set down and downed half of it. “Shit, I’m so irritated right now, letting that asshole get the better of me.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself.” Fyre clapped his friend on the shoulder.

  Vincent watched his friend move off and sighed again, finishing his drink. He paid for it and exited the club, ready to go home and sleep. The air was cool and felt nice against his skin, making him feel drowsy. He went over to where his motorcycle was parked.

  Just as he was about to climb on, his sensitive hearing picked up on commotion across the street. Vincent turned his gaze onto two men carrying an unconscious young boy, trying to push him into a silver car.

  Now, even though he was a criminal and pretty hardcore, Vincent did have some morals. He silently strode over to the pair and came up behind them. Without saying a word, he grabbed them by the back of their collars and flung them into the ground, knocking them out cold. The boy had fallen from their grasp and onto the pavement. He was passed out, his face was flushed, and he was breathing heavily. Vincent gently picked the boy up bridal style. A strange, intoxicating, yet familiar scent touched his nose and he grimaced. There was no one else around and he couldn’t just leave the kid out here.

  This was exactly what he didn’t need after such a terrible night, but he took the kid home with him on his motorcycle.

  The next morning, the boy woke up. His purple eyes slowly adjusted to the light streaming past the curtains. His head was pounding and it made him wince as he sat himself up. But, upon doing so, he realized his surroundings weren’t familiar at all. He clenched his fists and tried to remember what happened to him.

  “Oh dammit, Emmitt is going to be so angry…” he murmured.

  “Oh good, you’re awake.” Vincent stood in the doorway of the bedroom, his arms crossed over his chest. “You feeling alright?”

  “Yes… Just a mild headache…”

  “Good, guess the drugs left your system already.”

  “What…” The boy finally remembered and he cursed under his breath. “Oh, I see…”

  “What’s your name, kid?”

  “Axel, Axel Barnette. Who are you?”

  “Name’s Vincent Laroche. Dunno what the hell happened to you last night but a brat like you shouldn’t be out if you’re just gonna get yourself drugged and kidnapped.”

  “I'm not a kid, I'm twenty-three years old."

  Vincent smirked. "Sure, kid. Why don't you clean yourself up and come into the kitchen to get some food? I'll take you back to your place when you finish."


  Once Vincent left the room, Axel climbed out of the bed and padded his way toward the bathroom. He turned the shower on and steam filled the room. Stepping under the stream, he inhaled deeply as the water slid down his lithe body. His dark brown hair became drenched and hung in front of his eyes.

  “I wonder…if that guy is an alpha…”

  When he finished showering, he went back into the room and found his clothes lying on the bed. He got dressed and went out into the hallway, entering the spacious living room. The kitchen was small with a medium-sized fridge, a small counter, sink and stove against the wall. It was separated from the living room by an island with a few stools. Vincent stood behind the counter and set down a plate with fresh bacon, eggs, and sausages on it. He glanced up when he noticed Axel standing there and he gestured for the other to come over. With a slight frown, Axel did so and sat on one of the stools as the plate was pushed over to him.

  “Go ahead and eat up,” Vincent told him while washing the dishes.

  “I have a question.” Axel hesitated then spoke. “Are you an alpha?”

  Vincent paused and glanced at the boy over his shoulder. “I am. So what?”

  Axel inhaled deeply. “I’m an omega. You said that I was drugged last night and I’m positive that I went into heat because of it… Why didn’t you mark me?”

  “I’m not a brainless beast, you know,” Vincent said defensively. “Besides, I’m not going to mark someone I’ve never met before, and definitely not some random kid on the streets.”

  “I told you already, I’m not a kid.”

  “You’re younger than me, so you’re a brat. Are you finished?”


  Vincent grabbed his keys and Axel followed him, leaving a half empty plate behind. They exited the building and Axel stopped, seeing Vincent walk over to his parked motorcycle. He picked up two helmets and tossed one over.

  “Put that on,” he said as he put his own helmet on.

  “You’re really driving me home on your motorcycle?” Axel asked with a deep frown. “Don’t you have a car or something safer?”

  “Stop complaining and get on already, brat."

  Axel growled angrily but reluctantly put on the helmet and climbed onto the back of Vincent’s bike. With some hesitation, he wrapped his arms loosely around the other’s waist. Starting up the bike, Vincent revved its engine before speeding off down the street. Vincent asked Axel where he lived, shouting to be heard, and the boy shouted back directions.

  They reached Meadow Lane, a block in the upper west district of the city, and Vincent stopped his motorcycle in front of a red and black bricked house. There was a black car parked in the driveway and someone was stepping out of it just as Axel was climbing off the bike.

  “Thanks a lot," Axel said as he handed back the helmet.

  Vincent shrugged. “Sure. A brat like you should be more careful from now on, got it?”

  “Stop calling me a brat already.” Axel sighed softly. “You’re an annoying man.”

  “Then, I guess it’s fine if we don’t meet again. Good luck, brat.”

  With a smirk at Axel, Vincent zoomed off and left a plume of dust in his wake. Axel watched him leave, something tugging at his brain, an idea not yet fully formed but attempting to reach that state. His thoughts were interrupted when a hand grabbed him from behind. It was his older brother, Emmitt, and he didn't look pleased with him at all.

