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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 38

by Stephan James

  “I told you to stop calling me brat…”

  Vincent didn’t respond to his comment and continued to let his hands slid over Axel’s skin. After a little bit, he finally pulled back. He was given a seething glare by the omega, who then crawled into the bed.

  “Good night…”

  “Night, brat.”

  Vincent slid in beside Axel, laying in his backside with his arm under his head as he closed his eyes and relaxed. Axel lay on his side with his back to Vincent. His hands were gripping the sheets and his body was trembling slightly. He shook his head and let his eyes close, slowly drifting off into a fitful sleep.

  Morning rolled around and Vincent was the first to wake up. He glanced at the time on his phone. 10:11 am. He normally woke up around that time so he wasn’t alarmed. Glancing over to his side, he saw Axel sleeping peacefully beside him with his head resting against Vincent’s forearm and his hand resting on his chest. Vincent sighed heavily and ran his hand through the brunette’s hair, watching his sleeping face.

  “He’s actually pretty cute,” Vincent said softly then noticed the red mark on the other’s neck. “Shit…”

  Axel murmured a bit in his sleep. His lips parted as he adjusted himself closer to Vincent. The alpha man felt something tugging at him, and his hand moved from the boy’s hand down his face and side, to his slender legs. He rubbed the outer thigh gently and then his hand moved to Axel’s ass, squeezing it a little. Axel shuddered but didn’t wake up, which prompted Vincent to keep going. He pressed their lower bodies together while his hands lifted up Axel’s shirt. Just then, his cell phone vibrated loudly. Vincent growled angrily and snatched up the device, answering the call with annoyance in his voice.


  “Get your ass outta bed,” A familiar voice over the line. “Some shit just went down at Echo’s place. A couple of his boys set the place on fire and tried to steal his shit. Boss wants us to go take care of them.”

  “Why the fuck are all these bastards trying to fuck us over? Fine, I'll be there in a minute."

  “Hurry up, we’re waiting for you near the Tints intersection.”

  “Got it.”

  Running his fingers through his golden brown locks, Vincent climbed out of the bed with a deep frown on his face as he grabbed some clothes to wear. As he was getting dressed, he heard movement on the bed behind him that followed with Axel's sleepy voice.

  “What are you doing?” the brunette asked, rubbing his eyes.

  “Got some business to take care of.” He looked back at the omega. “You can stay here if you want. There’s food in the fridge if you get hungry. Here, gimme your phone so you can text me when you leave.”


  There were no arguments from Axel as the pair exchanged numbers. Vincent grabbed his jacket and keys, his eyes shining with malice. Axel suddenly grasped at the sleeve of his jacket. Vincent looked back at him. “What is it?”

  “See you later, Vincent.”

  The man smiled a bit and gently hugged the boy with one arm. “I’ll see ya later, brat.”

  “I told you to stop that!”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  Thick black smoke rose high into the air from a building set ablaze. In the distance, several men were racing away from the crime scene in a black truck. The driver stepped on the brake as the car drove into a construction site. The passengers climbed out quickly and looked around with nervous breaths.

  “I think we lost them…” one of them said, breathing hard. “Shit, if I’d known that they were gonna call Skye and Vincent, we wouldn’t have set the place on fire. Dammit…”

  “What are we gonna do, man?” Another one of them men backed up, starting to shake with terror. “Those two are ruthless. They won’t us go easily-”

  The others turned toward the place where the guy had just been standing. He wasn't there anymore but there was blood on the ground, fresh. Their eyes went wide and they stepped away in fear. A looming sense of danger dawned on the group. They could hear the sounds of deep growls and feel intense stares on them.

  “Oh shit…”

  “Feeling scared?” Vincent stepped from the shadows, a cigarette between his fingers and a smirk on his lips as he blew out a ring of smoke. “You bastards fucked with the wrong gang. But seeing as Echo and his guys are only mildly injured, I suppose we can let you off lightly.”


  Vincent dropped the cigarette and crushed it under his heel, grinning wildly. “Fuck no.”