  “Axel, who was that?" Emmitt asked, pulling him inside the house. "Please don't me that you've started associating with that crowd. I knew that part-time job of yours was bad. You should quit immediately."

  “It’s not like that, Emmitt…”

  “Axel? Emmitt?” Their sister, Cecilia, entered the room. She wore casual clothing and looked much happier to see Axel than his brother did. “Welcome home!” she said warmly. “What are you two fighting about now?”

  “I come back from my business trip to find Axel getting off a motorcycle that had a sketchy man on it. On top of this, he had work last night, didn’t he? No doubt he picked that person up from that sleazy bar. The red light district is filthy.”

  Cecilia gave her brother an annoyed frown. "That's rude to say, Emmitt. Honestly, you're judging without even hearing the full story. Once we know what happens, then we can come to a conclusion and decide what should happen. So, Axel, what happened to you?"

  Axel took a deep breath. Nervousness swirled in his stomach from the memories, even though everything turned out okay. “After work, I was heading home and came across some bad people. They knocked me out, so I don’t remember what happened. But when I woke up, I was fine. That guy you saw took care of me, washed my clothes, and even gave me breakfast! I
t was tasty. And even though he kept calling me a brat, he was nice.”

  “See Emmitt, everything is fine!” Cecilia said with a smile. She reached out to hug Axel, obviously relieved that he wasn’t hurt.

  Emmitt wasn’t so easily convinced. He narrowed his eyes, adjusting his glasses. "Axel, you're an omega. You're not like Cecilia and me! You have to be careful. That guy, he was an alpha. He could have done something to you while you were unconscious. He could've marked you or even impregnated you! I guess I’m glad you’re okay, although I hate you working at that bar. But, I won't interfere. However, if something else happens, you're quitting. Got that?"


  A few days later, Vincent and his gang headed to Sweet Nightblood for drinks and a good time. It was in the late evening, the sky almost dark. They were welcomed inside and brought to a large booth. Busty women and luscious men brought them drinks. Vincent wasn’t interested, however. He just sat there, sipping his drink with a bored expression on his face, when someone across the way suddenly caught his eye. Familiar loose brown hair, sharp purple eyes and a lean figure, clad in a white-and-black waiter outfit. His gaze was meet by the other, sensing he was being watched. Irritation flashed in the purple orbs. Vincent smirked against the glass of his drink.

  “I’ll be back,” he told the others.

  He stood up and across the room, following after the brunette. Whirling around, Axel shot Vincent a glare. “What do you want?”

  “You never said you were working here,” Vincent chuckled, his arms crossed over his chest. “I come here pretty often so you must be new.”

  Axel huffed. “I was hired a week ago by the owner of this place. I wanted a job and he was ready to give me one. He was pretty generous. I’m really grateful.”

  “You should be careful around Valentine. He can be pretty vicious if he sets his sights on you. And for an omega like you, it'd be like a lion gobbling up its female prey… Physically, of course." For some reason, Vincent felt like he had to warn the kid.

  “You’re annoying.”

  “You’ve told me that already.” He smirked.

  “Hey. My shift ends in twenty minutes.” Axel looked at Vincent, switching gears. “Wait for me, okay? There’s something I want to ask you.”

  Vincent raised an eyebrow. “Fine. Then, how about I treat us to some crepes? If you're hungry.”

  “I’m not-”

  Betraying what he was about to say, his stomach let out a growth that agreed with Vincent’s words. Axel cursed under his breath, which amused the black-haired lion.

  “I’ll wait for you.”

  Twenty minutes passed by quickly. Axel bid his co-workers a hurried good night as he left. Stepping outside, he found Vincent waiting for him with his motorcycle, helmets in hand. He took the one held out to him and put it on, climbing onto the back of the bike. They sped off down the road.

  “Do you always ride on this thing?” he asked the other. He found that when he tucked in real close, they didn’t have to shout. It felt interesting to be pressed up against Vincent, though.

  “I do,” Vincent answered him. “Something wrong with that, brat?”

  “No. And stop calling me a brat. You know my name so use it."

  “I’ll think about it.”

  The bike came to a screeching half in front of a small stand alongside the road. An older woman happily hummed inside of it, vigorously cleaning. She noticed them, nose twitching, and her face brightened when she saw Vincent.

  “Oh, hello there Vinny! I didn’t think I’d see you tonight.” She spoke like someone who was hard of hearing.

  “Hey there, Elise,” Vincent said loudly, but kindly. “Gimme my usual. What do you want, brat?”

  “Something with strawberries.”

  The woman gave Axel a kind smile. “Are you one of Vincent’s boys? You must be new. I’ve never seen him bring you around here.”

  “It’s not like that, Elise. I saved this kid earlier this week. That’s pretty much all there is.”

  “Of course, of course. Vinny, you’re always so kind even if you try to play it off like you’re a big bad kitty cat.”

  She winked at Axel, who smirked slightly. Vincent merely sighed in annoyance but said nothing further until they were given their crepes. Leaning against his bike, Vincent bit into the snack with his eyes on Axel.

  “So? What did you want to ask me?”

  “Mark me.”

  “What?” Axel’s blunt statement made Vincent nearly choke on his crepe. “What are you asking? Are you out of your mind, kid?”

  “I’m completely serious,” Axel said with determination. “I’m an omega. Thanks to that, my brother thinks that I can’t handle myself or be around alphas. He thinks they’ll attack me when I go into heat, even though I take my meds…” He frowned. “But, if I can show him that not all alphas are bad and care about omegas for more than just sex, then maybe, maybe he’ll let up on me. That’s why I want you to mark me.”

  “Hell no! I've told you already, I won't mark a kid that I barely know anything about. Not even when he asks for it. Sorry, but why don't you find someone else?"

  “No. It has to be you.”

  Vincent grimaced and gave the boy a chilling look. He couldn’t believe he was even considering this. It was just plain dumb! But, suddenly, he remembered how Axel looked unconscious in the arms of those two ugly men. Maybe the brat had a point, even if he didn’t like it. “You realize what it means when I mark you, right? You’re prepared for that just to gain some freedom from your brother?”

  “Yes, I am.” Axel shivered nervously, but his words were strong.

  “Fine. We’ll go back to my place, then.”

  The ride to Vincent’s apartment was silent. Neither spoke, both of them lost in their own thoughts. Axel followed the other man back into that familiar room where he woke up before.

  He glanced at Vincent, who kicked the door closed behind him after the two entered the bedroom. Vincent’s gaze met Axel’s and they stared deeply and intensely at one another.

  “You’re really sure about this, kid? I’ll admit, I’m not too keen on this idea…”

  Axel scoffed. “Why’s an alpha acting like a nervous bride? I thought you were supposed to be fierce and dominant.”

  A low growl uttered from Vincent’s throat, his emerald eyes aglow with rising anger. “Don’t tempt me, Axel.”

  “If you don’t want me to tempt you,” The brunette glared at the man. “Then hurry up and mark me already! Make me yours now-”

  He wasn’t allowed to finish that sentence because, with lightning quick speed, Vincent grabbed Axel, tossed him into the bed and climbed on top of him. Pinning his wrists above his head, he turned Axel’s head to the side, exposing the nape of his neck. Vincent pressed his lips against the smooth skin and felt the brunette shudder underneath of him. A deep frown fell on his face as his conscious continued to nag at him, despite his lion instincts telling him to just do it. What would he gain by doing this? Axel didn’t even know who he really was. Then, it struck him. He could have another shot. He could try again, but this time nothing about who he was or what he did would come to the surface.

  With this in mind, Vincent held onto Axel and bit down on him hard. The brunette cried out in pain and bucked underneath Vincent. His hands gripped the bedsheets as pain spread through his neck and shoulder. The edges of his vision blurred with white momentarily. When Vincent pulled away, there was a bit of blood dripping from the side of his mouth. The mark he made was a deep one, a nasty red color. He looked at Axel and found the young boy breathing heavily, his face flushed and his chest heaving as if he just ran a marathon. He looked enticing but Vincent pushed back the dirty thoughts that were forming. He went and got a wet rag, gently pressing it against Axel’s neck.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  “I think so…” Axel sat up and gently pat his neck with the rag. “That hurt like hell.”

  “I bit you as hard as I could
so the mark would last a while.”

  “Thanks for that…”

  “That wasn’t for you, but fine. Anyway, you might as well stay the night so call whoever you have to and tell them you aren’t coming home.”


  Vincent looked at him. “Because I want you to stay here. What’s the problem with that? You’re mine now, so get used to it. That mark on your neck is proof that I own you so don’t complain. This was your idea.”

  “Geez, you really are an annoying man… Fine, whatever.”

  Axel sent a text to his sister to alert her that he wouldn’t be home until the next day. He made the excuse that he was staying at with a friend from work. She responded back with an ‘OK!’ followed by an ‘I’ll calm down Emmitt for you’. It made him happy that his sister understood him to some degree. She didn’t always agree with him but she never tried to hold him down like Emmitt did.

  “Brat,” Vincent took off his jacket and shirt then tossed Axel a large shirt. “Wear that.”


  “If you wanna sleep in your clothes, that’s fine with me.”

  Not arguing with the other, Axel began to strip off his clothes, occasionally glancing at the well-toned, muscled body that Vincent had while Vincent kept stealing glances of Axel's slender and lightly pale body. When the other slid the loose shirt over his head, Vincent came up behind him and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling his backside against his chest.

  “What are you doing?” Axel inquired, turning his head slightly.

  “Nothing,” Vincent responded, keeping their bodies pressed together. “You have a nice figure for a guy.”

  “I suppose so.”

  His hands slipped under the fabric of the shirt. “Nice, soft skin.”

  Axel stayed silent, biting down on his bottom lip as Vincent's hands roamed over his torso and sides. The places where he was being touched felt hot and he struggled to keep himself composed.

  “Is this necessary?” he asked in a shaky voice.

  “For me, yes,” Vincent murmured, his voice right beside Axel’s ear. “Does it bother you, brat?”


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