  His body morphed into its lion form and as he did so, other lions stepped into the area, hissing and growling menacingly. The group of men were helpless, mauled mercilessly by the lion pack. They weren’t eaten but their corpses were completely mangled and unable to be recognized by the police when it was all over.

  When everything was done, Vincent and Skye made their way to the hospital where Echo was staying. He had suffered burns to his back and arms but nothing else too severe.

  The blonde haired man was lying back in his bed, eyes closed even though he wasn’t asleep. His ears twitched when the door to his room opened and he opened his eyes to see his friends entering. The faint smell of blood reached his nose and he chuckled to himself.

  “I guess I won’t have to worry about those traitors, huh?” he asked the pair.

  “Never had to worry about them in the first place," Skye told him with a smile as he and Vincent came over to him. "How are you feeling?"

  “A little sore but I’m doing better. The doctors said I can leave sometime tomorrow since they don’t want me to overwork myself.”

  Vincent smirked at him. “You’re always doing that. And anyway, we brought back those documents they stole.”

  Echo sighed with relief. “Thank God… That was way too fucking close. If they gave that shit to another group then our territory would be invaded, big time.”

  “I think we gotta start keeping an eye on these bastards,” Skye said with a frown. “New recruits keep coming in. People are losing their loyalty to the Boss and trying to tear down the group. We’ll have to be more cautious now.”

  “You’re right about that...” Vincent sighed. “And if that wasn’t bad enough, I did something really stupid last night.”

  Skye and Echo looked at him curiously. “What?”

  “I...bit an omega guy.”

  “Holy shit…” Both alpha lions looked at each other, shocked. “How did that happen?”

  “Well I saved him from being kidnapped pretty recently. He found out I was an alpha and, well, it just happened.”

  “What about Shiba?”

  Vincent flinched and frowned deeply, turning his gaze away from the two. “This doesn’t have anything to do with her. It doesn’t matter what happens with this kid. Nothing will change the feelings I have about her.”

  Echo smiled lightly. “If I’m the one who always overworks himself then you must be the one who always does things without thinking as long as you’re trying to help someone.”

  “Oh shut up, Echo.”

  The three laughed together and talked for a little longer. A lot longer, actually. It was about an hour and a half later before they were shooed out by Echo’s nurse, insisting that he needed to get more rest. Vincent and Skye didn’t argue with her, though Vincent wanted to hiss at her when she attempted to push them out as if they weren’t moving fast enough for her. After leaving the hospital, Skye and Vincent went out for lunch. It was around one in the afternoon when Vincent finally went back to his place.

  It was silent. Vincent was unsure if Axel had already left but he figured he’d call for him later. He wanted to do some more important things, first.

  He tossed his jacket on the couch and went to the fridge, pulling out a beer. Snapping the top open, he chugged down half of it and then went to his bedroom. His clothes smelled like smoke and blood, an unpleasant scent that he’d been ignoring while he was out but now was ready to wash away. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it into
the laundry basket. As he was unbuckling his pants, the door suddenly opened and Axel stepped inside. He shut the door and stepped forward, only to stop when he saw Vincent.

  Axel was wearing a towel that hung low on his hips and had another one on top of his head. Droplets of water sat on the strands of his brown locks, dripping down his chest and shoulder. His face went slightly red and he looked away.

  “You’re back...” he said quietly.

  “Yeah." Vincent watched as Axel moved to the bed. "Didn't know you were still here."

  “I decided that I wanted to stay for a few days...” Axel glanced back at Vincent. “I mean, if you don’t want me here then I’ll go but… I really don’t want to go back home yet.”

  “It’s fine with me, I guess. Aren’t you going to get dressed or you gonna keep walking around in that towel?”

  “Shut up!”

  Axel’s blush had deepened. Even the tips of his ears had turned red. He dropped the towel from his waist and dried off his hair. Vincent quietly moved behind him and sat his hands on Axel’s hips, leaning close to the omega’s neck. He inhaled his scent, causing the brunette to shudder.

  “W-What are you doing?” he asked in a shaky voice.

  “Nothing, I was just curious...”

  “About what?!”

  “Your skin...” Vincent pressed his lips against Axel’s skin and felt the omega flinch when he did so. “You know, you’re pretty good looking for a guy. And you smell really good.”

  “You’re being really perverted,” Axel said with a frown.

  “You act like you don’t like it.”

  The brunette opened his mouth to speak but a gasp escaped instead. Vincent had moved his lips to the mark he made, licking and sucking it. His hands slid up Axel’s stomach to his chest. His fingers brushed over the omega’s nipples, pinching and squeezing them. Axel moaned softly, his legs trembling and growing weak.

  “Vincent… C-Cut it out, you p-pervert...” Axel stammered.

  Vincent chuckled, his husky voice right beside the omega’s ear. “Even your moaning voice is cute. You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you? I wonder what kind of sounds you’d make if I decided to touch here?”

  Axel inhaled sharply when Vincent’s hand touched his fully hard dick. “D-Don’t touch me there!”

  “Say, do you ever jerk off?”


  “I bet you’re the type that enjoys playing with himself.” Vincent’s hand wrapped around Axel’s member and began to stroke it. He couldn’t help himself. “Tell me, what do you do with yourself? When you’re in heat, do you just masturbate or do you play with your ass too?”

  Axel shuddered, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. His whole body felt like it was on fire. “I don’t do any of that!”

  “Really? It’s perfectly normal to get horny. See?” The brunette froze when something big and hard pressed against his ass. “Seeing your naked body and hearing those sweet sounds made me aroused, too.”

  Turning a bit, Axel’s eyes met Vincent’s. His purple orbs were filled with confusion, excitement and even a bit of lust. A smirk tugged on Vincent’s lips and he brought his face close to Axel’s. The brunette hesitated but ultimately gave in when Vincent kissed him. He couldn’t resist.

  Vincent pushed Axel onto the bed as they kissed hot and heavily. His hand went back down to Axel’s lower body and started stroking it again. Axel moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Vincent’s neck. The kiss deepened as Vincent slipped his tongue into Axel’s mouth, twining with his tongue and sucking on it.

  Axel moaned and bucked his hips with Vincent’s strokes. “V-Vincent… No more...”

  “You gonna cum?” Vincent murmured, licking and biting Axel’s earlobe.


  He pressed his lips together tightly, his back arching and his body shaking as he climaxed. Cum spurted from his tip and landed on his stomach, dripping onto Vincent’s hand. The alpha leaned back with a smirk and licked the sticky white substance.

  “It’s pretty thick,” he said with a chuckle. “Guess you haven’t jerked off in a while.”

  “Shut up, you stupid asshole!” Axel covered his red face with the pillow. He couldn’t deny how good he felt. “Let me go already! I wanna get dressed!”

  “You’re going to leave me like this? You’re pretty cruel, aren’t you?”

  Vincent’s hand slid down Axel’s thigh, his fingers prodding against his hole. Axel twitched and moved the pillow down slightly, glaring at Vincent.

  “You pervert… Where are you touching me?”

  “It’s your fault that I’m horny like this. You could at least let me use this hole to satisfy myself.”

  “Fine… But I’ll do it myself!”

  Setting the pillow down, Axel pushed the other man away roughly and sat up. He spread his legs, fully exposing his cock, which was hard again, and his tight asshole. Licking his middle fingers until they were covered in his saliva, he prodded his entrance carefully. He’d done it plenty of times before after he’d seen a few movies online. Watching porn videos with his friends had definitely been an experience, that was for sure.

  It still felt strange when he did it himself but with Vincent watching him so intensely, it felt much more erotic. He slowly inserted his fingers inside of him, shuddering as he slid them in and out. He remembered that he needed to relax while he did so. His insides were clamping down on his fingers, making wet and squishing sounds as he fingered himself.

  His purple eyes looked up at the alpha man. Vincent sat there watching him still, his arm resting on his knee. His face was stoic and his eyes looked more piercing than normal. When they locked eyes, Vincent gave Axel a sly smirk. Axel felt a surge of heat run through his body like a wildfire in a field of dry grass and his other hand came up, grabbing and stroking his cock. It dripped with moist pre-cum that stained his hand. His moans got louder and his movements got faster. His fingers were deep inside of him and his hole was getting more and more wet and wide.

  “You’re feeling so good that you have to touch yourself, too? What a lewd body you have,” Vincent said in an amused voice. Amused, but breathless.

  “My body...feels hotter than normal… It’s no good...” Axel uttered in a breathless voice. “I don’t wanna come from my fingers…”

  Vincent’s eyes shone with interest. “Oh yeah? What do you want, then?”

  His shame and humiliation seemed to have been thrown out of the window at that point. He felt nothing but want.

  Axel spread his hole wide with his fingers, his eyes shining with a vehement desire. “Vincent’s dick… I want your dick inside of me… Hurry and mess me up already!”

  “How naughty of you, begging so cutely like that,” Vincent teased as his hand slid over Axel’s thighs. “But I can’t very well leave a body like this unattended, can I?”

  He pulled Axel up into his lap, holding onto his ass and pressing his tip against Axel’s entrance before thrusting up into him. The omega felt an intense pain race through his body when he was penetrated and he clung to Vincent, trembling in his arms.

  “How is it?” Vincent asked, concerned.

  “It hurts a bit...but I’m okay...” Axel looked at Vincent with a weak smile. “Keep going...”

  Vincent gave a slight nod before he plunged himself deep inside. Axel twitched and wrapped his legs around Vincent’s waist. Vincent smirked a bit and kissed Axel’s collarbone then sunk his teeth into the man’s skin, enjoying the sounds of pleasure that the brunette made. He continued to thrust into Axel, burying himself deep inside of the omega and hitting his sweet spot that made him cry out with pleasure.

  “Feels good… Feels so good, Vincent...” Axel panted out.

  “You’re enjoying my dick, aren’t you?” His hands came up and pinched Axel’s nipples hard, tugging on the perk buds. “You’re so adorable, Let me hear more of those sweet noises.”

  “F-Fuck… No more… I’m gonna come...”r />
  “Yeah, me too...”

  “D-Don’t come inside...” Axel managed to say.

  Nodding a bit, Vincent switched their positions, with Axel on his hands and knees doggy-style. He held onto Axel’s hips, still pounding into him. The omega gasped and gripped the sheets, pressing his forehead against the mattress. Giving one final thrust, Vincent grunted heavily as he pulled out of Axel and released his load on his backside just as the brunette came, his own white liquid spilling onto the sheets under him. Axel fell limp against the bed, panting heavily. Both of their bodies were covered with sweat and the room smelled of semen and sex.

  Vincent sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed a carton of cigarettes, pulling out one with his teeth and holding it between his lips. “You okay?” he asked, glancing at Axel’s motionless body.

  Axel lifted his head and sighed heavily, hugging the pillow gently. “Mmm… I'm alright… My hips hurt a little, though..."

  “You did pretty well for your first time, though," Vincent said with a smirk. "You were so into too, and you were really sexy."

  “You’re an actual pervert, you know that?”

  “I’m quite proud of that, thank you.”


  For the next few days, Axel stayed at Vincent’s apartment. They did things that regular couples would do, like go out to eat, order movies and, of course, they had sex. They were both pretty satisfied with the way things were going, although they didn’t talk about it. Axel continued his shifts at the bar and he was still completely in the dark about who Vincent really was.

  One afternoon, about a week and a half later, Vincent’s phone rang with the screen portraying an unknown number. He was curious, but cautious, as he answered the phone.

  “Who’s this?”

  “My name is Emmitt Barnette, I’m Axel’s older brother.”

  “Can I help you with something?”

  “Yes. I'd like to talk to you about Axel. Please meet me at the fountain by the park in twenty minutes. I'll keep calling until you show up. Goodbye."

  The dial tone beeped in Vincent’s ear and he stared at his phone in disbelief. He scowled and sighed in exasperation. He wasn’t in the mood for talking with Axel’s brother after hearing about how he disliked alphas but he also didn’t want to have him constantly calling his phone. Slightly annoyed, Vincent left his place and headed for the meeting place that Emmitt had said. Surprisingly, it was ridiculously easy to find him despite the tons of people around.


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